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Able Greenspan's Bookshelf
Making a Place for the Future in Maya Guatemala
John B. Hawkins & Walter Randolph Adams, editors
University of New Mexico Press
9780826366603, $75.00, HC, 448pp
Synopsis: In 1998, Hurricane Mitch pounded the isolated village of Santa Catarina Ixtahuacan in mountainous western Guatemala, destroying many homes. The experience traumatized many Ixtahuaquenses. Much of the community relocated to be safer and closer to transportation that they hoped would help them to improve their lives, acquire more schooling, and find supportive jobs.
The contributors to "Making a Place for the Future in Maya Guatemala: Natural Disaster and Sociocultural Change in Santa Catarina Ixtahuacan" follow the two resulting communities over the next quarter century as they reconceived and renegotiated their place in Guatemalan society and the world.
Collaboratively compiled and co-edited by John P. Hawkins and Walter Randolph Adams "Making a Place for the Future in Maya Guatemala" shows how humans continuously evaluate and rework the efficacy of their cultural heritage. This process helps explain the inevitability and speed of culture change in the face of natural disasters and our ongoing climate crisis.
Critique: This large format (8.69 x 1.25 x 11.19 inches, 2.4 pounds) hardcover edition of "Making a Place for the Future in Maya Guatemala: Natural Disaster and Sociocultural Change in Santa Catarina Ixtahuacan" from the University of New Mexico Press is enhanced for the reader's benefit with the inclusion of maps, figures, and tables. Additionally there is a three page Appendix (Notes on Research Methods), a six page Glossary, a twenty page listing of References, a four page listing of the contributors and their credentials, and a nine page Index. A seminal and ground-breaking collection of informative and erudite articles, "Making a Place for the Future in Maya Guatemala: Natural Disaster and Sociocultural Change in Santa Catarina Ixtahuacan" is especially and unreservedly recommended for personal reading lists and college/university library Guatemala/Mayan History collections and supplemental curriculum studies lists.
Editorial Note #1: John P. Hawkins is a professor emeritus of anthropology at Brigham Young University. During his forty years at BYU, he conducted research in Guatemala, and he codirected the Anthropology Department Field School in Nahuala and Santa Catarina Ixtahuacan from 1995 through 2006 and in 2009. His books include Religious Transformation in Maya Guatemala: Cultural Collapse and Christian Pentecostal Revitalization (UNM Press).
Editorial Note #2: Walter Randolph Adams received a Master of Science in nutritional anthropology from the University of Pennsylvania, a PhD from Michigan State University, and a Master of Public Health from Concordia University. He co-directed BYU's long-term field school in Nahuala and Santa Catarina Ixtahuacan with John P. Hawkins.
Able Greenspan
Diane Donovan's Bookshelf
Matt Overs
Moonshine Cove Publishing
9781952439896, $20.00 Paperback/$7.99 eBook
Downbeach provides young adults with a historical novel packed with local color as it traverses the coming-of-age story of Gibb, who moves through the late 1980s in Atlantic City with a finely tuned sense of savvy and purpose. His attitude reveals accompanying conundrums as he works within the constraints of his environment's limitations:
"He hated stealing, so any time they had to do it, he made sure everybody gave him the money upfront so he could leave it behind. It helped assuage his guilt. Was it really stealing if you paid for it? It wasn't their fault the legal drinking age prevented them from walking in the front door and buying it proper."
Gibb confronts streetwise individuals who are tougher than he and hones not only further skills, but revised visions of life in Atlantic City. He thus approaches adulthood with a more calibrated sense of reality and purpose than not only many of his peers, but most adults. This leads him to form relationships based as much on survival as upon mutual growth connections:
"Even if they weren't all in the same school together anymore, they still spent every day after school finding things to get into while roaming the streets. Well, maybe not every day, day in and day out, but for important moments they always came together."
Readers who choose Downbeach will likely be young adults, but the novel will appeal into new adult circles. It depicts realistic street culture and life challenges that introduce Gibb and his friends to adult confrontations involving fighting, revenge, brutal disagreements, and revised realities about racial and social conflicts and influences:
"He couldn't grasp all the history of the city and why it was still the way it was, but he knew inherently that there were places you didn't go and areas you just stayed away from.
It wasn't because he was scared or didn't want to play with Huge and JJ, it was that he knew other people would take offense to him being there, the same way white kids would if he showed up at Jerome avenue with black kids from the High."
Gibb navigates two worlds and a series of confrontations that distance and challenge his ability to maintain close friendships. All kinds of readers will readily recognize and relate to this world and the disparate forces that test life connections and choices.
Matt Overs not only brings this era and environment to life, but laces it with a powerful overlay of language "known to teenage boys all over the world." This gives his story an evocative atmosphere that contrasts the interests and experiences of different generations.
Libraries and readers seeking a multifaceted story of evolution, the ultimate impact of violent choices, and the lasting efforts these experiences hold for a lifetime of regret and influence will find Downbeach compelling. It's as worthy of individual pursuit as discussion group debate.
Shep and the King of Hearts
Stacy J. Ladyman
Redemption Press
9798218453558, $14.49
Shep and the King of Hearts is a novel of faith, love, and forgiveness. It opens with author Stacy J. Ladyman's personal description of how her father's gambling addiction impacted her as she began writing and researching for this novel:
A few weeks prior, an advertising flyer for a presentation entitled "Gambling: The Hidden Addiction," sponsored by the Council on Compulsive Gambling of New Jersey, caught
my attention. A picture of poker cards and chips bordered the flyer. I arrived at the stone church with red doors and walked to the entrance under powdery white flakes. Upon entering, I did not immediately see anyone, but I heard Christmas hymns softly playing. I followed the music to the beautiful sanctuary. Heavy wooden trusses formed the vaulted ceiling. Christmas decorations adorned the altar. I listened to the recorded music for a moment. The soothing melodies calmed my fears. Fears of coming here in the first place. Fears of listening to a talk about the very thing that had changed my life and severed a crucial relationship for me some forty years earlier. Why was I here? Why had I come? As strong as the urge to come here for this talk was, there was now an even stronger urge to get up and walk out.
Ladyman's father's gambling addiction heavily impacted the family, resulting in patterns of response and recovery, and that turbulence is woven into the fabric of this novel. Thus, the fictional depiction is based not just on her father's experience, also on the shared conundrums many gamblers and their families face over confronting their addiction.
Relatively few novels cover gambling addiction, in comparison to other forms of addiction, already making Shep and the King of Hearts notable. Ultimately, it's not just a story of struggling with destructive urges and behavior patterns, but a tale of love.
Readers who embrace Ladyman's creation and her characters' journeys will find, here, a vivid depiction of not just Jim's gambling life, but the loving family that turns to God for help in bringing him back home:
Grandmother said, "Before I knelt, I felt my hands. They seemed so rough and dry, I reached for my lotion and rubbed some on. My hands felt better. Then I opened my Bible and found these words from Jeremiah 32:27 'Is anything too hard for me?' I felt like God was saying to me, 'Don't worry. Nothing is too hard for me. I can heal hearts and hands.' I know God can find Jim and bring him home to us."
Spiritual insights, applied Christian beliefs and attitudes, and family psychology thus entwine in an account filled with the back-and-forth of failure, success, and healing that incorporates a God-centric focus into the family's relationships, whether they lie between each other or with God.
As preacher Shep becomes immersed in this milieu (and Jim's downfall), readers receive important insights about all manner of relationships. These juxtapose ranching life and challenges with the equally powerful task of confronting matters of heart and soul.
Is isolation the key to resolving addictive drives? Can Shep bring healing and comfort not only to Jim, but to Chris as well? Ladyman embeds these philosophical and spiritual quandaries and queries with the psychology of interpersonal relationships to draw Christian readers into spiritual inquiries that are both important and unexpected:
Chris followed Shep over some stones in a small stream. She took his hand as he helped steady her. "I just wanted a father."
"You have one."
"I know, but..."
"You have a heavenly one that loves you and sees how much you've been hurting. God wants to heal the hurt in your heart. He really does."
Although Shep hunts for both Jim and resolutions, he also finds himself on a path to examining the faith which has influenced not only his direction, but Jim's choices and viewpoint. Along the way, he gains knowledge of both himself and Jim in a manner that ultimately leads both to new revelations and choices about forgiveness.
Any reader who feels they have somehow lost their way will find plenty of pointed insights perfect for individual contemplation and Christian book club discussion groups alike.
Libraries interested in Christian-rooted stories of faith, gambling addiction, recovery, and revelation will find all these facets (and more) in the powerful novel Shep and the King of Hearts.
Alien Nation
Raymond King
Visceral Books
9798218362980, $2.99
Alien Nation moves Asimov's futuristic robotic law into new territory. It describes the dilemma of service model android Jason Freeman, who has long dreamed of becoming a socially acceptable psychopath, but fails the test to move beyond his programming. This failure means that in a year he will be replaced by a court-sanctioned, soulless avatar.
Even though Jason has failed, his ability to dream and craft ambitions beyond his programming as a servant holds startling ramifications for not just his future, but society as a whole.
When he is granted a pardon so that he can participate in a strange Utopia where psychopathic behaviors are applauded and compassion rejected, Jason makes innovative choices in an effort to subvert his deviant traits. His idol, Prince Marcus Kane, faces similar paradigm-changing experiences. Both lives are thrown into turmoil as a civil war threatens their ambitions, unique purposes, and personas.
In portraying a milieu in which two seemingly disparate entities reinvent their lives, purposes, and society itself, Raymond King creates a powerful survey of moral and ethical conundrums that weave into the sci-fi scenario in unpredictable, gripping ways.
The notion that psychopathology is a condoned social structure introduces intriguing concepts to readers which considers the morals of social acceptance and the definition of deviance.
A host of characters lend consistency and thought-provoking insights to the two main characters. These range from Marcus, who questions the belief in a higher faith and feels that torture lends character and joy to his life, to his rescue Claudia, whose dilemma forces further thought-provoking insights about the nature and application of violence in society:
Every strain of resentment I had buried inside cried out for violent release. It was now or never. For the first time in my life, I acted without passing judgment. What sweet freedom!
The many themes that come into play in Alien Nation (from social acceptance, socially accepted pathology, shame and redemption, and miscarriages of justice) create a multifaceted tale that will lend especially well to sci-fi book club debates and discussions.
The dichotomy of how "two things can be true at the same time" contrasts notes of love with deadly dangers fueled by alternative thinking struggles.
Libraries seeking heady philosophical and social inspections from sci-fi stories that rest as firmly on these examinations as on nonstop action will find Alien Nation a powerful acquisition and recommendation. It will attract readers and book clubs seeking notable works that defy pat categorization, delivering the one-two punch of novel scenarios and challenging redefinitions of life.
It's a story well worth the effort of absorbing its twists and turns, which lead readers into unanticipated futuristic territory and revised moral grounds.
Wordsworth in Bogota
Scott E. Sundby
Black Rose Writing
9781685135508, $21.95
Wordsworth in Bogota is a novel that opens with Diego Velasquez's collapsing financial cocaine-driven empire. The disintegration stymies his decisions about his future, injecting his psyche with something uncommon to his proactive, controlling impulses - self-doubt.
9/11 changed everything, heavily impacting efforts which provided Diego with customers and wealth. The days of Diego's being able to bribe American officials to help smooth his operations are gone, thanks to the national patriotic fervor that 9/11 sparked. His receding wealth, in turn, leads to the departure of his girlfriend and impacts his wife, who just might also abandon ship.
Feeling his carefully-constructed, wealth-laden world falling like a house of cards, Diego then finds his relationship with son Esteban Adam Smith Velasquez also under the gun. When they embark on a journey that changes everything (including their relationship), special interests emerge over newfound attractions and shared interests:
Part of him wanted to keep reading but he knew he needed to think through tomorrow's conversation with Esteban. Most of the pieces were now in place and he experienced the familiar mix of anticipation and anxiety of launching a plan and watching it unfold. He had always been surprised how events took on a life of their own once the greatest intangible of all - human nature -- came into play.
The perspectives shift between Diego and Esteban. While chapter headings would have provided quicker understanding of these shifts, it's fairly evident where the attitudes and observations are coming from by the first paragraph of each new chapter.
Esteban's homecoming in Bogota and his changing relationship with his father introduce intrigue and psychological growth into this action-packed story of cartels, life transformations, and revelations:
Diego strode over to Esteban and for the first time that he could recall in his adult life gave him a hug. Granted, it was a tentative hug, not one of those warm all-encompassing embraces featured in sappy commercials as families gather to celebrate the holidays, but first times are almost always a bit awkward.
Agents, customs officers, DEA and ex-military man Bronson McArthur Attles, educator and traveler Percy, and other lives are introduced. These resonate with revised goals and betrayal from agencies and groups designed to support them. Scott E. Sundby crafts a story which defies pat categorization, at once operating as a tale of literary and familial discovery, an account of illicit deals gone awry, and a probe of innocence and treachery.
Sundby's contrasts between the cultures and atmosphere of America versus South America are finely woven into the plot, lending a 'you are here' aura to unfolding events. Meanwhile, a host of characters fine-tune their relationships and interactions via precise literary and psychological undercurrents that run powerfully through the plot like a river.
Libraries seeking stories of suspense, intrigue, shifting relationships, and discovery will find Wordsworth in Bogota an excellent addition to their collections. Patrons that harbor a special attraction to stories of drugs, discovery, and contrasting social issues and involvements will find Wordsworth in Bogota hard to put down.
My Life in Dog Years
Candida Pugh
Delarouse Books
979821850290, $12.99 Paperback and eBook
My Life in Dog Years: A Poodle Named Henry and Other Melodramas charts time spent with memorable canines. It will appeal to dog lovers interested in tales of animal bonds and experiences which embrace both love and loss.
It's a "love story dedicated to all the dogs who have enriched my life - to those I've lost and to those still with me." It's also an exploration of the bonds between dog and human that provides a window into the affection, attraction, and psyche of the dog. Canines provided Candida Pugh many opportunities to understand animal behavior and training.
Readers receive specifics on how to modify animal behaviors, including many approaches which failed. These are all described in lively language that imparts insights which will draw any dog lover struggling with their own training challenges:
I could've crated him, and that would've solved that. He'd never soil himself, I felt certain of that much. But I wanted him to love his crate. Making it into a prison was a way to ensure he'd never go in it willingly. I so wanted him to do things willingly.
Love, pain, and tears permeate this story, which gives caution for readers who may have suffered their own animal loss. There is no animal love without eventual loss, however. Pugh also offers insights into moving on, handling very different dog personalities, and embracing the richness a dog can lend to life.
The amount and nature of poodle and other dog breed encounters creates an appealing story that charts the ups and downs of dog ownership and animal psyches.
Libraries seeking stories that are moving, embracing, educational, and psychological draws will want to add My Life in Dog Years: A Poodle Named Henry and Other Melodramas to their collections for its wide-ranging stories and opportunity to better understand not just dog nature, but human interactions with them.
Until It Was Gone
David B. Seaburn
Black Rose Writing
9781685135225, $21.95 Paperback/$5.99 eBook
Until It Was Gone: A Contemporary Family Novel of Resilience and Hope opens with a fortieth anniversary celebration between Laney and Franklin. Decades ago, a whirlwind courtship led to their marriage. Now new mandates from the COVID outbreak have created an ongoing war between them... one that Franklin can't win. A forty-year anniversary seems the perfect moment to leave the relationship. Or so thinks Laney.
Laney's departure on a road trip to locate her estranged daughter and yet-unseen granddaughter may conclude her relationship, but it almost seems like Franklin's life will end, too, when he then contracts COVID. Struggling with these blows and the effects of long COVID, Franklin embarks on his own assessment of his life and dubious future.
As subplots evolve over the divided family's struggles with illness, revised abortion protocols, and new directions, David B. Seaburn brings readers into a journey in which this family is buffeted by the winds of change, dancing in the winds of American transformation like a mobile.
It was a good life... until it was gone. What's next on the agenda?
Seaburn creates a thoroughly engrossing contemporary story of a family in turmoil not only because of COVID and relationship changes, but because of social flux.
Perspectives shift, from pregnant granddaughter Maggie to mother Laney's journey and father Franklin's realization that his life isn't as stable as he once thought. Laney similarly makes discoveries about her past and family connections:
"But you don't know her," said Maggie.
"How's that?"
"You don't know her. What she's like, I mean."
"I don't need to know her, I love her."
"If you love her so much, why'd she run away from you."
These psychological revelations evolve a story that proves a revealing, thought-provoking read. It's perfect not just for individual pursuit, but for book clubs and reading groups interested in the intersection between family growth and social change.
Libraries that choose Until It Was Gone for their collections will want to highly recommend it to readers interested in intriguing fictional pursuits of family heritage, truths, and adaptation processes.
Innocents, Immortals, and Amoral Gods
Harry Dehrian
Independently Published
9798868458606, $20.98 Paperback/$6.42 eBook
Space opera fans are in for a treat with Innocents, Immortals, and Amoral Gods, a romp through the galaxy that features murder, aliens, supernatural forces (even other planets aren't immune to them!), and a young interplanetary investigator.
The journey leads readers to the planet Mosaar, where investigators become involved in royalty's dilemmas and a battle for control, whether it be among various hierarchies of humans or between humans and cyborgs.
The tale opens with officers Laf Fras and Morsa Renal, who have moved into duties beyond chasing pets, and are joining other investigative police officers on a case.
Fauna traps, holo balls, and other devices are employed, along a wry sense of humor involving missed meals and a three-story-high crime scene that defies the assignment of murder (after all, the giant sea creature's demise could be an artistic political statement!). A closer inspection reveals that a mortal was killed and made part of the display - so that benign theory's out the window.
Investigator Dev is perplexed as he considers motives for murder and the allure of Mosaar, which is attracting more visitors all the time. His identity as an SSA operative and his secretive mission to ferret out truths runs headlong into situations in which he must reveal both his intentions and his background to scientists involved in his latest case.
Harry Dehrian excels in contrasts of perception and assumption that pepper this vivid story of mortals and struggles for power and purpose. He portrays rich junkies, thieves, arrogance, and struggles for control among various sectors of society, building characters that hold different perspectives about murder and power.
Dehrain deftly dovetails the bigger picture of galaxy-changing environments and encounters with the narrowed scope of an investigation which expands to embrace situations well outside Dev's comfort zone and experiences.
He builds tension on many levels, centering them in a strange world that offers eye-opening revelations to visitors and strategic opportunities for those who would wield schemes in novel ways.
The result is a gripping saga that blends murder mystery with bigger-picture thinking about interplanetary politics and advanced technology as it affects communities and disparate worlds.
Sci-fi readers should anticipate a weighty world-builder on par with George R.R. Martin's Game of Thrones series. The story's attention to detail and intricate dances between special interests and characters juxtaposes a host of concerns and clues to puzzles that traverse different environments, from political to psychological concerns.
Libraries seeking weighty but attractive space opera stories designed to attract readers of fantasy and sci-fi with scenarios that are unexpected, compelling, and thought-provoking will find the weave of entertainment and educational value in Innocents, Immortals, and Amoral Gods makes the book attractive to book clubs and reading groups, as well.
Packed with action and intellect, Innocents, Immortals, and Amoral Gods is substantial, to be sure... but it will prove a winning addition to collections strong in sci-fi that is more than a cut above ordinary. What Innocents, Immortals, and Amoral Gods requires of its readers in intellectual acuity is more than rewarded by an absorbing story that is powerfully compelling and hard to put down.
Dark Paradise
Gene Desrochers
Acorn Publishing
9781947392168, $24.63 Hardcover/$13.99 Paperback/$3.99 eBook
Dark Paradise is a Boise Montague mystery centering on a return home that proves anything but comforting:
I hate it when I go to visit an old friend and he's been murdered.
Boise is already emotionally compromised after his wife's death, but the paradise he remembers from his childhood Caribbean island home is no longer the same. However, neither is he. His investigate prowess was crippled by recent events - but that doesn't mean he's incapable of connecting the dots to solve a case revolving around a death that hits far too close to home.
A hunt for his friend's killer in the island city of Charlotte Amalie involves Boise in the concurrent investigations of reporter Dana Goode, who is trying to solve a kidnapping. Home isn't what it used to be. Boise and Dana join forces to probe what turns out to be a hornet's nest of subterfuge and dark intentions.
Gene Desrochers's mystery not only delves into Caribbean culture and atmosphere, but creates a compelling portrait of two individuals joined by similar experiences and drives to uncover the truth. The psychology of their interactions and revelations enhances the atmospheric island backdrop. This not only draws readers, but lends a powerful 'you are here' feel to evolving events.
Of special note are the explorations of cultural connections that help newcomers to Caribbean matters understand the diverse nature of these islands:
Most Saint Thomians were of African descent, brought over as slaves to harvest sugar cane. I suppose that's another difference between Santa Anna and me. He came from an elite Mexican military family. I came from African slaves and Europeans making babies together.
Why does this matter? Because it lends explanation and authenticity to the complicated relationships which emerge during the course of mystery problem-solving, offering added value with backdrops and information that allow readers to fully appreciate the evolving dilemmas.
Realistic dialogue is also strong as Boise and Dana interact, with narrator Boise's first-person perspective further enhancing the immediacy of his impressions and encounters:
"Yeah, I comin,' I comin,'" I shouted. I stumbled over my sneakers and cursed before finding the light. The sun had taken the morning off. Dana stood there, using a dripping umbrella as a cane. "Shit, it takes a long time to get up here in the goddamn rain," she said as she pushed her way past me and sunk into my only chair.
The result comes steeped in sultry island politics and culture, giving Dark Paradise an especially realistic and compelling countenance. This makes it a top pick for libraries and mystery genre readers seeking stories that are immersive and as captivating in their sense of place and personalities as they are in whodunit revelations.
Sweet Paradise
Gene Desrochers
Acorn Publishing
9781952112379, $29.99 Hardcover/$13.99 Paperback/$4.99 eBook
Sweet Paradise is the second book in the Boise Montague island mystery series, and focuses on Boise's ongoing challenges settling into his Caribbean island home.
His new private detective agency has only one problem - a lack of clients. This leads Boise to welcome a job he might ordinarily eschew when a wealthy client assigns him to locate his missing grandmother. Easy, right? Wrong.
The more Boise investigates, the more connections he uncovers between island affairs, families, and hidden motives for a murder. These unfold to challenge a wide circle of people. His probe ties into the underlying cloud over the island which he'd sensed upon arrival as well as his own past and doubts about his future, lending further tension and unexpected developments to his investigation.
Sweet Paradise may be an adjunct to Boise's first story, but it also stands nicely alone for newcomers. This book, steeped in Caribbean history and culture, proves easy to absorb without any prior familiarity with Boise's past escapades.
St. Thomas comes alive (even though the subject here is death), as does Boise, whose search for the truth and a murderer leads to a reconsideration of mortality and his future in this dubious island paradise.
Psychological notes of insight revolve around Boise's 'reactionary nature' and the shifting subjects of his investigation, leading him into ever-murkier waters surrounding St. Thomas and his former concepts of paradise and peace.
Whether Boise is probing how his employer perished or engaged in bigger-picture philosophical reflection, his psyche and perspective are presented in a manner that dovetails fine tension development with reflective moments:
Everything was slathered in green trees and brush. One ruin stuck out and one white house. All that life. All that death.
Boise's insights on connections which are 'dead and alive' and strained family relationships lends further realistic value to the murder mystery.
Sweet Paradise is another fine foray into Caribbean island culture and the threats imposed not just by murder, but undercurrents of intrigue and secrecy.
Libraries either seeing popularity with the first book or interested in an excellent stand-alone, Caribbean-centric murder mystery will find Sweet Paradise attractive and involving.
Crime Paradise
Gene Desrochers
Acorn Publishing, LLC
9798885280716, $14.99 (Paperback) $28.99 (HC) $7.99 E-book
Ordering: https://books2read.com/u/318own
Out of the three Boise Montague mysteries, Crime Paradise creates the most uncommon and compelling of stories, building on previous Caribbean paradise settings to involve Boise in a personal dilemma that places him in the heart of a storm of death.
Imagine waking up with a hangover on a beach... only to find three dead women around you, with blood all over your clothes and no memory of what has transpired. That would make you a suspect in anybody's book. But Boise's role as a PI places him in the uncomfortable role of being both the likely perp and the only person who can truly investigate what really happened, even though the authorities and legal system are ready to condemn him from the start.
