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Library Bookwatch
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Reviewer's Choice
National Geographic Guide to the National Parks of the United States, sixth edition
National Geographic Press
1145 17th St. NW, Washington, DC 20036-4688
9781426203930, $26.00, www.amazon.com
Preserves of nearly unspoiled nature rest all across the country. Now in a fully updated and expanded sixth edition, "National Geographic Guide to the National Parks of the United States" is a guide to exploring the best of America's national parks. With stories from famed travel writers who offer much advice in experiencing these parks, full color photographs to give readers a sample of what they can see, and countless maps, "National Geographic Guide to the National Parks of the United States" is a must for any traveling nature enthusiast.
Less is More
Mina Parker
Red Wheel, Weiser, & Conari
65 Parker Street, Suite 7, Newburyport, MA 01950
9781573244534, $16.95, www.redwheelweiser.com
A picture is worth a thousand words, and any more than that picture starts being too wordy. "Less
is More: Meditations on Simplicity, Balance, and Real Abundance" is a celebration of simplicity
and the elegance of less. With plenty of full color photographs displaying the sophistication of
the topic, with words emphasizing the approach, there is much to savor and ponder on. "Less is
More" is a fine collection that simply should not be missed.
The Best in Tent Camping
Wendel Withrow
Menasha Ridge Press
PO Box 43673, Birmingham, AL 35243
9780897326841, $15.95, www.menasharidge.com
The Wild West didn't have RVs. "The Best in Tent Camping: Texas" is a guide for the outdoors
people who want to live in the most authentic way possible by tent camping Texas's deserts and
wilderness. Outlining the countless state parks throughout Texas with detailed information on the
camping sites on each of them, and what to avoid when enjoying the great outdoors. "The Best in
Tent Camping" should be at the right hand for any camper who are in or will soon find
themselves in Texas.
Wired for Thought
Jeffrey M. Stibel
Harvard Business Press
60 Harvard Way, Boston, MA 02163
9781422146644, $29.95, www.harvardbusiness.org
The internet is a brain trust composed of millions of minds cumulatively affecting the direction
of electronically interrelated network as a whole. "Wired for Thought: How the Brain is Shaping
the Future of the Internet" is a sort of business and technological manual with a psychological
bent. Saying that to understand the internet, and to be successful through it, one must understand
the complexities of the human mind and everything about it. Discussing the internet how it
stands, and forecasting doom for some popular websites, "Wired for Thought" is an essential read
for anyone who wants or needs to understand the internet, be it for curiosity or better business
Visits with the Amish
Linda Egenes
University of Iowa Press
100 Kuhl House, 119 West Park Road, Iowa City, IA 52242-1000
9781587297854, $17.95, www.uiowapress.org
No technology, little travel, the Amish life seems simpler. "Visits with the Amish: Impressions of
the Plain Life" are the reflections of Linda Egenes on her visits with her Old Order Amish
neighbors and what she learned during her travels and time spent with them. Painting a picture of
their lives, she provides much insights into the lives of these people that outsiders would not
often know. "Visits with the Amish" is an enlightening read that should not be overlooked.
The Riverina Story
Barry Gray
c/o International Specialized Book Services
920 NE 58th Ave. Suite 300, Portland, OR 97213-3786
9781877058851, $39.95, www.isbs.com
Wine is more than just crushed grapes. "The Riverina Story: Water, Wine, & Wealth" tells the
story of The Riverina, a vineyard and winery that has brought wine to New South Wales in
Australia and has become a bit of local pride. Telling the history of the place, how it came to be,
where it went, and the benefits that were reaped, it's a story that wine lovers and wine history
enthusiasts will love. "The Riverina Story" would do well in any collection focusing on
Information Earth
Hammond Infozone
PO Box 979, Spring House, PA 19477
9780843709124, $15.99, www.langenscheidt.com
The world is big; there's a lot to learn and know. "Information Earth" is a fact book packed cover
to cover with quick facts and information that will give readers intriguing information about the
countries of the world, outlining their geography, capitals, political systems, and more. Total
nonstop information, "Information Earth" is a read to be considered for those who want the facts
and nothing but.
The Library Science Shelf
The Accidental Librarian
Pamela H. MacKellar
Information Today, Inc.
143 Old Marlton Pike, Medford, NJ 08055-8750
9781573873383, $29.50, www.amazon.com
Not every staff librarian set out to become a librarian or has the advantage of specific library
training. Many a librarian must figure out how to stay abreast of the rapid technological advances
in the realm of library science. Then there all the volunteers who find themselves (often because
of community library budget cuts in these hard economic times) having to perform duties once
reserved for professionally trained library staff members. That's why Pamela MacKellar's "The
Accidental Librarian" is such a valuably informed and informative instructional guide and
introduction to library principles, practices, and tools. Replete throughout with illustrative
examples, practical tips, and useful exercises, "The Accidental Librarian" is an invaluable and
highly recommended read for any library professional or volunteer seeking to improve their
ability to serve their patrons.
The PLA Reader for Public Library Directors and Managers
Kathleen M. Hughes
Neal-Schuman Publishers
100 William Street, Suite 2004, New York, NY 10038
9781555706845, $65.00, www.neal-schuman.com
The skills to run a public library change with the times, and the times have been changing fast.
"The PLA Reader for Public Library Directors and Managers" is an updated collection of essays
for librarians with all of the latest updates and knowledge that has come along as libraries have
advanced over recent years. Many librarians chime in on such issues as better leadership, keeping
communications strong, and the rise of Wikipedia like services. "The PLA Reader for Public
Library Directors and Managers" is a read that many librarians should embrace to stay on the
The Successful Library Trustee Handbook, second edition
Mary Y. Moore
American Library Association
50 East Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611
9780838910030, $45.00, www.alastore.ala.org
Trust is a key part of the word 'trustee'. "The Successful Library Trustee Handbook" is the second
edition of American Library Association's volumes on better trustee boards, explaining in depth
the role of the trustee board, the importance of advocacy, its role in a libraries policies and how
all of these affect the library's function and its future. Something to be brought along by a library
administrator for their meetings, "The Successful Library Trustee Handbook" is enthusiastically
Graphic Novels
Martha Cornog & Timothy Perper, editor
Libraries Unlimited
130 Cremona Drive, PO Box 1911, Santa Barbara, CA 93116-1911
9781591584780, $45.00, www.abc-clio.com
Graphic novels are more than just long comic books. "Graphic Novels: Beyond the Basics: Insights and Issues for Libraries" is a discussion of graphic novels and their place in standard libraries, which commonly do not carry comic books. Demographic concerns, censorship, and even administrative concerns, all are discussed in depth. Any librarian who wants to better understand the graphic novel and decide whether their library should begin to carry them needs to consider "Graphic Novels: Beyond the Basics" as an educational introduction and reference to the category.
The Writing/Publishing Shelf
Maverick Marketing
Lisa Messenger & Mel Carswell
Messenger Publishing
Suite 6, Level 6, 50 Holt St, Surry Hills
PO BOX H241, Australian Square, Sydney, 2000
097755192X, 17.95, www.amazon.com
In "Maverick Marketing: Publishing For Passion And Profit", Lisa Messenger draws upon her
years of experience and expertise as the Managing Director of Messenger Marketing and
Messenger Publishing, working with aspiring authors and self-publishers with the processes and
problems of marketing their books. The result is a truly 'reader friendly' compilation of sound
advice on marketing, promoting, funding, distributing, and selling non-fiction books by
self-published and small press published authors. From what to do in getting started, to
traditional marketing resources like bookstores, to the securing and utilization of publicity and
reviews, to employing modern marketing tools from email to websites, to talk shows and author
appearances, and so much more, "Maverick Marketing" is informed and informative as it
provides thoughtful and thought-provoking commentaries, advice, 'tips, tricks and techniques',
that can be readily employed by even the most novice newcomer to publishing. Especially
recommended to the attention of those new to publishing, "Maverick Marketing" also has a great
deal of value as a 'refresher course' for those with some measure of experience in marketing
books today.
How to Swat the Killer Bees Out of Your Writing
Nancy Owens Barnes
Rushing River
PO Box 95, Priest River, ID 83856
9780982390207, $8.95, www.rushriverpress.com
To Be, or not to be. The answer is not to be. "How to Swat the Killer Bes Out of Your Writing:
Craft Your Passive Voice into Active Voice and Watch Your Writing Take Flight" is a guide to
avoiding the nasty demon of amateur writers that is passive voice writing. Even the best story can
be plagued with these mistakes, sabotaging one's work. "How to Swat the Killer Bes Out Your
Writing" is a consideration for any aspiring author.
Bang the Keys
Jill Dearman
c/o Penguin Group
375 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014
9781592579143, $16.95, www.penguin.com
Writing is something that's hard to casually pursue. "Bang the Keys: Four Steps to a Lifelong
Writing Practice" is a book of advice for writers who want to more fervently and more reliably
pursue their writing. Encouraging readers to take their best ideas and transform them into real
things, Jill Dearman has many solid pieces of advice for readers. "Bang the Keys" is a top pick
for those who want to hone their craft for the better.
The Step-by-Step Guide to Self-Publishing for Profit!
C. Pinherio & Nick Russell
Pineapple Publications
9780982266007, $18.95
Self-publishing doesn't just have to be vanity publishing. "The Step-by-Step Guide to
Self-Publishing for Profit!: Start a Home-Based Publishing Company and Publishing Your
Nonfiction Book with Create Space and Amazon" is a guide actually making money off one's
work when publishing work by yourself. Outlining how to use Amazon's CreateSpace services,
C. Pinherio & Nick Russel describe the process intricately and very well. "The Step-by-Step
Guide to Self-Publishing for Profit" should be strongly considered for anyone who wants to get
their work out there.
The Well-Fed Writer
Peter Bowerman
3713 Stonewall Circle, Atlanta, GA 30339
9780967059877, $19.95, www.wellfedwriter.com
The starving artist is not a stereotype one needs to live in. "The Well-Fed Writer: Financial
Self-Sufficiency as a Commercial Freelancer in Six Months or Less" is a guide to breaking into
the lucrative and flexible world of freelancing as a writer in commercial venues. An absolute
must consideration to anyone who wants to pave their way in life using their skills with a pen,
"The Well-Fed Writer" is quite the guide for getting started when you're at square-one.
The Biography Shelf
Don't Shoot! We're Republicans!
Jack Owens
History Publishing Company
PO Box 700, Palisades, NY 10964-0700
9781933909677, $16.95, www.historypublishingco.com
An FBI Agent deals with the crimes far too wild for local law enforcement to handle. "Don't
Shoot! We're Republicans!" tells the story of Jack Owns and his career as an FBI Agent. A story
filled with unique and original anecdotes of his career dealing with various degrees of malice,
killers, and absurdity, his story is unlike no other and will charm many a reader and perhaps
inspire many to careers in law enforcement. "Don't Shoot! We're Republicans!" is a solid and
enthusiastically recommended addition to any personal memoir collection.
On Wings of the Wind
Betsy Ramsay
Red Anvil Press
c/o Elderberry Press
1393 Old Homestead, Second Floor, Oakland, OR 97462
9781934956144, $14.95, www.ederberrypress.com
Culture can be quite the challenge for love. "On the Wings of Wind" tells the story of Betsy
Ramsay, an American Jew, defied the European nobility by falling in love with one of their
young noble people. Blending faith, class concerns, romance, and more, Betsy Ramsay presents a
very intriguing memoir of finding love in unlikely places. "On the Wings of Wind" is a memoir
that should not be overlooked.
Dreaming of Baghdad
Haifa Zangana
The Feminist Press
365 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5406, New York, NY 10016
9781558616059, $15.95, www.feministpress.org
The cruelty of Saddam Hussein is far reaching. "Dreaming of Baghdad" tells the story of Haifa
Zangana, a woman who in her youth dared to resist the tyranny of Saddam Hussein in the 1970s.
She spent years in prison and was tortured, only for her ultimate fate to be exile from her
homeland. A moving story of one separated far from her homeland, "Dreaming of Baghdad" is a
read that should not be missed for those trying to understand Iraq under Hussein.
Medicine Trails
Mavis McCovey & John F. Salter
Heyday Books
PO Box 9145, Berkeley, CA 94709
9781597141178, $21.95, www.heydaybooks.com
The traditions of the original people of the Americas seem to be getting more and more lost as
time rolls on. "Medicine Trails: A Life in Many Worlds" is a memoir of Mavis McConvey, a
native American medicine woman in the Klamath River region of Northern California. A picture
of a woman who tries to tie the modern world to the traditional practices of her people, she tells a
moving and intriguing story. "Medicine Trails" is a must for anyone trying to understand Native
American culture in the modern world.
