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Able Greenspan's Bookshelf
Building for People: Designing Livable, Affordable, Low-Carbon Communities
Michael Eliason
Island Press
9781642833133, $40.00, PB, 222pp
Synopsis: Picture a beautiful, green neighborhood where most of your needs could be met by walking, rolling, or accessing transit. There is a diversity of housing types with abundant affordable and middle-income options. Schools, services, and pedestrianized streets make the neighborhood family friendly. As cities turn brown fields into green fields and look to maximize public investment in transit and infrastructure, ecodistricts are the answer.
With the publication of "Building for People: Designing Livable, Affordable, Low-Carbon Communities", architect and ecodistrict planner Michael Eliason shows that this type of affordable, climate-adaptive living option is possible anywhere.
Eliason makes the case for low-carbon ecodistricts and presents tools for developing these residential and mixed-use quarters or neighborhoods. Drawing from his experience working in Europe and North America, he shows the potential for new climate-adaptive ecodistricts that directly and equitably address our housing shortages while simultaneously planning for climate change.
Eliason also explains that to create highly livable places with a low carbon impact, ecodistricts must incorporate ample social housing for a good economic and social mix of residents, invest in open space, create infrastructure that can adapt to a changing climate, and offer car-free or car-light realms. Additionally, Eliason looks at how public health, livability, climate adaptation, and quality of life are interconnected.
Full-color photos and illustrations throughout show what is possible in ecodistricts around the world, drawing heavily from examples in German cities. "Building for People" shows professionals involved in regulating, planning, or designing our communities that high-quality, low-carbon living is within reach.
Critique: Of special interest to readers concerned with environmentally sustainable architectural and community design issues, as well as urban land use planning, codes/standards, "Building for People: Designing Livable, Affordable, Low-Carbon Communities" is especially and unreservedly recommended for personal, professional, community, governmental, and college/university library collections. It should be noted for students, practitioners, academia, environmental activists, governmental policy makers, and non-specialist general readers with an interest in the subject that "Building for People: Designing Livable, Affordable, Low-Carbon Communities" that this large format (8 x 0.6 x 10.5 inches/1.45 pounds) paperback edition from Island Press is also readily available in a digital book format (Kindle, $38.00).
Editorial Note: Michael Eliason is an architect and founder of Larch Lab part architecture and urbanism studio, part "think and do" tank focusing on research and policy, decarbonized low-energy buildings, and climate adaptive urbanism. Michael is also a writer, and an award-winning architect specializing in mass timber, social housing, baugruppen (urban cohousing), and ecodistricts. His career has been dedicated to advancing innovation and broadening the discourse on sustainable development, passivhaus, non-market housing, and decarbonized construction. He serves on the board of Seattle's new Passivhaus Social Housing Developer PDA. (https://www.larchlab.com/author/15kwhm2a)
Able Greenspan
Diane Donovan's Bookshelf
AI: Opening
George St. Georges
Oh No Publishing
9798991300919, $23.00 Paperback/$33.00 Hardcover
The fact that the novel AI: Opening defies pat categorization represents a plus for the story's appeal to a wide audience. Its special blend of mystery, true crime, horror, romance, and more lends the fast-paced tale an attraction that supersedes any tendency to place it in an easily marketable category.
Walt Walls and his friends not only navigate the last two semesters of college, but find themselves facing unique discoveries on the Island of Ai (and no, this is not exactly the same as artificial intelligence, but is a quirky name that comes with a murky historical reference that moves far beyond AI's meaning). George St. Georges clarifies this complexity:
The cattlemen on Ai were renowned for their exquisite breed creation, and they used artificial insemination - AI - in the regular course of events. Though they were comfortable with using frozen semen to influence their herds, they were unwilling to make the leap to believing that AI might have been the genesis of their own ancestors. Twenty or so years prior, AI mania had swept the island like the tulips had Holland, with frigid straws of bovine DNA commanding a year's wages or more. Many of the dairymen argued vociferously that the island's name and the process were related, but the townsfolk found the notion ludicrous.
However, this is not the crux of the tale... merely one of its many aspects of discovery.
Think The Da Vinci Code, but with added spiritual and intrigue overtones.
The prologue introduces history, ceremony, and scripture quoted from a granite Bible during an odd ceremony designed to assure another successful school year. Readers are quickly moved into the first chapter, which opens with football, Walt's ability to hear the voice of a slain child, and his "relentless refusal to listen":
Most people live in the outside world, but I'm here in my own. Inside. Other people speak; I think. They make things happen; things happen to me. My dad always said, "Live and learn - some people just live." I'm sorry, Dad, but most of the time I'm just trying to live, and the things that I learn, they hurt. I'm tired of the pain. Tired of being alone. We just won this game, and here I am. Thinking too much, by myself, again.
As cryptic messages and hidden secrets come to light, Walt begins to realize that the real challenge of his life lies in not only accepting his talent and listening to its messages, but pursuing history and religion in an entirely new manner devoid of prejudice and assumptions.
Readers who appreciate Biblical references will find these insights both pertinent and perhaps somewhat challenging as Walt engages in conversations and discoveries far from familiar territory, both spiritually and psychologically:
"Walt, have you ever, ever heard of Joseph - or for that matter, any one of his near or distant relations whose accounts are in the Bible - presented as anything other than the protagonist?"
"Not that I can think of, right off the bat."
"Me neither. So these portrayals of Joseph, and practically every character in the Bible, as protagonist is just like being overwhelmed with sparkling colors, but when you take a step back, sometimes it's really the deepest black."
These adventures, encounters, and reflections, in turn, give readers a powerful story that embraces Biblical interpretation (including punctuation and grammatical differences in intention), death, finals and finality, and underlying differences between thinking and knowing. Readers will thus be prompted, at many points, to consider their own prejudices and interpretations of history, spiritual lessons, and life events. This lends especially well to book club and group discussions, whether they be in classroom settings, religious circles, or among readers of novels that pepper thriller elements with deeper-level thinking.
Libraries and readers seeking far more depth in their novels of action and adventure, which rests firmly on a sense of personal and historical discovery as well as spiritual foundations, will find AI: Opening thoroughly absorbing and easy to recommend. Its function as debate and discussion material for a wide variety of reading groups lends to its attraction.
In Every Lifetime
Amy Cole
Atmosphere Press
9798891324619, $14.99 / 8.99 ebook
In Every Lifetime will attract fiction readers looking for a blend of modern romance and suspense. It pairs mystery with attraction as Violet and Max become caught up in intrigue that challenges both on many levels.
Violet Burke is not your usual love struck female so typical of too many romance novels. She's a proactive reporter whose ability to navigate strange new worlds (such as the nuances of upstate New York, which are in heavy contrast to her familiar Washington, D.C. milieu) gives her strength and assertive reactions to all kinds of life events.