It's a challenge to investigate oneself in the best of circumstances. However, even though Boise is at his lowest point in life, his ability to reveal truth serves him well in perhaps his most important case to date.
Once again, Gene Desrochers steeps Boise in the Caribbean culture and world of his new home, but adds further enlightenment about the psychological drives, turmoil, and forces which seem to repeatedly thwart his desire for a peaceful island life.
Not only does paradise turn out to harbor more than enough killers, but Boise's search for the truth also involves a self-analysis that reveals facets about his life and choices that he'd never acknowledged before.
As Boise's world expands from St. Thomas to Los Angeles, readers follow in his footsteps to encounter unexpected facets of Virgin Islands life and connections to Boise's own darkness and past.
Libraries that choose Crime Paradise, either as a stand-alone mystery or as an adjunct to the other 'Paradise' legal and PI thrillers, will find this story even more compelling and engrossing than its predecessors.
Perhaps this is because Crime Paradise adds more personal inspections as Boise probes his own past... or maybe it's because of the nature of the crime itself, which pulls the savvy investigator into truths he's never acknowledged about either himself or island life.
Either way, libraries and readers seeking a solid investigative piece which crosses from murder mystery to legal thriller and back again, building with powerful characterization and "wow" moments, will find Crime Paradise an exceptional read, worthy of adding into any mystery collection or onto recommended reading lists.
Hang Fire
Anthony Mora
The Royal Penny Press
9780991237036, $14.95
Hang Fire is a novel inspired by a true Hollywood experience, and thus comes steeped in a "you are here" sense of realism that brings to life the setting and encounters of 2019 Hollywood and a writer whose books might be translated to the big screen. Or not.
Movie producer Lanier is a hustler adept at dangling the carrot of fame and fortune to struggling novelist James Lansing. As James comes to find her spiel strong and her promises vague, he discovers that success is not right around the corner, as promised, but well up the street.
All James really wants to do is write, with the financial security to back up this effort. It all seems so simple. But his growing association with Lanier is anything but uncomplicated, and his growing awareness about her and Hollywood begin to overshadow his creative ambitions in a manner that ultimately affects his objectives.
Anthony Mora introduces and then intermixes a host of disparate characters who each harbor their own visions of personal ambition and Hollywood success. Each seems destined to fail in one way or another, confronting promises and possibilities that prove challenging in different ways.
Mora's ability to capture Hollywood's milieu with the hopes and dreams of aspiring actors, psychiatrists, and others who move within its boundaries makes for a story replete with action-packed discoveries.
He also juxtaposes wanna-be film writer James's psyche with that of Jerry, who enters the story early, posing a question to his psychiatrist about if she would be required to report the confession of a wanna-be murderer. Jerry, too, is writing a script. And his psychiatrist is a former actress whose online image contrasts with the staid countenance she tries to maintain with Jerry and her other clients.
Everything entwines in Mora's novel... so much so that the culture and psyche of Hollywood assumes a complexity that other novels about Los Angeles rarely achieve. This gives Hang Fire added value, boosting the underlying influences and atmosphere of Hollywood which dovetail nicely with changing and challenging character ambitions.
These contrasts offer studies in psychological and social perspective that enhance the depth of Hang Fire. Between Lanier's struggle to stay a viable and powerful force in Hollywood and the shared objectives of those around her, the politics and influences of the times come to life:
Jerry sat at his desk, working on his laptop. He was already behind schedule. His plan was to have his sci-fi horror script ready. Once James's film got the green light, they needed to have another project that was good to go. The Hollywood machine needed to be constantly fed and Jerry was more than willing to oblige.
Libraries seeking a different kind of Hollywood saga that follows not just one, but a host of characters into unfamiliar territory will find Hang Fire a winner. Its ability to contrast lives and perspectives, as well as what each of the characters will do and sacrifice for the sake of success, makes for a thought-provoking, lively series of interactions that's hard to put down.
A New America
Aaron Morell
Unconscious Will Publishing
9798218988111, $29 hardcover/$19 softcover/$11.99 ebook
A New America: The State of Independence tells of the new state of Independence which emerges from Midwestern states Kansas to Texas and secedes from the union. Four years after this event, reporter Roman Wolfe enters the boundaries of this state to cover its life, politics, evolutionary process, and challenges.
The fictional narrative form presents Wolfe's impressions, encounters, and insights on the state's interactions on local and global levels, covering an area under-reported in the U.S. for those interested in a compelling juxtaposition between personal and political relationships.
Astute insights come from the variety of individuals who engage Wolfe during the course of his survey, posing important questions about cause, effect, and ultimate impacts of vision and change on all levels of society:
Juan Diego believed if Independence failed, it would bode poorly for the world and the ideals of liberty and justice. The U.S. would make a big to-do of coming to the rescue, showing the world how generous and forgiving it was, like a parent taking in her misguided children. After so much suffering, who wouldn't be happy to return to the old ways?
Perhaps now is the best time for Aaron Morell's book to appear... in the midst of national turmoil that impacts personal relationships as much as politics with questions of control, power, and law.
Morell's ability to step into a milieu fraught with struggles that seep outside the new state's borders into the greater world at large, affecting reporting focuses and altering perceptions of what constitutes a fact, gives the story a powerful atmosphere that makes it hard to put down.
Many nonfiction elements give additional food for thought to audiences interested in modern American political and social dilemmas. Meanwhile, the added value of dramatic fictional embellishments keeps the saga fast-paced, filled with unexpected discoveries, and relevant to anyone interested in shifting arenas of American legal, political, and social endeavors.
Libraries that choose A New America will find its marriage of fiction with nonfiction realism to be engaging and worthy not just of leisure reader recommendation, but to book clubs and political discussion groups interested in a range of subjects, from America's future and the rights of states to divide and grow to the freedoms and mandates of journalists charged with reporting these events and their underlying motivations and challenges.
"What is it about this country that makes it worth suffering for?"
That is the question. The answers will surprise.
Eliot Parker
Rough Edges Press
c/o Wolfpack Publishing
9781685494193, $12.99 paperback/$2.99 ebook
Double-Crossed is another Ronan McCullough techno-thriller that continues to explore Ronan's life and investigative career.
Ronan is still recovering from the emotional and physical challenges of his last case - but there's little rest for the weary when it comes to crime-busting. A federal agent's gruesome murder leads him to probe a professor's cleverly-coded money laundering scheme. This then forces Ronan into a situation where even knowing about the encryption places him on a killer's hit list... even if he doesn't yet understand its meaning and applications.
When he does, that just makes him more vulnerable as the clock ticks down on resolution, forcing him into a dangerous cat-and-mouse game where vying forces struggle to fund crime and disable any inquiries.
Eliot Parker creates a memorable, capable protagonist in Ronan. His latest adventure requires no prior reader familiarity with Ronan's exploits in order to prove accessible to newcomers.
The detailed probe not only comes from Ronan's approach to problem-solving, but the involvements of perps well capable of wielding the combined forces of money, power, and death. Comprehensive descriptions of these efforts will especially please detail-oriented detective story readers, providing background information key to understanding how forces conduct themselves:
Reno Senghavi had been smart and developed his own blockchain. Thus, he was able to acquire CompCoins early in their development, where one CompCoin could be worth over $50,000. Tomasi's mole found out that Senghavi had made a sizable withdrawal from his retirement account to purchase CompCoins. The fluctuation in their value made them worth over 350 million dollars now and Gordon wanted it before Tomasi discovered it.
These elements combine well with emotional discoveries and revelations that keep readers interested in Ronan's character and his comprehension of his strengths and limits through important self-assessment processes:
Ronan's eyes became glassy as he thought about those moments that had tested him physically and mentally beyond anything else in his career. He shook off a chill.
The tension is nicely developed, a wide cast of characters contribute many disparate notes of interest to the plot, and the complex engagements and plans are not only readily understandable, but involve twists and turns even seasoned techno-thriller readers won't see coming.
Libraries that invest in Double-Crossed will find it easy to recommend to patrons looking for its winning blend of complexity, psychological revelation, and well-developed, realistic action and confrontations.
Curtis Stephen Burdick
Gene Freak Publishing
9798873860265, $9.99 Paperback/$.99 ebook
Shanghai'd blends history with action-packed fictional adventure in a novel that focuses on the experiences of Boston-born Joshua Cabot. Here is an educated young man enticed to travel to San Francisco for a job that promises to land him the fortune needed to open his own science lab, his ultimate goal.
When a personal tragedy leads Joshua to drink, he's abducted from a San Francisco saloon and conscripted into service on a merchant ship sailing for China.
The story's subtitle, "The Adventures Begin," portends that this is an introductory book in a series - but that's not to say that Shanghai'd reads as though it's been artificially divided to produce multiple books.
All the action, adventure, and tension is well-developed, creating a stand-alone story steeped in nautical, psychological, and historical experiences as Joshua navigates a very different outcome than he'd anticipated from his choices, and a situation which leads him to travel the world.
Curtis Stephen Burdick develops a powerful "you are here" feel to the story:
Once beyond the Gulf Stream, one hundred miles southeast of the coast, the fourth mast was fully employed, as were the jibs off the bowsprit. Soon after, having encountered favorable winds, the clipper was under full sail, and the Sea Squall soon reached the unheard-of speed of seventeen knots in the spring of 1848 - twenty miles per hour - the fastest speed ever recorded by a commercial sailing vessel. Its overall average speed would be less, and its actual distance traveled would vary based on the direction and velocity of the prevailing winds, but the days at sea that were saved by the clippers were truly significant. It quickly allowed the ship owners involved to charge ever-increasing premium passenger fares and freight rates that allowed them to recover their investments in record time, especially once news of the discovery of gold in California exploded throughout the U.S. and, immediately after, around the world.
This example shows that reader need not arrive with prior historical knowledge about the 1800s in order to absorb its social and political nuances. Burdick provides all the details necessary to understand Joshua's perceptions, decisions, and their impact.
This gives a compellingly rich flavor to developing events, which reach out to educate and embrace readers in many different ways.
As Joshua steps into his new world and duties, readers follow the daily operations of ships making long-distance journeys from America to Asia. This also imparts a realistic, absorbing countenance to nautical experiences of the times, as well as offering cross-cultural perspectives between white Americans and residents of other countries.
Burdick's attention to detail and the depth with which he explores and presents Joshua's world results in an especially inviting saga that will both entertain and enrich readers of lively fiction.
Libraries seeking a novel that operates in many different ways - as a swashbuckling adventure, a story of kidnapping and revised directions, a historical work packed with insights about the times, and a rollicking, action-packed saga - will welcome the opportunity to add Shanghai'd to their shelves.
Alison Monda
Independently Published
9798989513406, $17.99 Paperback/$24.99 Hardcover/$7.99 eBook; Audible TBA
Fearless is a memoir perfect for audiences seeking vivid, action-packed memoirs and wanna-be adventurers who would ride alongside Alison Monda into the fabulous and challenging world of the outdoors. Her confrontations with nature and develop in hilarious, eye-popping, and thought-provoking "you are here" moments that creates reflections on long-distance plane travel:
I had just bought tickets to New Zealand to backpack 272 miles on the most dangerous section of the 1,864-mile Te Araroa trail - by myself. But first I had to get on the plane. I hate flying. I once got a prescription for Xanax to help with the fear, but that plan failed when I became convinced I wouldn't be able to save myself if the plane went down because I'd be too high thinking about more important things, like what the color blue tasted like. I'd be screwed if we crashed. Plus, if I did survive, I would be left floating in the ocean on a door for days eating only seaweed, the pubic hair of the sea.
Take this as one reflective example of Monda's special voice, which continues throughout her saga, whether she's confronting the impact of her dangerous, erratic life on a new dog she is forced to rehome or backpacking into danger, newly healed from her last exploit, with a friend:
We hiked into the dark gorge, enthusiastic for what the evening would bring. The morale was high until I got a bad gut feeling. I couldn't put my finger on it because my gut sat inside me, but something was off. I couldn't figure out what it was. I found no real reason to leave other than that my stomach had sunk for a moment and I thought it might fall out of an opening somewhere. I shrugged the feeling off.
Fellow adventurers may not have the guts or moxie to attempt half of Monda's exploits, but as an armchair adjunct of danger and survival, it's the next best thing to personal involvement:
"Don't worry, cougars don't swim, so it can't be a... cougar," I said, pretending to scan for a way through the swamp.
"I'm not afraid of animals out here. I'm afraid of humans," Flatlander said.
Libraries seeking a fresh, enthusiastic adventurer's voice will find Fearless an astute, completely compelling examination of nature and the great outdoors, human folly, and the passion of a life explorer who translates her fearless attitude to all kinds of experiences:
I can dive with sharks one hundred feet beneath the ocean's surface and go on to accept a position as a rescuer swimmer at my work, despite being afraid of deep water. And even though I am scared of being hurt again, I continue to go on dates. I am afraid of failing like anyone else, but I put myself out there because every time I fail, I'm closer to that fucking win. Fearlessness grants you genuine badassery.
Valerie Biel
Lost Lake Press
97810771386528, $19.99 Hardcover/$12.99 Paperback/$4.99 eBook
Haven is a middle-grade story about family violence, flight, and a young girl's opinion that her revised living circumstances are her fault (for calling 911 on her drug-dealing, abusive father).
Despite the new life she and her mother are now living in a small Minnesota town, 11-year-old Mardella and her mother still suffer from the turmoil that has impacted their lives in the past. They still feel threatened, even though her father is now in jail. The emotional cost of these events lingers in both their minds. Physical freedom only goes so far when mental anguish remains.
The process of rebuilding their lives - especially when their new home is at Rest Haven Senior Living, where her mother now works, surrounded by residents over the age of 65 - leads Mardella to finely tune efforts to make friends of all ages, forcing her to cultivate positivity over these vast changes.
More so than most books about victim relocation and recovery, Haven offers middle graders the opportunity to connect the dots between attitude, choice, and revised outcomes in all kinds of situations. Mardella notes the changes in her reactions to life, exploring them in a reflective manner that encourages young readers to consider their own options:
Mardella surprised herself with her confident answer. Even though she hadn't told her the whole story, it felt good to tell Ginger as much as she had. Mardella was surprised that she could keep going and not run and hide like she used to when she felt this way.
Equally astute are lessons about responsibility, Mardella's growing ability to acknowledge and accept her faults and mistakes, and her revised capability of identifying responses that stem from her keeping a watchful eye on everyone around her, automatically anticipating trouble or disaster.
The rudiments of PTSD as they pertain to and impact a young person's life and recovery becomes a personal odyssey attractive to any young reader - especially those struggling with their own environments and reactions.
Haven is about finding peace and safety from turbulence and chaos. It's also about a girl who grows into a gentler, savvier young person as she reaches for young adulthood more cognizant than her peers of how quickly life can change.
Valerie Biel's compelling story of survival, recovery, and discovery builds a story not only important for libraries and educators to recommend as leisure reads, but which ideally will serve as a point of discussion for classrooms and in middle grade reading circles.
Haven's consideration of different possibilities of healing and recovery, and what truly constitutes finding a safe place during a journey from uncertainty to empowerment, makes for a thoroughly engrossing, thought-provoking saga.
Beyond the Cemetery Gates: The Secret Keeper's Daughter
Valerie Biel
Lost Lake Press
9780998173641, $15.99 Paperback/$4.99 ebook
Beyond the Cemetery Gates: The Secret Keeper's Daughter is a young adult mystery in which teen Chloe decides not to accept the reason for her father's sudden death. It's not an accidental overdose... it must be murder, she believes. And so she embarks on a personal investigation of her father's work as a cemetery caretaker. This leads her into not just graveyards, but the skeletons of family secrets which rise from the dead to threaten her life, as well.
Valerie Biel creates an emotionally rich, suspenseful story that rests as much upon personal revelations and discoveries as it does upon mystery and suspense. The atmospheric descriptions of a cemetery that is actually (and, perhaps, ironically) Chloe's home, her determination and courage in not accepting the easy explanation for her father's demise, and her proactive investigative efforts contribute deeper insights into this empowered yet vulnerable female's determination and psyche.
These revelations are enhanced by a timeline of past events (clearly outlined in chapter headings, so nobody gets lost) that introduce Dean (her father, starting fifteen years before his death), Aunt Maggie, and others from within family and outside of it who contribute to Chloe's determination to uncover the truth against all odds.
Biel's representation of a young woman's dogged decision to buck pat answers and pursue her father's truth into its darkest corners and connections creates a tense, delightful atmosphere cemented by Chloe's first-person inspections. These juxtapose nicely with the impressions of those who love her.
Chapter headings continue to solidify the shifting viewpoints, smoothing the path of a thoroughly engrossing story of confrontation, intrigue, and discovery. Its many unexpected twists and complexity promises its cross from young adult into adult reading circles.
Libraries that choose Beyond the Cemetery Gates: The Secret Keeper's Daughter should be advised that this is the introductory book to a series for young adult and adult mystery readers. Both audiences will share an intense affection for Chloe, whose ability to ferret out the truth leads her into uncharted waters in which family secrets form the foundation of a new life unfettered by complex hidden influences.
Serpent Boy
Suleimane Camara
Soncata Press LLC
9798989857456, $29.95
Readers of African literature and culture who enjoy novels steeped in African communities and social issues will relish Serpent Boy. It's a novel about Kamboda, a boy with physical disabilities, whose condition is considered to hold spiritual significance. When he vanishes, his cousin Maladho N'Gayou becomes obsessed with uncovering the boy's whereabouts, inadvertently stumbling upon hidden truths, shaking long-held traditions, and revealing deadly social and political practices that simmer under the village's surface. These, he feels compelled to confront.
In so doing, Maladho introduces readers to different facets of not just African culture, but a special form of group psychology that condones abhorrent and cruel practices under the name of social propriety and acceptance.
From violence against women and the almost supernatural powers equated to Kamboda's presence in the village to a sense of immediacy cultivated by vivid descriptions, Suleimane Camara's "you are here" feel may challenge some sensitive readers with its vivid descriptions of violence and group dynamics:
"Bakar, this isn't the man we know you to be," one villager said sternly, stepping forward to mediate. Karamoko sat nearby, calmly smoking his pipe, seemingly indifferent to the turmoil unfolding around him. Tombom, scared but strong, watched as her community came together to help her. Even though things were chaotic, she felt safe with the community's help. She lay on the floor, her tears flowing uncontrollably as the pain and shock overwhelmed her.
From questions of insanity, charms, and protection to the involvement of those outside this African community, the events created by Kamboda's birth and disappearance swell into a revolution sparked by relentless probes of old traditions and new thinking processes.
Readers will enjoy the moments of relief that offer atmospheric descriptions, subtly connecting bigger-picture human experiences and events in a philosophical and suggestive manner:
When he had finished relieving himself, Maladho spotted a bird struggling on the ground. The bird couldn't fly. He ran to help it. He gently tried to assist, following its every attempt to take off. But the bird kept falling. He followed the bird, but he didn't realize he had already gone so far into the bush. When the bird finally managed to fly away, Maladho chuckled, "Sly little thing."
These and ongoing psychological, social, and political revelations contribute to this vivid story. It's a journey undertaken because of love and family connection which blossoms into deeper-level thinking about traditions, cruelty, and the changing nature of human interactions and acceptable and unacceptable viewpoints.
Libraries interested in adding more contemporary African fiction to their collections, given prior patron enthusiasm for authors such as Ben Okri and Chinua Achebe, will find Suleimane Camara's Serpent Boy of high value, holding literary acuity alongside important contrasts in moral, ethical, and social thinking. Its analysis of the wellsprings of compassion and love is invaluable to the process of connecting the personal to the political.
Daniel J. Patinkin
9798991336307, $18.00 (retail paperback); $20.00 (autographed paperback available at:
Vestiges's short fiction will especially appeal to audiences interested in emotional stories. It features characters who interact with their environments and react to their circumstances in different ways, employing disparate coping skills.
The opening story, "Departure," outlines the dilemma of 29-year-old Sidney Guthrie, who spends her birthday in the hospital having her stomach pumped of poison, having drunk herself into oblivion. Sidney's discovery that her hospital roommate has participated in World War II leads to a realization that he's the first and only old person she's come to know, however lightly. After she meets a cancer patient shortly before she's discharged, Sidney discovers that these brief encounters have somehow changed her life perspective and trajectory in unexpected ways.
Astute observations of her world and her longtime driver/employee Chandler's support and place in it invites readers to consider their own attitudes towards aging and the nature of both life connections and becoming more mindful:
A tiny, ancient woman with an orangish perm sat in a chair nearby.
"Is that his mother?" Sidney asked Chandler.
"Yes. She's ninety-two."
Another one from the "greatest generation," Sidney thought. They must be utterly befuddled by what this disgusting country has turned into - by people like me who do nothing other than befoul the air and bitch.
In contrast is "The Bodyguard's Tale," which opens with gunfire at performer Polyana's concert. Her bodyguard and head of security Big Don tackles the assailants, but can't prevent disaster as the star's Israeli concert erupts in violence.
Polyana usually doesn't attract the mayhem that more politically charged musicians draw. But in this case, the aging Big Don is pushed to his limits as he effects a rescue, then finds himself trying to save a life for only the second time in his career.
As explosions and more violence lead him to epically fail both himself and his mandate to protect another, Big Don emerges from the fray a year later a broken man in more ways than one, confronting the vestiges of his past and considering if he has a future worth living for:
...he had lost all faith in himself. Even if he could recuperate his body, he had lost his instinct, his edge.
Each story captures an important pivot point in a character's life. Each is a masterful interplay of emotional growth and transformation offering readers hard-hitting scenarios and realistic characters.
Libraries and readers interested in short story collections that soundly rest on a blend of psychological enlightenment and responses to life will find Vestiges compelling, diverse, and worthy of reading group discussion. It allows readers to link their own turning points to characters who find their lives and objectives shifting in unexpected ways.
At the Heart of the Game
Paula Benge
Walking Hill Press
9798991332002, $14.99 Paperback/$4.99 eBook
At the Heart of the Game follows seventeen-year-old softball pitcher extraordinaire River Harte to college, where she discovers that pursuing her dream at a higher level is a very different game.
Both competition and the squad she participates in operate in ways she has yet to master. Add an undercurrent of romance with a math tutor and River has her hands full not just with softball, but life.
From the start, Paula Benge embeds her story with extraordinary players and events. These are driven by the dilemma of moving from a familiar high school milieu in which softball has become a mastered art to college-level sports in which the same game has all new players and challenging routines.
River's best game is challenged by elite-level competition. This demands she step up in extraordinary ways. Surprisingly, even her increasingly obsessive dedication to improvement does not earn her the expected achievements - or accolades:
He waits until I look up. "I've been doing this a long time, you know. Obsessive practice isn't what makes the difference. Purposeful practice does. You need to focus on your snaps and relax after releasing the ball. Follow through." He narrows his eyes. "I recognize that you're a hard-working athlete, but don't forget that progress is made during rest periods. You're too tense. It's defeating the purpose."
When she is unjustly accused of something that could kill her budding career and college experience, River grapples with more than just love and sports. Her new mandate is to clear her name and respond to challenges far from her usual comfort zones that stem from too-adult, complex situations.
Young adult and new adult readers who choose At the Heart of the Game should have some prior interest in softball, as its rules, games, and players are the heart of River's experiences. River's first-person voice brings her dilemmas to life, powering a riveting play-by-play story in which the college experience feels real.
This will especially intrigue young adults on the cusp of their own higher education experiences, whether or not they are sports players, bringing more facets into play than academic challenges alone.
What do you do when your best isn't good enough? That's one of the key themes running through River's experiences that give her readers food for thought and fodder for book club and group discussions:
Best softball player, Dad had said. Don't let your team down. I hadn't known to ask what happens after you've done your best and your team leaves you behind, anyway.
Libraries choosing At the Heart of the Game for its appealing image of a strong young female softball player will also be attracted to its strong psychological growth component. This makes the novel of widespread interest and attraction, highly recommendable for young adults entering college and new adults finding themselves in the eye of maturity's storms and requirements to step up into adulthood.
The Good War of Consul Reeves
Peter Rose
Blacksmith Books
9789887674870, $17.94
The Good War of Consul Reeves opens with a prologue of a 1945 assassination in Macao, but the main story begins in 1941. It tells of counsel John Reeves, who takes up his post in the Portuguese colony of Macau in southern China six months before war breaks out.