Louisa May Alcott
Harriet Reisen
Henry Holt & Company
175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010
9780805082999, $26.00, www.henryholt.com
A literary icon, Louisa May Alcott outdid her contemporaries by indulging in what is regarded as
a guilty pleasure in the cultured society of her day. "Louisa May Alcott: The Woman Behind
Little Women" is a look at this early Nineteenth century writer who outsold her contemporaries
by being both literary and embracing the pulp fiction as well. For her time, she was a remarkable
individual, holding abolitionist views and serving as a nurse during the civil war. "Louisa May
Alcott" is an educational portrait of a literary icon, highly recommended.
The Military Shelf
Military Reform
Winslow T. Wheeler & Lawrence J. Korb
Stanford Security Studies
c/o Stanford University Press
1450 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, CA 94304-1124
9780804761635, $24.95, www.sup.org
The military has problems of its own, and ironing them out is vital to national security. "Military
Reform: An Uneven History and an Uncertain Future" discusses the modern American military
and its current problems. Decrying false reforms and calling for a major overhaul on the way
some things are done to bring the system into a modern age in administration, Wheeler and Korb
focus on the proposed reforms from the 1980s called for by Congress and the Pentagon. "Military
Reform" is a vital addition to any collection discussing the troubles of the modern military and is
enthusiastically recommended.
The New Counterinsurgency Era
David H. Ucko
Georgetown University Press
3240 Prospect Street, NW, Washington, DC 20007
9781589014886, $26.95, www.press.georgetown.edu
The enemy no longer just wears a different colored uniform for easy identification. "The New
Counterinsurgency Era: Transforming the U.S. Military for Modern Wars" discusses how the
United States military must change and revamp itself to meet a brand new threat of enemies who
do not play by the traditional rules. Counterinsurgency is the new game, and "The New
Counterinsurgency Era" is a scholarly and informative read for those who want to understand
modern military tactics.
Preemption, Prevention, and Proliferation
George H. Quester
Transaction Publishers
300 McGaw Drive-Raritan Ctr, Edison, NJ 08837
9781412810418, $39.95, www.transactionpub.com
The stand off may be the way to peace. "Preemption, Prevention, and Proliferation: The Threat
and Use of Weapons in History" examines both modern and past militaries and how rising
military technology has shaped political and social policy throughout the world. With a focus on
the past century, George H. Quester provides a scholarly discussion of where weapons were and
where they are going. "Preemption, Prevention, and Proliferation" is a solid and core addition to
any community or college collections focusing on military subjects.
The Holocaust Studies Shelf
They Were Just People
Bill Tammeus & Rabbi Jacques Cukierkorn
University of Missouri Press
2910 LeMone Blvd., Columbia, MO 65202
9780826218605, $24.95, www.press.umsystem.edu
The views of one megalomaniacal leader are not those of his people. "They Were Just People:
Stories of Rescue in Poland During the Holocaust" is a story of those Europeans who stood
against Nazi Germany's genocide by risking their own lives to protect their neighbors, friends,
and strangers. This assortment of stories is a testament to the human spirit of goodness, and
offers much personal history of those who resisted evil. "They Were Just People" is a solid
addition to any Holocaust studies collection.
Hiding in the Spotlight
Greg Dawson
Pegasus Books
80 Broad St., 5th Floor, New York, NY 10004
The B&B Media Group (publicity)
7779 Park Trails, Fort Worth, TX 76137
9781605980454, $25.00, www.pegasusbooks.us
Survival leads people to do the strangest things, like perform for those they hate. "Hiding in the
Spotlight: A Musical Prodigy's Story of Survival 1941-1946" is the intriguing true story Zhanna
Arkashyna and her own unique tale of escaping the wrath of Nazi Germany. Under their very
noses she became quite the star with her piano performances, hiding her Jewish heritage until
freedom finally came. A moving and unique holocaust story, "Hiding in the Spotlight" is not one
to be missed for Holocaust studies collections.
The Poetry Shelf
The Ravenous Audience
Kate Durbin
Black Goat
c/o Akashic Books
PO Box 1456, New York, NY 10009
9781933354880, $15.95, www.akashicbooks.com
Some people take their feminism in another direction - and Kate Durbin is one of those people.
"The Ravenous Audience" is her collection of poetry offering her own unique view of feminism
which is in no way pretty. A truly unique read, "The Ravenous Audience" is a must read for any
poetry fan who wants discussion of current events. "Silence": I thought I heard a plane. F began
to scream. He screamed until I/slapped him and his head snapped back. By then, the sound was/
gone.//G, was that you?//Come back.
Beauty Breaks In
Mary Ann Samyn
New Issues Poetry & Prose
c/o Western Michigan University
1903 W. Michigan Ave., Kalamazoo, MI 49008
9781930974876, $15.00, www.wmich.edu
With four previous volumes, Mary Ann Samyn brings readers another fine collection with
"Beauty Breaks In", discussing the natural tumultuous state of life and what many hold dear.
"Beauty Breaks In" is an undeniably worthy pick for poetry fans. "Bank On It": No Wait - I told
the story.//Then start it, by God.//(Hello?) (Cashier?)//I shimmied up.//I'm in this pattern
now.//Put my forms in the slot.//Dinner almost every night.//What more do you want.//Whatever
you resist, persists,/said everyone famously.
Domestic Fugues
Richard Newman
Steel Toe Books
c/o West Kentucky University
1906 College Heights Blvd. #11086, Bowling Green, KY 42101-1086
9780982416914, $12.00
The little frustrations in life have to be vented somewhere. "Domestic Fugues" is a collection of
poems from Richard Newman. Focusing on the domestic life and the challenges and agitations
that one faces throughout it, he crafts a unique brand poetry that is worth the read. "Domestic
Fugues" is of interest to anyone looking for fine poetry, highly recommended. "Matchbook
Song": A spark can burn the whole house down,/a match could raze a city block./A book will set
the whole damn town/in flames as fast as talk.//A drop could drown a butterfly,/a cup could
drown a basement mouse./Rain from an early April sky/steams off the roof of our house.
A Gleam in the Eye
Louis Daniel Brodsky
Time Being Books
10411 Clayton Road, Suites 201-203, Saint Louis, MO 63131
9781568091273, $15.95, www.timebeing.com
Parenthood is something truly magical and unique. "A Gleam in the Eye: Volume One of the
Seasons of Youth" is a collection of poetry from a father through the toughest and most
intriguing part of fatherhood - the first few months which lead him to the rough feeling of being
responsible for another. An intriguing take of poetry, "A Gleam in the Eye" will warm the hearts
of many parents. "Our Song": How can music/Be so churchly serene/That it makes me kneel/On
cold stone floors and weep?/The song I hear/Is my wife and child/Lying together, both
asleep./Each breath they share/Releases a sweet note/Scored by me,/Devotedly,/As I tiptoe from
our bedroom,/To keep from waking them./All afternoon,/My eyes hymn our melody.
Apocalyptic Swing
Gabrielle Calvocoressi
Persea Books
853 Broadway, New York, NY 10003
9780892553532, $22.95, www.perseabooks.com
What's a punch in the face? "Apocalyptic Swing" is a collection of poetry from Gabrielle
Calvocoressi which focuses on the tenacity of the human spirit. Set in many locations with a
major nod to the world of boxing, "Apocalyptic Swing" is a moving and intriguing collection of
poetry which should not be ignored. "Dear Elvis, How She Did It and When and What Music":
Who Knows? Not me, sitting in the dark classroom./Lincoln was president. He was president
onscreen./That's all that mattered to me, a light in dark/rooms, a voice filling the night as I lay
awake/and rats scratched in the walls. This was before/I learned to move my hips./When I just lay
there and thought I was dreaming./When the rooms spun like roller-rink lights and I prayed you
would come.
The Fiction Shelf
Call Me Yubbie
Joe Wojcik
Apex Performance Solutions
467 Springdale Road, Westfield, MA 01085
Strategies Literary Public Relations (publicity)
PO Box 178122, San Diego, CA 92177
9780982451908, $12.95, www.apexperfoamncesxy.com
Bullies shape young people more than they should. "Call Me Yubbie" is the story of a young man
overcoming the oppression of the bullies in his life. Written by a guidance counselor, he offers
his own experience in this story of rising up and standing up to the bullies in one's life. Telling
the story of the many sides of the matter of the bullying process, "Call Me Yubbie" is a touching
and uplifting read for younger readers.
Zillah's Gift
Lois West Duffy
Beaver's Pond Press
7104 Ohms Lane, Suite 101, Edina, MN 55439-2129
9781592982905, $13.95, www.beaverspondpress.com
When you have nothing else to look forward too, maybe you need to look to the stars. "Zillah's
Gift: A Secret... An Adventure... A Gift" is an ancient Persian story following Zillah, a girl who
does not have much in the way of potential prospects for her life. But when she sees a star that no
one else can see, this star brings her in contact with the royal family and her life then changes
forever. "Zillah's Gift" is a fine read and a fine addition to any community library collection
focusing on juvenile fiction.
The Outlaw Billy Stiles
John Koblas
North Star Press of St. Cloud Inc.
PO Box 451, St. Cloud, MN 56302
9780878393114, $14.95, www.northstarpress.com
Less than honest with the law, less than honest in life. "The Outlaw Billy Stiles" takes fiction to a
man who quite enjoyed fiction in himself. Billy Stiles was a contemporary of Jesse James, and
had a bit of notoriety for his love of lying and tall tales. Covering the era where his whereabouts
are undocumented, historian John Koblas weaves quite a tale. "The Outlaw Billy Stiles" is a fine
and recommended read that shouldn't be ignored by fans of the old West.
The Test
Patricia Gussin
2817 West End Ave., Suite 126-274, Nashville, TN 37203
9781933515199, $25.95, www.oceanviewpub.com
The best of intentions can go south quickly. "The Test" tells of father Paul Parnell who leaves his
children with an unorthodox will. Challenging them to be better people and members of society
in order to receive his massive fortune, it seems his money may have the exact opposite effect as
the family is torn apart over the money. But through it all, can they remember what their father
really wanted, true family values? "The Test" is an intriguing read of the human spirit and the
power of family.
When Darkness Loves Us
Elizabeth Engstrom
Apex Publications
PO Box 24323, Lexington, KY 40524
9780982159668, $14.95, www.apexbookcompany.com
Finding the light when swamped in darkness is never an easy thing. "When Darkness Loves Us"
is a collection of two novellas from Elizabeth Engstrom. One story follows a young farm girl as
she is engulfed by an underworld and yearns to escape, and an old woman who is facing the
monsters of her past. Two engaging stories makes "When Darkness Loves Us" quite a pick for its
T.P. Jones
Synergy Books
PO Box 80107, Austin, TX 78758
Phenix & Phenix (publicity)
2100 Kramer Lane, Suite 300, Austin, TX 78758
9780982160183, $24.95, www.synergybooks.net
Some companies become more than companies they become institutions. "Jackson" is about a
small town grappling with the potential bankruptcy of one of the town's biggest employers. The
entire town soon finds itself behind the company to fight off its death. But throwing their will
behind it may just take the town with it. A moving story of a small town trying to stay alive,
"Jackson" is a moving and recommended literary read, highly recommended.
The Last Aloha
Gaellen Quinn
Lost Coast Press
155 Cypress St., Fort Bragg, CA 95437
9781935448006, $17.95, www.gaellenquinn.com
Spreading the word of god is something some people take too far. "The Last Aloha" is a novel of
the fall of the prosperous Hawaiian kingdom. A missionary family seems intent with stopping the
'pagan' culture, but one of them wants none of the subterfuge. A riveting story of the glory of the
Hawaiian kingdom, "The Last Aloha" is a top pick that should not be overlooked.
A Quiet Belief in Angels
R. J. Ellory
Overlook Press
141 Wooster Street, New York, NY 10012
9781590202500, $24.95, www.overlookpress.com
Growing up with a serial killer on the loose is no way to grow up at all. "A Quiet Belief in
Angels" follows young man Joseph Vaughan as he deals with growing up in a community
plagued by a serial killer. For over many decades, Joseph seems helpless to stop the rampage,
until he gains the determination that he needs to finally put a stop to it all. "A Quiet Belief in
Angels" is an intriguing take on a serial killer mystery that should not be passed up by fans of the
Are You There and Other Stories
Jack Skillingstead
Golden Gryphon Press
3002 Perkins Road, Urbana, IL 61802
1930846614, $24.95, www.goldengryphon.com
Acclaimed short science fiction Jack Skillingstead brings readers quite the collection with "Are
You There and Other Stories". Work published and spread throughout the world, he presents
readers an entertaining collection focusing on stories that tackle moral questions and choices that
people wouldn't normally face in our typical reality. Thoughtful and thought provoking, "Are
You There" is a collection that science fiction fans should simply not miss.