From the start, Amy Cole is especially talented at juxtaposing atmospheric descriptions with psychologically astute depth:
The tight, shimmering evening gown scratching across her sensitive arms was completely out of character for her, but, hey, she could dress up if she needed to, complete with a salon-worthy blowout and smokey eye makeup. Truly, she had gone all out, down to the killer heels pinching her feet.
It really was a DC-type feat to essentially re-create a ballroom overlooking a battlefield. She couldn't deny the effect either, it really was a beautiful early fall night, and the battlefield added a layer of romance and mystery that felt like a storybook setting.
This solidifies Violet's nature, successfully pairing it with an equally compelling setting. This sets the stage for events to come as Violet reveals that her love of history and place leads to her dream of writing a novel.
A car accident involving her and her highly connected blind date Brandon, who tangle with an apparently-drunk driver from the party they've attended, segues into a confrontation at her hotel - during which Violet realizes that the 'accident' was actually intentional.
Starting with the third chapter, perspectives shift between Violet and Max, with clear chapter headings leading readers through these two lives in an easy flow of discovery and no confusion.
As their encounters move from flirting to confronting dangerous forces, developments emerge on two levels - solving a mystery, and becoming personally involved with one another.
Cole takes the time to fully develop each individual, highlighting their strengths along with the disparate ways in which they interact and change.
Libraries seeking a satisfying blend of mystery and romance will find In Every Lifetime's in-depth characterization, superb balancing of tension and psychological insight, and unexpected twists and turns translate to a story highly recommendable to a wide audience.
Trust Not the Heart
Liz Hartley
Rainy Valley Press
9780997438772, $19.99 Paperback/$4.99 ebook\
Trust Not the Heart is an Eden Beach Main Street novel that follows the trials of California custom jewelry maker Cassie Franklin during the 1994 recession. As if the economic state were not enough, realtor Carla Towne is trying to force Cassie out of her shop so she can make a profitable real estate deal. Pummeled on several fronts, Cassie makes a business decision to enter a prestigious art show against all odds. However, this adds yet another dimension of threat to the work she loves.
Liz Hartley builds a fine story of conflict, love, and shifting socioeconomic experience as handsome, wealthy Tate Gardner enters the scene to add interest and intrigue to Cassie's journey.
The focus on the psychological dance between the two against the greater backdrop and concern of business and artistic survival creates an appealing, engaging saga of risk-taking on many different levels.
Cassie's confrontations are realistic and memorable as she considers the facts that her work may have dulled over time and her approach to marketing requires a major facelift:
Into her silence, Nora said, "Maybe it's time for you to aim at the Masters."
Cassie looked at her in disbelief. "Now? We're sitting here talking about my work being... stale," though boring was the word that came to her mind, "and you suggest I enter the primo art show in Eden Beach?"
The Eden Beach Festival of the Masters had been the heart of an Eden Beach summer since forever. Between the Fourth of July and Labor Day, the show drew millions of visitors. Successful artists could often make their living - and their reputation - on just the one show.
"Why not?" said Nora. "Maybe that's what you need. A major challenge to shove you out of complacency."
Good friends, new opportunities, and risky approaches to grasp the prize of success intersect in a love story that is as much about building personal achievement and trying new things as it is about two disparate souls meeting and growing together.
Because Trust Not the Heart takes a leap into artistic endeavors other romance stories don't feature, it proves a heady read not just for genre enthusiasts, but for readers interested in compelling stories of adversity, achievement, and self-realization.
Libraries that choose Trust Not the Heart for its multifaceted attractions will find it highly recommendable for its unexpected twists and realistic personalities that confront revised ambitions and choices.
The Spear and the Sentinel
J.L. Hancock
Braveship Books
9781640622029, $7.99 Ebook; $19.99 paperback
The Spear and the Sentinel is a sequel to J.L. Hancock's prior The Hawk Enigma, bringing protagonist Voodoo and his special ops team new challenges as international struggles center on developments in Asia and a secret lab building AI war tools.
The story is captivating from the start, in which a young soldier claims he has seen giant gods rising from the battlefield. His impossible vision leads to an investigation of the island of Kunashir, just north of Japan, which reveals further impossibilities and myths. Are legends emerging from the dead, or is something less mythical going on?
Thriller readers who relish nonstop action, a setting that embraces both Asia and the former Soviet Union, and operatives that face the biggest (and perhaps most impossible) challenge of their lives will find The Spear and the Sentinel thoroughly engrossing.
The confrontations that emerge between Voodoo and his team, Chinese technology, and the resulting subterfuge's vivid descriptions might trigger some sensitive readers, but they are not overdone and lend a realistic atmosphere to the intersections of Russian, Chinese, and world special forces and interests as the mystery evolves.
Hancock is a master at representing "you are here" moments, whether they involve jumping from a train or jumping into untested international waters:
The train was coming to a more abrupt stop than Voodoo expected.
Here's my stop.
Voodoo pushed open the cargo door and stepped out onto the yoke and coupler connecting the two train cars and considered his options: Jump and PLF like a private at Airborne school? Or get back inside the train and hide?
"Let's do this, Airborne," Voodoo said out loud. Voodoo threw himself from the train.
Kobra, Sasha, Kenny, and other characters add further tension and interest to the story, contributing their insights and experiences to the fast-paced adventure.
Readers of Tom Clancy and other masters of intrigue will find Hancock's approach not only equally adept, but his attention to character- and politics-building scenarios just as vivid and well-developed as any more famous master of the art of the thriller.
This is why libraries seeing patron attraction to thriller novels will find The Spear and the Sentinel a winner - especially since it operates nicely as a standalone novel, as well as an adjunct to the setting and characters previously introduced in The Hawk Enigma.
AE Fond Kiss: Love Blossoms in Tennessee
Joan Donaldson
Black Rose Writing
9781685135423, $20.95
AE Fond Kiss: Love Blossoms in Tennessee adds to the Cumberland Mountain series with a historical novel based on the utopian community in Rugby, Tennessee that has become home for Lizzie Walker.
Lizzie is mourning the loss of her fiance at the same time as William arrives to the community mourning the loss of his sister. It feels inevitable that these two, united by loss and grief, will find solace and then attraction to one another.
But that's not the entire story. What also blossoms in Tennessee is the political and social ideals of Rugby, the ugly underside of human nature when mountain man Lucas poses a threat to Lizzie, and the secret William harbors which could ultimately threaten their new connection.
Also supplementing these personal facets is the overall struggle for equality that community women face. It's a looming disaster which taps them to step up and respond in unfamiliar, strong ways. The evolution of love and transformation that the main characters experience forces each to grow into their roles in the community as well as revised ideals of what a loving relationship really means.