Unexpectedly, Macau, being Portuguese, becomes one of the few ports of neutrality in Asia. This places John in the unusual position of being the sole representative of the Allies in the region. Of necessity, this also demands that he oversee spy rings and intelligence efforts, supervise refugee safety, and more.
Peter Rose's compelling story revolves around an ordinary man dedicated to doing his duty, who finds his quiet pursuits inadvertently become a pivot point during the chaos of war. Rose depicts John's countenance and concerns with a solid hand to considering how ordinary individuals became caught up in affairs beyond their ken and experience:
Reeves tried to imagine gliding down from the sky in some sort of flying ocean liner to an uncharted tropical paradise in the South Seas, where a beautiful woman would be waiting for him. He remembered his clumsy fumbling with girls at University and then here he was, a British mid-level civil servant in an obscure posting. Languid women in tropical gardens did not wait for people like him. He had his life with Rhoda and his daughter. They would be here soon, he was sure. His daughter would surely get better and Rhoda and he would finally grow close. He would make a success of his time in Macao.
Even more importantly, the novel weaves the political and military confrontations swirling around this dutiful man in a way that readers can readily understand how the personal (and psychological) can dovetail with unexpected events to influence and direct not just individual lives, but the courses of nations.
Rose is particularly adept at adding elements of surprise to his "you are here" atmosphere to keep readers engaged in the good counsel's challenges and confrontations:
There was a shout from two of the Japanese officers and all three stood up, opening the flaps on their holsters and this time grasping the handles of their sidearms. Colonel Sawa took a step back and grinned at Reeves. It took Reeves a few seconds to realize what was happening, that his hand was resting on the top of his revolver, and the Japanese officers had reacted. This was very much like one of those scenes in a Western film where the sheriff was in a standoff with some villains. How would this scene end? Would Colonel Sawa actually kill a consul? This was not part of the plan. Why was this happening?
These build a strong historical novel replete with unexpected twists and events that keep both protagonist and readers on their toes.
As Rose points out:
The definitive work on Macau during the War has yet to be written. There must be accounts within the Japanese and Portuguese archives (just the documents from Portuguese intelligence and the Macao police would be enthralling) which would round out and amplify the picture we now have of this fascinating period.
The story of Portuguese Macao does not receive widespread attention. This is yet another reason why this particular World War II story is a standout. It's highly recommended for libraries and readers that would absorb its little-discussed history in a way that personalizes and draws audiences who may hold little prior familiarity with either the colony or its history.
Alaric Cabiling
Independently Published
9789694892016, $15.99 Paperback/$3.99 eBook
Below entices horror readers with a special brand of intrigue. It depicts a zombie pandemic that hits modern society, adding realistic elements of street crime, drugs, and illegal activities to set the new threat of apocalypse within a bigger picture of social disintegration and modern unrest.
The story opens in 2022 Manila, site of the first zombie apocalypse. Here, one of the poorest districts in the city erupts in flames, forcing the zombies (largely drug addicts, as well as those who have been bitten) from their refuges.
Alaric Cabiling's use of the first person viewpoint places the narrator's readers smack in the middle of this environment, offering a bird's-eye view of unfolding events as well as a personal connection to the ghetto life that birthed them:
After infected cases started increasing in the shanties where we lived, they spread like wildfire. Literally. Fires burned down homes. Bodies fell into the stagnant tarn. The polluted bay filled with corpses. It was Armageddon.
The narrator who observes all this was a child when it all began. His early survival instincts have placed him in the rare position of being able to document the addiction and struggle which existed long before zombies struck the Philippines:
Life in Tondo before the zombie apocalypse was hard enough. You were a slave to the grind, the worst way how - scavenging for recyclable wastes, going knee-deep in refuse.
Cabiling's ability to cultivate both lines of insight within the context of a gripping horror story of how an already-malignant society faces its deadliest invasion creates food for thought, revealing not just survival tactics, but the cost of maintaining civilization on the backs of so much suffering.
Readers well versed in the horror genre will find this approach stands out from the crowd in many unexpected ways. Cabiling's approach moves the plot from a survivor's story to an examination of how zombies and life-challenging events reflect the greater divide between rich and poor and different stratas of life in the Philippines.
As the scenario moves to the U.S. and its vastly different communities, readers receive changing atmospheres that emphasize not only the differences between first and third world nations in how they live and respond to disaster, but in survival possibilities and threats which emerge from the surface of normalcy. Cabiling's attention to detail lends a "you are here" feel to evolving situations that move from dramatic to staid, much as the rhythms of daily living:
We drove down the freeway at a relatively slow speed. Cars and trucks hurtled by. The officer asked me if I wanted the windows down. "Cool day today. Want to feel the breeze?" he asked. I was glad he was laid back. "Sure," I said, like an American teenager. He rolled down my window with the touch of a button, and cool wind rushed though my hair. It felt like Baguio or Tagaytay in the Philippines, towns with cooler climate because they were way above sea level.
The tension of news media reporting as the world gets on board with what has begun in the Philippines is incorporated into the overall story. This produces a realistic sequence of events that will prove especially haunting in post-COVID years as the zombie horror spreads around the world:
News reporters predicted an outbreak in the United States much worse than the bubonic plague and coronavirus pandemics from years past. Or worse than the zombie pandemic in Asia. Worse than what I experienced in the Philippines.
The result is a powerful apocalyptic zombie story that moves well away from any hint of formulaic writing, immersing its readers in scenarios that are startling, socially revealing, filled with exquisite tension, and hard to predict.
Libraries seeing patron interest in zombie apocalypse stories will especially appreciate Below's literary depth, attention to detail, and perfect contrasts between psychological, social, and action-packed tension. Events evolve with unexpected, horror-packed twists and turns to delight the mind of even the most seasoned horror reader. Below will also attract many outside the horror world who are in search of an engaging, hard-to-put-down, frighteningly realistic story of social and medical ailments that are equally difficult to cure.
The Killing Ground
Larry Lauritzen
Independently Published
9798334257542, $15.00 Paperback/$2.99 eBook
The Killing Ground is a crime thriller that revolves around murder, dangerous border gangs and FBI cat-and-mouse games, and the efforts of border control director Brad Hanley to address what looks like a mole within his trusted operations.
He and his friend Lance Tallbear go undercover to enter a cartel's circle to ferret out the perp, inadvertently sparking a much wider dilemma when they find themselves operating in a vacuum sans either the FBI strength or various other support systems they've relied on in the past.
Larry Lauritzen spins a fine yarn rooted in a desert atmosphere, human follies and plots, and Native American culture. Mystery and thriller readers are treated to a tale well steeped in environmental, cultural, political, and personal issues that draw with realistic backdrops and compelling assessments of danger, honor, and loyalty. Lauritzen's ability to build a compelling story of escalating violence and thwarted objectives creates a plot that proves hard to either predict or put down.
Tallbear's perspective is especially intriguingly displayed as he is pushed to the limits of his ability to consider all angles the investigation and his connections to justice:
Tallbear watched DeLorca amble, pushing his wooden wheelbarrow filled with adobe bricks up the road toward the barns. What was the old man's game? The wind kicked up dust, whistling through the ruins as night closed in. Whispers of the old mission's past drifted down the halls, leaving Tallbear to wonder what secrets they hid or stories they could tell.
This brings readers into the political and social concerns of border patrol operations and motivations on both sides of various related issues. It introduces a more complex series of face-offs and questions than in typical thriller scenarios.
The Killing Ground is a study in loyalty, love, and commitment that brings into play many disparate issues stemming from the clash between different cultures and questions of subterfuge and spying:
Hanley coughed, waving off the plume of smoke. "I think you're expecting the impossible. Especially since we appear to have a traitor giving away our every move."
Like an accusing finger, Hanks pointed his cigarette at Hanley. "You're still trying to use that phantom spy in the office to excuse your recent failures."
Libraries seeking a murder mystery/thriller replete with cross-cultural and intelligence dilemmas that force two men to the brink of their abilities to threaten their lives and ethical commitments and ideals will find The Killing Ground offers a thought-provoking, action-paced story that is delightfully, thoroughly engrossing.
Bending the Arc
Nicholas Gretener
Qualitas Publishing
9781897093146, $14.95 PB, $9.95 Kindle, 486pp
Bending the Arc is a LawForce novel that describes the efforts and engagements of an elite legal SWAT team that balances the scales of justice with political impact. The Texas case that opens this story may not sound so lofty:
"All Ishmael had to do, your Honor, was battle a whale. A great white whale. That's a walk in the park compared to my job here. I need to convince these twelve fine citizens that my client may use his business name in the face of overwhelming odds."
However, independent commercial litigator Steve Shane's courtroom prowess and interests dovetail with those of young idealistic U.S. Attorney General Jonathan Hendrix. Hendrix taps him to become part of LawForce to address the problem of huge civil jury awards that threaten to destroy big companies and destabilize the economy.
Shane finds himself unexpectedly retained in the legal battle of his lifetime when oil and gas giant Wildcat faces the Green Action Coalition in court, only to find that the bad guy may be masquerading as the good one. This holds potentially devastating results that reach far beyond this singular, albeit large, case.
Courtroom proceedings mark back-and-forth games between major players as Shane suddenly finds himself in a legal battle that tests every trick he's ever employed to stay on top of his cases.
Other characters and situations emerge from the fray to add their own elements of subterfuge and spying, hidden agendas, and overt dirty tactics to the mix. These include Herky Cantrell, who works a tough but satisfying job on the oil development well Explorer 7 ("the pride of ARI's drilling fleet") as well as the presence of others involved in "wildcatting" strikes and deadly destructive targeting.
Shane's job takes him out of the courtroom into unfamiliar territory. Here, important evidence key to his case lies at the bottom of the Gulf, while sabotage, leaks, and accusations of negligence muddy his case's waters. Suddenly, he's not so sure that his efforts fall on the side of justice, after all.
Nicholas Gretener crafts a compelling legal and political thriller. It introduces intriguing issues centered on big business, moral and ethical conundrums, and impossible trials. Of special interest are the tactics employed by both sides that add complexity and influence to the case:
Trust Hillerman to use a standard tactic of big-file commercial litigation - if required to disclose anything, bury the other side in a paper blizzard or, more recently, an electronic avalanche. Finding anything incriminating would be difficult.
While Bending the Arc may be defined as a legal thriller, its added value as a political inspection of big and small business connections to economic instability creates extra dimensions of insight. This will prove especially inviting to both legal novel readers and students of litigation's impact on political outcomes.
Libraries that choose Bending the Arc for their collections will find it easy to recommend for its realistic courtroom drama and political scenarios and its bigger-picture thinking about the perceptions and ethics of companies large and small. It features many discussion opportunities for book clubs interested in stories that explore connections between developers, environmental impact, and flawed judicial systems and jurors.
Dear Mama: A Journey Through Poverty, Race, and Resilience
DK Edwards
Independently Published
9798333918413, $19.95 Hardcover/$12.95 Paperback/$4.99 eBook
Dear Mama: A Journey Through Poverty, Race, and Resilience is a memoir set in 1970s and 80s Baltimore. It follows a life story in which a father's betrayal and a mother's persistence shaped the author's world, creating impacts that resonate into future generations.
The story opens with a four-year-old's observation of his family shoveling their worldly belongings into garbage bags. This represents the culmination of months where an increasingly elusive, distant father and shaken mother move from the stability of a grandparents' rental situation into the world.
A father's infidelity is thrust into the limelight in a manner his mother can no longer ignore, forcing the family to react and act in manners that divide them and challenge family connections and personalities.
From the start, Dear Mama expresses candid hope and resilience, paired with the racial experiences, influences, and flavors of the times. This carries readers from personal to social milieus - often within the same descriptive paragraph:
My father carried an unusual air of quietude, his average height complemented by a lean build and a serious demeanor that often masqueraded as anger. His light complexion and striking bluish-green eyes, atypical for an African American, acted as a metaphorical "apartheid pass" in the still largely segregated climate of 1960s Baltimore. This turbulent period was marked by a surge in the black population, civil rights protests, and the riots following Dr. King's assassination. These events added to the already racially tense atmosphere, creating a sense of fear and suspicion towards African Americans.
These observations elevate Dear Mama in many important ways, documenting the circumstances, impact, and undercurrents of prejudice, poverty, and strife that were as much a part of his childhood as family dynamics and struggles.
As DK Edwards carries readers into his childhood, through quests for friendship and connection, and into matters of adult concerns, he crafts a journey through American racial tensions. This account reviews constant moves, severed ties, urban and rural contrasts in experience, and how his mother's determination and sacrifices built his character and life perspective.
Through his tribute to his mother, Edwards creates a concurrent examination of the forces of family and racial struggle that permeate not just communities, but homes.
Moving in its survey of personal and social experiences and their lasting impacts, Dear Mama is the perfect item of choice for libraries seeking examples of how one strong family figure can not just influence, but change the lives of future generations for the better. The pivot points of how such resilience is identified, fostered, and nurtured are especially poignant and thought-provoking.
Reader groups and book clubs interested in family psychology, dynamics, and the concurrent weaving of racial issues into its structure will find Dear Mama holds plenty of fodder for vivid reflection and discussion.
O'Shaughnessy Investigations Inc.: Bangtails, Grifters, and a Liar's Kiss
A.G. Russo
Independently Published
B0DHHL3WHB, $3.99 eBook
Just because O'Shaughnessy Investigations Inc: Bangtails, Grifters, and a Liar's Kiss is the second book in the O'Shaughnessy Investigations Inc. Mystery Series doesn't mean that newcomers aren't welcome here. Indeed, prior fans and those who stumble into its action will be delighted by its investigative lure, atmospheric 1940s setting, and challenging mystery.
Smalley Pauley is missing. Even more importantly, so is a key racehorse he was tending. His gangster brother hires Vic and Maeve to find Smalley - but what they find instead is a boatload of trouble. Another gangster claims he is actually the hiring brother's kingpin and becomes involved in threatening and directing their investigation, and Maeve faces the dual challenges of protecting her younger brother while facing the possibilities about what might have happened to her missing soldier boyfriend overseas.
Vic and Maeve fell into their investigative roles when the detective agency came under their care, but it appears they won't be falling out of them as easily. Too many bosses, too much unsolvable mystery, and too many mobster connections force them to redefine their actions and relationships as they face adversity from more than one direction.
A.G. Russo constantly shifts and juxtaposes personal challenges with intrigue. This flushes out the main characters and adjuncts which were introduced in the previous book, The Cases Nobody Wanted, revealing more dynamic psychological and professional engagements that keep the characters and their followers on their toes.
Even more compelling is the manner in which the twists and turns evolve, moving between the mystery of a vanished man and horse to the bigger pictures of war's impact on the home front, the deployment of a large segment of American society overseas, and the rise of domestic mobster influences.
Readers seeking a detective noir piece firmly rooted in the 1940s will relish the added value of issues of women's roles, soldier experience, and revised family duties placed on those left behind from the war's action. These dovetail nicely with the action and confrontations of the dynamic investigative duo.
Libraries seeking either stand-alone 1940s investigative pieces or stories that fully embrace the social and political concerns of the times will relish how O'Shaughnessy Investigations, Inc.: Bangtails, Grifters, and a Liar's Kiss so neatly and compellingly integrates its subjects that readers become immersed in the realities of the times, drawn into an atmospheric experience that proves hard to put down.
A Stone's Throw
Alida Winternheimer
Wild Woman Typing
9780997871418, $16.99 Paperback/$5.99 eBook
A Stone's Throw is a novel steeped in magical realism and contrasts. It juxtaposes the lives of two women - Minneapolis artist Simona Casale, who discovers she is pregnant on the cusp of her greatest artistic coup to date; and childless Gemma Ledbetter, whose heart aches to become a mother.
They live worlds apart, but when a mysterious woman in a painting steps forth to connect their disparate lives, magic blossoms in an unusual manner that gives each new hope, wisdom, and insights into a realm of women that neither knew existed.
Simona's embryo is becoming a person as, perhaps ironically, she's in the process of reinventing her own life, her art, and the idea of motherhood, which feels like a complication to her life.
Gemma finds a confidante and lover in Nicolai and discovers nuances of sexuality and love that she hadn't experienced before with Peter, but grief over miscarriages and lost opportunities have cast a shadow over her relationships. With her husband out of town so much, who is she accountable to? Is it wrong for her to find love in a friendship that assuages some of the pain of her losses?
Even as Simona converses with her artistic muses and considers their wisdom and surprising insights, Gemma is poised to transform her life in an unexpected way.
Alida Winternheimer dovetails their two lives in a manner that slowly draws together the rich complexity of these worlds, employing the magical, artistic forces that connect them with a creative focus, showing how each woman is creating and contributing to life in a meaningful manner.
Their ultimately collaborative work portends unusual transformations for each woman:
...the plaque that would go on the side wall nearby would explain that the central figure could equally be the artist's mother carrying the artist, or the artist carrying her daughter, making it a mysterious double, or even triple, portrait. It was fitting for a piece titled Womankind, that celebrates the ultimate creative act: life itself.
Libraries and book clubs seeking women's writings that review friendships, the impact of children and grief on life trajectories and choices, and the possibilities of a bit of magic that pushes new transformations in two women's lives will find A Stone's Throw holds much opportunity for discussion.
Beautifully rendered and astute in its contrasts and insights, A Stone's Throw is a top pick for readers interested in art, motherhood, and relationships both connected to and challenged by circumstance, trauma, and recovery.
Steve Schafer
Koehler Books
9798888245781, $29.95 Hardcover/$19.95 Paperback/$7.99 eBook
The room is set to explode. The clock is ticking down. There is no way out. This opener to eMortal then shifts to a scenario in which advanced programmer Liv codes an AI who becomes self-aware - and in so doing, challenges the AI's existence and future, limited by the six-day contest challenge Liv has entered.
She never intended to create an artificial personality, much less one that believes in his humanity. Liv never intended to tell him there was a kill switch on his existence, but when she does, Breck revolts, defying his end date to make a break for freedom while making a case for his continued right to exist.
Steve Schafer shifts viewpoints to get the most action and insight from this situation. The story unfolds not just around Liv and Breck's perceptions, but from memos by team leaders, others involved in AI creations and programming, and even family relationships, which are all affected by the contest's outcome and promise.
Nobody could have predicted what Liv goes through as Breck's simulations mount and the lessons they both receive from her efforts and his responses venture into realms nobody has thought of before.
Moral, ethical, and psychological conundrums evolve in a manner that thoroughly involves readers in Breck's evolutionary process and the impact it holds not just for Liv and the contest, but the world.
Schafer creates a memorable, thoroughly absorbing story powered as much by realistic characters and Liv and Breck as it is by bigger-picture thinking about AI perceptions, rights, and concerns. He humanizes the AI component in a way that makes Breck a likeable character whose determination to 'stay alive' rivals that of any real human.
His choice to contrast chapters between Liv's spring break experiences and Breck's evolving persona simulations creates especially thought-provoking insights as the plot moves into arenas that highlight issues of freedom, control, and life choices.
Libraries and readers seeking an action-packed, vivid story that embraces far more psychological depth than the usual singularity AI exploration will find eMortal more than a cut above the ordinary. Young adult and new adult readers will appreciate the growth Liv experiences as she tackles technological and psychological shifts in her experience and education.
Packed with shifting perspectives, satisfying twists and turns, and objectives which challenge all participants in novel ways, eMortal is a top recommendation for both leisure pursuit and book clubs interested in discussions about the morals and ethics of controlling AI creations that might evolve independent thinking.
Grandma Marjorie and the Feathered Pirate
Melissa Robinson and Olga Sall
Paper Parrot Press
9781965281024, $19.95 Hardcover/$10.95 Paperback/$2.99 ebook
Picture book readers who appreciate colorful stories of adventure and action, as well as read-aloud adults who look for stories of elderly characters who are proactive and engaged with the young, will relish Grandma Marjorie and the Feathered Pirate.
It presents a child's-eye view of a granddaughter's observations of her "magical" grandmother, who "...decided when she was young to never grow up." Thus, this grandmother is able to play and engage in mischief like a child. It isn't until the young narrator is six years old that she realizes how truly amazing her grandmother is.
One day, Grandma invites her granddaughter to accompany her and her parrot on an adventure rather than just baking brownies. And it's not one that involves Grandma's golf cart (her usual mode of transport), either.
As magic unfolds, Melissa Robinson and Olga Sall create a compelling scenario in which grandmother and granddaughter take a trip down memory lane, face off a large thieving seagull, and take full advantage of parrot Misty's amazing abilities.
Laughter and risk-taking permeate a story that emphasizes the wonder of sharing experiences and new adventures in life. Surprises, action, and magical encounters power a story that also delivers a subliminal message about the elderly and the possibility of engaging with and understanding opportunities for adventure and new life discoveries no matter what one's age may be.
A concluding section of African Gray Parrot facts and a game that helps youngsters test their observational and recollection skills enhances a story packed with action and winning, colorful illustrations.
Libraries interested in a vivid tale that will attract both young leisure readers and read-aloud adults will find it easy to highly recommend Grandma Marjorie and the Feathered Pirate.
Big Lake Troubles
Jeffrey D. Boldt
Atmosphere Press
9798891324763, $27.00, HC, 276pp
9798891324596, $18.95 PB, $8.99 Kindle
Big Lake Troubles is a novel of social, political, and legal trouble, delivered in the form of an eco-thriller that continues the saga begun in Blue Lake. No prior familiarity with the background is required, however, in order for newcomers to find Big Lake Troubles a thought-provoking story. Power and politics in a coal shipping endeavor tests the legal prowess of former judge Jason Erickson.
A prologue sets the story in La Crosse, Wisconsin, where Jason has returned to his father's gravesite on the anniversary of his death. Coal is at the heart of these memories and also, apparently, his legal future as he again becomes embroiled in the power plays and manipulations of special interests over shipping and production methods which are create a big impact on the environment.
Jeffrey D. Boldt presents these dilemmas and Jason's controversies and contemplations early in the story. This sets the stage for the action surrounding vying special interests:
The fate of the world was at stake. But was he up to the challenge? Had Tara's death killed some part of him too? The part that gave two figs - that was willing to do more than post pictures on Instagram?
As Jason struggles to continue healing from losing Tara and considers his own ethical and moral prowess in the face of unrelenting forces, a host of characters enter his world, adding their own interests and influences to his choices and confrontations.
These create excellent tension and unexpected developments in the plot as Jason navigates mysteries, legal challenges, and matters of the heart. All these threads lend depth and interest to his character, as well as to the bigger picture of planetary environmental impact and individual responsibility in combating or acquiescing to forces interested in profit over preservation.
From his involvement with girlfriend Grace Clarkson to his choice of spending the winter in California over helping Grace fight the coal industry in Lake Superior City court, Jason faces many conflicting conundrums that pull him, emotionally and ethically, in too many directions. The contrast between California and Wisconsin milieus are nicely presented.
Readers will especially appreciate how these forces play out on personal and professional levels to test Jason in different ways. These introduce thought-provoking scenarios that book clubs will want to discuss and debate as the thriller steeps its readers in unexpected outcomes.
Libraries that pick Big Lake Troubles for its multifaceted, thought-provoking survey of how new lives are tailored on the experiences and choices of old patterns will find it easy to recommend this book to thriller, ecological fiction, and legal issues readers. Its strong insights on environmental management choices, impact, and hard questions that demand new answers gives it an allure that will translate to Big Lake Troubles's appeal to a wide audience.
Eternal Damnation
Eric Larsen
Atmosphere Press
9798891323476, $14.99 pb/$8.99 eBook
Eternal Damnation: Stories builds themes based on shifting perspectives about reality, history, human affairs, and life's meaning. Each story cultivates both philosophical reflections and extraordinary experiences and observations that include unexpected pivot points. These reflect each character's observation of either eternal damnation or life satisfaction that makes choices worthy of taking risks.
The title story that opens this collection reviews a boy's candid observation that while his family dutifully attends church, nobody really believes in god. An impromptu ball game after church leads the narrator to exact an unexpected revenge for years of bullying - only to realize that his action on this particular day could be a sin worthy of eternal damnation. Still, was it worth the pleasure of revenge?
This contemplative piece is followed by "Whiteout," in which the narrator takes a trip down memory lane to 1953, when he was twelve, to review the source of events that would ripple into 2001. Fifty years later, in 2004, he recalls the blizzard that changed everything when a perspective and illusion was cultivated that challenged reality itself, as well as the progression of civilized society:
I heard the first hint of the catastrophe that was to become inevitable when reading ended and television took over. Television would pander to the population with its trillions of small betrayals that would make the catastrophic betrayal, in September of 2001, invisible to everyone who saw it. Even though they saw it with their own eyes. Or with what had once been their own eyes.