The Rock & Roll Queen of Bedlam
Marilee Brothers
Medallion Press, Inc.
1020 Cedar Lane, No. 2N, St. Charles, IL 60174
9781934755464, $15.95, www.medallionpress.com
Life is full of nonstop surprises and chaos. "The Rock & Roll Queen Bedlam: A Wise-Cracking
Tale of Secrets, Peril, and Murder" is the story of karaoke singer and teacher Allegra Thome as
she deals with the whirlwind of her life of stumbling on drug busts, meeting sexy DEA agents,
managing her current boyfriend, and oh... one of her students goes missing and it's up to her to
find her. A mystery with so many elements and conflicts makes "The Rock & Roll Queen of
Bedlam" a top pick for those who like their mysteries with a good deal of humor, action, and
In Sleeping Beauty's Bed
Mitzi Szereto
Cleis Press
PO Box 14697, San Francisco, CA 94114
9781573443678, $16.95, www.cleispress.com
There was always that certain untold naughty element to certain fairy tales... "In Sleeping
Beauty's Bed" is a collection of eroticized fairy tales. From Sleeping Beauty to Rapunzel, these
stories offer a different spin to the tales, many of which have discussions of the original nature of
some of these tales before they were cleaned up for younger modern readers. "In Sleeping
Beauty's Bed" is a unique dive into the world of the fairy tale for mature readers, highly
Storm Chaser
Chris Platt
Peachtree Publishers
1700 Chattahoochee Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30318-2112
9781561454969, $14.95, www.peachtree-online.com
Bonds with animals are not that uncommon, but how much does love stand up to money? "Storm
Chaser" tells the story of Jessie, a girl raised on a ranch who has developed compassion for a
paint horse who she names Storm Chaser. But when a guest at the ranch decides to buy Storm
Chaser when the ranch is in tough economic times, Jessie is at a loss how to save her favorite
horse. "Storm Chaser" is a touching story that will attract many a teenage reader.
The Sports Shelf
The Last Days of Shea
Dana Brand
Taylor Trade Publishing
c/o The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group
4501 Forbes Boulevard, Suite 200, Lanham, MD 20706
9781589794573, $16.95, www.rlpgtrade.com
Shea Stadium is truly an American icon. "The Last Days of Shea: Delight and Despair in the Life
of a Mets Fan" takes a nostalgic look back at the home of the New York Mets for decades. A
truly soulful look through the eyes of a Mets fan who remembers the stadium as a child. It tells
the story of the stadium, its life, and its eventual deconstruction as the Mets moved to a more
modern facility. "The Last Days of Shea" is a must read for any nostalgic Mets super fan or for
collections on American icons.
The American History Shelf
Deadly Dozen
Robert K. DeArment
University of Oklahoma Press
2800 Venture Drive, Norman, OK 73069
9780806137537, $24.95, www.oupress.com
The unsung legends of the old west may still be unsung today. "Deadly Dozen: Forgotten
Gunfighters of the Old West" tells the story of a dozen lesser known Old western legends who
deserve some recognition none the less. Filled with biographies and tales, for those looking for
new stories on the old west, "Deadly Dozen" may be where they need to look, a unique piece of
history that shouldn't be missed.
Intersections: The Grand Concourse at 100
Antonio Sergio Bessa
Fordham University Press
2546 Belmont Avenue, University Box L, Bronx, NY 10458-5172
9780823230785, $39.95
One little section of New York can have so much history attached to it. "Intersections: The Grand Concourse at 100" is a collection of essays by writers reflecting on The Grand Concourse, a specific set of roads in the Bronx section of New York. Writers draw on their own experiences filling the book with essays alongside full color photographs and historical drawings of the area. "Intersections: The Grand Concourse at 100" is a solid coffee-table acquisition for New York lovers, recommended.
The World History Shelf
The Teutonic Knights in the Holy Land
Nicholas Morton
Boydell Press
668 Mt Hope Ave., Rochester, NY 14620-2731
9781843834779, $105.00, www.boydell.co.uk
For over a century, these men made their honor known to Christian Europe. "The Teutonic
Knights in the Holy Land 1190-1291" traces the history of the order as it was founded when the
Crusaders had Jerusalem in the Middle ages and grew throughout the nearby region and into
Islamic lands. A scholarly analysis of the order which was originally meant only to serve as
hospital units for injured Crusaders, they grew to become much more than that. Discussing their
role in a wider scope of world history, Nicholas Morton applies his own expertise to create a very
thorough history. "The Teutonic Knights in the Holy Land" is a wise addition to any community
or college library collection focusing on the Crusades.
Prairie Metropolis
Esyllt W. Jones & Gerald Friesen
University of Manitoba Press
301 St. John's College, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3T 2N2
9780887557132, $29.95, www.amazon.com
Winnipeg is one of the biggest city in Canada and has never stopped growing. "Prairie
Metropolis: New Essays on Winnipeg Social History" is a collection of essays discussing the
growth and history of the city of Winnipeg which made the earlier part of the twentieth century
one of the most booming in all of north America. Telling the story of a big Canadian city, any
trying to better understand Canadian culture will want to read. "Prairie Metropolis" is a top pick
for urban history collections, especially those with a Canadian focus.
A History of Japan
Kenneth Henshall
175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010
9781403912725, $21.95, www.palgrave.com
Isolated from the world, even mostly isolated from its neighbors. "A History of Japan: From
Stone Age to Superpower" traces the history of Japan from its root in prehistory and the first
people to set foot on the land across a land bridge from China to its time as a Superpower that
challenged the world a little more than 50 years ago. A long, complete and comprehensive
history of those involved, it's a solid overview of one of the more unique countries of the world.
"A History of Japan" is a fine addition to any world history collection.
Monika Gronke
Markus Wiener
231 Nassau Street, Princeton, NJ 08542
9781558764446, $89.95, www.markuswiener.com
Persia, the Mongol Empire, the Ottoman Empire, Iran has been under many banners. "Iran: A
Short History From Islamization to the Present" draws the long line of Iranian history from when
Islam was introduced a millennia and a half ago to how Iran became the nation that it is today.
An intellectual read that does well in outlining the deep cultural problems that Iran has had and
how it has impacted the modern time, Monika Gronke does well in enlightening readers of Iran
and its culture that will give people a greater understanding. Originally written in German,
Steven Rendall does well in translating, making "Iran: A Short History" a top pick for history
collections and any collection that promotes a greater understanding of Iran.
The Salt Smugglers
Gerard De Nerval
Archipelago Books
232 Third Street, #A111 Brooklyn, NY 11215
9780980033069 $16.00, www.archipelagobooks.org
When your government only lasts a short time, it's worthy of being mocked. "The Salt
Smugglers" is a reprint and translation of the satire that criticized France in its nineteenth century
second republic. The first time published in a complete compilation form in any language, this
historical story is of strong interest to those who want a better understanding of post-Napoleonic
nineteenth century France. "The Salt Smugglers" is a solid and recommended read for those who
collect historical political satire and iconic books.
The Christian Studies Shelf
Questions & Answers from the Bible
Barbour Publishing
1810 Barbour Drive, PO Box 719, Uhrichsville, OH 44683
9781602606104, $7.97, www.barbour.com
One of the most important books in human history, having a knowledge of the Bible cannot hurt.
"Questions & Answers from the Bible: 2,0001 Questions to Test Your Scripture Knowledge" is a
simple question and answer book arranged in a trivia style for the fun of Christian families who
want to better drill each other in Biblical knowledge. "Questions & Answers from the Bible" is a
fun read that is a top pick for Christians looking for ways to entertain and enlighten
Wise Lives
Patrick Henry Reardon
Conciliar Press
PO Box 76, Ben Lomond, CA 950005-0076
9780982277034, $16.95, www.conciliarpress.com
The Old Testament is as vital to Christianity as the New. "Wise Lives: Orthodox Christian
Reflections on the Wisdom of Sirach" is an Orthodox look at Sirach, also known as
Ecclesiasticus, written only a couple centuries before the birth of Christ. These writings, while
not typically revered by Jewish traditions, have had a major impact on Eastern Orthodox
Christianity. "Wise Lives" is solid insight into this branch of Christianity, and solid insight into
Christianity as a whole.
Good Night & God Bless
Trish Clark
Hidden Spring
c/o Paulist Press
997 Macarthur Boulevard, Mahwah, NJ 07430
9781587680533, $20.00, www.goodnightandgodbless.com
Hundreds of years ago, travelers would often find accommodations for the night in the care of
convents and monasteries. "Good Night & God Bless: A Guide to Convent & Monastery
Accommodation in Europe" is a travel guide to finding convents and monasteries that to this day
offer travelers sanctuary in their halls. The focus seems to be on this sites in Austria, the Czech
Republic, and Italy. A truly historical and spiritual way to sleep through one's European vacation,
"Good Night & God Bless" is a top pick for any who want to embark on a pilgrimage.
Understanding Bible Prophecy For Yourself
Tim LaHaye
Harvest House Publishers
990 Owen Loop North, Eugene, OR 97402-9173
9780736925389, $14.99, www.harvesthousepublishers.com
The biblical times were one of metaphor. "Understanding Bible Prophecy for Yourself" is an
exploration of the Bible and its calls to the future from one of the authors of the best selling Left
Behind Christian novel series. Drawing his own experience and where he came up with the
inspiration for Left Behind, Tim LaHaye gives readers a tour of interpreting biblical prophecy
and making one's own judgment calls. "Understanding Bible Prophecy for Yourself" is a must for
any would be an amateur theologian.
The Christian Future and the Fate of Earth
Thomas Berry
Orbis Books
Price Bldg, Box 308, Maryknoll, NY 10545
9781570758515, $22.00, www.orbisbooks.com
Christianity has more ties with environmentalism than one would think. "The Christian Future
and the Fate of Earth" takes a Christian approach to environmental discussion, from self-titled
geologian Thomas Berry. Calling for Christians to become more involved in environmental
conservation, he draws on many Christian writing of the past to support his environmental call to
arms. "The Christian Future and the Fate of Earth" is a must read for anyone who celebrates both
Christmas and Earth Day.
The Painful Side of Leadership
Jeff Iorg
B&H Publishing Group
127 Ninth Avenue North, Nashville, TN 37234-0143
9780805448702, $14.99, www.BHPublishinggroup.com
The job of the shepherd has not gone away; its title has just changed over the years. "The Painful
Side of Leadership: Moving Forward Even When it Hurts" is a Christian leadership guide to
leading Christians by channeling the ways of the biblical shepherd. Stating that sometimes
leadership is not the easiest thing in the world, he hopes to inspire readers be something more
and become leaders themselves. "The Painful Side of Leadership" is worth consideration for any
person who could call themselves a leader of Christians.
Whatsoever Things Are Lovely
Rhonda Rhea
c/o Baker Publishing Group
PO Box 6287, Grand Rapids, MI 49516-6287
9780800732523, $13.99, www.revellbooks.com
When one obsesses over the physical, they commonly forget the spiritual. "Whatsoever Things
Are Lovely: Must-Have Accessories for God's Perfect Peace" is a guide to spiritual accessories
that focus on the many things women should know and keep with them, as they go about the
world. Designed in consideration for Christian women to think about, "Whatsoever Things Are
Lovely" is a recommended and empowering read.
Jesus Nation
Joe Stowell
Tyndale House Publishers
351 Executive Drive, Carol Stream, IL 60188
9781414300498, $17.99, www.tyndale.com
Above country, there is God. "Jesus Nation: Belonging to and Becoming Part of the Greatest
Nation Ever" is a Christian inspiration book that seeks to remind Christians everywhere that they
are a part of something greater than all of themselves and their politics, the nation of Christ.
Hoping to inspire those lost in the world to look to the Jesus Nation for the spiritual support they
need, "Jesus Nation" is a fine Christian exploration of the belonging all humanity yearns for.
Mindy Ferguson
Simon and Schuster
1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020
9781416587224, $14.99, www.simonandschuster.com
Stories are the way to learn for many people. "Hugs: Bible Reflections for Women" is a guide to
studying the stories of the Bible for women readers who want to gain a better grasp of faith and
religion through Bible study. Acting as both as study guide and work book it follows a format of
Bible discussion then offering women a chance to provide their own ideas. "Hugs" is a top choice
for Christian women everywhere.