Joan Donaldson excels in juxtaposing personalities, broader community interests, and descriptions which come steeped in an atmosphere of place and emotional revelation:
"I haven't sung since George died." Lizzie sat on the settee and lifted her knitting basket off an end table.
She doubted her voice could sing. No melodies or words bubbled up from inside her, as the ever-present pain had consumed each note and syllable. Lizzie stared at the forget-me-not flowers sprinkled across the gray calico dress. Some nights, she dreamed of rocking and singing to George's baby, but the morning showed an empty pillow next to her head. Perhaps her voice would return to her if love renewed her heart. But love required time to flourish and to build new dreams.
She also presents a realistic, powerful conundrum as William's choices lead Lizzy to question how she could love a man who makes horribly poor decisions about those he purports to love.
These elements, combined with the social and political revolution brewing in a utopian community which embraces all kinds of people, make for a fine saga of small-town America and women's issues. This will prove a delightful lure for libraries seeking to expand their fictional holdings with thought-provoking works that blend romance with psychological growth and community evolution.
AE Fond Kiss: Love Blossoms in Tennessee is also highly recommended for book clubs and reading groups of all kinds, whether they are interested in romance stories, sagas of rural America, women's issues, or psychological transitions.
Hooligans, Rebels, and Rabble-Rousers
Paula Kerman
Atmosphere Press
9798891324312, $22.99
Hooligans, Rebels, and Rabble-Rousers is a top recommendation for middle graders attracted to inspirational stories about proactive women in history. It profiles twenty girls who took charge of their lives and made a difference in the world, whether from protesting and facing bullets and bullies to challenging gender stereotypes.
Women who serve as role models come from a wide cross-section of times and ethnicities, from Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg to singer Aretha Franklin and the lesser-known Edie Windsor, whose early activism for LGBTQ+ rights earned her countless awards. Edie was forced to Canada to marry the love of her life, Thea, since gay marriage was illegal in the U.S. at the time, but her actions influenced generations to come:
They had no rights as a couple by law in the US, but Edie challenged the law and won her case in the Supreme Court. Two years later, the court ruled in favor of marriage equality for all.
Each autobiography concludes with a highlighted one-line reason why each woman's example represents such a powerful message. In Edie's case:
Edie helped so many people because she never gave up!
Another surprise is that the collection contains illustrations by the author which not only embellish the stories, but encourage young readers to embark on an interactive journey connecting art to life. Again, in Edie's portrait, the colorful concluding illustration is delivered with an important message:
When Edie won her court case for equal rights for gay couples, she opened her arms wide in celebration on the steps of the Supreme Court. Do you see other outstretched hands in the painting? What do those hands mean to you?
More so than most biographical sketches about inspirational lives, Paula Kerman delivers not just important, but essential messages that young people need to absorb in order to hone their own reactions to life:
Ellen Ochoa did not give up on her dream when she didn't get chosen the first two times for astronaut training. She just kept on learning and her dream came true!
Supported by inviting artwork, libraries and middle grade readers need to place Hooligans, Rebels, and Rabble-Rousers at the top of their reading and recommendation lists.
It's not only the powerful lives, but the powerful accompanying messages that make Hooligans, Rebels, and Rabble-Rousers a winner.
Daisy, Minnie, and the Sugar Plum Kitty
Jessica Azenberg
Independently Published
9798988579953, $12.99
Daisy, Minnie, and the Sugar Plum Kitty is a Paws Elementary picture book story of striving to reach a dream. It tells of a young kitty dancer who aims to be the lead in The Nutcracker ballet, but must take second place to her best friend instead.
Daisy and Minnie have been best friends over their shared love of dance. The story opens with a joyful account of shared ambition. The tale turns darker when, predictably, one cat gets the lead and the other must accept a lesser role. How can Daisy accept that the Sugar Plum Kitty role she coveted has gone to her best friend instead?
A rollicking rhyme is accompanied by large-size, colorful illustrations by Li Liu as topics of jealousy, competition, friendship, and change evolve.
It takes a strange dream to impart a valuable message to Daisy about understanding emotions and what is truly important.
Jessica Azenberg's colorful story attracts on many levels. Read-aloud adults will find it the perfect vehicle for engaging the very young in dialogue about jealousy and friendship, conflict and resolution, and competition. Kids who choose this book will be as enchanted by the cat's-eye ballet world as by the colorful kitties that dance through the pages of relationship challenges and big dreams.
Libraries that choose Daisy, Minnie, and the Sugar Plum Kitty for their collections will find it a winning story of achievement that satisfies on many levels, creating an evocative and thought-provoking scenario which is both realistic and steeped in fantasy and fun.
The Muse in a Time of Madness
Francis M. Flavin
Atmosphere Press
9798891322981, $18.99 Paperback
The Muse in a Time of Madness is the first book in historical fiction series The Alyeska Chronicles. It's set in the time of Ivan the Terrible and follows the trials of artist Petr Safronov, who is forced to abandon his art to lead the remnants of Novgorodian society to the outcast lands beyond the Urals.
With only his mystical Muse to guide him, Petr must find a way to not only survive, but guide his followers away from the terrible wrath and its aftermath that Ivan has inflicted on Russian culture and society.
Setting The Muse in a Time of Madness in 1500s Russia allows historical fiction readers an immersive experience for absorbing the politics, society, and culture of early Russia. This creates a better understanding of Russian affairs and heritage, which in turn generates a thorough grounding in Russian history through the eyes of a participant standing in the crossroads of art, politics, and mysticism.
Lest readers think they need prior familiarity with Russian affairs, or an affinity for the subject, it should be advised that Francis M. Flavin's immersive experience embraces and explains the past and current events of Russia in an inviting manner that holds no prerequisites for complete understanding and enjoyment:
The group of dispossessed Novgorodians was strung out over several miles. Their numbers had swollen to over a hundred in Yaroslavl. Because Nikolai Safronov was a leading boyar, they looked to Petr for leadership, that, due to his station, he was obliged to provide - regardless of his experience or desire. Petr, in turn, sought advice from Father Ivanov and strength from the indefatigable Andrei Stepanov. Andrei had been unbowed by the fierce winter storms that had ravaged them as they proceeded southeast along the Mother Volga.
Petr is the main character, but a host of others on his journey, including Anna, Father Ivanov, and Petr's sister Matrona, add their own impressions and experiences to his impossible journey. The psychology between fugitives both connected by their flight and distanced by jealousy I powerfully rendered:
Matrona had bonded with Anna at first - two fugitives sharing the same troubles and turmoil. But then Matrona watched her brother fall in love with Anna. Whereas she had once had all of Petr's attention, she then had been forced to share. She had resented this terribly. Consequently, she had become detached from Anna, angry that her brother had been more interested in this slave than his own sister's welfare.