Each short story offers a succinct, hard-hitting, thought-provoking insight into shifts between personal experience and social standards and acceptance. Each reviews the sources of fears, phobias, and illusion in a different way. Another example of this powerfully disparate analytical focus lies in "Failure," in which the origins of unexplained fears and their growth are explored:
I am happy to be free of my old fear of travel - but I regret that it has been replaced of late by a new and different kind of fear, more deadly than what came before it. This new manifestation is withering, ominous, and all but omnipresent. It comes not from the act of moving from one place to another, as my old fear did, but it comes to me, instead, and it comes from everywhere; from extremely loud noises as much as from midnight's dead silence; from within the very things, objects, and structures, even the feelings, that make up the very stuff of life every second of the day. How ironic it is that now, when I'm able at last to enjoy freedom from my old fear by exposing myself only to small things and tiny distances - how ironic it is that, just now, the world itself has changed in such a way that fear, pain, death, and terror seep invisibly out of every curbstone and crack, every lamp post and fire hydrant, every alleyway and window, every brick, hallway, latch, and door, every screen, every face, every pair of eyes.
The collection represents a vivid literary, psychological, and philosophical inspection of life and its fears, follies, and fiercely diverse influences.
Libraries seeking a wide-ranging literary short story collection highly recommendable to book club and reading groups for its astute observations and insights will find Eternal Damnation powerful in both its disparate insights and in its descriptive language and ability to grasp the pivot points which change individual perspectives and lives.
Roller Coaster Romance
Kate Moseman
Fortunella Press
9780999659489, $15.99
Roller Coaster Romance is a sweet romance highly recommended for readers whose main attraction to the genre is its emotional emphasis. While a sweet romance novel can include physical admiration, as well, its primary focus on emotional connections over sexual content lends it a clean countenance that will prove especially attractive to romance readers seeking emotional depth in their stories.
Roller Coaster Romance blends humor into the ironic encounters of a workplace relationship for the added value of whimsical observation as Vanessa's coveted new management position demands she not only navigate potentially treacherous waters between her boss and employees, but similarly field matters of the heart.
As area manager, Vanessa is tasked with handling the four themed lands of Destiny Park. The last thing she anticipated was also navigating love and intrigue.
Kate Moseman juxtaposes Vanessa's perspective with that of Thomas, who holds his own objectives for the theme park and the shows he oversees. The last thing he expected from the new manager was her involvement in an attraction he is charged with building... or the union he is introducing into the park's workplace milieu.
Employee group psychology and relationship conundrums emerge from the political and business atmosphere of the corporation to introduce realistic obstacles (as well as new opportunities) to all the characters. Each has difficult choices to make about their loyalties, objectives, and relationships.
Moseman's attention to detail infuses her story with more than romance alone as Vanessa toes a delicate (and sometimes confusing) line in her new job:
Vanessa placed both hands on her desk for emphasis. "You think I don't want people to make a choice? You're wrong. I've been fighting to protect that choice since the get-go."
Charlotte uncrossed her arms and leaned forward. "Then why are you giving up the fight?"
"Because I can't win. At this point I can only hurt people."
Vanessa, Thomas, Charlotte, and others find more than their jobs (or hearts) at stake as events build towards an unpredictable outcome for all involvements.
Sweet romance readers looking for a compelling blend of action, insight, and growing relationship connections among disparate characters forced to work together will find Roller Coaster Romance notably compelling for its realistic story of workplace and personal challenges.
Libraries seeking clean romances for readers that come infused with psychological insights and depth will find Roller Coaster Romance easy to recommend. It's highly appealing to genre leisure readers looking for realistic scenarios and thought-provoking conundrums that spark not only relationship-building, but love.
Never Have I Ever
Harker Jones
Independently Published
9798350737370, $7.99 Paperback/$1.99 eBook
Never Have I Ever represents young adult horror fiction at it strongest. It presents the story of a dangerous game, 'Never Have I Ever,' which, in the past, attracted a teen who then vanished, and now tests eight modern teens with new challenges.
The lengthening autumn days in Michigan open this story with a prologue that covers the game and its edgy confessional requirements. Amid sexual jokes and LGBTQ+ references lies the undercurrent of a dare that reveals attractions, connections - and possibly something dangerous.
Fast-forward a year later in the first chapter, which is set in the "one-horse town" of Manchester, Michigan. Once again, it's autumn... but this time, the fall season arrives with the angst of precedent. Harker Jones nicely captures this feeling in atmospheric descriptions that neatly round up the small town's psyche:
It was detached from the rest of the world, a population caught up in its own turbulent events, a pall cast over it and its citizens. There was a quiet that did not stem from peacefulness. It was as if the townspeople were afraid to make noise, as if that noise would shatter a spell, a protection spell they feared was tenuous.
The contrast between a town recovering from a terrible loss and the traditions of the season is intriguingly illustrated by a flyer for a scarecrow contest that's placed alongside many others pleading for information about a missing teen.
Biff Branigan, the fabled town "witch" Swampy Susan, and a host of other characters face different kinds of threats, both from their personal evolutionary processes and in town interactions. A student's murder provokes thoughts of revenge and fear as, once again, the town becomes embroiled in conflicting personalities, accusations, speculations, and a growing horror that sparks insights about bullies, cowards, and bravery.
Harker Jones is especially adept at contrasting the high school milieu with the bigger picture of a small town shaken by events usually associated with big-city problems. His delicate weave of personalities and paranoia creates interactions readers won't see coming, and will find especially enlightening and thought-provoking.
As Christa, Scott, and others consider issues of safety and what it means to enter survival mode, young adults receive a story both action-packed and tempered by social and psychological introspection and depth.
Threats, love, worship, and redemption coalesce in a horror story delivered with the bang of the unexpected, drawing in teens interested in the outcomes of not just dangerous games, but relationship choices.
Libraries that choose Never Have I Ever for its satisfying blend of horror and social inspection will find the story exceptional. It's also easy to recommend to YA book clubs and reading groups because it tempers its action with bigger-picture thinking about small towns, relationships, and adversity, all of which offer much food for thought and discussion.
Taking Flight
Jacques Sardas
Archway Publishing
9781665759021, $42.00 Hardcover/$20.99 Paperback/$3.99 eBook
Taking Flight: Short Stories of the Unexpected is a short story collection that's hard to neatly peg. Call it a work of magical realism, "weird fiction," the tales of an uncommon individual whose exploration of different realms leads to revelations about life's bigger picture, or an expose of nonconformist individuals who lead extraordinary lives because of their beliefs and pursuits, but one thing is certain. Its heady mix of personalities and perspectives, centered on Egyptian protagonist Avi, creates a lens of inspection that is delightfully novel and unexpectedly diverse.
Take "The Three Old Buddies," for example. This introductory story revolves around three old friends who decide to get together while their wives go shopping. Sounds simple, right? But these extraordinary men hold shared experiences and roots in Egyptian politics and their flight from their homeland (which has resulted in a comfortable life)... and their latest decision to spend time in Uruguay.
Eddie, always prone to introducing lofty topics that lead to weighty discussions about life, considers the upcoming close of the decade, providing a litany of natural disasters that have challenged or destroyed lives. This casts a pall over their normally-pleasant reunion until the group begins to realize their blessings and luck in being able to meet yet again, despite world threats.
The sense of desperation introduced in this short piece is carried into other stories as Ari begins to reinvent his life perspectives, acknowledging new truths and ideas that accompany his journeys with Eddie, Moti, and others.
Expect the unexpected, from the short story "Cannibalism," which documents what turns out to be a dangerous getaway adventure to Paupa New Guinea to visit the Korowai tribe (which may or may not still be practicing cannibalism), to "My Mother, My Hero," which reveals Ari's deepest desire:
What was the thing I wanted most? What would be my dream come true? After all, I already had everything my heart desired - a happy and healthy family, good friends, success in my professional life . . . What more was there?
There was no doubt: I wished I had my mother with me. I closed my eyes and said to myself, I want my mother back. I want to see her one more time. And I blew out the candles.
Each piece introduces a different facet of surprise and connection to newly evolving relationships between past and present. Each reflects Ari's ultimate journey to reconnect with deceased loved ones as he inspects his own inevitable future and the impact of his life choices.
Libraries interested in literary short story collections which embrace elements of bigger-picture thinking, magical realism, family and friendship connections, and changing ideals of adventure and discovery will find these interconnected tales thoroughly engaging, even as they're hard to define.
This makes Taking Flight: Short Stories of the Unexpected a standout recommendation for those who delight in novel renditions of life experience, miracles, and Jewish heritage.
Safe in Death
S.K. Rizzolo
Independently Published
9798991478502, $12.99 Paperback/$4.99 ebook
Safe in Death: An Esther Hardy Victorian Mystery is set in 1861 England. It follows the exploits of a spinster who finds her only two (distasteful) choices in adulthood (marry, or become a governess) changed when a dying woman lands on her doorstep.
The victim was once considered a person of interest in a murder eleven years prior. Now she has, herself, become a victim. The puzzling circumstances of her demise draws Esther into a strange world replete with hidden villains, secrets - and even unexpected love.
S.K. Rizzolo's prior talents in writing Regency mysteries are just as powerfully exhibited in Safe in Death as Esther not only probes a mystery that tests her mettle and future, but virtually reinvents her life during the course of her investigations.
Rizzolo builds a vivid set of encounters which open with a perfectly ordinary, even dull, day that propels Esther into uncharted territory both personally and, potentially, professionally.
As she probes Alice Denton's life, Esther receives information that demands she not only cough up money, but revise social connections and approaches to her formerly-familiar milieu. Realistic, compelling dialogues between characters help cement these challenges and foster the psychological changes Esther makes in order to deal with people and situations quite distant from her familiar life experiences:
"So that's it. Hardy. The surgeon. I read the story in The Times. I can't say I expected to see the man's daughter in my sitting room. You'd better watch yourself, Miss Hardy, or you'll be mixed up in a nasty affair. That Alice Denton was no better than she should be, from what I hear. Paid up regular and all. But we'd come to a parting of the ways. I'd have chucked her out if she hadn't got herself killed first." She wagged a plump finger.
How to respond? My annoyance had already chilled to dislike. "I did want to learn about Miss Denton's last hours."
From fortuitous meetings and challenging relationships with her mother to the blossoming of new connections and romance that accompany these revised possibilities for her future, Esther's relationships power a story that remains vividly compelling throughout:
I amused myself by ticking off the emotions crossing my mother's face. Irritation. Trepidation. Excitement. Trepidation again. And under it all, I could read her never-spoken fear that every time her daughter walked out the door, there was always a very small chance she would not come back again. Mama had lost one child. Why not another? Nor did it matter how old I got. That would never change.
Much more moves this story than a murder mystery or romance alone. Social issues of the times swirl around adultery, blackmail, illegitimacy, and the shifting roles of women in society, represented by Esther's transformation and newfound strengths.
Readers holding a special interest in women's changing roles in Victorian times will find Rizzolo's research nicely dovetails with the fictional drama, painting astute portraits of fallen women, victims, and issues of respectability and economic stress. Historical figures such as Prince Albert come into play in unusual, realistic ways as the plot progresses.
Libraries that choose Safe in Death for its promise of an enlightening period piece powered by social, political, and investigative questions will find the story easy to recommend to a wide audience. This will include patrons interested in historical fiction or women's issues and those who like either romance or a compelling detective story. Safe in Death features far more depth and detail than most, while maintaining a lively countenance that will attract and hold the interest of leisure readers with a vivid protagonist who becomes immersed in life-altering encounters.
I Want You to Know
Sandy Speers Markwart
Legacy Book Press LLC
9798989117055, $17.99 Paperback/$5.99 ebook
I Want You to Know: A Posthumous Story Told By a Nineteen-Year-Old cultivates an unusual approach for a novel, in that it is firmly rooted in real events, but narrated in the voice of Sandy Speers Markwart's deceased brother Jarett, who explores the impact of his death on the family he's left behind.
An introductory Author's Note explains the background for this story, allowing readers to more fully appreciate its origins, influences, and nuances based on the added bonus of choosing this unusual method to explain events and their emotional results. This first-person voice opens the story with a powerful bang of posthumous reflection:
I see my sister - the youngest - the one who waits for me.
I see her discontentment rising and the inkling of fear that blossoms within.
I see her drive aggressively, leaving the place where I am not, but should be.
She takes the road that is not a road, the dirt path lined with sunflowers that smile and wave at me.
Their tall stalks stand sturdy in the wind. They, like me, will soon lie twisted in the sun.
I didn't see it coming.
Markwart takes the time to firmly root her story in her brother's reality and her family atmosphere. She portrays the family farm environment, taking care to paint realistic and compelling portraits of each family member:
My dad is a wheat farmer who works harder than most and expects the same from his offspring. He is a man of few words. He would tell you that there is no such word as "can't" and that hard work can produce anything you want. He would also tell you that having children is the most important thing that you will do in your life. He loves the country, the fresh air, the open spaces, and the hard work that it demands. He approaches any task with the determination and the work ethic of a Clydesdale. He stands tall in judgement and short in praise.
The accident that propelled Markwart to write this discourse is only one part to a multifaceted story that follows health challenges, life transition points, and revised connections that challenge Sandy and her surviving family to come to terms with many new realizations about their lives and Jarett's ongoing presence.
As time passes and the family structure and challenges change, Jarrett observes its fluctuations and the many family dynamics which come into play.
Readers who anticipate that I Want You to Know will be a work of sadness may be pleased to note that there are many uplifting memories and moments within the story. Even more notable are the psychological insights on this family's dynamics as they continually buffet health problems and a sibling and son's death. These are delivered as astute, insightful moments that deserve reader contemplation as well as book club or psychology group discussion:
My sisters are so alone with everything that is happening to them, and they can't help but cannibalize little pieces of each other - the accusers and the foes alternating - they are the vultures flying overhead looking for an error by another. They dive bomb the aggressor and they say, You are not doing your share, you are not sacrificing all that I am, you do not spend as much time here as I do, you don't take care of them like I do, you need to do more. And so it goes.
These elements, combined with the unusual choice of a posthumous observer, make I Want You to Know an exceptionally vivid story that libraries and readers should place at the top of their reading lists.
More so than most other stories of death, survivors, and family conditions, Markwart's effectiveness in capturing a wide range of insights about the family's evolutionary process gives her novel a particularly vibrant countenance that makes it hard to put down.
Moon Spirit
Fred Gracely
Bisket Press, LLC
9798986136486, $3.99 eBook
Moon Spirit offers YA readers the magical story of Max Berger, a teenage boy who has been abandoned and who lives in an orphanage. His dreams of a lovely girl who seems connected to the moon unexpectedly turn into reality when he meets her in the flesh one night, only to find that she is fleeing a persecutor and wants to give him her magic orb so he can keep it safe if she's caught.
Of course he wants to help. Certainly, he has an open mind for adventure... which seems to conflict with his dream of finding a family. Magic and clashing worlds seem to drive him far from his life and objectives, sending him on a series of mysteries, encounters, and dangerous missions that make him a possible world-saver.
Fred Gracely neatly dovetails fantasy with the realistic portrait of a young boy's efforts to solidify not only his place in life, but his interpersonal connections. A dose of humor enhances the action-packed adventure:
Bob and Lucy were usually asleep in their room by 10 P.M., but as luck would have it, they chose this night to stay up late watching a documentary about the organic tofu industry. Max nearly jumped out of his skin in frustration while he waited for the stupid show to end.
As Max grapples with either returning to his world or utilizing the Orb, the story touches upon good and evil decisions in a manner that leaves young adult readers thinking about the outcomes of good intentions and the possibilities of wielding magic and identifying villains versus good forces in life. Considerations of who is an enemy and who a friend encourage teens to think about their own relationship choices and those developments that force them to either take charge or make difficult decisions and alliances.
As Max expands his circle of friends, teens also receive enlightening information about shifting relationships, personal growth, and setting goals that can be altered in unexpected manners.
Gracely's attention to weaving elements of fantasy and magical realism into a story that ultimately centers on a young man's growth creates a story that simmers with adventure, but rests this action on a foundation of opportunities and experiences that foster maturity and new thoughts about life.
This is why libraries and readers interested in tales steeped in magic will find much added value in Moon Spirit. Its blend of psychological insights and magical outcomes will attract book discussion groups, while its consideration of evolving friendships and nightmares gives it an intriguing depth that makes the novel hard to put down.
The Invisible War
Emily Refermat
Black Rose Writing
9781685134341, $17.95 PB, $5.99, 283pp
The Invisible War is a novel of magical realism, mystery, love, and life that is delivered with a heavy dose of the unexpected. This will especially delight readers who look for surprises in their reading, whether these lie in character evolution or emerging intrigue. The latter stems from a strange hobby farm's ability to lure young Garrison away from his video game passion (no internet helps) into strange encounters that hold implications not just for his life, but all of humanity.
Carly's arrival at the farm, injured and with memory issues, involves Garrison in artifacts, secrets, and new connections as he becomes more engaged with his surroundings.
Given his ability of being able to see and converse with figures that others (such as his parents) cannot acknowledge, Garrison finds himself caught up in an endeavor that reaches out to involve him in his Grandmother Mae's world and life.
Emily Refermat crafts an inviting story of magical realism and discovery that excels in creating contrasts between personalities, worlds, and discoveries. Vivid descriptions bring this world and its characters to life:
The ringing stopped. But it left an echo in the air, an imprint of tension and malice. The side door slamming made Garrison jump. It also broke the spell. Everyone in the dining room got up to follow. Outside, the sky was full of a sunset rainbow. It cast dark shadows among the trees and bushes of the forest. Garrison could hear yelling now that he was outside. And screaming. He shivered.
As Mae and Carly interact, lessons about kindness and giving involve not only their characters, but their readers. These elements elevate The Invisible War into arenas of psychological understanding and evaluative perspectives about choice and consequence that dovetails fast-paced action and adventure with deeper-level insights.
Libraries can easily recommend The Invisible War to YA readers into adult audiences. Its focus on solving mysteries, developing extraordinary problem-solving techniques with the aid of new and uncommon friends, and its survey of another world's new possibilities not only ends definitively, but also leaves the door ajar for more adventures.
The Salaryman
Michael Thuresson
Story Scribe Books
9798986359779, $34.95 Hardcover/$17.99 Paperback/$9.95 eBook
The Salaryman: An American Dude Joins the Ranks of Tokyo's White-Collar Warriors is a memoir of cross-cultural encounters. Delivered with humor, it captures an insider's examination of Japanese business, and will entertain as well as educate any reader interested in Japanese culture or living abroad in the country.
Michael Thuresson gave up his California job to move to Japan and work there. His stories are filled with manga-style drawings by Rena Saiya and Kazuhiro Yoshida which accompany vignettes about workplace and leisure traditions. This colorful approach illustrates, far more than most stories about Japan, the cultural and social undercurrents permeating the Japanese life.
Candid assessments reveal many aspects of conducting and engaging in Japanese business that even books devoted to Japanese cultural differences may not address:
The reality I had to learn is that the world in Japan is benign, and it takes your American survival instincts time to realize that and disarm themselves. There's no need to waste energy worrying about your physical safety; all of it needs to go towards summoning the patience and discipline needed for Manner Mode.
Thuresson's vignettes are thought-provoking and revealing:
There's nothing in a standard suburban American upbringing that prepares you for Japanese Manner Mode. During flu season, one of the Tokyo companies I worked for required employees to have their body temperature measured by a sensor before entering the building, with an HR person standing post at the sensor ready to send you home. Japanese people simply try to gut everything out and must be told to go home if they have a fever.
As the psyche and surprises of the "salaryman" unfold, readers gain a thorough appreciation for this unique brand of worker that Thuresson encounters. These are delivered with a dash of humor that makes Japan and its culture accessible and memorable to those who may hold little prior familiarity with the nation.
Descriptions range from the nation's toilets, where "...the famous charm of Japanese toilets is a godsend" to the distinct lack of workplace snacking, where:
Japanese factories don't allow you to leave the building for a snack, and of course you can't eat at your desk, so by evening, we were coasting on fumes, having eaten nothing but a company-provided bento box lunch.
The result imparts an extraordinary "you are here" feel that nicely captures disparate facets of Japanese business experience. The illustrations and humor both capture these encounters and add attraction and comic relief to the serious situations that lead Thuresson to learn about Japanese perception, routines, and insights on acceptable versus improper behaviors.
The Salaryman should thus be considered a "must" acquisition for libraries interested in Japanese culture, cross-cultural business descriptions, or humor. Book clubs and business reading groups, especially, will find it packed with important points for discussion and consideration.
Being on the Wing
Angela M. Rosenberg
Inside Out Enneagram, Inc.
9781736676738, $18.99 paperback; $24.99 hardcover; $9.99 ebook
Book Two in the Enneagram in Nature series, Being on the Wing: Feathered Reflections of the Enneagram Subtypes, will appeal to readers who love birds, philosophy, and Enneagram typology. While the latter may seem a strange approach to the biology and appreciation of birds, Angela M. Rosenberg here produces a heady experience that defies pat categorization or psychological perspective as it navigates the world of birds in a novel manner.
Lovely color illustrations by Ng Hui Jing enhance the appreciation experience, adding rich embellishments as Rosenberg applies Enneagram concepts to exploring different birder types, from supportive and accomplished birders to conscientious or peaceful birders.
Each category receives thought-provoking analysis and inspection, which leads readers to consider the varied acts of birding itself. One example comes from the aforementioned Conscientious Birder overview:
The Type 1 focuses her binoculars on improvement and is tireless in her quest to perfect herself as well as others. She is conscientious in all of her endeavors, with the highest standards in mind. Her nesting boxes, strategically placed, will meet size and entry requirements for her bird community. Her actual and metaphysical lens is trained toward conservation efforts to preserve increasingly scarce natural resources and prevent the extinction of bird species. If you notice a bird burning the midnight candle to refurbish her nest - I'd bet on a Type 1.
Consider the cardinal: If barren trees are the cold bones of winter, the startling red cardinal represents the perfect, warm, beating heart.
Readers involved in the birding community likely know examples of all these types, but what sets Rosenberg's approach apart from the typical book on birds and the art of birding is its psychological associations between personalities and birding choices, which marry philosophical with psychological insights to cement a better understanding of bird and birder:
To an extroverted Type 2, like me, the owl sets a high branch for how I could aspire to navigate the world. I read somewhere that given the owl's unassuming presence and noiseless flight, they point out the value of not standing out, but fitting in to the world. Quite the exception to the general rule of the current social media notice-me culture. There's great wisdom to be had in exploring the art of camouflage, and much to learn from the unobtrusive owl and the discerning Type 5.
Rosenberg also inserts her own personality and motivations into this exploration, which creates many insights from a personal vantage point that lends to bigger-picture thinking about empowerment, choice, intuition, and other life lessons.
Employing archetypal descriptors, Rosenberg creates an inviting, thought-provoking discourse that explores and connects survival traits, observational style and choice, and bird assignation alike.
Readers may thus come to Being on the Wing with a prior affection for or familiarity with either birds or Enneagrams, but will be surprised (and delighted) by the bigger-picture thinking that weaves archetypes of personality into a model that departs from the traditional nine personality types of the Enneagram Institute.
Widely inviting and uplifting, Being on the Wing is a top recommendation for not just libraries, but discussion groups ranging from book clubs to birders and psychology gatherings who will be interested in Rosenberg's lively, unique connection between personalities, birds, and life approaches.
Fallen Kings: Unholy Secrets
June Gillam
Gorilla Girl Ink
9781732464292, $14.99 Paperback/$4.99 ebook
Fallen Kings: Unholy Secrets depicts a nightmare that unfolds from an Italian family vacation when Professor Hillary Broome's daughter Claire goes missing. This forces her to step up to investigate, but the plot that unfolds proves to involve far more than a singular kidnapping as women's rights and social issues become focal points of threats, as well.
From the start, June Gillam's story of a religious conspiracy grabs reader attention with the news report of a killer's latest victim and the "surge in femicides" that has plagued Italy. This observation of crime and social unrest leads neatly into the first chapter in which protagonist Hillary considers world threats and the vulnerability of her own family:
Hillary poured cream into her Intenso coffee to round out the bitterness. If only she could pour a mantle of protection around her teenaged daughter, Claire.