Sing with the World
John L. Bell & Alison Adam
GIA Publications
7505 S. Mason Ave, Chicago, IL 60638
G-7339, $14.95, www.giamusic.com
You can teach a child a lot about a culture through its music. "Sing with the World : Global
Songs for Children" is a compilation of multicultural songs for music educators to help them
teach children about world music. The music within is mostly Christian-based, in a way showing
Children how Christians all over the world worship Christ through song. "Sing with the World"
of recommendation to any Sunday school music collection, recommended.
Essential Guide to Biblical Life and Times
Martin C. Albl
Saint Mary's Press
702 Terrace Heights, Winona, MN 55987-1218
9780884898986, $19.95 www.smp.org
In order to better understand the Bible, one must understand its time of origin. "Essential Guide
to Biblical Life and Times" is a guide to better understanding the biblical society of thousands of
years ago and making it known to modern readers with a radically different society where slavery
isn't something socially accepted, women are property, and death was the penalty for all major
transgressions. Enlightening and a key proponent to better understanding the Bible to the fullest,
"Essential Guide to Biblical Life and Times" is a solid and highly recommended sure to educate
and help readers better grasp the Bible.
Mission from the Cross
Klaus Detlev Schulz
Concordia Publishing House
3558 South Jefferson Ave., St. Louis, MO 63118-3968
9780758613509, $29.99, www.cph.org
Spreading the word of God was always one of the ideas of Martin Luther. "The Mission from the
Cross" is an examination of mission and how it correlates with the Lutheran sect of Christianity.
Examining the teachings of Luther and discussing modern approaches to Missionary work and
approaches that would be Lutheran missionaries should use, there is much to relish for readers in
this volume that presents much to consider. "The Mission from the Cross" is a solid addition to
any Church library or for readers trying to gain a better understanding of Lutheranism.
Finding Organic Church
Frank Viola
David C Cook
4050 Lee Vance View, Colorado Springs, CO 80918
9781434768667, $14.99, www.davidccook.com
A church should be a second home of sorts, not a corporate-like entity. "Finding Organic Church:
A Comprehensive Guide to Starting and Sustaining Authentic Christian Community" is a guide
for church leaders in making a more reliable and loved community center for the Christian
families that surround them. With the motto of 'origin determines destiny', author Frank Viola
comes at leaders with profound wisdom making for a solid and highly recommended read that
should not be missed. "Finding Organic Church" should find its way into any church's reference
Disturbing Divine Behavior
Eric A. Seibert
Fortress Press
PO Box 59304, Minneapolis, MN 55459-0304
9780800663445, $22.00, www.fortresspress.com
Wrath of an angry God, or God showing imperfections? "Disturbing Divine Behavior: Troubling
Old Testament Images of God" discuss the almighty and his changes from the wrathful and
vengeful God that seemed to rule over his followers by sheer fear, and the contrast of the God of
love that sacrifices his son. Offering many new ideals and perspectives about these contrasts,
"Disturbing Divine Behavior" is a fine read for those trying to better understand God and
Christianity as a whole.
Patron Saints for Postmoderns
Chris R. Armstrong
InterVarsity Press
PO Box 1400, Downers Grove, IL 60515-1426
9780830837199, $16.00, www.books.ivpress.com
Every generation is different from the one before it. "Patron Saints for Postmoderns: From the
Past Who Speak to the Future" discusses ten figures in the past couple centuries who have done
much for the faith by are commonly ignored when discussing potential sainthood. A profile each
of these figures will drive and inspire readers for saints of a different cut of cloth. "Patron Saints
for Postmoderns" is worth considering for any modern religious reader who wants to discuss the
unsung heroes of Christianity.
The Philosophy Shelf
Supervillains and Philosophy
Ben Dyer, editor
Open Court
70 East Lake Street, Suite 300, Chicago, IL 60601
9780812696691, $19.95, www.opencourtbooks.com
What can world domination and interstellar death rays tell us about the human psyche?
"Supervillains and Philosophy" is another delve into the Popular Culture and Philosophy series,
this time focusing on the evil characters portrayed in modern fiction mediums with a knack for
the over the top plots. From where their motives originate, the 'good' side of the bad, Ben Dyer
presents quite a fresh way to looking at mad science and evil. "Supervillains and Philosophy" is
an interesting and intriguing read all the way through.
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
Gordon L. Anderson
Paragon House
1925 Oakcrest Avenue, Suite 7, St. Paul, MN 55113-2619
9781557788863, $19.95, www.paragonhouse.com
Has the United States departed its original intentions? "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of
Happiness" discusses the most basic principles of the United States Constitution and how they
are being upheld in the modern arena of politics. With many ideas and thoughts, Gordon
Anderson brings much to readers attention about how some rights have faded and others have
shown. "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness" is a read that blends politics and philosophy
well, highly recommended.
The Photography Shelf
Michel Moushabeck
Interlink Publishing Group
46 Crosby Street, Northampton, MA 01060-1804
9781566567534, $20.00, www.interlinkbooks.com
One of the tallest peaks in the world Kilimanjaro is not something to be underestimated.
"Kilimanjaro: A Photographic Journey to the Roof of Africa" is a story peppered with photos of a
typical journey to the peak of the mountain, exceptional in that scaling it is not a particularly
difficult thing but still an enthralling experience nonetheless. With much for mind and eye to
savor, "Kilimanjaro: A Photographic Journey to the Roof of Africa" serves well as a coffee table
book or an informative text on the mountain, highly recommended.
The Business Shelf
The Biker's Guide to Business
Dwain DeVille
10475 Crosspoint Blvd, Indianapolis, IN 46256
9780470481202, $24.95, www.wiley.com
The dry cleaned pants, the double windsor tie, the bugs in your teeth. "The Biker's Guide to
Business: When Business And Life Meet At the Crossroads" is a guide to understanding the
intersection of biking and business, two things that would not seem to draw comparisons at first
glance. Taking the wisdom of the road and applying it to the world of business, author Dwain
DeVille draws many parallels which will prove of much worth for the man who wants to tear up
the board rooms like he tears up the road. "The Biker's Guide to Business" is an original and
unique take on business that many will find highly attractive.
Google Bomb
John W. Dozier & Sue Scheff
Health Communications Inc.
3201 S. W. 15th Street, Deerfield Beach, FL 33442
9780757314155, $14.95, www.hcibooks.com
The internet is very powerful tool, for promoting (or defrauding!) your business. "Google Bomb:
The Untold Story of the $11.3M Verdict That Changed the Way We Use the Internet" is a guide
for companies who want to defend themselves on the internet, be it against scams, smear
campaigns, and cyber crime. "Google Bomb" is an excellent guide to one's legal rights on the
internet (an entity which has very little regulation - but the regulation that is there can be used to
protect one's rights). An enlightening and highly important read for any company that wants to
prepare its internet defenses.
Profits Aren't Everything, They're the Only Thing
George Cloutier
Harper Business
10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022
Planned Television Arts (publicity)
1110 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10022
9780061832857, $24.99, www.harpercollins.com
If you aren't making money, why are you wasting your time? "Profits Aren't Everything, They're
the Only Thing: No-Nonsense Rules from the Ultimate Contrarian and Small Business Guru" is a
blunt, frank business guide for small businesses that uses harsh truths to point out the flaws in
businesses. Sure to shock and intrigue with some of its recommendations, George Cloutier's
methods are proven and his wisdom is sound. "Profits Aren't Everything, They're the Only
Thing" is a must for small businesses who want to succeed no matter what.
Dive In
Nadine O. Vogel
Paramount Market Publishing
950 Danby Road, Suite 136, Ithaca, NY 14850
9780980174588, $32.00, www.paramountbooks.com
Special needs does not mean worthless. "Dive In: Springboard into the Profitability, Productivity,
and Potential of the Special Needs Workforce" is a guide to hiring the disabled and using them to
their fullest as employees and workers. These employees still have high potential for companies
if the company is smart, and it can have high value for both employer and employee. "Dive In" is
a must read for any company who wants to best understand the special needs workforce.
The Environmental Studies Shelf
Wearing Smaller Shoes
Chip Haynes
New Society Publishers
PO Box 189, Gabriola Island, BC V0R 1X0, Canada
9780865716575, $16.95, www.newsociety.com
Cutting back is not just something you do for the environment; it's what you do for yourself.
"Wearing Smaller Shoes: Living Light on the Big Blue Marble" is a guide to making a difference
on the environment by the power of cutting back. With many cheap, low tech solutions that can
save the planet as well as save readers money, anyone who cares about the environment and
saving the world as well as their wallet should consider "Wearing Smaller Shoes".
Fire Ecology
William L. Baker
Island Press
1718 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20009
9781597261821, $95.00, www.islandpress.org
For forests, fire is not an agent of destruction, rather one of rebirth. "Fire Ecology in Rocky
Mountain Landscapes" is a fine scholarly text emphasizing the very importance of something that
is so often not thought about when one sees a raging forest fire - that it is part of the natural
process and humanity must learn to be able to live with that. Discussing the invaluable
importance of fire in the eco system, William L. Baker details it fully and how fire does well in
helping plants and animals live more harmoniously with their surroundings. Thoughtful and
informative, and enhanced with references, appendixes and indexes, any college environmental
collection with a focus on the Rocky Mountains should make "Fire Ecology in Rocky Mountain
Landscapes" a core addition to their collection.
The Humor Shelf
Over the Hill
Ed Fischer
Meadowbrook Press
5451 Smetana Drive, Minnetonka, MN 55343
0881665371, $7.00, www.meadowbrookpress.com
With age comes wisdom, or what is commonly mistook for wisdom. "Over the Hill: And Loving
It" is a collection of hilarious bits of wit and wisdom aside from charming cartoons from one
nationally syndicated cartoonist in Ed Fischer. Drawing influences from countless others and
providing their words in easy-to-read form, "Over the Hill: And Loving It" will bring a smile to
the face of anyone who looks at middle age as a thing of the past.
Have a Good Laugh
Ron Isaacs
930 Newark Avenue, Jersey City, NJ 07306
9781602801301, $8.95, www.ktav.com
Jewish people have always had their own particular brand of humor. "Have a Good Laugh: Jewish Jokes for the Soul" is a collection of Jewish humor in many forms packed into a single book. Earnestly honest, the humor within will make anyone laugh, regardless of their faith. "Have a Good Laugh: Jewish Jokes for the Soul" is a humor book that mocks areas that deserves it.
The Money/Finance Shelf
The Skinny on The Housing Crisis
Jim Randel
265 Post Road West, Westport, CT 06880
9780981893525, $12.95, www.theskinnyon.com
In tough times, one must arm themselves with knowledge to purchase wisely. "The Skinny on the
Housing Crisis: What Every Homeowner and Homebuyer Needs to Know" is a guide to better
understanding the current housing crisis and how to make purchases and selling without burning
oneself on poor choices which shady businessmen commonly try to pass off. From understanding
the terminology to dealing with legal issues, "The Skinny on the Housing Crisis" is full of
valuable lessons investors need to equip themselves with.
The Education Shelf
Assessment Live!
Nancy Steineke
361 Hanover Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801-3912
9780325021775, $30.36, www.heinemann.com
Answering a test is so twentieth century. "Assessment Live!: 10 Real-Time Ways for Kids to
Show What They Know - and Meet the Standards" is a guide to creating original ways for
educators to educate their students and assess them through more original and creative means.
Taking the book report to the next level, it suggests everything from monologues to singing as
ways for students to prove mastery in a subject. "Assessment Live!" is a solid and vitally
recommended read that should not be missed for the teacher who wants to challenge their
students creatively.
Teaching the Moving Child
Sybil M. Berkey
Paul H Brookes
PO Box 10624, Baltimore, MD 21285-0624
9781598570649, $29.95, www.brookespublishing.com
There is nothing that bores a child more than sitting at a desk for hours. "Teaching the Moving
Child: OT Insights That Will Transform Your K-3 Classroom" is a guide for educators who want
to weave a bit of physical education into their lessons. Moving is fun and will get children more
involved with the lessons, leading to a better educational experience all around. A solid way to
add fun for elementary school students, "Teaching the Moving Child" is a read that should be
considered by every primary educator.
The Criminology Shelf
Red Dog Rising
Jeff Schettler
Alpine Publications
38262 Linman Road, Crawford, CO 81415
9781577791041, $12.95, www.alpinepub.com
With a super sensitive nose, the power of the Bloodhound is not something to underestimate.
"Red Dog Rising" is the combination discussion of blood hound use in police work and memoir
of retired K9 officer Jeff Schettler. Filled with exciting stories of being on the trail with his dogs,
it's an intriguing read that will please both dog lovers and fans of detective work. "Red Dog
Rising" is a must as such, for both criminology studies collections and canine studies reading
lists that focus on the work of man's best friend.
