The Midwest Book Review Book Reviews, Book Lover Resources, Advice for Writers and Publishers

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James A. Cox
Midwest Book Review
278 Orchard Drive
Oregon, WI 53575-1129
phone: 1-608-835-7937

This website last updated:
February 2025
Copyright ©2001

Site design by Williams Writing, Editing & Design

The Midwest Book Review

Established in 1976, the Midwest Book Review is an organization committed to promoting literacy, library usage, and small press publishing. The MBR publishes the following monthly book review magazines specifically designed for community and academic librarians, booksellers, and the general reading public:

Our reviews are posted on thematically appropriate web sites, databases, and online discussion groups. Our reviews are also available through Internet bookstores. We archive our reviews on the Midwest Book Review web site for a minimum of five years.

The Midwest Book Review has contracted with Gale Cengage Learning to provide them with electronic copies of our book reviews. Gale Cengage Learning then makes our reviews available to library systems nationwide in their print, magnetic tape, and diskette series, Book Review Index (an interactive CD-ROM series designed for use by community, university, and corporate library systems throughout the U.S. and Canada), as well as online databases such as Lexus-Nexus and Goliath.

The resources of our website, including our book review magazines and Advice for Writers/Publishers articles, are provided free of charge to writers, publishers, and the general public. All authors of Advice for Writers/Publishers articles retain copyright and full ownership of their own writings.

Book reviews in the MBR Bookwatch and the Reviewer's Bookwatch, and in "Suzie Housley's Bookshelf" and the "Story Monsters Ink Shelf" of the Children's Bookwatch, are written by volunteer reviewers. Each volunteer retains copyright and full ownership of all his or her reviews. All other book review magazines, and all other columns of the Children's Bookwatch, are written "in-house" by the MBR and associates.

All reviews and articles on the MBR website are written by human beings! The Midwest Book Review does not use generative artificial intelligence, and does not accept any volunteer reviews or articles generated by artificial intelligence.

Full permission is given to post in-house book reviews only in thematically appropriate Web sites, newsgroups, e-mail lists, Internet discussion groups, and organizational newsletters or to distribute to interested individuals. Please give the Midwest Book Review a credit line when doing so.

Author and Publisher Information

The Midwest Book Review gives priority consideration to small press publishers, self-published authors, and academic presses. Please click on the hyperlink below to read our instructions for submitting books.

MBR Review Copy Submission Guidelines (Get a Book Reviewed)

Our reviews of print books/CDs/DVDs are free of charge. We do not request remuneration from authors, publishers, or publicists who submit print books/CDs/DVDs in order to avoid any conflict of interest issues. We are a post-publication review institution, and generally request two copies of the published book. Please be aware that a review is not guaranteed due to the dilemma of "too many books, not enough reviewers."

There is a charge of a $50 "Reader Fee" for reviewing ebooks, pre-publication manuscripts, galleys, uncorrected proofs, ARCs, or digital review copies. If you wish to pursue this option, then send us an email with "Reader Fee Review" in the subject line, and we'll send you the name and email address of the assigned reviewer. Payment would be sent directly to the assigned reviewer, who would also tell you what information would be needed along with a copy of the title to be reviewed. Participating in the "Reader Fee Review" program always guarantees a review.

As of January 2014, we have instituted a new policy especially for authors and publishers whose book passed the initial screening, but didn't make the final cut because of "too many books, not enough reviewers". These authors or publishers may submit the MBR a review from any other reviewer or review resource, as long as they have that reviewer's permission to do so. We will run the review in our monthly book review publication Reviewer's Bookwatch, under that reviewer's byline. This policy is retroactive, so if you have ever submitted a book to the Midwest Book Review in the past and it failed to achieve a review assignment from us, then this offer is open to you.

Reviewer Information

Ever wanted to be a reviewer? Learn how you can become a volunteer reviewer for the Midwest Book Review! We cannot pay volunteers, but volunteers do retain copyright and full ownership of their own reviews.

An Unabashed Invitation

We are a major Internet resource for publishers, writers, librarians, booksellers, and book lovers of all ages and interests. If you have a web site that you think would be thematically appropriate to the publishing community and the reading public, we would be interested in adding your site to the steadily expanding Midwest Book Review Internet resource links. Please E-mail your URL to the Midwest Book Review so that your site can be examined.

Support the MBR Website!

The MBR website will never host paid advertisements. Third-party banners, pop-ups, and the like are intrusive, cumbersome, and occasionally carry "bad ads" infected with malicious software! We refuse to take that risk, no matter how small it may be.

This means that we bear the entire cost of hosting the MBR website and its search engine. In these tough economic times, we're not above asking for any help that our reading public can graciously provide.

As a gesture of support and appreciation for what we seek to accomplish on behalf of the small press community, we permit the donation of postage stamps to the Midwest Book Review.

We now also accept postage stamp fund contributions through PayPal. Simply log on to your PayPal account and send your kindness (any dollar amount) to us at

SupportMBR [at]

The @ is replaced by "[at]" in the above email address, in an attempt to evade email-harvesting spambots. Please use our regular email addresses when contacting us though, as this email address is set aside solely for PayPal and we don't check it often.

Just like postage stamp donations, PayPal gifts are always appreciated, but never required! We originally set up this PayPal account to accommodate people who wanted to "support the cause" without the inconvenience of buying and mailing stamps.

Thank you, good luck, and good reading!

The Midwest Book Review Web site is updated monthly.
Your suggestions and comments are very welcome!
Email us at or

Site design by Williams Writing, Editing & Design