This observation takes place not on Italian soil but in the U.S., where her daughter's participation in a local Pride parade is accompanied by worrisome headline news from Sacramento that "Local AntiLGBTQ Crimes Doubled."
As events unfold, Gillam creates a moving series of confrontations and characters including Xavier, whose caretaking of the elderly Father Joseph and the possibility of a new romance in online contact Albert swiftly moves into uncharted territory as he becomes entwined with the promise of redemption and religious retribution in Claire's kidnapping and confrontation with Father Tommaso, who harbors a vengeful and cruel perception of absolution:
"Truth is always truth. You are bewitched. We beg you confess before you become insensible to the pain of the flames."
"I confess to loving women and helping others to be proud, but not by witchcraft. This is not a sin!"
These confrontations force LGBTQ+ issues and women's rights to the forefront of a dangerous battle of beliefs and propriety. Events spring to life through Gillam's intense focus not just on crime and Catholicism, but on various individuals who are convinced that their paths are not only individually morally superior, but should form the belief systems of the world around them.
Gillam's approach creates a thought-provoking crime novel that is as much about Italian culture and religious and social systems as it is about one family buffeted by the changes introduced to old-country thought by women's and LGBTQ+ rights.
From the Pope and nuns and prayers to opposition to gender studies programs and a satisfying blend of historical precedent and social changes, the crime story is heightened by Claire and Hillary's perceptions and involvement as special interests clash.
All these elements make Fallen Kings: Unholy Secrets more than a singular crime story, but a satisfyingly complex survey of Italian culture and how religious institutions and social change trends can not only clash, but subvert moral and ethical pathways.
Libraries seeking a blend of crime story and vivid Italian culture will find Fallen Kings: Unholy Secrets an exceptional portrait whose multifaceted topics contribute to a novel that proves hard to put down and impossible to stop thinking about long after the read is over and events concluded.
Delaware from Freeways to E-Ways
Dave Tabler
Independently Published
9798987000663, $42.00 Hardcover/$30.00 Paperback/$9.99 eBook
Delaware from Freeways to E-Ways: First State; Solid State is an overview of Delaware history that surveys the First State's colorful modern history. Dave Tabler does more than chronicle events - he roots them in the personalities, experiences, and spirit of individuals and communities that make up the complex and multifaceted Delaware society as a whole, from the influence and communities of the Nanticoke Native Americans to war heroes, family influences, and companies that pioneered Delaware's unique financial structure and attractions to business.
Tabler weaves local color with bigger-picture thinking in a manner that lends well to both leisure reading and historical insight, creating an attractive read that appeals across broad sectors of audience makeup. One needn't even have a prior familiarity with Delaware, or an affection for the state, in order to appreciate its trends and the figureheads of innovation and change.
Black and white photos, colorful maps and illustrations, and visual reinforcement of these events create additional attraction as Tabler follows the 20th century events that built modern-day Delaware.
From the digital revolution that "swept through Delaware like a tidal wave" to how Delaware's choices influenced states beyond its borders, Tabler uses this wealth of visual imagery to reinforce facts that many readers will find thought-provoking and attractive, whether they be about historical precedent, conservation issues, or individual influence on state and national affairs:
The horseshoe crab is the Delaware State Marine Animal, a major beneficiary of the Coastal Zone Act. (Origami horseshoe crab shown here designed by Michael G. LaFosse, folded by Phillip West/ Flickr.) The Coastal Zone Act of 1971, a landmark in Delaware's environmental policy, aimed at protecting the state's 381-mile coastline from heavy industrialization. This legislation, championed by Governor Russell W. Peterson, reflected a period of growing ecological consciousness influenced by broader social movements. The law continues to stir controversy, symbolizing the ongoing struggle to balance natural world preservation with Delaware's economic growth.
What makes Delaware from Freeways to E-Ways so compelling are these connections, which grow from individual influence and effort to national changes, cemented by a wealth of captivating illustration throughout.
Libraries seeking history titles that are exciting, insightful, and designed to appeal to a broad audience will find Delaware from Freeways to E-Ways a wonderful opportunity for introducing patrons to the lure of nonfiction history and the power of illustration-centric approaches to illuminating these people, places, and events.
Readers who believe history to be a relatively dull collection of dates and facts will find the method of delivery that Tabler employs in Delaware from Freeways to E-Ways to be exceptional, proving that the right author can add fire and vigor to history to make it a lively attraction for contemporary audiences.
The Dark Night of the Soul
Daniel Hryhorczuk
Golden Bough
9781735240039, $14.99 Print/$3.99 eBook
In The Dark Night of the Soul, Ukrainian author Lev Veles's spiritual journey to seek redemption involves a possible family reconciliation, a religious confrontation that shakes his deepest beliefs, and a consideration of the roots of demons and salvation. This occurs against the backdrop of a war-ravaged Ukraine, but is set in Venice. It depicts an existential journey of revelation as Russian daughter Sophia, who has blamed Lev for her mother's demise, discovers that the real root of evil is far more complex than she could have imagined while father Lev's spiritual journey progresses during forty days of Lent, from Carnival to Easter, during which resurrection is contemplated and identified.
Daniel Hryhorczuk crafts a powerful story of faith, death, and life, creating a entwined story of lives buffeted not just by war, but by individual choice and clashing belief systems.
The pandemic and Russia's war on Ukraine serve as important contemporary backdrops for this probe of each character's perspective and life as events unfold in the tumultuous racket of physical, mental, and spiritual confrontation:
"The professor and I first met in the contessa's palazzo several weeks before you arrived in Venice. The contessa organized a small coterie - she and I, Professor Brown, and Father Stephan - to meet in her palazzo on Thursday evenings to share our thoughts on metaphysics. We were all on our own spiritual journeys and thought we could learn from one another. We were following different paths searching for the ultimate reality. Father Stephan was on the Way of Christian mysticism, Professor Brown on the path of humanism, and I was on the path of science."
"And the contessa . . .?" Lev asked, though he already knew the answer.
"She was an enigmatic woman. Father Stephan referred to her as a Benandante, or white witch. She began her journey on the right-hand path, but as the pandemic progressed, her worldview became darker, and she began to explore the left-hand path.
"What's the difference?" Lev asked.
"The right-hand path follows ethical codes and conventions; it seeks union with and dependence on God. The left-hand path seeks an even higher law based on knowledge and power. It abandons morality. Some believe it's the path to true freedom."
Hryhorczuk's contrasting focuses provides deep-rooted inspections that will lend especially well to book club debate and consideration. Readers who look for fast reads should be advised that the nature and contrasts of these characters and shifting settings require a slow inspection to properly absorb the simmering passions and evolution of evil which emerges from these encounters.
Lev's real challenges during the unexpected course of his journey steeps readers in questions of influence, moral and spiritual transformation, and the definition of evil's intentions and processes:
"She cradled Lev in her arms. She was pulling him into the Burning Grounds. But he didn't care. He was sharing his darkest secrets without judgment. He was not sure what she wanted from him, other than everything. Was she a succubus, a demon lover who seduced men in their dreams? He was sure she was a phantasm, a creation of his own imagination. Yet she felt more than real. She craved sensuality, as if it were something she could not have without feeding on his. If he lay with her, would it be a sleep from which he would never awaken?"
More so than many novels of Ukrainian history and culture, The Dark Night of the Soul is delivered with the stinging blows of physical and metaphysical change and the real pain the war has unleashed on many different levels.
Libraries seeking a novel set rooted in Ukraine affairs but set in Venice, which exposes the nation and its peoples' history, legacies, belief systems, and paths of Christian mysticism, will find The Dark Night of the Soul a vivid, aching, revealing story that is hard to put down or stop thinking about long after events conclude:
"The human evil that threatens us is far worse than any supernatural evil. Ukraine is where the best in humanity confronts the worst in humanity. The challenge is difficult, and we are facing our own dark night of the soul. But the night is darkest before the dawn."
Faith Conlon
Flashpoint Books
9781959411819, $19.95 Hardcover/$9.99 ebook
Timelight is a compelling time travel story for ages 10-14. Unlike most adventure-oriented children's time travel stories, 13-year-old protagonist Charlie Winter comes from a family impacted by a mother's disappearance. Three years later, the family still struggles - especially on dates which should be celebratory, like Charlie's birthday, the date when his mother vanished. Only his grandmother is willing to even talk about it... the rest of the family suffers the mystery in silence. When she is injured, it falls to Charlie to keep up the faith and step up into what proves an extraordinary truth and situation.
Faith Conlon opens her story not with Charlie's experience, however, but with the appearance of antagonist Malcolm Mordrex at a seaside grave site. Catriona Winter presides over a strange ceremony that transmits the job of being Keeper of the Mordrex Stone to Malcolm while cautioning him that his grandfather's pursuit of power nearly destroyed the world.
Unfortunately, the obsession with power has been transmitted to Malcolm:
He'd been powerless all his life. Never again. Someday, he'd have his revenge.
How that revenge plays out is the crux of a vivid time travel story that crosses generations of intent, power, and legacy to rest on young Charlie's shoulders.
Like many children's time travel stories, there evolves a quest for a magical amulet that brings a circle of young friends together in a conjoined effort. Time traveler Malcolm has only become more dangerous over time and it is up to them to achieve their goals while surviving confrontations with him.
Conlon also devotes time to building the detective process underlying the quest, which involves Charlie and his three friends in a journey that intersects their interests with others' lives as well as his family.
The action is swift, but what shines is the characterization, which embraces perceptions and diverse personalities and purposes as the adventure plays out.
Readers will become immersed in a time travel quest in which the movements through time are secondary to powerful movements through psyches, choices, and good and evil developments.
Is the amulet worth dying for? Is the evil character truly evil, or merely broken? Can the Ring of Stones be broken... and, more importantly, should they be contained?
Libraries seeking an action-packed children's adventure that elevates its subjects beyond time travel alone and into moral and ethical conundrums and family legacy will find Timelight a powerful acquisition that works on a number of different, thought-provoking levels. This lends the novel a deeper series of inspections that makes it attractive to leisure readers while worthy of reading group discussion about a journey that comes full circle to return to a changed home.
Bringing Sunshine Back to My Mind
Momoko Uno
Independently Published
9798322627654, $27.99 Hardcover/$21.99 Paperback/$9.99 eBook
Bringing Sunshine Back to My Mind: A Story About Overcoming Trauma & Finding Wholeness presents middle-aged mother Sachi Kubo-Sanchez, who leaves her family and conservative small-town lifestyle for the big city of New York and its promise of excitement and refuge.
Sachi's search for "a vibrant life" motivates her to press forward in her efforts to rise above the safe but mundane life she's crafted for herself, but the underlying cause of her search for peace lies in unresolved trauma and guilt, and she can't evolve something new on the foundations of what is left unsaid.
From this, the first note is that sensitive readers struggling with themes of trauma and sexual assault may find Sachi's progression difficult reading. Depending on where readers are in their own recovery process, however, it may prove enlightening as the stepping stones of building acknowledgement and resilience are illustrated.
Sachi's probe into how relationships can be successful and healthy income forays into the unexpected, even in such simple matters as how underwear choices contribute to or quash romance. More doses of humor arrive with her newfound considerations of all the ingredients that go into building attraction:
Sachi, no more Fruit of the Doom granny panties!
As she changes her focus from short-term to long-term relationship possibilities and virtually revises her entire approach to life, Sachi undergoes a transformation that is both enlightening and thought-provoking. She faces truths about a myriad of subjects she never confronted before, from her ability to judge character to family dynamics, all the while weaving these revelations into revised choices that impact her perception of the past and her objectives for a better future.
These insights lend positivity to a story that might otherwise prove challenging and difficult, creating uplifting moments of discovery that nicely detail the process of psychological healing, repression and acceptance, and formulating revised thought processes that ultimately drive people in new directions.
Readers with a special interest in psychologically rich stories of trauma, recovery, and growth will find Bringing Sunshine Back to My Mind as surprisingly uplifting as it is serious about its probe of a woman whose life revolves around finding new light in old darknesses.
Libraries that choose Bringing Sunshine Back to My Mind will also want to recommend it (with a caution about its theme of trauma and abuse) to book clubs and women's issues groups. Its hard-hitting, revealing insights provide plenty of food for thought and discussion fodder for topics ranging from recovery from past abuse and the types of safe choices which can thwart living a full life to formulating better alternatives.
Lunch Ladies
Jodi Thompson Carr
Century House Press
97989915682-0-3, $14.99 Paperback/$3.99 ebook
Lunch Ladies is a novel about women's friendships, community involvement, and 1976 politics and social circles in Hanley, Minnesota. It follows the changing lives and perspectives of a circle of women who find themselves pulled into a community July celebration. Each woman already has her plate full, so tapping these school district "lunch ladies" seems an overloaded situation.
Despite the added and unwelcome workload, however, each woman is motivated to participate and support their community, because Hanley is a place where:
...most have called Hanley home for generations. Why would they leave? Among them are Crystal, Coralene, and Sheila; their families, friends, and co-workers; the people who died and left them; and the people who died and didn't.
The story opens with Crystal's habit of reading obituaries as she sits on a park bench alongside a stranger. She imagines this richly-dressed woman could have been a match for the late Roger Remington Squirrel... but apparently she's already taken by an "aging Clark Kent." So, her fantasy stops here.
Jodi Thompson Carr alternates viewpoints between the ladies. This solidifies personalities that approach people and problems from disparate angles, creating a satisfying shift in perspectives that gives Lunch Ladies a full-bodied flavor of adventure and discovery as each woman navigates family, hurt feelings, anger, and new options.
This allows readers to examine clashes and encounters from different vantage points:
How was Darcy supposed to respond if this was going to be Crystal's approach? God dammit. She was always the one left to handle things. Always... How quickly the tables had turned. Help Crystal out? What the hell?"
How the women and their community join together to overcome obstacles and contribute their talents to the greater good creates a heartwarming story that captures relationships, growth, and tragedy in an enlightening atmosphere readers will find engrossing. Especially notable are the disparate paths each woman chooses in her life, and how these are influenced by the attitudes of and encounters with others.
Discussion points at the novel's end make for perfect pointers for book clubs and reading groups interested in a closer examination of small-town relationships in general and women's transformations in particular. Added value comes in the form of wry humor injected throughout the story.
Libraries seeking a beach read about evolving relationships, community participation, and the special challenges of aging and illness will find Lunch Ladies a compelling recommendation about revised relationships and growth, whether these connections be friends, family, or romantic possibilities.
Level Up! 50 Game-Changing Life Skills for Young Adults+
Steve M. Scott
AR Press
9798990974418, $29.99 Hardcover/$14.99 Paperback/$2.99 eBook
Ordering: https://books2read.com/LevelUp50
Level Up! 50 Game-Changing Life Skills for Young Adults+ contains fourteen hand-drawn illustrations by new adult Ukrainian artist George Miroshnichenko, which highlights and embellishes the points Steve M. Scott makes in his uplifting treatise on life skills. The Ukraine connection comes from Scott's role with the U.S. Embassy to Ukraine in 2023, where he co-managed USAID's foreign assistance program office amid the Russian invasion. He was to do so during a summer's effort, leaving his family at a perhaps pivotal point in his twin sons' lives as they entered new adulthood, and was motivated to craft a series of letters to them that reflected his lifetime of love, life philosophy, and encouragement.
These form the crux of a program that opens here as a memoir and moves into the arena of practical applications of life philosophy and experience:
Throughout my life, I've been deeply inspired by compassionate idealists and humanitarians - those extraordinary individuals who dedicate themselves to the betterment of our world. They are, in every sense, my soulmates in spirit and purpose. This profound admiration propelled me into the Foreign Service, particularly in the dynamic field of international development. My heart was set on contributing to the global fight against poverty, dedicating my efforts to a cause greater than myself, and genuinely making a difference.
The skill sets Scott explores are wide-ranging, including exercise and physical fitness, adapting to and developing fluency with AI, avoiding the drive to be a perfectionist by adopting boundaries for what is "good enough," and working with and understanding team-building dynamics.
Each life skill consideration receives a blend of psychological, philosophical, and practical application that helps new adults (and many an adult) embrace concepts of cooperative thinking, ideals of building positive, uplifting encounters and experiences, and undertaking basic training to identify and realize dreams.
Ideally, Level Up! 50 Game-Changing Life Skills for Young Adults+ should be on the gift list of any adult seeking to provide up-and-coming new adults with a practical course on building a better life. Rarely do dreams sync so practically and specifically to the task of creating boundaries, understanding avenues to success, and developing critical thinking skills.
All these themes are reasons why Level Up! 50 Game-Changing Life Skills for Young Adults+ should not only be given to high school grades, but discussed in classrooms, homes, and book club reading groups as a specific and enlightening routine for forging ahead in the world.
An Ambush of Years
J.A. Enfield
Wayzgoose Press
9781961953222, $4.99 ebook; $14.99 paperback
An Ambush of Years is the first book in the Time Alleys trilogy for teens and young adults. It pairs an alternate history with elements of steampunk time travel experience to engage a wide age range in its involving tale of transformation.
Mick Conway is sick of his world. He's filled with grief for his absent parents, exhausted from having to make the rounds between family members unwilling to take him in for very long, and struggling with being responsible for his baby sister.
All these gang up on Mick to make him feel that his life will never be any different - until new worlds replete with pirates, time travel, and novel possibilities emerge to shake the foundations of everything he's taken for granted about reality itself.
Part of what makes An Ambush of Years so compelling is J.A. Enfield's atmospheric descriptions, which capture Mick's perceptions and experiences on a more evocative level than most young adult time travel stories feature:
Mick knew those sounds - what they were, where they came from. In the pauses between those sounds, he realized that he was hearing something new. Probably. There was a murmur right at the border of hearing and imagination, a hum or a whisper. He closed his eyes and listened, trying to figure out where it was coming from. It disappeared under a series of snores from Uncle Dan and then again under the growl of a bad muffler.
These descriptors elevate the feel of the story, such as when Mick undertakes a new journey when he observes a strangely alluring shimmer in the air and tries to protect his baby sister from it:
...a little part of his brain thought of the fishing lures his mom had taught him to use when they went camping. Beautiful songs made out of humming colors that suckered fish out of the water and into somebody's frying pan.
When his quest reveals a deadly plot in a "large city full of dirty trades," Mick not only develops innovative, proactive skills and revised objectives, but makes a host of new friends (and a few enemies). Dolly, Leech, and Alison each emerge to accept him (after some grilling about his origins) into their world, lives, and objectives.
Enfield crafts a thoroughly engrossing blend of mystery, history, and intrigue that will keep young adults reading and engaged. Excellent characterization and plot development rest firmly on tension and discoveries that most readers won't see coming, while the time travel elements juxtapose nicely with issues of asking too many questions, receiving paradigm-changing answers, and making philosophical inquiries:
People and their plots do not have bright lights and telltale signs. Sometimes the most perilous ones are never seen.
Libraries seeking collection additions for young adults that are novel, engaging, and fast-paced will find An Ambush of Years an excellent acquisition. It deserves top recommendation to teens interested in compelling leisure reading choices and time travel stories that shine.
Nathan Roth
Independently Published
9781735678724, $0.99 ebook/$14.99 paperback
Kianola will attract middle grade fantasy audiences with a unique blend of psychological reflection and action.
Nole is a nerd who excels at being an adventurer in the digital world of Enix, but faces bullying and hostility in his real life. His ability to navigate all kinds of challenges in his online fantasy environment doesn't seem to translate to empowerment in the real world... until he discovers that in the process stepping up to face new fears, subtle changes are at work to impact his familiar life.
Nathan Roth creates a particularly memorable read with Kianola; partially because of his attention to exploring issues of friendship, bullying, and empowerment in introvert Nole's two worlds. These enjoy evocative descriptions that draw in middle grade readers from the story's opening lines:
Harsher than any tundra and crueler than any barrens was a place long feared for its savagery, middle school, and in the far corner of the playground, two eighth-grade boys sat side by side on the swing set, chatting away the last few minutes of their recess.
The new online game Enix attracts Nole and his geeky friends, promising a monster-slaying experience that they can't wait to engage with. Budding middle grade interests in girls pair with game objectives in a realistic, memorable way:
"Maybe I can actually get a girl to talk to me if they're part of the video game, like a non-playable character."
Nole considers new approaches to both gaming and life, and so his story evolves a compelling countenance that keeps readers engaged with the changes in communication, purpose, and approaches to life. These keep Nole on an upward trajectory of self-improvement and realization:
"You don't stop trying because you've already won someone over. The more someone matters, the more effort you should put in. If you care about someone, shouldn't you show them you care by putting in that extra effort?"
Kia scratched her head.
"Even with goodbyes?" she asked.
"It's not even about being longer," said Nole. "It's about quality. A decent goodbye is like tying a nice bow on things. It doesn't take much, and it's a nice gesture. Like, come on. It's not hard to do things right."
The transition points in his psyche that emerge in response to Enix and his life make important points throughout that will especially delight adults that choose Kianola in hopes of engaging with middle graders about growth and life choices.
Educational and empowerment strengths aside, Kianola is quite simply a rollicking quest through self-improvement, friendship-building, and adventure. It is highly recommended for middle grade leisure readers, book discussion groups, and elementary-level libraries seeking middle grade stories steeped in wizards and coming-of-age dilemmas.
Vengeance of the Vanished Ones, Book One
Lee Orlich Bertram
Black Rose Writing
9781685135188, $20.95 Paperback/$5.99 ebook
Vengeance of the Vanished Ones, Book One blends archaeological issues of discovery and preservation with action surrounding a macabre murder. It's a story designed to appeal not just to murder mystery genre readers, but beyond.
From secret military missions in Central America to archaeological rock art breakthroughs that, some believe, must be suppressed, Vengeance of the Vanished Ones, Book One lays a foundation of action and discovery that plays out in unexpected ways.
From the beginning, Lee Orlich Bertram builds tension and atmosphere into her story as characters are developed and motivations for choices explored:
When pressing family obligations and personal struggles had compelled Marcos early in his career to leave academia, Dave had passionately appealed to him not to do it. Despite that closed door, however, Marcos remained current with the scholarship in the discipline. As time passed, he and Dave had shared the utter euphoria of archaeological exploration and discovery in Baja. This time, however, Marcos felt an unfamiliar knot in his stomach as he faced the trip to Baja. Dave would never have killed himself, he reassured himself. But I haven't a fig of a clue about who could have killed him and what circumstances I am about to get into down there. Uncertainty and fear gnawed away at his reserve of self-confidence.
Spirits come into play to lend further intrigue to developments when Marcos is dragged into the spirit world where Davis Pearce languishes. Psychiatrist-psychic Susan guides him to better understand not only this spirit realm, but the art and influences which permeate its borders.
The fictional story is made all the more intriguing for its foundations in reality - it's based on an existing archaeological mystery and real archaeologists, so the atmosphere is at once rational and surreal. Characters explore not just archaeological findings and spirit realms, but an unexpected love that blossoms even under adversity and paradigm shifts.
What begins as an investigation of a missing archaeologist sends Dr. Marcos Andersson into a self-guided journey to uncover the hidden meaning of rock art and his life.
Elements of psychological understanding, murder mystery, surprising interpersonal connections, and archaeological processes of discovery all lend to a 'can't-put-it-down' read that is highly recommended for libraries seeking evocative, action-packed stories.
It is also highly recommended for book clubs interested in stories that exhibit well-done tension, plot and character development, and unexpected twists that keep characters and readers on their toes with bigger-picture questions and issues that offer food for thought and book group debate opportunities.
Insistence, Persistence, and Resistance
Lee Orlich Bertram
Kelsay Books
9781639805440, $20.00 Paperback/9.99 eBook
The poems in Insistence, Persistence, and Resistance reflect Lee Orlich Bertram's family heritage and legacy, the opportunity for transformation, and the foundations of literacy and determination, without which this collection could never have been created.
They transmit to readers a special kind of hope and growth that embed descriptions of life journeys, friendships, and reflections about life within the structure of free verse that exhibits its own special, diverse approaches to form.
Take "Seven Instruments and a Volkswagen," for one example. Here, Bertram presents a story of seven young musicians on the way to an all-district orchestra who aren't picked up by the school bus, and are stuck waiting while clinging "...to frosty strings and bows."
The story is invigorating and imparts a "you are here" feel as a father and his Volkswagen come to the rescue:
A panicked phone call to Dad, mein Vati, our transport wizard, sent him to us Volkswagen in flight, its rubber band a whir. He stacked us in with aplomb, a violinist on each side of two cellists squeezed in the middle, petite violists on their laps.