Isadore's Secret
Mardi Link
The Univeristy of Michigan Press
839 Greene Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104-3209
9780472050796, $22.95, www.press.umich.edu
Brutal crimes are of special puzzle to detectives. "Isadore's Secret: Sin, Murder, and Confession
in a Northern Michigan Town" tells the tragic story of a nun who was brutally murdered and
buried beneath the very church she served in life. Covering this story of early twentieth century
crime in depth with black and white photography peppered throughout, Mardi Link does well in
telling this forgotten tale. "Isadore's Secret" is a top pick and highly recommended read that
should not be missed by true crime readers.
The Mystery/Suspense Shelf
To Find Cora/Like Mink, Like Murder/ Body and Passion
Harry Whittington
Stark House
2200 O Street, Eureka, CA 95501
9781933586250, $19.95, www.starkhousepress.com
The early days of the pulp novel were one often distinguished by deliberate author anonymity.
"To Find Cora/Like Mink, Like Murder/Body and Passion" is a collection of three mysteries with
a particularly strong noir influence. Originally published under pseudonyms, Whittington's work
is now published under his own name, many years after his death. A choice pick of his hundreds
of novels of work, "To Find Cora/Like Mink, Like Murder/Body and Passion" is a top pick for
mystery fans which should not be passed up.
The Literary Shelf
Bearing the Mystery
Gregory Wolfe, editor
Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
2140 Oak Industrial Drive NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49505
9780802864642, $30.00, www.eerdmans.com
The mind of a short fiction writer bears the ability to get short and simply to the point. "Bearing
the Mystery: Twenty Years of Image"is a collection of the journal's best short stories, poems, and
works of visual art. Drawing from a cast of writers of those who are well known and those who
should be known more, Gregory Wolfe presents a fine collection from a fine literary journal.
"Bearing the Mystery" deserves its own place on any shelf dedicated to short fiction.
Kaleidoscope: Lenses on Reality
Robert F. Lawson & Carol S. Lawson
Chrysalis Books
Swedenborg Foundation Publishers
320 North Church Street, West Chester, PA 19380
9780877852407, $15.95, www.swedenborg.com
Six billion eyes in the world and very few of them see things the same. "Kaleidoscope: Lenses on Reality" is a collection of literary essays from a wide range of writers, comprising the sixteenth edition of the Chrysalis Reader, a series combing short fiction, poetry and memoir with on the topic of reality and its perception. "Kaleidoscope" is a fascinating and intriguing read that should not be overlooked.
Unsettled Remains
Cynthia Sugars & Gerry Turcotte
Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2L 3C5
9781554580545, $38.95, www.wlupress.wlu.ca
Despite the heavy influence from Great Britain and its American neighbors, Canada has a voice
all its own in the literary world. "Unsettled Remains: Canadian Literature and the Post-Colonial
Gothic" is a look at Canadian gothic and its influence on Canadian writers and their literary
pursuits. A critical and scholarly discussion of this pattern of Canadian literature follows and
provides much food for thought that will entice both English and American literary readers as
well as Canadian ones. "Unsettled Remains" is a fine addition to any world literary studies
The Fantasy/SciFi Shelf
Moon Rise
Marilee Brothers
Bell Bridge Books
PO Box 67, Smyrna, GA 30081
9780982175699, $14.95, www.bellbridgebooks.com
World saving is just too much to put on the plate of a high school girl. "Moon Rise" is the second
book of Marilee Brothers' Unbidden Magic series, following Allie Emerson, a girl prophesied to
save the world. But the mundane pressures of high school life seem over rule it all, and the few
breaks she does seem to get aren't breaks at all. "Moon Rise" is a fun fantasy for younger readers,
especially those who enjoyed the first book.
The Jobs/Careers Shelf
How to Make Hot Cold Calls
Steven J. Schwartz
Fitzhenry & Whiteside
311 Washington Street, Brighton, MA 02135
1550051334, $11.95, www.fitzhenry.ca
No one likes to be called and sold something, but it doesn't mean it can't work. "How to Make
Hot Cold Calls: Your Guide to Making the Sale or Landing That Perfect Job" is a guide to
aggressive job-hunting, a practice that is usually strongly discouraged by traditional business
etiquette. Steven Schwartz demonstrates to readers how to approach this habit with the courtesy
possible and how to get a job one would normally be overlooked for. "How to Make Hot Cold
Calls" is a strong consideration for any who are tired of being passive in their job hunt.
Successful Interview Skills, fifth edition
Rebecca Corfield
Kogan Page
525 South 4th Street, #241, Philadelphia, PA 19147
9780749456528, $15.95, www.koganpage.com
The interview may make or break more people than any other stage of a hiring process. Now in a
fully updated and expanded fifth edition, "Successful Interview Skills: How to Prepare, Answer
Tough Questions, and Get Your Ideal Job" specifically focuses upon instructing the reader in
acquiring and practicing effective coping skills appropriate to the job interview process. From
appeasing your employers tastes in competence, first impressions, selling oneself, and keeping
one's nerves under control, Rebecca Corfield gives a solid and highly useful guide to job seekers.
"Successful Interview Skills" should be a purchase for any who want a job greater than flipping
The Handbook of Career Advising
Kenneth F. Hughey & Collaborators
Jossey Bass
989 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94103-1741
9780470373682, $65.00, www.josseybass.com
Good advice is advice that is actually able to be used. "The Handbook of Career Advising" is a
guide for college counselors who want to offer the most sage advice possible. Drawing from the
minds of several individuals with much in the way of experience in these matters, it discussing
everything from blending career advice with academic advice, dealing with tough cases, and so
much more than commonly faces counselors. With countless useful appendixes and indexes,
"The Handbook of Career Advising " is top notch wisdom that should be in the collection of any
high school or college guidance counselor.
The Cookbook Shelf
Veggie Haven
Kentaro Kobayashi
Vertical Inc.
1185 Avenue Of the Americas, 32nd Floor, New York, NY 10036
9781934287620, $14.95, www.vertical-inc.com
Cows were not a common sight in Japan, and their culture has spawned much in the way of
vegetarian cooking. "Veggie Haven: Easy Japanese Cooking" is another entry in Kentaro
Kobayashi's Easy Japanese Cooking series, providing many vegetarian dishes that are inspired by
traditional or modern Japanese cooking methods. Everything from Tofu steak, Vietnamese
Omelets, to Shiitake Stir Fry Donburi, "Veggie Haven" is a true treasure trove of cooking ideas
that should be considered by many a vegetarian.
The Deluxe Food Lover's Companion
Sharon Tyler Herbst & Ron Herbst
Barron's Educational Series
250 Wireless Boulevard, Hauppage, NY 11788
9780764162411, $29.99, www.barronseduc.com
Humanity has had a love of food through its entire existence, and has come up with so many
variations to cook it has become difficult to keep track of them all. "The Deluxe Food Lover's
Companion" is a dictionary of sorts of food, outlining thousands of cooking terms and describing
them thoroughly. With nearly seven thousand entries, anyone who wants to be able to understand
the rarer terms of gourmet cooking and the not-so gourmet, should consider this reference. "The
Deluxe Food Lover's Companion" deserves a place alongside the other cookbooks one may
The Social Issues Shelf
Helping Families and Communities Recover from Disaster
Ryan P. Kilmer & Collaborators, editors
American Psychological Association
750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002
9781433805448, $69.96, www.apa.org
Hurricane Katrina devastated a region and taught the country countless lessons about disaster
management. "Helping Families and Communities Recover from Disaster: Lessons Learned from
Hurricane Katrina and Its Aftermath" analyzes the Katrina disaster intricately and brings readers
a very scholarly look at the events and what disaster management professionals should learn from
it for future disasters. With both a material and psychological approach, Ryan Kilmer and his
staff bring readers a very thorough approach to the mental side of dealing with disaster from
children returning to school to facing losing it all. "Helping Families and Communities Recover
from Disaster" is a core and extremely recommended addition to community and college library
social issues and psychology collections.
The Music Shelf
The Everything Piano Book
Evan A. Copp
Adams Media
57 Littlefield Street, Avon, MA 02322
9781598699760, $19.95, www.everything.com
So many keys make it so intimidating. "The Everything Piano Book: From Popular Songs to
Classical Music - Learn to Play in No Time" is a piano teaching guide that encourages would be
piano players with simple and incrementally complex lessons for readers to help them slowly and
steadily gain a grasp of piano playing. From the simplicity of Mary Had a Little Lamb to the
complexities of Chopin, "The Everything Piano Book" comes with an accompanying CD to help
students along, making for a solid and highly recommended package.
The Interior Design Shelf
Speed Decorating
Jill Vegas
The Taunton Press
63 South Main Street, PO Box 5507, Newtown, CT, 06470-5507
9781600850332, $21.95, www.taunton.com
It doesn't take as long to go from wreck to paradise as one would think. "Speed Decorating: A
Pro Stager's Tips and Trade Secrets for a Fabulous Home in a Week or Less' is a guide to speedy
interior design for those who want to renovate their home now, instead of weeks or even months
ahead. Jill Vegas is an award winning designer, and her thoughts and ideas are presented within
alongside full color photographs of her work. "Speed Decorating" is of interest to any who wants
more pizzazz in their home ASAP.
The Pets/Wildlife Shelf
Animals on the Edge
Chris Weston
Thames & Hudson
500 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10110
9780500543825, $29.95, www.thamesandhudsonusa.com
A few more kills by poachers, and many of these creatures could simply cease to exist. "Animals
on the Edge: Reporting from the Frontline of Extinction" is a combination photography and
wildlife book discussing these critically endangered creatures, with in-depth descriptions of each
species and how close it is to extinction. Aside from the text are two-page, full color spreads of
these animals - creatures which may not be long for our world. "Animals on the Edge" is a fine
coffee table book and a gift perfect for any concerned about the world's fading species.
The Civil War Shelf
Rebels of the North
Grant Langdon
Atlas Books
30 Amberwood Parkway, Ashland, OH 44805
9780979086014, $10.89, www.atlasbooks.com
Slaves, trade tariffs, the reasons behind the Civil War were many. "Rebels of the North: How
Land Policy Caused the Civil War" discusses another element to one of the darkest periods in
America's history. Presenting another element to the conflict, of how the conflict over the
western lands between the rich and the rising common man added fuel to the fires, he describes
this element well. "Rebels of the North" is a solid read for anyone looking for greater insight on
the causes of the civil war.
The Gardening Shelf
101 Best Plants for the Prairies
Liesbeth Leatherbarrow and Lesley Reynolds
Fifth House
c/o Fitzhenry & Whiteside
121 Harvard Ave., Suite 2, Allston, MA 02134
1894004302, $13.95
Climate is a rough obstacle for the enthusiastic gardener. "101 Best Plants for the Prairies"is a
guide to gardening in the prairie, in particular the region between the border of the United States
and Canada. Outlining many plants complete with full color photography, there is much for
prairie gardeners to explore and consider for their hobby. Any gardener in the region ought to
strongly consider "101 Best Plants for the Prairies" as a necessary addition to their
personal libraries.
The Judaic Studies Shelf
Spiritual Boredom
Erica Brown
Jewish Lights Publishing
Sunset Farm Offices, Route 4, PO Box 237, Woodstock, VT 05091
9781580234054, $21.99, www.jewishlights.com
The quickest way to lose one's faith is for it to lose its wonder. "Spiritual Boredom:
Rediscovering the Wonder of Judaism" is a spiritual guide for combating the most unsuspecting
problem of the modern era for many Jews - boredom with one's faith. Humanity has an innate
desire for change and newness, but how does one keep one's faith when their religion and
synagogue life seems so stagnant? Discussing these questions and offering probable solutions,
Erica Brown presents an intriguing dissection of this unique problem. "Spiritual Boredom" is a
solid and enthusiastically recommended read for both tired Jews and Judaic leaders.
The Art Shelf
Water Lilies
Claude Monet
The Museum of Modern Art
11 West 53 Street, New York, NY 10019-5497
9780870707742, $12.95, www.moma.org
The best of one's fame often comes when you can no longer claim it. "Water Lilies" is a
collection of artwork from now acclaimed artist Claude Monet, with text from Ann Temkin and
Nora Lawrence explaining the importance of his work. A painter who did Abstract
Expressionism decades before it caught on, Monet's work has influenced generations. Any with a
love for art or art history would do well to check out "Water Lilies".