Another powerful plus to this saga is how each of the characters grows in different ways. Added value emerges in the form of economic and class contrasts that also lend deeper insights into Russian affairs and the region as a whole.
All these facets contribute to the greater strength of The Muse in a Time of Madness, which expands its focus from individual lives and trials to examine the course and evolution of a nation. This approach gives modern readers much better insights into Russian history and psyche, while delivering an invigorating read that excels in character development, historical exploration, and valuable insights into Russian affairs.
Libraries that chose this novel for all these strengths plus its ability to lure readers with a thoroughly engrossing story of survival and growth will find The Muse in a Time of Madness easy to recommend - especially to readers and book clubs holding a special interest in Medieval Russian history.
The Night Sky Lined With Silver
Yvonne David
Mascot Books
9781637554876, $19.95 Hardcover/$4.99 ebook
The Night Sky Lined With Silver is a top choice for libraries seeking Jewish-themed books for children. It's a story of Hanukkah, immigration, and Jewish experience that is designed to encourage discussion among all age groups, including families.
In 1938, a winter storm sends children huddling for refuge in a train station, where they encounter local war hero and uncle Major Morris, whom everyone in the village calls Uncle Morrie. They are treated to a vivid story of survival and struggle that lingers in their minds long after the storm is gone. This sets the stage for events that force Eliot and his younger sister Abbie to step up, themselves, into unfamiliar territory when Uncle Morrie goes missing.
How can they even consider a rescue in the midst of a winter wipeout? And how can Eliot gather courage when he's historically been barely able to navigate ordinary life?
Yvonne David's holiday adventure captures the atmosphere of the Catskill Mountains in 1938, the meaning of Hanukkah, and the efforts of children to not just survive, but make a difference in their world.
Gorgeous color illustrations by Robert Sauber are more than a cut above the typical drawings chosen for children's books in modern times, representing beautiful artistic flair and depictions of events and settings that bring the story to life. From trains to surprises and a myriad of characters, these illustrations are one of the foundations of achievement which make The Night Sky Lined With Silver not just notable, but exceptional.
Between its descriptions of serendipity and true miracles, this uplifting saga will make for a warm family read-aloud experience, as well, especially when families and friends come together to create and partake in tasty holiday delights, such as latkes and applesauce, and even apple strudel.
Libraries seeking children's stories of winter adventure and thought-provoking choices that also profile Jewish culture and experience will find The Night Sky Lined With Silver an odyssey worthy of not just top recommendation, but bookshelf display.
The Honorable Way
Edmonds Prufrock Mackey
Story Scribe Books
9798986359748, $29.99 Hardcover/$16.00 Paperback/$9.99 ebook
The Honorable Way: Life Lessons Aboard a Destroyer in the Western Pacific, 1963 is a vivid memoir of life on the high seas and is based on Edmonds Prufrock Mackey's logbooks and journals. More so than most stories of service and achievement, the immediacy of his experiences come to life via a "you are here" atmosphere:
We will not pass this buoy again until late November. For now, we are outward bound as CHEVALIER and her crew are caught up by the first swell of the open sea and embraced by the rhythm of the deep. Today the waves have a slow sensual motion that seems to welcome our hull and caress it. But the sea has many moods, and we will see them all before our journey's end.
As Mackey traverses the high seas, observing and participating in enlisted life in the 1960s, readers receive eye-opening insights into the aftermath of conflict and how survivors endure:
As we exit the main gate into the town, we are saluted by the Marine MP and Naval SP, posted to guard the passage and provide joint jurisdiction in the event of inter-service disputes. We cross the "Skivvy Bridge" over the "Shit River" onto Magsaysay. The river is, in fact, a highly polluted sewage canal into which local urchins dive for the pesos thrown by sailors and Marines. Clad in our tropical khaki and naivete, we are invincible. To cross the bridge is to step through a crack in time and onto the set of a grade "B" western movie. The town was devastated by the Spanish-American War and again by the Japanese, with a few natural disasters in between. It has gained little from restoration.
These insights and moments capture bygone years, communities, and military and civilian engagements. An astute voice captures the nuances of war games, survival costs and tactics, and the participation of a man whose shipboard experiences are atmospheric, enlightening, and often reflective:
It is ironic one must return to sea to recover from the shore. Our orders have us streaming independently to Yokosuka? More time to recover. But what an experience. The opportunity to live as a citizen of a city most souls learn about in newspapers or history books. And a favored citizen, at that. The sailors of a Station Ship are predictable economic opportunities. Four weeks of companionship and commerce.
These quotes illustrate how captivating Mackey's voice is, how adept he is at placing readers within the moment-by-moment choices and experiences of living on a destroyer in the Western Pacific in the 1960s, and how thought-provoking the ultimate impact of military choices on war and peace.
Libraries that choose The Honorable Way will find it more than a personal memoir of experience, but an expansive journey into bigger-picture thinking. It offers much food for thought while capturing many encounters that reinforce Naval history, experience, and ideals.
Ultimately, these vivid memories will give readers a connection to history and place which is a delightful contrast to modern times:
The cruise for which I traded three and a half years of my life is done. But I will remember... Lands and land. Ports and people. Storms and stills.
Over in the Meadow
Chandler Strange
Chandler Strange Creative
9780991521647, $25.00
Over in the Meadow is a lovely picture book featuring illustrations by author Chandler Strange. It explores a meadow setting that holds a "kind mother turtle" and her little baby, '1'.
They dig and they play in the sand and the sun. A rhyming adventure profiles various creatures and numbers as the meadow environment unfolds, from streams and trees, lakeshore reeds, and meadow bees.
Adults who choose Over in the Meadow for read-aloud will find its blend of early introduction to numbers and ecological systems creates a gentle, evocative read perfect for both education and bedtime slumber.
The celebratory and quiet nature of the rhymes flows evenly and warmly:
Over in the meadow in a nest built of sticks, lives a gentle mother goose and her little babies six.
Elementary-level libraries seeking winning picture book stores that lend especially well to adult/child interactive educational opportunities will relish the nature appreciation and numbers in Over in the Meadow, which concludes with a song, a glossary of featured animals, and an invitation for bedtime sleep.
Why Like Flies?
Carol Haden
Austin Macauley Publishers
9798889107361, $10.95 Paperback/$25.95 Hardcover/$4.95 ebook
Why Like Flies? is a first-person picture book survey of the good and bad qualities of flies, and argues with the common notion that flies have no redeeming qualities:
They're dirty! They get in your eyes! They walk through your garbage! Why oh why should I like flies?
Carol Haden provides an unexpected answer to the introductory preface of fly prejudices by focusing on protagonist Flyboy, who outlines the good things flies do for the ecosystem, and questions his fellow flies' bad reputation.