Dad shouted, "One, two, three, small instruments on your heads," as he tenderly guided each through the window to its player.
Contrast this with "The Brightest Echo," a very short work which, again, captures the moment:
Lighted silence overshadows
shining dimness,
sighing peacefully...
Seconds of enlightenment and realization are captured in a Proust-like manner that succinctly represent rich moments in time. Indeed, 'moments in time' might better describe this collection as a whole, which unfolds a treasure trove of impressions as life is explored in various verse forms and manners:
Inhumed in law studies on a darkly somber, early morn, weighed down by tediousness and pallets of stress, I seriously considered another gargantuan-sized pot of coffee, as fatigue lurked fiber-deep in each cell of my body.
In survival mode, seeking even the tiniest of distractions necessary to avoid the sinkhole where aspiring lawyers go to perish,
I reached for the coffee, a filter, and my favorite, big-mouth mug, as the drip, drip, drip provided a flashback to the last contracts lecture.
Under Bertram's pen, family, love, and stories blossom from the minutiae of the moment into bigger-picture thinking exploring many emotions and experiences.
Libraries seeking modern poetry collections that demonstrate a wide-ranging number of forms, topics, and considerations of impacts, connections, and growth will appreciate the opportunity to highly recommend Insistence, Persistence, and Resistance to both literary and general-interest audiences interested in poetic explorations of life and survival tactics.
Diane C. Donovan, Senior Reviewer
Donovan's Literary Services
Gary Roen's Bookshelf
The Perfect Son
Freida McFadden
Poisoned Pen Press
c/o Sourcebooks
9781464227295, $17.99 pbk / $3.99 Kindle
From the first page "The Perfect Son" is a perfect story all the way to the last word. Erika Case has a very nice life, until two detectives arrive at her front door. asking to speak to her son Liam. They are on a case of a missing high school girl named Olivia who has disappeared and Liam is one of the last people to have been with her. From then on nothing for Erika and family is ever the same. Because of an incident in Liam's, past she doubts Liam is telling the truth when he says he has no idea what happened to Olivia. "The Perfect Son" is the type of suspense novel readers demand filled with twists and turns in the complicated plot, solid crisp writing, and well fleshed out characters that is a perfect thriller.
The Inmate
Freida McFadden
Poisoned Pen Press
c/o Sourcebooks
9781728296173, $17.99 pbk / $3.99 Kindle
Fans of Freida McFadden, will love "The Inmate" To protect her son Josh, Brooke Sullivan moved away from the town where she grew up. Two reasons are an incident where her boyfriend Shane went to jail after her testimony in a court case against him, and she distanced herself from her parents who are not happy because she dated Shane against their wishes, ending with the pregnancy of Josh. Later she is informed they have been killed in a car crash. She and Josh return to reside in the home her parents owned. She is hired as a nurse practitioner at a prison where Shane is one of the convicts that stirs up all kinds of conflicts for her.. Readers glued to "The Inmate," will enjoy the series of twists and turns, that guide the suspenseful rollercoaster ride, to the surprising unexpected end. Freida McFadden is a master story teller.
The Gift
Freida McFadden
Independently Published
9798367070675, $3.99 pbk / $0.99 Kindle
"The Gift" is a novella that is perfect reading for anytime of the year. It's the first Christmas as husband and wife, and Stella Hansen wants it to be a perfect celebration even though she does not have a lot of money to spend. She also believes he feels the same about her and wonders what he has in store for her. "The Gift" is filled with twists and turns, realistic characters and tight writing that ensures page turning excitement to the last page.
The Ex
Freida McFadden
Independently Published
9798637890118, $10.99 pbk / $3.99 Kindle
My first experience with Freida McFadden was the book "The Perfect Son" that was an excellent place to discover this author. "The Ex" is a perfect follow up that is a page turning read. Cassie Donovan owns a family business of a used bookstore with the help of her best friend Zoe Malloy. Her life begins to change a bit when a doctor comes into the store who she a bit later begins to date. As their relationship begins to grow there is that both never expected to complicate their association, his ex-girlfriend who has not gotten over him. The canvas of "The Ex" is believable characters, beautiful written prose and enough twists and turns till the very end. The Ex is roller coaster ride all the way to the end of the trip.
Dead Med
Freida McFadden
Independently Published
9798329347371 $12.99 pbk / $2.49 Kindle
Originally titled "Suicide Med," "Dead Med" is not only a new title but also a revised edition with 20% of changes. I am fine reading this edition because it is another great thriller of Freida McFadden a master story teller. A new popular form of writing is for many characters tell portions of the book in the first person. Normally I find it too difficult to keep straight because there are too many characters and the chapters are very short. Several of McFadden titles use the technique but hers are easy to follow because there are not too many narrators, as each repeat some of the events in their own words, and the chapters are much longer. The medical students are studying to be doctors in different fields, several males as well as females who have different priorities how they will make the grade to achieve their goals. Their world is filled with very stressful situations but there are added ones of conflict that drive the novel along to the conclusion Their professors like them have secrets that are revealed along the way. "Dead Med the new edition is another surefire suspenseful delight.
Ward D
Freida McFadden
Independently Published
9798386054502, $17.99 pbk / $2.49 Kindle
"Ward D" is another rapid paced thrill ride. As part of her studies to be a doctor Amy Brenner must spend the night working in a psychiatric ward. She has done everything she can to get out of it but is unsuccessful. She has her reasons that go back several years, that are brought back up because of certain circumstances, revealed shortly after she is on the ward. She also has an instinctive feeling it will not go very easy. Those are just a few of her problems getting through the single night. There are others as well. "Ward D" is a tense nail biter told in the present and eight years before that are easy to follow that add to the brilliantly told story. "Ward D" is another first-class thriller by a master of the genre.
Brain Damage
Freida McFadden
Independently Published
9781532902949, $13.95 pbk / $3.99 Kindle
Freida McFadden has crafted another masterful suspense thriller, in "Brain Damage" Dr Charly McKenna's life is perfect. She is a respected dermatologist, with a brand-new husband, a breathtaking apartment in the center of New York City, and a superb relationship with her mother. Everything changes when she is shot in the right side of her skull. Miraculously she survives the shooting to work hard in rehab to take back a portion of her life. She bonds with other patients to also help them along with her mother by her side while her husband has not really been there for her in her critical time of need. As she struggles to improve her health, hidden secrets will be revealed that alter her life forever. "Brain Damage" is a multilayered novel of suspense that also exposes the trials and tribulations patients in rehab therapy, fighting to take back control of their lives.
Other Dimension: A Bookstore
JM Bolton
Independently Published
9781575501512, $14.99 pbk / $2.99 Kindle
"Other Dimensions A Bookstore" is a beautifully told collection of short fiction that are intertwined with a central theme. The owner of a unique bookstore has a very different function. He is a person who is at the end of what could be classified as a time portal that is reminiscent of the Guardian of Forever in the Star Trek episode The City on the Edge of Forever. The proprietor will encounter all kinds of beings. One even goes to work for him in the store, while others are a vampire, gangster, ghosts, demons, are a few but there is another who helps in his own way named Boris. Jm Bolton is comfortable writing novel or short fiction forms equally. "Other Dimensions A Bookstore" is a wonderful mix of fantasy and science fiction concepts that is a fun read, hopefully the first of a series of this distinctive depository of fascinating beings
The Couple Next Door
Shari Lapena
Penguin Books
c/o Penguin Group USA
9780735221109, $16.00
"The Couple Next Door" opens with a dinner by Cynthia to celebrate the birthday of her husband Graham. The only other parties to attend are Anne and Marco who live next door. Cynthia, has made it clear with strict orders, adults only. Marco and Anne take turns, going back and forth to their residence, through the night, to check on their six-month-old baby Cora. The evening wears on until finally Anne and Marco return home to find the front door ajar and an empty crib. From then on "The Couple Next Door" proceeds along with twists and turns to the final surprising ending. Along the way there will be deeply held secrets revealed, of all the characters as the story unfolds. Shari Lapena showed with "The Couple Next Door" her first novel, why she is at the top of the list of suspense authors.
What Have You Done?
Shari Lapena
Pamela Dorman Books
c/o Penguin Random House
9780593489963, $30.00 HC / $14.99 Kindle
"What Have You Done?" is a slower pace than her "The Couple Next Door" that was a well written, complicated, faster unfolding enjoyable story. "What Have You Done?" begins with a young girls body found by a man on his property. Police begin an investigation, to reveal several suspects. Cops pull together clues that lead to their most obvious person of her former boyfriend who learned she no longer wanted to be in the relationship a short time before her body is found. The amateurish writing of "What Have You Done?" detracts from the enjoyment of what could have been an excellent thriller especially going in with high expectations based on her previous suspense novel.
Gary Roen
Senior Reviewer
Helen Dumont's Bookshelf
Eyelike Stickers: Christmas: 400 Reusable Stickers
Workman Publishing Company
9780761186144, $17.95, PB, 12pp
Synopsis: Part of the bestselling Eyelike Stickers series created by the Workman Publishing Company, "Eyelike Stickers: Christmas" captures the joy and spirit of the holiday season with 400 Christmas themed reusable Stickers.
Children (and their parents!) can decorate notecards and gifts with sticker Santa hats, ornaments, reindeer, cookies, and even an old-fashioned sleigh. Whether on windows, notebooks, lunch boxes, or scrapbooks, these peel-and-place stickers are perfect for creating works of Christmas celebrating art anytime, anywhere, and are designed to be stuck on, peeled off, and stuck on again without tearing or losing their "stick."
"Eyelike Stickers: Christmas" has inside covers that are glossy illustrated backgrounds on which kids can create lively and original sticker scenes -- and then change them whenever they like!
Critique: "Eyelike Stickers: Christmas: 400 Reusable Stickers" is an especially and unreservedly recommended consumable that is ideal for family, daycare center, and preschool Christmas activities for young children ages 2-6 (and their parents, teachers, and caregivers!).
Editorial Note: Workman Publishing publishes books for all of life's big and small moments, created with passion, joy, hard work, and a fiercely independent spirit. They're the kinds of books you'll wonder how you lived without, and calendars that make the days count. We publish Brain Quest(R), the #1 bestselling educational series in the country, What to Expect When You're Expecting, the world's bestselling pregnancy and parenting guides, award-winning cookbooks, kids books, unique travel books, plus books on self-help, craft, gardening -- and cats!
Sulis: Solar Goddess of the Spring Waters
Rachel Patterson
Moon Books
c/o Collective Ink Books
9781803410265, $12.95, PB, 112pp
Synopsis: Sulis is one of the very ancient English goddesses. From evidence found we know that she was worshiped at the hot springs in Bath, in the UK, going back to at least the Mesolithic period. What we know about her can only be gleaned from the archaeological finds at the Roman Baths in Bath and a few mentions in ancient Roman documents. What we do know is that she must have been extremely powerful, and her presence continues to carry that energy forward.
The historical information comprising "Sulis: Solar Goddess of the Spring Waters" by Rachel Patterson is drawn from archaeological finds and academic viewpoints from experts in their field. Little or nothing is known or has been found about the goddess herself, or how she was honoured.
Drawing upon the personal experience of the author, "Sulis: Solar Goddess of the Spring Waters" gives you an introduction to connect with Sulis yourself and discover and create your own relationship with her.
Critique: An ideal introduction to the solar goddess of the hot spring waters, "Sulis: Solar Goddess of the Spring Waters" is part of the simply outstanding 'Pagan Portals' series from Moon Books. Exceptionally well written, impressively informative, and a truly interesting read from cover to cover, "Sulis: Solar Goddess of the Spring Waters" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $6.99) and a prized pick for personal, professional, community, and college/university library Paganism/Mythology collections and supplemental curriculum studies lists.
Editorial Note: Rachel Patterson (www.rachelpatterson.co.uk/) has penned more than twenty five books on the rituals and practices of magic and paganism. She is High Priestess of the Kitchen Witch Coven, and an Elder of the Kitchen Witch School of Natural Witchcraft. A Hedge/Kitchen Witch with an added dash of folk magic, Rachel writes regularly for Pagan magazines and blogs and gives talks at Pagan events. She lives in Portsmouth, UK.
Helen Dumont
John Taylor's Bookshelf
The Taste of Ambiance: Luxury Wine Cellar Designs
Al Fuentes
Brown Books Publishing Group
9781612546780, $44.95, HC, 150pp
Synopsis: Where wine cellars have historically been placed underground, with the publication of "The Taste of Ambiance: Luxury Wine Cellar Designs" author and wine enthusiast Al Fuentes reinvents the way storing wine is viewed.
With the modern approach taken by his company, Dragon Cellars, allows for custom, luxury wine cellars to be built above ground in a way that complements the owner's interior design and wine-curating styles, creating the perfect display.
These custom cellars, cabinets, and walls not only display but preserve each bottle at the ideal temperature and angles, ensuring longevity. In creating a wine cellar that serves serves as the focal point for the room, each moment in this space, from selecting the bottle to drinking the last drop, is an experience one longs to share with others.
"The Taste of Ambiance" also reveals Al's design process, furniture selecting, construction, and backlighting approach for over eighty unique projects. His innovative designs have been featured in houses, condos, and restaurants in seven different countries.
Critique: This large format (10 x 13 x 0.5 inches, 2.73 pounds) hardcover edition of "The Taste of Ambiance: Luxury Wine Cellar Designs" from the Brown Books Publishing Group is beautifully and inspirationally illustrated throughout with full color photography illustrations of wine cellars that are architecturally upper class but can be available in the homes and offices of any and all dedicated wine enthusiasts. A fascinating pleasure to browse through one page at a time, this coffee-table style compendium is especially and unreservedly recommended for personal, professional, community, and college/university library Interior Design collections in general, and Wine Cellar reading lists in particular.
Editorial Note: Alberto (Al) Fuentes is the president, master designer, and consultant of Dragon Cellars. He has been dedicated to making this unique company a success, culminating in seventeen years of providing demanding clients the most innovative luxury wine cellars and related furniture in the market. His projects have been sold in over seven countries, with more to come! (www.houzz.com/professionals/wine-cellars/dragon-cellars-pfvwus-pf~789000128)
John Taylor
Mary Cowper's Bookshelf
The Fallen Women of Mythology: Goddesses, Saints and Sinners
Lady Haight-Ashton
Moon Books
c/o Collective Ink Books
9781803416366, $12.95, PB, 112pp
Synopsis: Women have traditionally been written out of history. But throughout ancient myths, stories, and legends there is a power in rediscovering the experiences of the many 'fallen' women who have been hidden from the annals of the past.
Portrayed to us as enigmatic Goddesses, devout saints, scandalous sinners, and infamous biblical whores, their storylines of inequity were scorned or, in many instances, disregarded altogether -- left to gather in the dust of antiquity. They are the hidden gems of the ancient world, and it is time to awaken their voices. For within every account of a 'fallen' woman, whether Divine or human, there is another very fascinating side to their story.
Critique: Part of the Moon Books 'Pagan Portals' series, "The Fallen Women of Mythology: Goddesses, Saints and Sinners" by Lady Haight-Ashton is an exceptionally informative and especially fascinating read from start to finish. While also available for personal reading lists in a digital book format (Kindle, $6.99), "The Fallen Women of Mythology: Goddesses, Saints and Sinners" is an ideal pick for personal, professional, community, and college/university library Paganism & New Age Metaphysics collections, as well as supplemental Women's History reading lists.
Editorial Note: Lady Haight-Ashton (https://ladyhaight-ashton.com/) is ab author, teacher, Sacred Dancer, Priestess of Lilith, Selket, Hecate and Isis, FOI, ATC. Lady Haight-Ashton is also a professional psychic and trance medium, tarot reader, licensed clergy counselor, member of the Maine Pagan Clergy Association, The Temple of Nine Wells, the Crossroads Lyceum, and the Sacred Dance Guild.
Growing Women in Ministry: Seven Aspects of Leadership Development
Anna R. Morgan
Baker Academic
c/o Baker Publishing Group
9781540967794, $98.99, HC, 272pp
Synopsis: While many aspects of leadership development are similar for both women and men, women still face different cultural expectations and have different experiences than their male counterparts. Christian minister Anna Morgan's own experiences in pastoral ministry leadership launched her search for a holistic way to grow the skills, influence, and authority of women who are gifted and called as leaders.
With the publication of "Growing Women in Ministry: Seven Aspects of Leadership Development" Pastor Morgan provides a positive, comprehensive, research-based model for developing women in church and ministry leadership. She identifies seven aspects of leadership development that form a woman over her lifetime. Three work inwardly as a woman grows in leadership: spiritual calling, giftedness, and emotional intelligence. Four work externally to shape her authority and influence: home life supports, ministry leadership contexts, leadership relationships, and communication.
"Growing Women in Ministry" offers a new way to understand how women leaders are formed and how they rise to become influential leaders in positions of authority in churches and ministries. It is written in a clear, accessible style for both female ministry leaders and men seeking to promote female leaders. It also includes policy suggestions, strategies, values for ideal growing conditions, and discussion questions, making it an ideal resource for ministry, practical theology, and leadership courses, church and parachurch leaders, and pastors.
Critique: Seminal and ground-breaking, "Growing Women in Ministry: Seven Aspects of Leadership Development" by Pastor Anna R. Morgan is as informative and insightful as it is inspired and inspiring. Informatively enhanced for the reader's benefit with the inclusion of figures, tables, a listing of acknowledgments, an eight page Bibliography, six Appendices, and a three page Index, this study is exceptional and unreservedly recommended for church, seminary, and college/university library Christian/Religious Leadership and Women in Christian Ministry collections. It should be noted for the personal reading lists of clergy, seminary students, and non-specialist general readers with an interest in the subject that "Growing Women in Ministry: Seven Aspects of Leadership Development" is also readily available in a paperback edition (9781540967190, $29.99) and in a digital book format (Kindle, $28.49) from Baker Academic as well.
Editorial Note: Anna R. Morgan (DIS, Fuller Theological Seminary) is vice president of academics at Ascent College and co-pastor with her husband, John, of Word of Life, an Assemblies of God church in the metro Washington, DC, area. She is also affiliate associate professor of leadership at Fuller Theological Seminary, where she teaches students researching issues of power, race, and gender. Morgan has been in local church ministry since 1999, having served as a youth pastor, worship pastor, executive pastor, lead pastor, and church consultant. She has published articles in Christianity Today and Propel Women.
Mary Cowper
Micah Andrew's Bookshelf
Down Fall River Dead
James C. Work
Encircle Publications
9781645995364, $27.99, HC, 292pp
Synopsis: In the 1920s, Rocky Mountain National Park is brand new, yet there's already a feud going on between tour bus drivers and independent guides. One guide is found shot to death, but no one saw a gun. No one heard a shot. Then a bus driver is killed the same way.
Ranger McIntyre's glamorous lady detective friend, Vi Coteau, will investigate. Her partner, Eleanor, goes undercover and gets a job driving for the bus company. When it becomes evident that the buses are hauling something other than sightseers, our daring ranger sets the most complicated and dangerous trap of his career.
Critique: Some authors just seem to have a natural knack for storytelling -- and once again with the publication of his latest Ranger McIntyre mystery, "Down Fall River Dead', novelist James C. Work thoroughly demonstrates that he is one of them. Impressively original and a simply fun read from start to finish, "Down Fall River Dead" from Encircle Publications will prove to be an immediate and enduringly popular pick for community and public library Mystery/Suspense collections. For the personal reading lists of all dedicated 'whodunnit' mystery buffs, "Down Fall River Dead" is also readily available in a paperback edition (9781645995357, $17.99).
Editorial Note: The mystery stories of novelist James C. Work (which are set in the 1920s in Rocky Mountain National Park) includes: Unmentionable Murders; Small Delightful Murders; The Dunraven Hoard Murders; The Stones of Peril; The Mystery of the Missing Bierstadt; The Big Elk Murders (Encircle Publications, June 2023); The Lawn Lake Murders (October 2023). (https://www.goodreads.com/author/list/24852.James_C_Work)
Micah Andrew
Michael Dunford's Bookshelf
Tip of the Spear: It's Not What You Think
Rodney Magallan
Ballast Books
9781964934204, $29.99, HC, 134pp
Synopsis: With the publication of "Tip of the Spear: It's Not What You Think", author and former Navy SEAL and CIA operative Rodney Magallan paints a vivid and meaningful analogy using the ancient and deadly weapon -- the spear.
According to Rodney, the tip of the spear comprises the elite members of a group. It's the SEALs; the company executives; the star athletes, famous artists, and other industry leaders. Only a select few make it to the tip of the spear, but as described in this memoir slash leadership guide, anyone is capable of becoming the best of the best. It all comes down to hard work, sacrifice, and choice-making the decision to work your way to the tip and then stay there.
Throughout this riveting and inspirational read, you'll learn what it takes to reach elite status-and you might be surprised by the answer. Furthermore, you'll be empowered to examine your own "normal" life and recognize the value you add, regardless of the position you hold. Encompassing Rodney's core philosophies that have gotten him to where he is today, Tip of the Spear addresses everything from what holds people back from reaching their fullest potential to the importance of each part-the shaft, the collar, the spearhead, even the hand wielding the weapon-to the utility and effectiveness of the spear.
Ultimately, readers should set aside "Tip of the Spear", recognizing that "the tip of the spear" isn't just a place or position -- it's a mindset that anyone can and should adopt to make the most significant difference they can.
Critique Part military memoir, part DIY leadership instructional guide, part self-help/self-improvement manual, "Tip of the Spear: It's Not What You Think" is a deftly crafted, inherently fascinating, and thoroughly 'reader friendly' in organization and presentation. While especially and unreservedly recommended for personal, professional, community, and college/university library collections, it should be noted for the non-specialist general reader with an interest in the subject that "Tip of the Spear: It's Not What You Think" is also readily available in a paperback edition (9781964934198, $16.99) and in a digital book format (Kindle, $1.99).
Editorial Note: Rodney Magallan is a respected subject matter expert in protective operations and personal security operations. Over the past thirty-five years, he has served as a Navy SEAL, with US Marshals Service, with the CIA, and as an executive protection manager in the corporate and private sector.
Michael Dunford
Paul Vogel's Bookshelf
Robin Cook
G. P. Putnam's Sons
c/o Penguin Group
9780593718834, $30.00, HC, 352pp
Synopsis: Twenty-three-year-old Michael "Mitt" Fuller starts his surgical residency with great anticipation at the nearly three-hundred-year-old, iconic Bellevue Hospital, following in the footsteps of four previous, celebrated Fuller generations. The pressure is on for this newly minted doctor, and to his advantage he's always had a secret sixth sense, a sensitivity to the nonphysical.
But quickly one patient after another assigned to his care begin to die from mysterious causes. As he tries to juggle these inexplicable deaths with the demands of being a first-year resident, things rapidly spiral out of control.
Visions begin to plague Mitt -- visions of a little girl in a bloodstained dress, bloodcurdling screams in the distance, and worse. As bodies mount and Mitt's stress level rises, he finds himself drawn to the monumental, abandoned Bellevue Psychopathic Hospital building, which to his astonishment has somehow defied the wrecking-ball and still stands a few doors north of the modern Bellevue Hospital high-rise.
Forcing an unauthorized entry into this storied but foreboding structure, Mitt discovers he's more closely tied to the sins of the past than he ever thought possible.
Critique: Another riveting read from the master of the medical suspense/thriller genre, "Bellevue" by novelist Robin Cook is a 'must' for his legions of fans. Of special note is that he continues to ably draw from his own medical background as a physician to add the definitive touch of medical realism to his deftly crafted fictional stories. Unreservedly recommended for community library collections, it should be noted for personal reading lists that this hardcover edition of "Bellevue" from G. P. Putnam's Sons is also readily available in a digital book format (Kindle, $14.99).
Editorial Note: Robin Cook, M.D. (https://robincook.com), is the author of more than forty books and is credited with creating the medical-thriller genre with his groundbreaking and wildly successful 1977 novel, Coma. His most recent bestsellers include Manner of Death, Night Shift, Viral, Genesis, Pandemic, and Charlatans.
Paul T. Vogel
S.A. Gorden's Bookshelf
The Bone Season
Samantha Shannon
Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
9781639734184, $30.99 hc / $12.29 Kindle 599 pages
The Bone Season is a massive fantasy adventure tale. Every reader has their own taste in writing. Stephen King in his book On Writing has a tidbit that as a reader I appreciate. I will paraphrase -- when you edit your story cut the word count until you feel the pain. I found when reading this story, I would skip paragraphs because I found them unnecessary in understanding the tale and they slowed down the pacing.