The Gaming Shelf
Joe Edley
Workman Publishing
225 Varick Street, New York, NY 10014
9780761156352, $8.95, www.workman.com
Word play can be an endlessly entertaining thing. "Banana-Grams!: 575 Appealing Word
Challenge That Will Drive You Bananas!" features a slew of puzzles for fans of the Bananagram,
a growingly popular word game. From the original creators, they present a game that takes
Scrabble, and offers new twists. "Banana-Grams!" is something that will provide countless hours
of amusement.
The International Studies Shelf
Religion and Politics in the Middle East
Robert D. Lee
Westview Press
c/o Perseus Books
2465 Centrall Avenue, Boulder, CO 80301
9780813344201, $35.00, www.westviewpress.com
The root of the Middle East's political problems lies in its religion... or does it? "Religion and
Politics in the Middle East: Identity, Ideology, Institutions, and Attitudes" is a discussion of the
Middle East and how each country's religion shapes its politics, or as Lee argues, how each
country's politics shapes its religion. Offering a very balanced view at the Middle East's problems
with separation of Church and State, "Religion and Politics in the Middle East" is a highly
enlightening and scholarly read, a key addition to any world politics or religion collection.
Taiwan's Long Road to Democracy
Katutugu Yoshida
Edward Elgar
William Pratt House, 9 Dewey Court, Northampton, MA 01060
9781848440784, $115.00, www.e-elgar.com
The story of the two Chinas is one that is truly unique. "Taiwan's Long Road to Democracy:
Bitter Taste of Freedom" tells the story of the Republic of China, more commonly referred to as
its conventional and less confusing name of Taiwan. Discussing Taiwan's constant conflicts with
mainland communist China, "Taiwan's Long Road to Democracy" is an intriguing and
educational dissection of the Taiwan/China political system conflict and how Taiwan has gained
its own identity and has become one of the most free countries in the world, Katutugu Yoshida
provides a highly educational and informative read. "Taiwan's Long Road to Democracy" is a
core and vital addition to any history collection focusing on Asian politics.
The Making of Modern Israel
Leslie Stein
350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148
9780745644660, $25.00, www.politybooks.com
Israel was granted to the Jews without conquest in 1948. It doesn't mean they didn't have to fight
for it. "The Making of Modern Israel: 1948-1967"discusses the state of Israel and the harsh
conflicts it faced as such a young country. Marked by a divided internal system of the Arabs and
Jews, hostile neighbors bringing a constant war through the first twenty years, and countless
other problems, the first decades of the country were tremendously tumultuous. A riveting
history, "The Making of Modern Israel" is a must for anyone who wants to understand Israel's
Getting Out
Michael Walzer & Nicolaus Mills, editors
University of Pennsylvania Press
3905 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-4112
9780812242164, $29.95, www.upenn.edu/pennpress
Unless Iraq is on its way to becoming the 51st state, the US Armed forces must depart at some
point. "Getting Out: Historical Perspectives on Leaving Iraq" is a collection of essays of people
looking back deep into history to gain a better understanding of how a an invader can leave a
country better off when they found it. Looking at history's occupational blunders and successes,
these minds provide many intriguing ideas, making "Getting Out" a fine and much recommended
The Political Science Shelf
The New Face of Government
David E. McNabb
CRC Press
c/o Taylor & Francis Group
270 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016
9781420093872, $59.95, www.crcpress.com
Like a business is a synonym for efficiency. "The New Face of Government: How Public
Managers are Forging a New Approach to Governance" is an intriguing text about revolutionizing
the way government is run and how recent times have began incorporating these methods. A
scholarly discussion, it runs down the changes on many levels of government from small
communities up to the executive and legislative branches of the government. Structuring
government like business, evaluating an officials performance, and the impact of technology are
all subjects to consider. "The New Face of Government" is a read that must be read by politicians
and government officials at any level to gain a better grasp at this revolution.
The Travel Shelf
The Ethical Travel Guide, second edition
c/o Stylus Publishing
PO Box 605, Herndon, VA 20172-0605
9781844077595, $22.50, www.earthscan.co.uk
How does one keep one's soul while seeing the world? Now in a fully revised and updated
second edition, "The Ethical Travel Guide: Your Passport to Exciting and Alternative Holidays"
is a guide to bringing ethics into one's vacation planning and picking destinations that will not
only benefit the traveler with experience, but enrich the local community and economies. So
many destinations support some form of exploitation on some level, but Earthscan seeks to help
travelers find guilt free destinations of many sorts, be it from hiking to romantic getaways. "The
Ethical Travel Guide" is a top pick for those who want to travel but don't want to be part of the
The Theatre/Cinema/TV Shelf
Getting the Money
Jeremy Juuso
Michael Wiese Productions
3940 Laurel Canyon Bl. #1111, Studio City, CA 91604
9781932907643, $26.95, www.mwp.com
Kevin Smith maxed out countless credit cards to get the money he needed for Clerks. "Getting
the Money: A Step-by-Step Guide for Writing Business Plans for Film" is a guide to not
following Smith's example, and planning out one's finances to get one's movie made without
ruining one's credit rating. For those whose biggest obstacle to their film career is the almighty
dollar, "Getting the Money" is a must.
The Health/Medicine Shelf
No Act of Love is Ever Wasted
Jane Marie Thibault & Richard L. Morgan
Upper Room Books
1908 Grand Avenue, Nashville, TN 37312
9780835899956, $16.00, www.upperroom.org
Dementia is truly a cruel ailment. "No Act of Love is Ever Wasted: The Spirituality of Caring for
Persons with Dementia"is a spiritual guide for those charged with providing care to a loved one,
patient, or friend faced with dementia. Arming readers with information, it's a guide that
discusses the spiritual aspect for both caretaker and afflicted. "No Act of Love is Ever Wasted" is
a read to be considered for any religious or spiritual person curious about dementia.
The Science Shelf
Identification Guide to the Fossil Plants
Kevin R. Aulenback
University of Calgary Press
2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, AL Canada T2N 1N4
9781552382479, $24.95, www.uofcpress.com
Animals weren't the only things to evolve over the aeons. "Identification Guide to Fossil Plants
of the Horseshoe Canyon Formation of Drumheller, Alberta" is an investigation of the history of
the plants of Horseshoe Canyon, and the fossils that let people try to figure out the surroundings
of the dinosaurs and the state of the planet millions of years ago. Intriguing, scholarly, and
essential to understanding the bigger picture, "Identification Guide to Fossil Plants" is an
informed and informative read.
The Economics Shelf
Riches Among The Ruins
Robert P. Smith
1601 Broadway, New York, NY 10019
Jane Wesman Public Relations, Inc. (publicity)
322 Eighth Avenue, Suite 1702, New York, NY 10001
9780814410608, $24.95, www.amacombooks.org
You can make a fortune anywhere, you just need to know where to look. "Riches Among the
Ruins: Adventures in the Dark Corners of the Global Economy" is the memoir and international
finance advisory guide as he goes to the darker parts of the world. An intriguing read even
without the international finance lesson, Smith's story is one of a mercenary turned economist
and will keep you glued to the page as you pick up useful advice. "Riches Among the Ruins" is a
riveting and enthusiastically recommended read.
The Self-Help Shelf
How to Meditate
Jyotish Novak
Crystal Clarity Publishers
14618 Tyler Foote Road, Nevada City, CA 95959
9781565892347, $11.95, www.crystalclarity.com
Meditation is a complicated term for something that is truly simple. "How to Mediate: A
Step-by-Step Guide to the Art & Science of Meditation" is a guide to mastering meditation and
reaping more of the benefit of the serenity of the matter. With tips on finding relaxation, opening
your natural intuition, and more, "How to Meditate" is a must for those who want to unlock their
The Parenting Shelf
Get Out!
Judy Molland
Free Spirit Publishing
217 Fifth Avenue North, Suite 200, Minneapolis, MN 55401-1299
9781575423357, $10.99, www.freespirit.com
The first step to saving nature is to appreciate nature. "Get Out!: 150 Easy Ways for Kids and
Grown-Ups to Get Into Nature and Build a Greener Future" is a guide for parents and children to
get outside more and how they can have fun going out and saving the planet at the same time.
Citing the countless benefits to more outside play for children, "Get Out!" is a top pick for any
parent who wants the best for their children now and tomorrow.
The Psychology Shelf
Perfect Targets
Rebekah Heinrichs
Autism Asperger Publishing Company
PO Box 23173, Shawnee Mission, KS 66283-0173
1931282188, $23.95, www.asperger.net
Not that different from other children, they seem to attract more bullies than usual. "Perfect
Targets: Asperger Syndrome and Bullying" discusses Asperger's syndrome and how young
children with the disorder have a higher tendency to be targets of the cruelty of bullies more often
than other children their age. With plenty of wise tips and advice for parents to help their
children cope with these situations, "Perfect Targets" is a worthwhile investment for parents and
educators who want to help these children.
The Library DVD Shelf
Dinosaurs Alive!
Michael Douglas, narrator
Image Entertainment
20525 Nordhoff Street, Suite 200, Chatsworth, CA 91311-6104
$19.98 www.image-entertainment.com www.dinosalive.com
Originally created for exhibition in IMAX theaters, Dinosaurs Alive! is a DVD documentary that
uses computer animation to bring mankind's discoveries about dinosaurs to life - from the
revelation that "Oviraptor" was in fact a good parent who brooded over its eggs rather than a
rapacious egg thief, to the story of a real-life "Indiana Jones" archaeology pioneer who braved
desert bandits to bring home amazing fossil finds, to the shocking recent discovery that
(flightless) velociraptors had feathers! The astonishing and scientifically accurate CGI is sure to
thrill dinosaur lovers of all ages and backgrounds. Special features include a widescreen version,
a "Making of" documentary shot in HD, and a bonus quiz. Also available in a Blu-ray version
($24.98), "Dinosaurs Alive" is a treat for dinosaur lovers everywhere and enthusiastically
recommended for public library DVD collections. 40 minutes plus special features.
The Adventures of Werner Holt
Joachim Kunert
First Run Features
630 Ninth Avenue, Suite 1213, New York, NY 10036
$24.95 www.firstrunfeatures.com
Created in 1964 East Germany, The Adventures of Werner Holt is a classic movie on DVD about
the senselessness of war. Two 17-year-old best friends, Werner Holt and Gilbert, are pulled out
of school and drafted into Hitler's army. Gilbert becomes a fanatically loyal soldier, while
Werner, fighting on the front lines, is disgusted by the cruelty of war and eventually enacts his
revenge. As powerful today as it was over forty years ago, The Adventures of Werner Holt
remains one of the most important German films ever created. Highly
recommended. 164 minutes, black-and-white, German with English subtitles.
The American Brew
Roger Sherman
PBS Home Video
c/o SSA Public Relations
15260 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 1730, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
079367087X $24.99 www.shopPBS.org
The American Brew: The Rich and Surprising History of Beer is a documentary for the
everyman, about how one of America's most popular drinks came to be. From alcohol in colonial
days, to the rise and fall of prohibition, to the coming of microbrews and the financial success of
national breweries, The American Brew covers it all. Interviews with industry experts and inside
looks at innovations in brewing technology pepper this enjoyable DVD, sure to please beer lovers
everywhere. 60 minutes, widescreen.
The Yes Men Fix the World
Bullfrog Films, Inc.
PO Box 149, Oley, PA 19547
$295.00 www.bullfrogfilms.com 1-800-543-3764
The Yes Men Fix the World is an extraordinary DVD following the true story of two political
activists and the wild pranks they orchestrate in order to reveal the ecologically destructive side
of corporate greed. When Andy impersonated a DowChemical spokesperson and managed to
announce on BBC World News that Dow will finally clean up the site of the largest industrial
accident in history (the Bhopal disaster), people worldwide celebrated the "news" - and Dow's
stock value lost two billion dollars. This was when a brutal lesson about our modern market
system hit home - the relentless focus on profits unfettered by local or global environmental
regulations has made doing the right thing impossible! As the "Yes Men" try to get through to
their corporate audience as well as the general public, their ultimate message is an inquiry as to
why we have given the market more power than any other institution to drive our society, and
how can this incredible power be held in check, much as the three branches of the American
Government hold one another in check and balance? Highly recommended. 87 minutes, SDH
Humble Pie
Monterey Media Inc.
566 St. Charles Drive, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360-3901
9781569943489 $26.95 www.montereymedia.com 1-800-424-2593
Humble Pie is a charming movie following everyman Tracy Orbison (played by Hubbel Palmer),
a Midwestern stockboy who writes poetry during shift breaks and daydreams of making more of
himself. A burst of inspiration leads him to take an acting class by a pompous local master
(wonderfully played by William Baldwin); then one chaotic mishap after another leads him to
actively pursue his life's dreams rather than simply wait for them. From mentoring a young
delinquent to standing up to his overbearing mother to dealing with his wallflower sister and
preparing himself for the monumental hurdle that is the driver's license exam, Tracy's adventures
reflect the daily challenges of life in this highly entertaining drama. Bonus features include
deleted scenes and brief featurettes. 84 minutes, closed captioned.