How can Flyboy change the world's bad opinion about flies?
A zany adventure evolves that delivers an important eco-message while reviewing a proactive fly's determination to make others see just how good flies can be.
Libraries that choose Why Like Flies? will find its special appeal lies in its appealing blend of fun, colorful drawings, ecology insights, and fictional adventure.
Let's Visit a Farm
May Killebrew Hanna
Independently Published
9798988371151, $12.99 Paperback/$2.99 ebook
Let's Visit a Farm may sound like another picture book farm exploration for the very young, but one facet which elevates it from any competitor is the gorgeous illustrations by author May Killebrew Hanna. These add life and beauty to the farm world topic.
The introductory lines reveal that the farm is not only a "special place where farmers grow fruits and vegetables," but can be a "home for farm animals." Hanna states that "Each farm is special and different," which helps her exploration stand out with its focus on farm diversity, which will appeal to the very young.
Adults who choose Let's Visit a Farm for these qualities will relish the exceptionally colorful, oversized illustrations that capture all aspects of farm life.
Different chapters "visit" different kinds of farms, from vegetable farms to orchard and fruit farms, flower farms, bee farms, and more. Each farm profile receives a simple review of the types of work it takes to make the farm successful.
The result is a gorgeous picture book emphasizing that all farms are not alike, giving young readers a far more appealing exploration of farm diversity and various methods of tending a farm than most books offer.
This is why libraries will want to consider yet another farm book for their elementary-level collections. Let's Visit a Farm stands out from the crowd with an expanded focus and illustrative value that is unparalleled.
By the Way, I Love You
Susan Beth Miller
Boyle & Dalton
9781633378483, $16.99 Paperback/$3.99 eBook
By the Way, I Love You opens with a line that succinctly describes one of the novel's themes:
The door sticks, but I push through.
A freshman college student finds her room and new life contain both promise and "a lonely feel" that emerges as much from past loss and unresolved grief as it does from new experiences as Susan Beth Miller's story delves into college experience and the legacy of earlier life events.
From the start, the arrival of roommate Ivori Ferguson and her mom reinforces Leslie's more solitary choices. This is transmitted through descriptive humor that is unexpected and revealing:
I park my butt on my southside bed. I'd like to disappear and allow the jolly duo to enjoy each other, but I don't have anywhere to go. At the end of the hall, there's a common area with a scattering of chairs, but if the mom leaves and sees me idly seated there, she'll think I didn't want to hang with them. So I'm just here on the bed, taking up space like a Galapagos tortoise.
If home was not a welcoming or warm place, neither is college, at first. Leslie's foray into the role of new adult involves meeting unexpected people opening herself to revised possibilities. These make her uncomfortable even as they hold out the promise of connection and, possibly, love and sexual pleasure as she draws closer to classmate Thanh, who encourages her to risk more intimacy:
His hand is swinging beside him as he walks, and I think of grabbing it and giving it a little kiss on the back. I'm not sure I like these hit-and-run emotions. They splash odd possibilities in front of my eyes.
Their encounter with the contentious Blue Sky Development also forces Leslie to step outside of her reclusive personality, inherent shyness, and ongoing grief. She learns the value in becoming a vocal member of a community:
That scares me quite a bit, but I plan to do it. Everyone has to be brave at some point in their life, so this will be my time.
The resulting story portrays is a powerful contrast between happy and broken family lives and takes the reader on a journey through conservation efforts, blossoming love, sexual exploration, and more. Readers who partake of By the Way, I Love You will find Leslie's journey delightfully realistic, revealing, and filled with the pitfalls and promises that come with being a new adult.
Libraries that choose By the Way, I Love You will appreciate the novel's intertwining young adult themes and its portrayal of the struggles and delights of maturation, which make it a top recommendation for patrons as well as book clubs seeking thought-provoking stories of coming to terms with the past and embracing a new future.
Loki's Daughter
Linda O'Dette Warner Cahalan
Independently Published
9798336471229, $15.00 PB, $1.75 Kindle, 426pp
Loki's Daughter opens with a group of women who meet for the first time. They begin cultivating connections and observations that translate to the broader situation of women whose lives reflect both vulnerability and strength:
Anna spoke steady and openly, and did well to hide her vulnerability. But what woman has not become vulnerable since the Weserubung began.
A surreal setting moves between Nazi Germany resistance efforts and Norwegian affairs to an alternate realm in which Norse gods benefit from the darkness of Nazi choices and war.
Elisa and newcomer Anna fraternize with the enemy in order to survive, but their occupations can't protect them from everything:
"The Bergers are not coming back. Do you know why?"
Elisa's head is already swimming, and so shaking her head is no effort.
"They're Bergers. They're Jews." Sven answers.
While the military occupation of Norway may seem like a business partnership, to some, Anna well realizes some of the underlying motivations and impacts of these events. Others come to light as she learns of a special bomb and resistance efforts. Concurrent with these developments is the godly half brother of Loki the cat, whose preoccupation with magic, treasures, and the warmth of adversity influences human affairs and the progression of events in two realms.
Linda O'Dette Warner Cahalan steeps her novel with a satisfying juxtaposition of fantasy and World War II history, formulating a rich backdrop of real-world events and Nordic legend as she explores the incarnation and influence of Loki in human affairs.
The interactions between Loki and the Germans reveal the heart of evil as both form deadly associations which promote Loki's tricks and schemes and heavily impact human affairs, benefiting Loki's realm and intentions.
Cahalan creates a thought-provoking discourse in her unique approach to fantasy and history which carries Nordic and Roman legend to new arenas of discovery. This will especially attract readers interested in tales of intrigue, subterfuge, plots and special interests, and the impact of a legendary god on human history.
Libraries may find it a challenge to neatly peg Loki's Daughter. It is steeped in Nordic legend and human history, which creates thought-provoking discourses between feisty young woman Anna and those around her. Special intentions are revealed, and their real impact comes to light.
Directing patrons to the book because of its historical and mythological foundations will result in proving such readers with something uniquely different. Loki's Daughter's combination of Norwegian history and myth with World War II developments, operations, and warfare creates a matchless, vivid story that brings Loki the cat and Anna full circle in a satisfyingly unexpected climax.
Hard to peg? Yes. Hard to put down? Absolutely.
All the Beautiful Things
Emma Grey Rose
Midsummer Dream House
9798991745000, $1.29 ebook
Literature enthusiasts are in for a treat with the publication of All the Beautiful Things, a collection of free verse poems and prose devoted to relationship examination and living in the moment. Much like Proust, these moments represent a snapshot of emotional reaction and atmospheric experience that, together, paint "you are here" word pictures:
We swim naked in the pool at the neighbor's house at 2 a.m. His grandma isn't home. All I can think about is whether he can see me under the blur of the water. He's got his clothes on. The water is cool. I can feel it in places I've never felt pool water before. This was all your idea. The stars are so bright, we can see thousands. That's what it's like in the countryside at night.