In the near future an alternate London with an alternate history Paige Mahoney lives and works in the criminal underworld. She is an unusual clairvoyant called a dreamwalker. Clairvoyants in London ruled by Scion are illegal and arrested and frequently executed. Her talents are unique and soon everyone, including the leadership of Scion, want her. She is attacked. Using her clairvoyant skills, she accidently kills and is arrested. She is forcibly trained to use her skills to strengthen the rule of Scion across the world. But can she survive long enough to escape and break the power of Scion?
The Bone Season has a strong story and solid characters but is hard reading. The alternate world and history are explained but not as smoothly as with other writers and tales. The Bone Season takes a significant investment to read and should be read only when you have a longer block of time to commit to it. The story is worth the effort but only if you are willing to put in the time.
The Catalogued Corpse (Doro Banyon Historical Mysteries Book 1)
D.S. Lang
Independently Published
9781962039031 $18.99 pbk
B0C6N76F1Y $0.00 Kindle 312 pages
The Catalogued Corpse is a good cozy historical mystery for those who enjoy a detailed investigation with many clues that have to be followed. The culture of the post WWI US adds another layer to the tale. The blatant sexism of the time is still reflected in today's world. Since the story is historical, contemporary readers will have an easier time to see the sexism as problematic, as it was, even if many can find similar actions today acceptable.
Doro Banyon is a college professor in library science. The college's new administration is trying to convert the college back into a male only institution which includes trying to force Doro out. She finds one of her nemesis, Professor Hemet Corlon, dead by the library card catalogue. The college president immediately points to her as the prime suspect in the death. Doro grew up at the college and decides that she needs to find the murderer for the sake of the college and herself. The new campus security officer at first doesn't want her involved in the investigation but, since she grew up at the college and knows most of the people living in and around the school, he soon uses her knowledge to help with the dangerous inquiry.
The Catalogued Corpse is better developed than many cozies. The characters are well rounded with a strong paced detective plot. It is an easy recommendation.
S.A. Gorden
Senior Reviewer
Suzie Housley's Bookshelf
Radio Head Gal: A Memoir of Hearing Loss and Self-Worth
Rebecca Knill
JMT Press
9798218336813, $29.99, HC, 300pp
9798218337094, $23.99 PB, $2.99 Kindle, $0.99 Audio
Synopsis: Dive into the heartwarming and transformative memoir Radio Head Gal, where acclaimed TED speaker Rebecca Knill invites us into her world - a world shaped by the unique experiences of hearing loss.
This compelling narrative challenges the common misconceptions surrounding disabilities. It beautifully illustrates that life with a hearing impairment is not a limitation, but a vibrant thread woven into the rich tapestry of human diversity akin to race and gender. This memoir, which has been a significant part of Knill's life, has helped her come to terms with her hearing loss and inspired her to advocate for inclusivity and accessibility.
Her journey is a testament to the urgent need for a conversation about hearing loss. With one in five young people facing hearing loss today - an alarming statistic that has surged since the '90s - this story resonates deeply in our current landscape. By 2050, projections suggest that one in four individuals across all age groups will experience hearing loss, underscoring the urgency of this conversation and the need for immediate action. It's a call to arms for all of us to join the fight for inclusivity and accessibility.
Through the lens of her experiences both before and after receiving cochlear implants, Knill paints a vivid picture of adaptation and resilience. Her narrative is not just about overcoming challenges; it's a powerful call to action, inviting us to rethink accessibility and inclusivity in our everyday lives. In today's world, where technology is growing fast and mobile devices are everywhere, it's really important to make things accessible for everyone.
Critique: Radio Head Gal: A Memoir of Hearing Loss and Self-Worth breaks down the barriers and promotes a culture that advocates for future technology. The insights shared on this platform foster comprehension and compassion and provide startling statistics about the seriousness of the issue people worldwide face with hearing disorders.
Rebecca Knill is a remarkable author whose insightful book delves into the world of hearing loss and innovative technologies designed to help individuals reconnect with sound. This compelling resource is not just a testament to her expertise but a beacon of hope for those who have hearing loss.
Missing Mom
Lynn Slaughter
Fire & Ice Young Adult Books
B0DFTWMZBK, $5.99 Kindle, 292 pages
Synopsis: In a world where the delicate art of ballet intertwines with the harsh realities of life, we meet seventeen-year-old Noelle, a passionate dancer. Her mother's mysterious disappearance abruptly overshadowed whose dreams.
Devastated and grappling with grief, Noelle finds herself at a crossroads where the path to truth is fraught with uncertainty and emotional turmoil. Her heart refuses to accept the narrative that her mother may have taken her own life, leading her on a journey of profound emotional depth and unwavering determination to uncover the secrets that lie beneath the surface. This compelling narrative applies to young adult readers, as it delves into the emotional complexities of adolescence and the power of resilience.
As Noelle navigates this labyrinth of emotions, she also faces the blossoming of new feelings for her best friend Ravi. Their shared passion for dance becomes a sanctuary, a haven amid the chaos of her family's struggles. Yet, worry for her younger sister, Whitney, looms large. Whitney's silence about her reluctance to visit their father adds another layer of complexity to Noelle's already tumultuous world.
Interwoven with Noelle's poignant journey is the story of Savannah, a resilient woman whose escape from an abusive marriage two decades prior holds the key to understanding the mysteries surrounding Noelle's mother. Savannah's story is a testament to the human spirit's resilience and pursuing freedom, inspiring Noelle and the readers alike.
Critique: Missing Mom beautifully illustrates the power of relationships and the connections we forge. Just as Noelle learns to lean on her friends and family, this book reminds us that the people we meet and the bonds we create enrich every adventure.
Noelle's relationships are not just a part of her journey, but the pillars supporting her in her quest for truth and self-discovery. This emphasis on the role of relationships in Noelle's journey will make readers feel a strong sense of connection to the story.
Lynn Slaughter's remarkable book invites readers to immerse themselves in a narrative that beautifully captures the essence of struggle and triumph. The heroine's journey is not just a tale of personal challenges; it reflects the resilience we all possess. As she navigates her path, readers can find echoes of their own experiences, making the story relatable and profoundly moving. Noelle's journey is one that will make readers feel understood, as they see their own struggles and triumphs reflected in her story.
Guidance from the Universe - Hopeful Messages for Everyday Challenges
Jill Amy Sager
She Writes Press
9781647427542, $17.99 PB, $12.99 Kindle, 280pp
Synopsis: In the tapestry of our existence, each thread weaves a unique narrative of self-discovery, much like the enlightening journey of Tarot reader Jill Amy Sager in her memoir.
Her story is a testament to the transformative power of embracing our true selves, a journey that is not unique to her but one we all embark on in our ways. From feeling unlovable because of her physical challenges to blossoming into a confident and content individual, Sager's journey is a mirror to our own struggles and resonates deeply with our innate desire for self-acceptance and love.
As we traverse life, we often encounter invisible barriers such as self-doubt, societal expectations, and fear of failure that hinder our growth, leaving us feeling stuck and disconnected. However, as Sager discovered, grace, acceptance, and compassion are abundant, waiting for us to provide qualities we are often quick to extend to others but neglect to afford ourselves.
With thirty powerful messages from her source of guidance, alongside her personal stories, Sager invites us to reflect on our own experiences and consider how we can apply these teachings to our lives.
Critique: Guidance from the Universe is more than just a book; it's a powerful invitation to embark on a transformative journey toward self-discovery and acceptance.
Through its pages, you will uncover the essential emotions of self-acceptance and love, which often seem elusive in our fast-paced lives.
Jill Amy Sager's enlightening book is a profound guide for individuals seeking to unearth their authentic selves and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery.
This insightful book is more than just a collection of stories and teachings. The book acts as a catalyst for change, pushing individuals to explore their inner selves and uncover suppressed desires and aspirations.
It resonates with the belief that books often find their way to those ready for change, serving as a powerful tool for transformation during pivotal moments. This book came into my life and allowed my eyes to be opened on how I can improve upon myself.
The Tuttle Twins and the Leviathan Crisis
Connor Boyack, author
Elijah Stanfield, illustrator
Libertas Press
9781943521654, $12.99, PB, 64 pages
Synopsis: Welcome to an exhilarating journey alongside the Tuttle twins and their courageous team of heroes! In their latest adventure game, they embark on a quest that transcends mere fantasy, revealing a reality that resonates deeply with today's challenges.
As they engage in a magical battle against the ominous forces of Leviathan and its idol, the twins uncover profound lessons that illuminate and celebrate the importance of truth amidst the chaos of fear-mongering and ignorance. This game is a beacon of light in a world of darkness, empowering players with the knowledge and understanding of truth's paramount role in our lives.
Intertwined in this book is Robert Higgs' insightful book Crisis and Leviathan. This game is not just a thrilling story. It's an educational tool that encourages players to think critically about the power of awareness in a world where demagogues and Trojan horses can distort our understanding. As the twins navigate their adventure, they remind us of the crucial role truth plays in building resilience and clarity in our lives.
Critique: The Tuttle Twins and the Leviathan Crisis is a book that entertains and educates young minds about the intricate dynamics of government power. In today's rapidly developing political landscape, understanding how crises can lead to increased government control is more crucial than ever. This thought-provoking narrative provides vital insights that resonate with the challenges we face in our society today.
Connor Boyack explores a potent topic in The Tuttle Twins and the Leviathan Crisis. He showcases a world increasingly influenced by political decisions, and equipping the next generation with the knowledge and tools necessary to engage with these issues becomes essential.
Children can gain a greater understanding of global issues, fostering a sense of empathy and responsibility towards the world around them. As we experienced this pivotal presidential year, this book invites readers to reflect on how a deeper understanding of political matters can enrich our lives.
Editorial Review: Suggested reading ages of 8-12 years old.
The Tuttle Twins and the Golden Rule
Connor Boyack, author
Elijah Stanfield, illustrator
Libertas Press
9781943521173, $12.99, PB, 60 pages
Synopsis: This summer, siblings Ethan and Emily Tuttle took their first steps into the world of adventure at summer camp, where laughter and learning intertwine to create unforgettable memories. As they navigated the exhilarating challenges of camp life, they quickly realized that their experiences would teach them far more than just how to paddle a canoe or build a campfire.
At first, excitement filled the air as they joined their teams, ready to compete in various activities. However, the thrill of competition soon escalated into rivalry, leading to tension and misunderstandings. Chief Ron and the camp counselors stepped in during these challenging times, guiding the twins and their teammates through the stormy waters of aggression and revenge.
They shared valuable lessons about the importance of the Golden Rule - treating others as you wish to be treated - a principle that can enlighten even the fiercest rivalries, and how peace and friendship can conquer even the most vicious rivalries.
Critique: The Tuttle Twins and the Golden Rule beautifully captures one of life's most significant philosophies: treat others as you wish to be treated. This timeless lesson resonates deeply with us; every interaction becomes an opportunity to foster joy and connection. Let us reflect on how kindness and respect can transform our lives, enabling us to make every encounter a positive experience.
Dive into the captivating world of Connor Boyack, an author whose literary explorations are as diverse and enriching. Boyack's works invite readers to explore a myriad of subjects, from thought-provoking insights to whimsical tales that resonate with every age and interest. He tailors each book to ignite your passion for adventure. Each page is a new destination waiting to be explored and offers a treasure trove of ideas that inspire curiosity and wonder.
Boyack weaves narratives that challenge our perspectives and broaden our horizons with every book. Whether you're seeking knowledge, inspiration, or simply a delightful escape, there's a Connor Boyack book that aligns perfectly with your literary interest.
Editorial Note: Recommended for readers ages 6-10 years old.
The Tuttle Twins and the Search for Atlas
Connor Boyack, author
Elijah Stanfield, illustrator
Libertas Press
9781943521197, $12.99, PB, 60 pages
Synopsis: In a world increasingly dominated by consumers, the vital role of producers is often overlooked. What if we lost sight of the creators and caretakers of our shared experiences? This pressing question forms the heart of Ethan and Emily Tuttle's latest adventure, where they don the whimsical garb of clowns in a visiting circus, setting the stage for a profound exploration of personal responsibility and community.
As the twins navigate through their vibrant yet chaotic circus life, they encounter a tapestry of characters, each embodying different aspects of society's intricate dance between production and consumption. Their journey becomes a mirror reflecting the consequences of entitlement and the erosion of personal accountability.
As they grapple with the mystery of Atlas's disappearance, the story encourages readers to ponder their roles within their communities and feel the weight of their choices when facing personal responsibility.
As they juggle the surrounding chaos, the twins discover that when we lean too heavily on the support of others, the balance of our lives can tip, leading to a circus of confusion. Their struggle resonates with readers, evoking a sense of empathy for the challenges they face.
Critique: The Tuttle Twins and the Search for Atlas is a captivating journey that encourages young minds to explore the complexities of socialism and its societal impacts. This book invites readers to think critically about the world around them.
It challenges readers to reflect on their own beliefs and the structures that shape our society, which are parallel to help you explore the world with fresh new eyes. This book is a gateway to understanding the various philosophies influencing our lives.
Connor Boyack's latest offering explores one of my all-time favorite books, Atlas Shrugged. Enter the captivating world where the essence of Ayn Rand's philosophies comes alive through the eyes of imaginative young adventurers.
This delightful tale not only entertains but also invites readers to ponder the powerful themes of socialism and its implications for our society. As you journey through this engaging narrative, you'll reflect on the values of individualism and personal freedom, sparking meaningful conversations about the world.
Editorial Note: Recommended for readers aged 8 - 12 years old.
The Tuttle Twins and their Spectacular Show Business
Connor Boyack, author
Elijah Stanfield, illustrator
Libertas Press
9781943521210, $12.99, PB, 60 pages
Synopsis: Welcome to the exhilarating world of entrepreneurship, where the thrill of independence and creativity ignite unforgettable journeys! While many find comfort in the routine of traditional employment, there are those daring souls, like our spirited twins, Ethan and Emily Tuttle, who embrace the challenges and rewards of launching their own business.
In their latest adventure, the Tuttles dive headfirst into the exhilarating yet demanding realm of entrepreneurship. They quickly find that becoming successful business owners involves both obstacles and triumphs. As they navigate through fierce competition and learn the ropes of running a business, they also encounter many problems that require innovative solutions. But with their unwavering and resilient spirit, they never give up. Will they be successful in branching out on their own?
Critique: The Tuttle Twins and their Spectacular Show Business offers a unique opportunity for young readers to step into the world of entrepreneurship. It inspires them to explore the thrilling journey of running their own business and embracing the freedom of being their boss.
Connor Boyack's book allows young minds to see the challenges of owning a business. With each episode, The Tuttle Twins offers valuable insights and exciting lessons that spark creativity and innovation, mirroring the unique experiences. Just as the twins navigate the challenges of business ownership, it empowers individuals to discover their passions and turn dreams into reality.
Editorial Review: Recommended for children aged 8-12 years old.
The Tuttle Twins and the Fate of the Future
Connor Boyack, author
Elijah Stanfield, illustrator
Libertas Press
9781943521340, $12.99, PB, 60 pages
Synopsis: In a world often marked by division and power struggles, the journey toward a harmonious future lies in the hands of those who support collaboration and understanding. The story of Ethan and Emily, twins who embark on a quest to uncover the power of peaceful coexistence, vividly brings this notion of life. Ethan and Emily recognize that the key to a better society lies in working together, where shared experiences and the willingness to be open-minded create meaningful connections.
Power dynamics have often shaped the story of our world, where some have led while others have followed. However, history has shown us that progress comes from brave thinkers who advocate for a brighter future through collaboration and understanding.
Just like Ethan and Emily, who recognized the importance of steering away from coercion after watching a thought-provoking dystopian film, we, too, can learn valuable lessons from our past. Embracing these principles not only benefits society but also offers us a path to personal growth and fulfillment.
Critique: Have you ever felt like the world is full of hidden truths waiting to be uncovered? Like the thrilling journey in The Tuttle Twins and the Fate of the Future, we often navigate a maze of coercion and societal complexities. Each passage enlightens us to seeing the world with fresh eyes.
Connor Boyack has written a thought-provoking book. This enlightening experience introduces us to talented author Murray Rothbard's, Anatomy of the State and ignites a spark to question the very fabric of our society.
Understanding the world is as crucial as experiencing it. Just as the Tuttle Twins embark on a transformative journey to uncover the realities of coercion, allow you to delve deep into the heart of diverse cultures and histories.
Editorial Review: Recommended for ages 8-12 years old.
The Tuttle Twins and the Education Vacation
Connor Boyack, author
Elijah Stanfield, illustrator
Libertas Press
9781943521371, $12.99, PB, 60 pages
Synopsis: In a world where grades often reign supreme, the Tuttle family has shown remarkable courage in leaping boldly into the vast and colorful unknown of personalized education. After absorbing wisdom from the award-winning educator John Taylor Gatto, they profoundly realized: learning isn't just about the books you read or the tests you take; it's about the journey of self-discovery!
Imagine trading rigid classrooms for the great outdoors, where every tree holds a lesson, and every sunset inspires creativity. The Tuttle family is not just turning the page on traditional schooling; they are dedicating themselves to transforming their lives into an epic tale of exploration and growth. With Gatto's insights from his thought-provoking book, The Underground History of American Education, they are embarking on a journey where their passions ignite their education.
This adventure is not just about breaking free from the shackles of conventional education; it's about the Tuttle family's unwavering commitment to nurturing the unique talents that each family member possesses. They've discovered that proper education flourishes in an environment where curiosity is king and interests are the compass guiding their learning journey. As they prepare to embrace this new chapter, they are not just rewriting their story, but redefining what it means to be educated in a world of possibilities.
Critique: The Tuttle Twins and the Education Vacation initiative reimagine traditional education by intertwining it with a think-out-of-the-box approach, allowing families to embark on an enriching and enlightening journey of discovery.
Imagine exploring new cultures, diving into history, and discovering the world while learning valuable life lessons alongside your loved ones. This is not just a vacation; it's a learn-cation where every destination becomes a classroom and every experience a knowledgeable lesson.
Connor Boyack takes a unique look into traditional education. Imagine stepping beyond the confines of a classroom and embracing a world where education is not just a subject but a thrilling adventure! The Tuttle Twins and the Education Vacation redefine traditional learning, transforming it into a vibrant tapestry of exploration and discovery.
Editorial Review: Suggested reading ages 8-12 years old.
The Tuttle Twins and the Messed Up Market
Connor Boyack, author
Elijah Stanfield, illustrator
Libertas Press
9781943521456, $12.99,PB, 60 pages
Synopsis: Welcome aboard the entrepreneurial express, where young visionaries like Ethan and Emily Tuttle are about to embark on an exciting journey! With some pocket change from their initial ventures, these enterprising twins have sparked a brilliant idea: a Children's Entrepreneur Market! This unique marketplace, unlike any other, is not just about trading goods; it's a treasure trove of opportunities for kids to connect, collaborate, and cultivate small businesses.
Imagine a bustling bazaar filled with bright-eyed kids, each showcasing their unique talents and creations! The market is a vibrant tapestry of creativity and innovation, from handmade crafts to delicious treats. However, just like a rollercoaster ride, entrepreneurship has difficulties.
As the twins dive deeper into this venture, they discover the joy of learning and the thrill of navigating the business landscape. Inspired by the wisdom of Ludwig von Mises in Human Action, they learn that understanding different incentives is key to this thrilling yet risky business journey. After all, in the world of entrepreneurship, it's vital to make choices that won't leave you in a pickle!
So, whether your child is itching to sell lemonade or launch their line of eco-friendly toys, the Children's Entrepreneur Market is not just a fun activity, but a fantastic way to learn valuable lessons in teamwork, creativity, and the art of making informed choices. As they embark on this adventure, they'll gain business insight and memories that will last a lifetime!
Critique: The Tuttle Twins and the Messed-Up Market, explores the intricate dance of market forces, inspired by Ludwig von Mises's profound insights in his book Human Action. This engaging narrative reveals how understanding market dynamics is crucial - not just for businesses, but for individuals like you, especially when planning for the future.
Connor Boyack's book touches on an essential life lesson that is crucial for preparing young minds for the future. This engaging book not only captivates young minds but also enlightens adults, making it a necessary read for anyone seeking to understand the intricacies of our economy and the importance of informed decision-making. The Tuttle Twins series, with its focus on fundamental economic concepts, is beneficial for young minds, providing them with a solid foundation for understanding the world around them.
The Tuttle Twins series uniquely combines fundamental economic concepts with relatable stories, making learning enjoyable and accessible for all ages. By incorporating these valuable lessons into our school systems, we can foster a generation of informed students who appreciate the world around them. Imagine exploring new cultures and destinations while understanding the principles that drive those economies. It's a recipe for success!
Editorial Review: Suggested reading ages 8-12 years old.
The Tuttle Twins and the Food Truck Fiasco
Connor Boyack, author
Elijah Stanfield, illustrator
Libertas Press
9781943521050, $12.99 PB, $5.99, Kindle, 60 pages
Synopsis: In a world where creativity and passion fuel small businesses, local food truck owners like Ethan and Emily Tuttle face an uphill battle against unfair regulations that threaten their livelihoods and the vibrancy and diversity of our community. These resilient entrepreneurs have witnessed firsthand how cronyism can stifle innovation and creativity, as those with connections in government manipulate outdated laws to protect their interests.
As Ethan and Emily rally their food truck friends, they embark on a heartfelt campaign to win public support and overturn these restrictive laws, pushing them out of the community they love. Their story is a testament to the spirit of entrepreneurship, showcasing the determination and courage it takes to stand up against the odds. These local heroes are not just fighting for their businesses; they are fighting for the very essence of what makes our communities vibrant and diverse. Your support is crucial in this fight for fairness and diversity.
Critique: The Tuttle Twins and the Food Truck Fiasco feature the real-life challenges that small business owners face, from navigating regulations to competing against more giant corporations. These stories resonate deeply with many entrepreneurs who pour their hearts and souls into their ventures.
Connor Boyack's engaging narratives weave life lessons into entertaining tales, resonating deeply with business owners like myself who navigate the challenging waters of entrepreneurship. His insights illuminate daily struggles, from managing stress to fostering connections.
This engaging book illuminates' essential issues that often remain in the shadows, making it a treasure trove of knowledge for children and adults. With expertly crafted narratives, it invites readers to delve deeper into the complexities of different cultures and experiences of running a small business, fostering a sense of empathy and awareness.
Editorial Note: Recommended reading age 8-12 ages.
The Tuttle Twins and the Road to Surfdom
Connor Boyack, author
Elijah Stanfield, illustrator
Libertas Press
9781943521142, $12.99, PB, 60 pages
Synopsis: Once upon a sunny afternoon, siblings Ethan and Emily, driven by their insatiable curiosity and love for exploration, embark on another adventure. With their backpacks packed and cameras in hand, they set off to investigate a newly constructed road that promised to whisk travelers away to the picturesque shores of Surfdom Beach. Their excitement bubbled as they envisioned sandy toes, salty breezes, and sunsets painted across the sky.
However, as they journeyed closer to the beach, they soon realized that the road, while a gateway to adventure, came with its challenges. The vibrant community that had thrived along the coast, filled with local charm and character, felt the weight of change. Ethan and Emily's hearts sank as they discovered that behind every recent development lay a tapestry of stories of families who had lived there for generations, of traditions that were at risk of being washed away by the tide of progress.
This awakening led the twins to reflect deeply on the importance of community in the face of growth. They learned that while new ideas can spark excitement, they can also bring unforeseen consequences, often unnoticed by those in power. Decision-makers, driven by visions of prosperity, sometimes overlook the voices of those who call the community home.
Critique: The Tuttle Twins and the Road to Serfdom is more than a sun-kissed adventure that looks into beautiful shores and golden sands. With their curious minds and compassionate hearts, the twins soon find themselves amid a community grappling with the consequences of a new road.
They encounter local fishermen whose livelihoods are being threatened, families whose homes have been displaced, and small business owners struggling to compete with the influx of tourists. Each encounter shows how the twins' empathy and understanding of these struggles can disrupt people's lives.