Latin Music USA
PBS Home Video
c/o SSA Public Relations
15260 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 1730, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
$39.99 www.shopPBS.org
Latin Music USA is an amazing DVD documentary of some of the greatest American music
composed by Latinos. The history of modern Latin music is traced through four episodes -
"Bridges", following the rise of Latin jazz and its influence on rhythm & blues; "The Salsa
Revolution" about the creation of salsa the rise (and fall) of the legendary Fania Records, "The
Chicano Wave" in which a new generation of Mexican-Americans experienced rock and rhythm
& blues and added their own cultural twist, and "Divas & Superstars" of Latin pop, ranging from
Ricky Martin, Shakira, and Gloria Estefan to Daddy Yankee and rapper Pitbull, to "rock en
Espanol" star Juanes. A celebration of great music styles, the people who composed
unforgettable songs and the glamorous individuals who peformed them, Latin Music USA is a
joy to watch and highly recommended for both Latin music lovers and public library DVD
Harley's War: Hardcore All-Stars
Harley Flanagan & Cro-Mag
MVD Entertainment Group
PO Box 280, Oaks, PA 19456
$19.95 www.MVDb2b.com 1-800-888-0486
Harley's War: Hardcore All-Stars is a combination DVD & CD project from NYC Hardcore's
godfather, Harley Flanagan. Featuring some of Cro-Mags' classic hardcore music as well as
members of Bad Brains, Agnostic Front, Warzone, Murphy's Law, Sick of It All, and more,
Harley's War combines classic video footage and wild playing into a blazing mix of alternative
and punk, sure to leave its mark on the listener's mind and memory. An absolute "must-have" for
fans of the genre. The tracks are "Hardcore 'NYHC-OG'", "Last Days", "Criminal 4 Life",
"Parrisite", "Spirit of '77", "Urban Screams (C-squat)", "Skarred 4 Life", "Who Survived", "Don't
Tread On Me", "Wake Up (Do Unto Others)", "Dead End Kids", "Why Don't U", "Intro", "Signs
of the Times", "World Peace", "Show You No Mercy", "Malfunction", "Days of Confusion",
"Street Justice", "Survival Of The Streets", "Don't Tread On Me", "Do Unto Others", "Last
Days", "Crush the Demoniac", "It's the Limit", "Life of My Own", "Hard Times", and "We Gotta
Know". 95 min, stereo.
Susan Hyatt's Rockstar Workout
411 Video Information (publicity)
PO Box 1223, Pebble Beach, CA 93953
$15.98 www.411videoinfo.com
International recording artist and NASM Certified Personal Trainer Susan Hyatt presents Susan
Hyatt's Rockstar Workout, a fitness DVD featuring two 25-minute high energy workouts (with
warm ups and cool downs). Easy-to-follow moves draw from a wide variety of fitness activities,
from basic strength training to Russian Kettle bell exercises, jump-roping, yoga, ballet-style body
sculpting and more. Filmed like a music video and featuring lively, original songs from Susan's
bands, Susan Hyatt's Rockstar Workout lives up to its title and makes working out fun. A
welcome addition to fitness and exercise DVD collections. 60 min.
Personal Training with Jackie: Power Circuit Training
Jackie Warner
Anchor Bay Entertainment
2401 West Big Beaver road, Suite 200, Troy, MI 48084-3304
$14.98 www.anchorbayentertainment.com
Expert celebrity fitness and circuit training instructor Jackie Warner's workouts command up to
$400 an hour in person; now her fitness guidance is available on DVD to all in "Personal
Training with Jackie: Power Circuit Training". Designed for maximum efficiency, Personal
Training with Jackie: Power Circuit Training focuses on weight loss and overall fitness - viewers
can choose (or mix and match) between fifteen-minute "Total Body Circuit", "Abs Only Circuit",
"Lower Body Circuit", or "Upper Body Circuit", or the forty-minute "Total Body Circuit". You
don't have to be a celebrity to stay in shape like one, and this easy-to-follow DVD shows how! 57
Real Bodywork
c/o 411 Video Information
PO Box 1223, Pebble Beach, CA 93953
$19.95 each www.411videoinfo.com www.realbodywork.com/yoga
Two DVDs from Real Bodywork offer yoga practitioners a guided workout and in-depth exploration
of the wonders of Vinyasa Yoga. "Yoga: Gentle Vinyasa Flow with Zyrka Landwijt" (210 min.)
is intended for beginner to intermediate practitioners, offering 6 routines, 23 pose lessons, and 3
1/2 hours of practice. Expert instructor Zyrka teaches the viewer how the poses interact and how
to fully engage oneself in the experience of yoga, as well as basics of physically enacting it.
"Yoga: Spirit of Vinyasa Flow with Deb Dobbin" (226 min.) is intended for intermediate to
advanced practitioners, offering 3 sequences, 20 pose lessons, and 3 1/2 hours of practice.
Offering a combined, flowing progress of routines, Yoga: Spirit of Vinyasa Flow explains in
detail how to enact proper positions and warns against common mistakes. Both DVDs are highly
user friendly, and serious Yoga enthusiasts are certain to enjoy them.
Bridgestone Multimedia Group
c/o 411 Video Information (publicity)
PO Box 1223, Pebble Beach, CA 93953
$14.95 each www.411videoinfo.com www.gobmg.com
Fitness expert Karen Joy Allen presents three exercise DVDs that utilize her simple invention
-"JoyFitstix", a pair of inexpensive short tubes that weigh less than a pound each; their moving,
granulated cores increase the effort sustained by the muscle group being exercised for a more
vigorous workout similar to one performed with heavier weights. "Cardio & Core Dance Blast"
(9780740319167, 45 min.) emphasizes a time-efficient workout good for burning calories and
toning muscles - the multi-level program provides a solid base for viewers of varying fitness
levels, complemented by a strong abdominal workout. "Cardio Praise" (9780740319150, 40
min.) has an emphasis on high-energy gospel praise music and strength training in its enjoyable
dance routines. "A Fun Workout For Kids" (9780740319174, 40 min.) lives up to its title with a
cardio workout that kids can quickly pick up and enjoy. "A Fun Workout for Kids" is great for
parents and children to share together, providing a positive example of incorporating exercise
into a healthy lifestyle. Though meant for use with "JoyFitstix", all three DVDs provide a fine,
solid workout even if one has no exercise equipment at all. Highly recommended.
Split Estate
Ali MacGraw, narrator
Bullfrog Films, Inc.
PO Box 149, Oley, PA 19547
159458897X $295.00 www.bullfrogfilms.com 1-800-543-3764
Split Estate is a harrowing documentary of the predatory ruthlessness that fuels America's
endless thirst for oil and gas. Men and woman who have lived on their land for generations lose
almost all chance to make a living off their territory if they don't own the mineral rights; energy
companies can and will drill for natural gas right outside a family's front door. Those directly
affected by oil and gas companies' relentless incursion into the Rocky Mountains have little or no
legal recourse to stop the assault on their land, their civil liberties, their health, or their quality of
life. Above all, Split Estate is not only about the plight of the few - it is about the long-term
health and environmental costs of America's addiction to oil, and drives home the need to find
alternative energy sources here and abroad. Highly recommended. 76 minutes (with a 15 minute
version also available for playback), SDH captions.
Break a Leg! An Introductory Guide to Stage Directing
Adrea Gibbs
Meriwether Publishing
PO Box 7710
Colorado Springs, CO 80933-7710
9781566081634 $34.95 www.meriwether.com
An informative 24-page booklet ideal for reviewing the covered material accompanies Break a
Leg! An Introductory Guide to Stage Directing, a no-nonsense DVD resource for inexperienced
stage directors (and assistant directors!), covering the basics of how to get the job done. Tips,
tricks, and techniques for ensuring the smooth flow of rehearsals, guiding stage direction, helping
actors put forth their best emotions, overseeing run-throughs and dress rehearsals, and more right
up to opening night fill this practical and useful resource. Whether one is preparing for a future
Broadway career or simply trying to get a community theater production going, Break a Leg! An
Introductory Guide to Stage Directing is extraordinarily helpful and highly recommended. (It
should be noted that Break a Leg! requires DVD-R compatibility in one's DVD player in order to
play properly.)
Monterey Media Inc.
566 St. Charles Drive, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360-3901
$26.95 www.montereymedia.com 1-800-424-2593
Trucker is a DVD movie about an independent-minded truck driver Diane Ford, accustomed to
enjoying a carefree life marked by one-night love affairs, hard drinking, and long haul days on
the road. But her life changes dramatically when she suddenly has the responsibility of caring for
her eleven-year-old son Peter - whom she has not seen since he was a baby. Peter's father is
incapacitated in the hospital; now Diane's life is turned upside down, as she struggles with caring
for a boy as distrustful of her as she is of him. Difficult choices lie ahead for her, and she must
come to grips with a future that holds more challenges and pitfalls than she has ever imagined. A
thought-provoking and emotionally moving saga about the culmination of a turning point in one's
life, highly recommended. 93 minutes, closed captioned, rated R.
The English Surgeon
PBS Home Video
c/o SSA Public Relations
15260 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 1730, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
9781608831197 $24.99 www.shopPBS.org
The English Surgeon is the award-winning documentary of a real-life hero - London brain
surgeon Henry Marsh, who has strived for over 17 years to save lives in the Ukraine. Forced to
work with outdated and sometimes malfunctioning equipment, Marsh has a powerful motivation
for his work - his son was diagnosed with a brain tumor as a baby, and Marsh has never forgotten
how dearly he needed help at the time. Now he gives freely of his skills and expertise to others;
his calling is preserved in this absorbing and memorable presentation. Due to sometimes explicit
medical scenes, The English Series may not be suited for particularly squeamish viewers, but
deserves the highest recommendation to all others.
Mummies: Secrets of the Pharaohs
Image Entertainment
20525 Nordhoff Street, Suite 200, Chatsworth, CA 91311-6104
$19.98 DVD, $24.98 Blu-Ray www.image-entertainment.com www.mummiesfilm.com
Originally produced for showing in IMAX theaters, Mummies: Secrets of the Pharaohs is an
amazing documentary about what modern science and archaeology have to tell us about the
mystery of mummies - exquisitely preserved remains of ancient Egyptian citizens and kings.
From the adventures (and hardships!) of excavating tombs, to the modern forensic science used
to unlock mummies' secrets, to the extrapolated evidence of ancient Egypt's past and what it
means for our understanding today, and even how knowledge gleaned from mummies affects
medical science, Mummies: Secrets of the Pharaohs is utterly enthralling. Bonus features include
a "making of" featurette shot in HD, a "Meet the Mummies" educational section, and a quiz. A
beautifully filmed experience, Mummies: Secrets of the Pharaohs is highly recommended for
Egyptology DVD shelves and public library collections. English/French/Spanish, widescreen, 39
minutes plus 22 minute "making of" featurette.
The Library CD Music Shelf
Notes Home
David MacKenzie and Josh Johnston
The Creative Service Company
4360 Emerald Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80918
20 Euro www.davidandjosh.com
The second album of Ireland's David MacKenzie and Josh Johnston, Notes Home is a
re-imagining of classic swing jazz from 80 years ago, enhanced with the pair's personal touch and
contributions of all-original songs. Recorded live in studio with very few retakes in order to
capture the spirit of improvisation, Notes Home is a fast-paced, upbeat album of rollicking
excitement sure to please any listener who loves the variety and expression of jazz. A welcome
addition to public library as well as private jazz collections. The tracks are "The Latecomer",
"Cap Mortola", "Silk", "Through the Night", "Place Carnot", "La Narbonnaise", "Minor
Happiness", "Broadband Blues", "La Plage", "Waiting", "Wistful Thinking", "Pont Neuf", and
"Sliding Scale". Also highly recommended for a joyful good time is the duo's previous album, "A
Minor Happiness."