Emma Grey Rose's focus on evolving relationships maintains a steady spotlight on all facets of love, from crushes and childhood experience to surreal reflections, as in 'Ophelia':
Your voice is a blend of red and words and flowers... I see your voice in the dark, the light, in the grey mid-tones of dark and light. It becomes the moon and creates moonless skies that dissipate only at sunset.
As various men move through her life like eels swimming through water, Rose creates inspections that bring into focus various facets of relationship-building and change.
Rose wrote this collection over the space of four and a half years. This lends it an introspective, reflective, long-term portrait of various personalities and the sexual and psychological forces which drive attraction and repulsion.
The backdrops of various physical environments surrounding these experiences reinforce a thought-provoking connection to Rose's reflections. This gives added value to their rich insights, such as this concluding poetic thought:
You Can Be Loved if You Really Want It / Or Drown [Trying]
Libraries seeking multifaceted literature that explores places, personalities, and perceptions of romance and connection will welcome the diverse avenues of literary and psychological reflection that power All the Beautiful Things.
The book may also lend to creative writing groups and classrooms interested in how literary development can juxtapose with personal experience and reflection to produce a hard-hitting, evocative draw for all kinds of readers in literary and psychological studies circles.
The Scientist
Kristen B. Cole
My Trope Productions LLC
9798990609501, $3.99 eBook
The Scientist dovetails the very different personalities and perceptions of a scientist and an artist, creating a melding and clash of personalities that juxtaposes romance with discovery.
Broadway composer Hadley Olivier's best friend and mother has been diagnosed with cancer. This leads her to uproot her predictable life for the wilds of California. There, she encounters many different cultural oddities; not the least of which is neighbor and scientist Dr. Alexsander "Lex" Strovinski. Despite his musical last name, the good doctor is anything but a fan of the arts. His focus is pure and simple: neurobiology. Anything else is an unwanted distraction.
Perhaps predictably, Hadley proves to be that unwelcome distraction on many levels. Less predictable is the manner in which Lex impacts her life on many levels, from developing admiration and lust between them to how he impacts her world.
As Lex helps her mother, confronts Hadley's ex-boyfriend Garrett before something new can develop between them, and inserts himself into her life in unexpected ways, so they form and strengthen emotional (and physical) ties that ultimately will provide the resilience Hadley needs to confront something impossible.
Kristen B. Cole's romance represents an interesting story of discovery and growth, both individually and as a potential partner. The shifts and challenges to their relationship are as deeply and importantly described as their growing attraction.
Ultimately, the story leads to a simple premise:
We had been running in circles, chasing our tails, only to come back as we are.
How Lex and Hadley get there is the meat of a tale that is realistic, engrossing, and somewhat unpredictable (aside from obviously growing connections between two seemingly disparate personalities).
What roads lead to marriage? What life impacts solidify relationship perceptions, values, and evolution? Cole presents these questions and more as her characters evolve and grow into not just their individual strengths and ambitions, but their interpersonal connections.
Libraries seeking a romance that explores how these associations develop in good times and bad will find The Scientist an attractive story. It's highly recommendable to romance readers seeking concurrent psychological developments from their selections. Its strength in following how these impact and change the characters gives The Scientist a compelling countenance.
It Happened One Morning...
L.A. Hider Jones
Squirrel Tree Press
9781732319011, Paperback: $17.99/ebook: $4.99
It Happened One Morning... is a quirky novel about a famous male relationship coach who, overnight, turns into a female. The horror! Forced to literally take his own advice on dating and women, Boz Studebaker finds that life as a woman is not as he'd imagined... making his former advice and approaches less than stellar.
L.A. Hider Jones gives her story a satisfying blend of fantasy, fun, and thought-provoking revelations. It opens with two archangels who may have something to do with this transformation before moving into Boz's vastly revised life. The irony lies in the fact that a celebrity renowned for transforming women's love lives finds himself not just on the other side of the fence, but on the wrong side of success in many unexpected ways, forcing him to redefine not only his successful method, but his assumptions about women's' lives.
An early revelation is that while Boz is an expert at his job, he himself fails in the arena of finding love. That's just one irony that gives It Happened One Morning... an exceptional flavor as Boz's journey through womanhood proves unpredictable and difficult.
Nobody can change Boz. He must change himself. These facts are lessons slow to grow on a man who once counted on his personality and success to run the show... but, no more.
The angelic observers of Boz's life make astute statements about him that could carry into the reader's perception of success and failure:
"How can a man who has no love in him inspire others in the ways of love? Boswell Studebaker influences millions, unlike everyday people. The Lord loves him, but He knows that Boz must do better, so that his followers will as well. His heart is not in the right place."
Aside from its fun premise, the intrigue and real discovery lies in how Boz (now "Bonnie") lives life as a woman, hitting the glass ceiling over prejudices he never saw coming. One such example happens in as ordinary a place as a restaurant she enters as a single woman seeking a meal:
"Table for one."
He looked her up and down, in her plain white blouse, black skirt, and Mary Janes. Then a patronizing smirk. "I'm sorry, but all our tables are reserved."
"Really? I see some empty tables over there-"
"Reserved." He didn't turn to look where she was pointing.
Disappointed, she was about to leave, but looked over her shoulder at the dining room. The few women there were all paired with men.
"Did he think I'm a hooker because I'm by myself?"
From accidents and thwarted expectations to struggles to identify real love and what influences its development, readers will enjoy the rollicking ride Boz takes through familiar women's experiences... as seen through a former guy's viewpoint.
Libraries that choose It Happened One Morning... for its whimsical promise will find that much more simmers beneath its surface story of physical transformation. The psychological enlightenments that evolve along the way pinpoint thoroughly absorbing moments that will be of particular interest to women's (and men's!) reading circles and book clubs seeking stories as thought-provoking as they are entertaining.
Hank's New Pack: Canines Unleashed
Tina Shepardson
c/o Clear Fork Publishing
9798336923353, $7.99 ebook/$12.99 paperback
Hank's New Pack: Canines Unleashed provides advanced elementary to early middle grade readers with the fun story of a dog's introduction to doggy daycare when his young mistress enters kindergarten.
Black and white illustrations by Alvina Kwong enhance the dog's-eye view of school and separation issues as Akita dog Hank discovers a whole new world outside of his familiar home.
At first, he is dismayed. How can he keep an eye on the home front (and get into forbidden mischief) when he's away from home all day long?