Connor Boyack has outdone himself on this new adventure. Each new character, the twins' encounters, provides the book with a fresh look into the struggles of a community trying to work together to keep a beach in its pristine condition, far away from the changes a road would disrupt its flow of nature's beauty. This book is not just a story, but a reflection of our society, making it highly engaging for anyone interested in social themes in children's literature.
Editorial Note: Recommended reading age 8-12 ages.
The Tuttle Twins and the Creature From Jekyll Island
Connor Boyack, author
Elijah Stanfield, illustrator
Libertas Press
9781943521029, $12.99 PB, $5.99, Kindle, 60 pages
Synopsis: Step into a world of wonder with Ethan and Emily as they embark on an extraordinary journey to uncover the mystery surrounding a powerful creature stealthily stealing their grandparents' hard-earned savings. This captivating tale invites young readers to join the siblings as they navigate thrilling twists and turns, discovering along how they, too, are under the influence of this elusive creature - without even realizing it!
But who is this creature, and how does it possess the uncanny ability to raise prices and steal money from unsuspecting families? What is the true essence of money itself? As children dive into this engaging narrative, they will unravel these intriguing questions and gain a deeper understanding of money's value and financial literacy's importance.
Critique: The Tuttle Twins and the Creature From Jekyll Island is an exhilarating tale that whisks readers away on an adventure filled with suspense, mystery, and a creature that will keep them on the edge of their seats.
Connor Boyack is a master at crafting compelling books that captivate the imagination and inspire adventure. His Tuttle Twins adventures invite readers to dive into a world filled with various topics and thrilling escapades that resonate with everyone's interest.
Each book ignites the imagination and inspires readers to embark on a unique journey that will help promote learning. The Tuttle Twins series features a world where courage and wit are challenged, and with every page turn, a new twist unfolds, keeping readers on the edge of their seats. Children appreciate this book, and adults gravitate to the life lessons found in the pages.
Editorial Note: Recommended for ages 5 - 11 years.
The Tuttle Twins and the Hyperinflation Devastation: Choose Your Consequence #1
Connor Boyack
Libertas Press
9781943521395, $14.99, PB, 405 pages
Synopsis: Get ready for an incredible adventure as the Tuttle twins - Ethan and Emily - set off on their much-anticipated vacation to South America! With their hard-earned savings and meticulously crafted plans, they can experience the thrill of water skiing, explore lush jungles, and marvel at some of the world's oldest ruins. Yet, as with all marvelous adventures, challenges lie ahead.
But here's the twist -- you are in control! As the story unfolds, you'll face pivotal decisions that could alter the course of the twins' journey. Will you guide them to the ancient ruins, trusting in their toughness, intelligence, and preparation? Or will you play it safe and keep them in the bustling capital city, ensuring they stay connected to the outside world in case of unexpected twists?
Each choice you make will lead to different consequences, allowing you to shape their adventure and explore themes such as inflation, community, and even cryptocurrency - a great way to engage young minds with essential life lessons.
Critique: The Tuttle Twins and the Hyperinflation Devastation is a captivating book that not only entertains but also educates. It invites you to immerse yourself in a world where each scene is crafted with such detail and care that you can almost feel the excitement leap off the pages.
As you follow the Tuttle Twins on their adventure, you'll find yourself not just reading a story but stepping into a vibrant narrative that stimulates the imagination and sparks curiosity, all while imparting valuable lessons about economics and society.
Connor Boyack is a masterful storyteller that invites readers on exhilarating journeys filled with dynamic characters and pulse-pounding action. Each page promises to whisk you to new realms where adventure awaits at every turn.
Imagine the thrill of stepping into the shoes of Boyack's characters, embarking on quests that inspire your travel dreams. These narratives entertain and ignite a sense of wanderlust, encouraging you to explore new destinations and embrace the spirit of adventure. Whether it's the thrill of a daring escape or the camaraderie found in shared challenges, these stories resonate with the adventurer in all of us.
Editorial Note: This captivating series invites young readers to join the Tuttle Twins on their thrilling escapades. Memorable characters and life lessons fill the series, resonating with children and parents alike. Each book in the series intricately weaves together the adventures of the twins, creating a rich tapestry of stories that inspire curiosity and ignite the imagination. This exciting series is designed to captivate young readers, making it a perfect choice for parents and educators looking for engaging and educational reading materials.
The Tuttle Twins and the Little Pink House: Choose Your Consequence #2
Connor Boyack
Libertas Press
9781943521401, $14.80, PB, 496 pages
Synopsis: Get ready for an exciting journey with the Tuttle twins as they set off to Grandma's charming pink house nestled along the picturesque banks of the Monongahela River! This Independence Day, the twins are not just looking forward to parades, rope swings, and the joys of family gatherings; they are about to embark on an adventure that could change everything for Grandma and her beloved home.
As the festivities begin, a shadow looms over their celebration. A greedy corporation has sinister plans to seize Grandma's land and push her quaint house into the river! It's a race against time as the twins ponder their options. Should they team up with the quirky, secretive editor of the local paper to unveil the truth? They should take a daring plunge into the river to search for a legendary river monster that could hold the key to saving the day. Or they'll investigate the mysterious happenings in the northern part of town, where strange characters lurk.
Every choice they make will lead the twins down a different path, filled with zoning fights, referendums, and ancient artifacts. Your decisions, as crucial as the twins, will shape their fate, guiding them toward triumphant victory or heartbreaking defeat. This adventure isn't just about saving a house; it's about the bonds of family, the spirit of community, and the courage to stand up for what is right.
Critique: Imagine a world brimming with adventure, where every page turned is a new discovery, much like the exhilarating journey of the Tuttle Twins in The Tuttle Twins and the Little Pink House.
This delightful tale keeps readers on the edge of their seats, filled with anticipation and wonder at each twist and turn. The book effectively teaches children about these important values in a way that is both entertaining and thought-provoking.
Connor Boyack is an author who not only understands but also masterfully wields the power of storytelling. He has crafted characters that will warm your heart and take you on a thrilling ride, leaving you on the edge of your seat with each page-turn.
Editorial Note: This captivating series invites young readers to join the Tuttle Twins on their thrilling escapades. Memorable characters and life lessons fill the series, resonating with children and parents alike. Each book in the series intricately weaves together the adventures of the twins, creating a rich tapestry of stories that inspire curiosity and ignite the imagination. This exciting series is designed to captivate young readers, making it a perfect choice for parents and educators looking for engaging and educational reading materials.
The Tuttle Twins and the Case of the Broken Window: Choose Your Consequence #3
Connor Boyack
Libertas Press
9781943521418, $19.99, PB, 279 pages
Synopsis: Picture this: a sun-drenched afternoon, fresh popcorn wafting through the air, and the exhilarating sound of a bat cracking against a baseball. It's the perfect day for a baseball game, and the spirited Tuttle twins are ready to take on their neighborhood rivals in a match that promises excitement and camaraderie.
Emily's game-winning home run sends the crowd into a frenzy, but with victory comes unexpected chaos. A shattered window and a slew of unforeseen challenges await them as they navigate through scheming salesmen, a city in disarray, and the comical antics of a garden-gnome-come-to-life named Goofer!
Embrace the spirit of adventure and discover how teamwork can lead to unforgettable experiences. Whether it's navigating unexpected challenges or celebrating victories, this book invites you to be part of a community that values connections and shared memories.
Critique: The Tuttle Twins and the Case of the Broken Window is a captivating story that invites you to engage your inner detective. It sparks excitement as you work alongside the twins to piece together clues and uncover the culprit behind the shattered glass.
Embark on a delightful literary journey as you dive into the captivating world of Connor Boyack's Tuttle Twins series. Each new installment brings a wave of excitement, not only because of its compelling narratives but also because of the shared experiences it creates among readers, fostering critical thinking and intellectual stimulation.
Imagine not just reading a book but fully immersed in a story with interesting characters that spark readers' interest from the first page. With each new book in this exciting series, I find it quickly earning a permanent place on my keeper shelf.
Editorial Note: This captivating series invites young readers to join the Tuttle Twins on their thrilling escapades. Memorable characters and life lessons fill the series, resonating with children and parents alike. Each book in the series intricately weaves together the adventures of the twins, creating a rich tapestry of stories that inspire curiosity and ignite the imagination. This exciting series is designed to captivate young readers, making it a perfect choice for parents and educators looking for engaging and educational reading materials.
The Tuttle Twins and the Play for Power: Choose Your Consequence #4
Connor Boyack
Libertas Press
9781943521678, $19.99, PB, 359 pages
Synopsis: In a world where every decision can tip the scales of fate, the Tuttle twins find themselves on the brink of an extraordinary adventure at a funeral that promises to alter the course of their lives - and possibly the nation's future. As they prepare to honor the late Dennis Forde, Secretary of State, they are blissfully unaware of the weighty opportunities that await them. This event is more than just a farewell; it is a convergence of aspirations, intentions, and the potential for both good and ill.
Aunt Cathy, the twins' beloved aunt and a former colleague of Forde, stands at a crossroads. She faces a monumental choice: to step into the shoes of a man whose influence reached far and wide or to remain in the shadows. The prospect of a millionaire business owner eyeing the Senate seat adds another layer of complexity to her decision. Both Aunt Cathy and the business owner see the unique talents of the Tuttle twins as the key to their ambitions - an opportunity that could either lead to greatness or peril.
As the twins navigate the funeral, they encounter a tangled web of personalities, each with their motives. The emotional stakes run high as they witness the impact of political maneuvering and personal ambitions unfold before them. With their innate abilities to think critically and challenge the status quo, the Tuttle twins hold the power to influence the decisions that could shape the future of their country. Will they align themselves with Aunt Cathy, helping her seize this moment of opportunity, or will they choose a different path that could lead to unforeseen consequences?
Critique: The Tuttle Twins and the Play for Power is an action-packed tale that invites you to step into the shoes of the beloved characters, making choices that will shape their journey and influence the outcome of their adventure. It's not just a story; it's an interactive experience that empowers readers to engage their minds and think critically about the decisions presented along the way.
Connor Boyack is a master of storytelling. He effortlessly weaves tales that spark the imagination and ignite the adventurous spirit within us all. Each thrilling installment in his Tuttle Twins series is a testament to his creativity, and just like the stories he tells, there is an adventure waiting to unfold! There is never a dull moment when you embark on a Tuttle Twins' adventure; the adventure is exhilarating.
Editorial Note: This captivating series invites young readers to join the Tuttle Twins on their thrilling escapades. Memorable characters and life lessons fill the series, resonating with children and parents alike. Each book in the series intricately weaves together the adventures of the twins, creating a rich tapestry of stories that inspire curiosity and ignite the imagination. This exciting series is designed to captivate young readers, making it a perfect choice for parents and educators looking for engaging and educational reading materials.
The Tuttle Twins Learn About the Law
Connor Boyack
Libertas Press
9781943521418, $12.99, PB, 60 pages
Synopsis: Understanding individual rights is more crucial than ever in today's world. This book, featuring Ethan and Emily, takes children on an enlightening journey to explore essential questions such as the origins of individual rights and the role of government in our lives. This engaging resource, filled with exciting adventures and colorful illustrations, introduces young readers to fundamental legal principles often overlooked in traditional schooling.
Through captivating storytelling and vibrant illustrations, children will grasp complex concepts and develop a sense of civic responsibility and awareness. The lively visuals simplify these critical subjects, making them accessible and enjoyable for young minds. By fostering a solid foundation of knowledge about individual rights, our book plays a crucial role in empowering the next generation to become informed and engaged citizens.
Critique: The Tuttle Twins Learn About the Law is a delightful book that poses thought-provoking questions that challenge conventional wisdom, encourages children to ponder why our government exists, and explores the reasons behind specific laws.
Connor Boyack's work with the Tuttle Twins embodies this spirit of exploration, inviting families to dive into the fascinating world of individual rights and laws. His writings spark curiosity, encouraging parents and children alike to engage in thoughtful discussions that can shape their understanding of the world around them.
Fostering meaningful dialogues about complex topics like rights and laws can deepen family connections and inspire a sense of responsibility in our children. This book is a wonderful addition to the literary world and would be a beneficial resource for any school library.
Editorial Review: Recommended reading ages of 6-10 years old.
Old Bad Sally's Lunchroom Shenanigans
Connie Park, author
Chad Thompson, illustrator
Columbus Publishing Lab
9781633378148, $22.99, HC, 32pp
9781633378131, $15.99 PB, Kindle $8.99
Synopsis: Old Bad Sally's Lunchroom is where laughter echoes through the air, and every lunch hour is an invitation to a delightful escapade! Picture this: a naughty girl with a twinkle in her eye and a knack for stirring up fun is on a mission to turn the ordinary lunch table into a stage of unforgettable antics. With each bite of her sandwich, she concocts playful plans that keep her friends on their toes and their hearts full of joy.
As the lunch bell rings, friendships blossom amidst giggles and shared secrets, reminding us of the magic that happens when we come together. Each lunchtime adventure is a cherished chapter in their life storybook, a testament to the joy of camaraderie and the thrill of shared experiences. The tables are not just for meals, but they also provide the setting for memories that will last a lifetime, as laughter and friendship intertwine in the most delightful ways.
Critique: Step right up and prepare to be enchanted by the delightful escapades of Old Bad Sally Lunchroom Shenanigans! Nestled in the heart of a bustling town, Sally's lunchroom is not just a spot to grab a bite; it's a portal to a world filled with laughter, surprises, and a dash of mischief.
With her wild hair and an infectious laugh that could brighten the cloudiest days, Sally is a character like no other. One moment, she's concocting a bizarre new sandwich that defies all culinary logic; the next, she is mixing up a smoothie with a list of strange ingredients. Each chapter unfolds with whimsical twists that keep you on your toes, as you never know what Sally will dream up next.
Connie Park's book is a literary gem that brings joy and excitement to its readers. It's not just a collection of words; it's a vibrant tapestry of imagination and exploration that captures the essence of fun in every beautifully illustrated page.
Park's exceptional talent as a writer leap off the page, inviting readers to embark on a journey filled with wonder, laughter, and unforgettable experiences.
Editorial Note: Recommended ages 4-10 years old.
Saving Vincent, A Novel of Jo van Gogh
Joan Fernandez
She Writes Press
9781647428709, $17.99 PB, $12.99 Kindle, 384pp
Synopsis: In a world where creativity knows no bounds, we often find ourselves inspired by the journeys of those who dared to break conventions and pursue their passions. The remarkable story of Jo van Gogh Bonger, a woman who stood bravely in the shadows of her brother-in-law's brilliance, serves as a poignant reminder of the power of resilience and determination.
As we reflect on Jo's inspiring quest to bring Vincent van Gogh's art to the forefront, this book invites readers to consider their creative pursuits and resilience. Your adventures in art and life are not just journeys that shape our understanding of the world and ourselves, but also testaments to your resilience and determination.
In 1891, Jo, a timid yet determined woman, faced the unimaginable loss of her husband, Theo, and the weight of his legacy. She found herself at a crossroads, with hundreds of unsold masterpieces left behind by Vincent.
Instead of succumbing to despair, Jo defied the societal expectations of a woman in her time, opening a boarding house to support her infant son and committing herself to promoting Vincent's art.
Critique: Saving Vincent, A Novel of Jo van Gogh is a captivating tale that weaves together themes of courage, ingenuity, and an unwavering belief in the beauty of art. This inspiring story invites readers on a journey that encourages us to challenge the norms that often hold us back from realizing our true potential.
Joan Fernandez is a remarkable author; her latest book is an invitation to delve into the captivating story of Jo van Gogh. While many of us are familiar with Vincent van Gogh as a legendary artist, the pivotal role of his sister, Jo, in preserving his extraordinary legacy is often overlooked. Jo's unwavering dedication ensured that Vincent's masterpieces would continue to inspire future generations.
In this delightful read, Fernandez not only uncovers Jo's significance but also enlightens us about the crucial role she played, weaving a rich tapestry of storytelling that underscores the profound importance of art in our lives.
Loretta Enright
Enright Publishing
9798989399703, $14.99 PB, $5.99 Kindle, 366 pages
Synopsis: In the shadow of a global pandemic, where uncertainty loomed like a heavy fog, one family's love was tested. The year was 2020 when the world seemed to stand still, caught in the relentless grip of COVID-19. Businesses shuttered, jobs vanished, and families found themselves navigating uncharted waters. It was in this tumultuous environment that 10-year-old Nick Hampton faced a dire crisis of his own - kidney failure - that led him to the doors of the most esteemed hospital in the Midwest.
As Nick lay in a sterile hospital room, surrounded by the beeping of machines and the sterile scent of antiseptic, his family's love for him was palpable. They clung to hope, their hearts heavy with fear yet filled with an unwavering determination to see their beloved boy healed. But just when they thought they had found a lifeline, they were plunged into a nightmare - a whirlpool of deceit and manipulation. The hospital, in a shocking turn of events, sought to strip Nick of his guardianship, creating a chasm of despair and disbelief within the family.
Amidst this chaos, one family member emerged as a beacon of resilience, ready to fight tooth and nail for Nick's life. With love as her armor and the stakes higher than ever, she prepared to navigate the murky waters of legal battles and ethical dilemmas. The intensity of their struggle was palpable. Would she be able to summon the strength and cunning necessary to save Nick, or would the systems meant to protect him become barriers instead?
Critique: Deception is a poignant tale of a family's unbreakable bond amidst adversity. It resonates with the very essence of what it means to cherish every moment together. It reminds us that our love can illuminate even the darkest paths in the face of life's most significant challenges.
Life's challenges can often feel overwhelming, especially when they strike without warning, as many have experienced during the pandemic. Loretta Enright's poignant writings resonate deeply with those who have faced such trials, reflecting the profound shifts that can redefine our existence.
Having recently navigated the turbulent waters of COVID-19 myself, I understand the emotional upheaval that accompanies such a life-altering event. It's a journey filled with uncertainty, yet it also presents an opportunity for growth and transformation. This book touched my heart, and made a solid impact. I predict this author's name will long be remembered in the literary world.
The Means of Keeping
Rich Marcello
Harvard Town Press
9798987754054, $25.99 HC, 330pp
9798987754047,$25.99 PB, $9.99 Kindle, Audio $0.99
Synopsis: The Means of Keeping invites readers into a world of personal anguish and profound emotional connections that resonate deeply within the fabric of our shared humanity.
Tereza Allard and David Luca, once vibrant souls navigating the joys of life, find themselves ensnared in the shadows of a climate crisis that has irrevocably altered their existence.
As they grapple with the staggering loss of their families, their poignant journey unfolds against the backdrop of a rapidly changing environment, encapsulating the raw intensity of grief intertwined with the urgent call for environmental stewardship.
This narrative transcends mere storytelling; it serves as a mirror reflecting our contemporary struggles with climate change - a crisis that looms over us all, demanding our immediate attention and action. Tereza and David's friendship becomes a lifeline, illustrating how human connections can provide solace and strength amid despair.
Their story is one of resilience, urging us to confront our relationships with the planet and each other. The novel captures what it means to be alive in a world teetering on the brink of unrepairable disaster, challenging readers to find hope amidst the ruins.
Critique: The Means of Keeping is a superb book that promptly explores the human experience in the face of a changing climate.
Rich Marcello is an author who writes with substance and depth. With his lyrical prose and vivid imagery, this book engages the mind and stirs the heart. It invites readers to reflect on their lives and choices; this is a story for those seeking a deeper understanding.
Avalanche Dreams: A Memoir of Skiing, Climbing, and Life
Louis W. Dawson
Best Peak Press LLC
9798986338545, $24.95, HC, 381pp
9798986338514, $17.95 PB, $9.99 Kindle
Synopsis: Imagine standing at the base of a towering mountain, heart racing, eyes wide with wonder. Would you need goggles to shield your eyes from the exhilarating chill of adventure? This is the moment sixteen-year-old Lou Dawson faces as he embarks on his mountaineering dream, only to realize that the thrill he sought may come with unforeseen consequences.
As Lou scales cliffs and conquers snowy summits, he finds himself caught in a whirlwind of adrenaline, questioning the very essence of fulfillment in a world that often equates success with excess. His heart pounds like a drum against his chest, his breath comes in short, sharp gasps, and the world around him blurs into a kaleidoscope of color and sound.
But Lou's journey is more than just a pursuit of adventure; it's a heartfelt quest for meaning. As he navigates the precarious balance between thrill-seeking and responsibility, he transforms from a reckless youth into a devoted father and husband, determined to create a stable foundation for his family.
Critique: Avalanche Dreams resonates with anyone who has ever grappled with the desire for adventure while yearning for connection and purpose, understanding the struggle that comes with such conflicting desires.
Louis W. Dawson, a remarkable author, has crafted a high-octane narrative that promises to sweep you off your feet and plunge you into a whirlwind of excitement. His latest creation is not just a book; it's an immersive experience that captures the essence of adventure in every page.
Envision yourself not just reading but living the story, racing through breathtaking landscapes, facing daring challenges, and discovering the thrill of the unknown - just as Dawson's characters do. This adrenaline-filled journey is one that will be hard to forget once the last page is turned.
Rise, Tomorrow Girl
Cara Martin
Independently Published
9781738345809, $12.99 PB, $6.99 Kindle, 313 pages
Synopsis: In a world forever altered by a devastating pandemic, seventeen-year-old Leanne Khoury finds herself at the intersection of hope and despair. As she watches the life of her best friend slip away to a cruel virus that indiscriminately targets the young and vibrant, Leanne's battle begins. Stricken ill, her affluent parents make the heart-wrenching decision to have her cryogenically frozen in a facility that promises a glimmer of hope through experimental procedures.
Years later, as Leanne awakens and breaks free from the icy grip of her past, she encounters a reality that seems eerily unfamiliar. The world has moved on, and so has the technology that once felt like a lifeline. Yet, Leanne feels like a stranger in her own body because of intermittent disconnects in her awareness that shadow her journey.
Memories of an evolutionary ancestor's bleed through her consciousness, creating a tapestry of emotions that leave her grappling with her identity in a society that has grown without her.
As she navigates this unfamiliar landscape, the weight of loss and the struggle for connection becomes palpable.
Critique: Rise, Tomorrow Girl enables readers to witness a heroine's incredible resilience and bravery in navigating the aftermath of a pandemic. Her journey is not just a tale of survival; it's a powerful reminder that despite overwhelming challenges, there lies an opportunity for rebirth and adventure.
In a world that continues to evolve, the echoes of the pandemic remind us of the resilience we all possess. Cara Martin beautifully captures this spirit in this inspiring book. She is an author that took one of the most devastating viruses that the world experienced, and used it as a basis for her wonderful book. Each scene allows the reader to enter to feel the intense emotion and turmoil that surrounds Leanne's life.
The pandemic claimed over a billion lives, leaving behind a generation of survivors who must learn to rebuild amidst the wreckage of their pasts. Leanne's story resonates deeply with us, reminding us of the fragility of life and the importance of forging meaningful connections in the face of adversity.
I & The Magic Pen
Amber Gabriel
Independently Published
9798796011560, $11.99, HC, 85pp
9798791043511, $5.99, PB, 79pp
Synopsis: Imagine stumbling upon a treasure in the most unexpected of places. On a ordinary day at Foundation Elementary School, they turned whimsical when a young adventurer encountered the school bully, causing everything to spiral out of control. But then, in the depths of Aunt Mysti's junk drawer, a glimmer of hope appeared - a new clicky pen. The unexpectedness of this discovery adds a layer of intrigue, making the story even more captivating. Little did they know, this pen held the key to a world of enchantment!
As the pen danced across the page, dragons soared through the skies, alien fleets invaded the horizon, and the power to rewrite the past unfolded. This magical moment is a beautiful reminder that the most ordinary objects can hold extraordinary power, and that sometimes, the most extraordinary experiences are just waiting to be discovered in our everyday lives.
Critique: I & The Magic Pen is a book that bursts with imagination and adventure, perfectly capturing the spirit of exploration. The characters in the story, with their thrilling quests, actively invite readers to unleash their sense of wanderlust and creativity they explore their world. This inclusion makes the reading experience even more engaging.
Amber Gabriel's literary creations are not just stories; they are journeys that lead readers to discover their sense of freedom and personal connection. Each narrative unfolds like a beautifully crafted journey, inviting you to immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of life.
This book encourages readers to seek their own adventures, create lasting memories, and forge connections with others. Through the characters' experiences, it shows the value of curiosity, the joy of discovery, and the power of friendship.
Editorial Note: Recommended for ages 8-11 years.
Suzie Housley, Senior Reviewer
James A. Cox
Midwest Book Review
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