Ring Christmas Bells
With Brian Stokes Mitchell
Mack Wilberg, conductor
Mormon Tabernacle Choir
$18.98 www.mormontabernaclechoir.org
Tony Award winner Brian Stokes Mitchell lends his talents to a performance of the Mormon
Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square, along with bell choir of more than 100
individuals. Ring Christmas Bells is a live recording celebrating the holiday spirit with jubilation,
featuring classic Christmas songs infused with the love and devotion of the performers. Highly
recommended especially for holiday gift-giving to anyone who loved Christmas or bell choir
music. The tracks are "Processional on 'God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen'" (5:31), "Once in Royal
David's City" (4:38), "The Christmas Song / A Crazy Christmas List (3:19), "The Friendly
Beasts" (6:36), "Through Heaven's Eyes" (3:52), "I Saw Three Ships" (2:55), "Whence Is That
Goodly Fragrance Flowing?" (4:41), "Sleigh Ride" (3:05), "New Words" (4:21), "Jesu, Joy of
Man's Desiring" (6:29), "Grateful" (5:43), "Go, Tell It on the Mountain" (1:56), "And the Glory
of the Lord" (3:03), "Hallelujah" (3:45), and "Angels, from the Realms of Glory" (4:35).
Sting Like a Bee
Mike Longo Trio
Consolidated Artists Productions
290 Riverside Dr., Suite 11-D, NYC 11025
c/o The Creative Service Company
4360 Emerald Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80918
$14.97 www.jazzbeat.com
Jazz pianist Mike Longo along with Bob Cranshaw on bass and Lewis Nash on drums present
Sting Like a Bee, a music CD album of a dozen songs recorded live in studio - nearly all of them
first takes with only a minimum of editing. A vibrant, living work brimming with the artists'
passion for their music, Sting Like a Bee is sure to excite listeners and rekindle one's love of jazz
in all its forms. The tracks are "Speak No Evil" (7:56), "Love For Sale" (9:13), "Daahoud" (3:52),
"Tell Me a Bedtime Story" (4:49), "Someone to Love" (5:58), "Westside Story Medley" (7:50),
Dance Cadaverous (8:14), "Morning" (5:14), "Speak Low" (6:48), "Bird Seed" (2:42), "Checked
Bags" (5:33), and "Kush" (4:22). 72 minutes, 53 seconds. Also highly recommended is the trio's
previous album, "Float Like a Butterfly."
La Part Du Feu
Le Vent du Nord
Rock Paper Scissors (publicity)
511 West 4th Street, Suite 2, Bloomington, IN 47404
$17.98 www.rockpaperscissors.biz
Quebec's Le Vent du Nord (The Wind of the North) presents their latest album La Part Du Feu,
the theme of which reflects its title about individuals contributing to a shared future. The songs
on La Part Du Feu dig the foundation of Canada's history and musical roots, from "Octobre
1837" which remembers a French uprising against British rule, to the reconstruction of the lyrics
to the song "Elise". A smoothly presented and unforgettable taste of Canada's musical culture,
highly recommended for international music CD collections. The tracks are Lanlaire (4:49),
Octobre 1837 (4:01), La Mine (3:31), Petit Reve V (2:04), Mamzelle Kennedy (4:03), Les
Metiers (2:54), Elise (5:37), Le Coeur en Trois (3:48), Rossignolet (3:54), Montcalm (2:42),
L'attente (4:21), Le Cavalier et la Belle (4:07), and Ecris-Moi (3:32).
Dance Mama!
Christine Vaindirlis
FlipSwitch (publicity)
PO Box 2207, Bloomington, IN 47404-2207
$14.99 www.flipswitchPR.com www.christinevaindirlis.com
Dance Mama! is a lively music album by Christine Vaindirlis, who puts no shortage of energy
into her enthusiastic music. Her love of South African jazz (she was raised in Johannesburg) as
well as traditional singing and dancing shines through in this vibrant and joyful album. A
high-octane treat sure to get the listener raring and ready to go! The tracks are Home (5:38), "Call
to Freedom" (6:22), "This Is My Place" (6:51), "Fighting or Surviving (5:12), "Should I Make
You Pay" (4:18), "Dance Mama!" (7:37), "Tell Me" (9:14), "No More Drama" (5:02), and
"Making It Home Someday" (6:27).
A Still Motion
Michael Samson
The Creative Service Company
4360 Emerald Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80918
$12.99 www.MichaelSamson.com www.StillMotion.biz
The second album by solo pianist Michael Samson, A Still Motion is an instrumental work
enhanced by brief, self-penned poems within the CD package. An absorbing and immersing
experience, A Still Motion offers musical reflection upon the timeless interlude between
moments, as well as the layered connections between human beings. A true delight to listen to,
highly recommended for anyone who loves piano music. The tracks are "A Still Motion"(6:29),
"Dream Not of Today" (4:36), "Beyond My Question" (5:35), "Echoes of the Stranger" (4:54),
"Truth in Beauty" (6:32), "When Light Dances" (5:05), "The Edge of Forever" (4:25), "Where
Ocean Meets Sky" (3:43), "Of Times Long Past" (6:47), "In the Music Box" (5:39), "After the
Rain" (5:02), and "Words Left Unspoken" (7:21).
Jamie Craig
Craig Sound Productions
PO Box 1246, Birmingham, MI 48012
CD, $TBA www.myspace.com/craigsounds
Illumination is the latest instrumental, jazz-rock album by keyboardist and composer Jamie
Craig. Composed on the piano, Illumination reveals full-band sound through Craig's recordings
on keyboards, synthesizers, and computers - the instruments emulated range from acoustic guitar,
saxophone, flute, and organ to electric violin, English horn, trumpet, and percussion. An
inspirational and uplifting album, perfect to listen to during one's morning routine or commute to
lend a dash of vim and vigor to the day. The tracks are "Lost & Found" (4:47), "Midtown
Saturday Night" (4:04), "Mirage" (4:58), "Illumination I" (4:24), "Illumination II" (4:03), "To
Nola With Love" (4:43), "Reflections" (4:17), "San Juan" (4:18), "Voyager IX" (4:27),
"H2OZone" (4:58), "Guardian Angel" (4:24), and "Sealed Fate" (4:23). 54:01 minutes.
Rain in July
Alex E. Smith, Cheevers Toppah, and Nitanis "Kit" Landry
Canyon Records Productions
3131 West Clarendon Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85017
$24.49 www.canyonrecords.com 1-800-268-1141
Rain in July is a wondrous audio CD collecting the choral harmonies of three excellent Native
American vocalists. The spirit of their tribal backgrounds and their reverence for tradition
reverberate in this beautiful and moving musical anthology. Highly recommended especially for
Native American music collections, as well as anyone who enjoys the pleasant balance of dulcet
vocal tones. The tracks are "Charles 'Neka' Logan's Song" (4:27), "Baby I Know" (3:35), "Rain in
July" (7:32), "My Pow-Wow Thing" (4:07), "Swirling Smoke" (4:27), "Indian Angel" (4:10), "In
My Heart" (4:47), "Could Be Mine" (2:48), "Just for Old Times' Sake" (3:46) and "True
Melodies" (4:48). 45:08 min.
Origine Orients
Rock Paper Scissors (publicity)
511 West 4th Street, Suite 2, Bloomington, IN 47404
$12.99 www.rockpaperscissors.biz
Lebanese-born singer-songwriter Abaji presents Origine Orients, his latest trans-Mediterranean
album in which he has opted to record all his songs in a single take, playing all the instruments
himself, without overdubs. Bringing a whole new dimension to the concept of "one man band",
Origine Orients comes to life with the amazing medley of instruments like the bouzouki
combined with a bamboo flute and a daf drum. The music itself explores multiple cultures, from
that of Abaji's Armenian grandfather to Turkish, Armenian, and Greek. A lively album of one
man's unfettered passion for music and rhythm, Origine Orients is highly recommended for
listeners of all walks of life as well as for community library collections.
The Audiobook Shelf
The Edgar Allan Poe Audiobook Collection #10: Deus et Machina
Edgar Allan Poe, author
Christopher Aruffo, narrator
Acoustic Learning Inc.
215 Prospect Ave., Highland Park, IL 60035
9780980058161 $19.99 www.poeaudio.com
Read aloud by classically trained performer Christopher Aruffo, The Edgar Allan Poe Audiobook
Collection #10: Deus et Machina is the latest in a series of unabridged audiobook adaptations of
Poe's complete literary works. Many of the tales in Deus et Machina have never before been
released in audiobook form; all evoke Poe's mastery of suspense, intrigue, and plot twists. As
with the previous installments in The Edgar Allan Poe Audiobook Collection, volume 10 is an
unforgettable listening experience and deserves the highest recommendation to classic
mystery/suspense fans and public library audiobook collections. The tales in this collection are
"The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar", "Mesmeric Revelation", "The Conversation of Eiros
and Charmion", "The Power of Words", "The Colloquy of Monos and Una", "Von Kempelen and
His Discovery", "Cabs", "A Moving Chapter", "Street Paving", "Wooden Pavement", "Try a
Mineralized Pavement", "The Daguerreotype", "Anastatic Printing", and "A Chapter on Science
and Art." 4 CDs, 4 hours 39 minutes.
The Sword of the Lady
S. M. Stirling, author
Todd McLaren, narrator
Tantor Media, Inc.
2 Business Park Road, Unit 2, Old Saybrook, CT 06475
9781400106837 $54.99 www.tantor.com 1-877-782-6867
An unabridged audiobook adaptation of book six of S.M. Stirling's "Emberverse" serious, about a
modern world in which technology - and most of the human population - has mysteriously been
destroyed, The Sword of the Lady: A Novel of the Change follows Rudi Mackenzie in his travels
across the former United States of America, in search of the mysterious event that so greatly
transformed the world. When he takes up a mysterious, impeccably crafted sword, nothing
around him will ever be the same again - and he will have to use his weapon to defend himself
and those around him from the ruthless Church Universal and Triumphant. Fans of Stirling's
work are sure to enjoy this latest installment, which - as it is from the perspective of one born
into the Changed world - also makes a great jumping-on point for anyone new to the series.
Former broadcaster and career voice-over actor Todd McLaren reads aloud this thrilling
audiobook saga, perfect for adding another dimension of adventure to long road trips! Highly
recommended. 17 CDs, 21.5 hours.
Hard Trail to Follow
Elmer Kelton, author
Jonathan Davis, narrator
Recorded Books, LLC
270 Skip Jack Road, Prince Frederick, MD 20678
9781428190610 $92.75 www.recordedbooks.com 1-800-638-1304
Hard Trail to Follow is the audiobook adaptation of a Western novel by seven-time Spur Award
winner Elmer Kelton. In this enthralling adventure, young Texas Ranger Andy Pickardjoins the
hunt for a jailbreaker who murdered the local sheriff - a man Andy regarded as a close friend and
father figure. Andy continues the hunt after others give up, but as he searches he comes across a
puzzle - repeated reports of the fugitive felon's compassion and honor. A dramatic saga of
difficult choices and shades of gray, highly recommended. 8 CDs, 8.75 hours.
The Book of the Maidservant
Rebecca Barnhouse, author
Susan Duerden, narrator
Listening Library, Inc.
1745 Broadway, New York, NY 10019
9780739385531 $34.00 1-800-726-0600
Read by Rebecca Barnhouse (with an additional note read by the author), The Book of the
Maidservant is the unabridged audiobook adaptation of the debut novel of medieval literature
expert Rebecca Barnhouse. Inspired by the fifteenth-century text "The Book of Margery Kempe"
(which happens to be the first known autobiography written in English), The Book of the
Maidservant follows Johanna, a serving girl in attendance to medieval holy woman Dame
Margery Kempe. Though Dame Margery Kempe feels the pain of Jesus Christ and the Virgin
Mary, she is all but blind to the suffering around her. When Dame Margery Kempe embarks on a
pilgrimage to Rome, the difficulties truly begin, culminating in a bitter fight that causes Dame
Margery Kempe to abandon her own servants. A stranger in the strange land of Rome, Johanna
must find her own path. A saga of hardship, adaptation, survival, inspiration, and ultimately the
journey to redemption, The Book of the Maidservant is enthusiastically recommended. 6 CDs, 6
hours 45 minutes.
The Christmas Shelf
Christmas in New Orleans
Peggy Scott Laborde & John Magill
1000 Burmaster Street, Gretna, LA 70053
9781589805606, $39.95, www.pelicanpub.com
Christmas has become more of a cultural tradition rather than a religious one. "Christmas in New
Orleans" is a combination photobook and cultural study on how the people of New Orleans get
into the spirit of Christmas. A long history stretching back from the Louisiana purchase and how
the festivities have changed over the past hundreds of years. Although American by nature, New
Orleans has always had their own way of doing things, and Christmas is no different. Packed
cover to cover with full color photographs and historical reprints, "Christmas in New Orleans" is
quite the coffee book table gift for anyone who loves Christmas, no matter the time of year.
James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
Diane C. Donovan, Editor
Midwest Book Review
278 Orchard Drive
Oregon, WI 53575-1129
phone: 1-608-835-7937
e-mail: mbr@execpc.com
e-mail: mwbookrevw@aol.com
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