Hank and his best girl Paisy each discover new attractions outside of home as the chapters progress. Tina Shepardson employs the first-person to create a memorable character in dog Hank, then adds reflections that connect the new environments of dog and human, creating satisfying contrasts in experience:
Home was nice and quiet. Every move was not brand-new like it is here. Was Paisy nervous in her new lunchroom? At home, she always shared her peanut butter sandwich with me.
Kids also receive insights on dog care as they absorb this fun tale of a dog's changed life.
Libraries that choose Hank's New Pack: Canines Unleashed for its dog-centric focus for young chapter book readers will find its underlying messages about problem-solving, relationships, and new environments will spark dialogue between kids and adults.
It's just the ticket for young canine lovers who would better understand dogs, life events, and transformative opportunities that require revised problem-solving skills and perceptions.
Study Guide For Murder
Lori Robbins
Level Best Books
9781685127121, $16.95 Paperback/$5.99 ebook
Study Guide For Murder is the second book in the Master Class Mystery series, and revolves around the life of Liz Hopewell, who is interested not in investigations and murder, but peace. This is why she's made a major move from Brooklyn to New Jersey, far from the scenes of childhood trauma, to become a teacher.
However, crime and murder have a way of plaguing even those committed to building a staid life, as Liz discovers when a fellow golfer is murdered and the weapon happens to come from Liz's golf bag.
Liz's first-person reflections on her revised life draws readers into an atmospheric read from the story's opening lines:
If you're in the market for bottomless pits of despair and anxiety, seek employment as an English teacher. Although misery and fear aren't specifically included in most benefits packages, high schools reliably offer them at no additional cost. More to the point, gloomy themes and complicated topics are a huge hit in the classroom.
Dashes of such wry humor offer subtle comic relief as events unfold. They embrace Liz's changing relationship with her husband George, who is enjoying more wealth from his business efforts than in the past, and family relationships, which feature their own brand of complexity surrounding a vanished father and a tormentor half-brother's affairs.
Pulled full circle back to the scene of childhood traumas and relationships, Liz has her hands full when a second murder makes her life even more complicated, forcing her far from the peaceful life she covets.
Lori Robbins excels at creating scenarios in which characters find their life perspectives and missions challenged. In this case, Liz faces dual assaults from family, country club embezzlers, and motives for murder. Her ability to navigate unfamiliar waters of investigative challenge that strike too close to home make her a likeable character, while her relationships and concerns power the underlying mystery.
Libraries seeking a compelling story of trauma, recovery, and discovery in which an amateur sleuth steps up to challenges far from her experience or interests will find Study Guide For Murder absolutely compelling. It will be easy to recommend to murder mystery readers seeking proactive female characters whose lives and interests dovetail with disaster.
Jonny Napper and the Dreamworld
Sasha Beetle
Staten House
9798895874318, $11.00 Paperback
In Jonny Napper and the Dreamworld, Jonny is just turning sixteen. He's old enough to learn about his grandmother's mysterious power and interactions with the Dreamworld, where she sends her customers into a parallel universe and adventures based on their dreams and emotions.
It turns out that Johnny also has the genetic talent that could make him a guide like her... if he wants to develop it. The motivator in this instance is his mother's disappearance, which forces him to enter the Dreamworld in search of her; there to uncover family secrets that solve some puzzles while creating more dilemmas.
Sasha Beetle's story will appeal to young adult fantasy readers interested in a different kind of coming-of-age saga. Her ability to weave a grandmother's life, perspective, and revelations into a young man's journey creates thought-provoking insights about dreams, the nature of reality, and the impact of special worlds and proactive thinking:
"You can't create things in a dream that you've never seen. By the way, this explains why people who have been blind since birth don't see dreams."
As Jonny navigates Reality and Dreamworld and navigates a blossoming romance to boot, readers become involved in his dilemmas and decisions about all kinds of forces operating in Reality, dreams, and relationship-building. These are especially vividly portrayed, holding added value and impact:
The small area they were sitting in was engulfed in giant wildflowers. Bluebells, forget-me-nots, dandelions, and violets with buds the size of ripe watermelons surrounded them from all sides. Hovering above the table, hundreds of bright colorful butterflies, flashing like fireworks, formed the name "Sophie" in the air.
"J!" she exclaimed, smiling through tears of joy. "It's so beautiful and so... so romantic," she admitted, surprising even herself, and relieved that her hands were still covering her blushing cheeks.
From locked doors and intrigue to the actual process of selling dream experiences, Jonny finds himself stepping into problems and solutions he never saw coming.
The power of this story lies in its intriguing redefinitions of reality, dreams, profit, and revised relationships. Beetle's emphasis on the psychological transformations Jonny considers in the course of his journey, which embrace family past and new expectations and knowledge, creates a thoroughly absorbing adventure that teens will find impossible to put down, filled with thought-provoking insights:
"Son," Grandpa's firm voice echoed, "my grandfather enlisted at fifteen, falsifying his age in his passport. By sixteen, he was commanding a platoon. I believe managing a pajama shop is much easier than leading soldiers in trenches. In the end, attach this house to Reality by a junction, and if there are any questions, you're welcome to ask."
Issues of choice, big responsibilities, family precedents and new directions all come into play seamlessly as Jonny faces options that demand of him novel strengths he never knew he possessed. Beetle's ability to bring his relationships and dilemmas to the forefront through thoughts and dialogue that is evocatively presented results in a memorable story suitable not just for fantasy leisure readers, but teen book discussion groups.
Libraries that choose and recommend Jonny Napper and the Dreamworld will find this first book in a projected series does an excellent job of building a world and life which are highly recommendable to teens considering the wellsprings of their own family relationships and individual, evolving strengths.
Proven Methods to Better Grades: A College Readiness Course
Angelo Gadaleto, Ph.D
Proven Methods to Better Grades, LLC
9780578714431, $19.95 Paperback/$9.99 ebook
Proven Methods to Better Grades: A College Readiness Course is a comprehensive study skills program that should be on the reading lists of all high school students interested in a toolbox of techniques designed to make studying efforts more efficient and effective. The methods taught help students apply better strategies for success, which are both easier and vetted. The outcomes they produce will even enhance the efforts of students who typically already receive As and Bs.
The twelve lessons outlined in Proven Methods to Better Grades require one thing from student readers - the commitment to following the course and applying its learning techniques to their studies. Dr. Gadaleto recommends doing this in a thoughtful, gradual way that involves absorbing one or two lessons at a time. The time it takes to learn and apply these methods will be paid back through measurable and specific improvement outcomes.
The program examines different facets of study skills, from organizational skills to memory building, reading speed, note-taking, and time management approaches. The lessons cover how to get the most out of class time, the best way of tackling papers and classroom presentations, systematic preparation, and review for tests. Each subject receives an in-depth, practical, application-oriented approach that encourages students to develop tried-and-tested routines and apply critical thinking to their efforts.
Dr. Gadaleto is especially astute at reinforcing these approaches with tips and methods for success. One example is the recommendation to use Teacher Office Hours; the result is opportunities for added instruction and, sometimes, the assignment of a grad student assistant who can provide additional tutoring as needed. Another example is his recommendation to reserve consistent weekly study times rather than ask, "Do I have homework."
Suggested exercises help implement recommended Methods, from building memory by using multiple modalities for learning to overcoming exam panic by "taking a two-minute mental time out from the exam." During these two minutes, relaxation techniques can be employed to eliminate panic.
With its specific exercises, organized and tailored instructions for tackling common obstacles to study, and insights on how to navigate barriers and overcome self-imposed, limiting routines, Proven Methods to Better Grades: A College Readiness Course will prove just as essential to student achievement as getting into college in the first place.
This is why Proven Methods to Better Grades: A College Readiness Course needs to be not just a grad's gift, but on the reading lists and radars of parents, teachers, and supportive adults who want to truly prepare an aspiring student for college well before applications are turned in.
Libraries that choose Proven Methods to Better Grades: A College Readiness Course for their collections will find the guide stands out from the crowd by reinforcing proactive behavior, social and educational involvement, and study routines that operate in much more than the usual singular, rote avenues of other books for the college-bound.
Proven Methods to Better Grades - Enhanced Ebook
Angelo Gadaleto, Ph.D
Proven Methods to Better Grades, LLC
B0DJG7CHD5, $59.95, Kindle, 185pp
Readers trying to decide between the regular ebook and the paperback format (reviewed above) or the enhanced ebook version, Proven Methods To Better Grades - Enhanced Ebook: A College Readiness Course, should be advised that the heftier price tag is worth its weight in gold. Its added value, more than justifying the expense, lies in over four hours of video content that enhances and expands the text with additional corroboration that encourages students to listen and learn.
The visual reinforcements begin with a treatise on task and time management, the two forms of organization featured in Dr. Gadaleto's book. The introduction covers various organizational goals and management approaches, employs changing visuals to accompany its smooth and clear narration, and will prove much more digestible to students attracted to visual media over written word alone.
A (perhaps obvious) cautionary note is that computers need to have speakers and appropriate audio volume to receive these messages properly. While systems most sport these features, students should be sure their computer has them before embarking on this lesson plan.
Consider the injection of these videos as reinforcers of the text. Another bonus is that each video's time is prominently displayed, allowing students to better manage their allotted viewing and studying times. Each section comes with a short introductory video before providing a follow-up which holds in-depth information. The lesson on 'Concentration Methods,' for example, features a 4-minute lesson introduction and an 8-minute detailed video.
Admonitions often come with inspirational quotes as they outline proven methods for adapting and changing study habits for optimum results.
The video includes large-size text that further strengthens ideas and approaches, such as the chapter emphasizing the 'Time Structure Difference Between High School and College.' The video lingers on these points, reinforcing them mentally for students who might tend to otherwise skip and skim, thus missing some important points.
These features alone make the price tag of Proven Methods To Better Grades - Enhanced Ebook a clear winner, promising appeal and easy access to students who are more visually oriented than attracted to the written word.
The dynamic interactive opportunities of Proven Methods To Better Grades - Enhanced Ebook makes it an important guide for college-bound students interested in absorbing proven methods for getting better grades.
Parents who opt for this special lesson plan format to gift to their upward bound students will find it a top winner whose design gives added value above and beyond competing 'how to study' guides already on the market.
The At-Your-Beck Felicity Conveyor
Dolly Gray Landon
7th Species Publications
9798218468620, $17.99 Paperback/$4.99 ebook
The At-Your-Beck Felicity Conveyor: A Novel of Sin & Retribution blends a psychological thriller with satirical commentary to create a witty, suspenseful story that's hard to put down.
One of its draws lies in its quirky protagonist Yvette Cartier, an entitled gonna-be heiress who steals love toys from the local grocery boutique that's run by a good, hard-working family. They are kind and generous - but there's a limit to their tolerance, and Yvette crosses that line with an attitude they decide to address in a decidedly powerful way.
Dolly Gray Landon creates an involving tale from the start, embedding his story with literary observation, wry humor, and elements of surprise that are delivered in the novel's opening lines:
"There she is again, up to her brazen little snarfings," observed Justyce Dreadmiller, the neighborhood grocer. He followed this pouting young nymphet with his probing optics, unbeknownst to her, as she sauntered casually through the aisles, tossing seeming random staples into her shopping trolley whilst surreptitiously pocketing little luxury items from the pharmaceutical section - most likely (as per usual) sumptuous sex oils, fancy French perfumes, scented spermicidal lubricants, high-end beauty products and the like.
Readers drawn into the dichotomy of why a potential heiress would shoplift will discover this is only the tip of the iceberg of schemes and plots that tip each character into issues which challenge their usual decision-making processes.
As Landon evolves his story, another special treat lies in how Yevette's come-uppance is delivered by the carefully calculating Celine Dreadmiller and family, which assumes the forms of various levels of embarrassment, sexual encounters, and more.
Public opinion enters into the fray as sweet vengeance and justice play out:
"...you should now be informed that your guardians have tossed all your belongings out onto the curb in front of their house, and I can already attest unequivocally to the fact that scores of vagrants, junkies, and gang members are helping themselves to your most prized worldly possessions, including your collection of Gucci handbags, Prada miniskirts, jewelry from Tiffany's (including those beautiful earrings Werther gave you), and a host of other personal effects, not the least of which are those disgustingly offensive handwritten diaries of yours that you were hiding under your mattress."
Readers looking for more than a singular suspense or thriller that cultivates a tone of literary descriptive observation, the psychological strength of clashing personalities and classes, and the joy of dark humor will find The At-Your-Beck Felicity Conveyor both complex and attractive.
Libraries that choose The At-Your-Beck Felicity Conveyor for their collections will want to be sure to recommend it to suspense readers looking for over-the-top fun and thought-provoking events.
Tim Cann
Independently Published
9798991466011, $11.99 PB/$4.99 ebook
Step into the world of television, social media influencers, alt-right personalities, and zany satirical observation. All these elements permeate the milieu of Los Angeles as former debutante Lane Bryantt and her lusty daughters embark on a journey into a dystopian reality series they create in Canceled.
Then navigate the discoveries of unemployed screenwriter John, who suddenly discovers that Martin's new project may be just the ticket to a greater media success than he'd ever participated in before.
Wry humor, life events, and media snafus lend Canceled a hilarious countenance that readers will find simply delightful. Between the misadventures, flawed personalities that clash and coalesce, and appearances of oddly compelling players, Tim Cann employs dialogue, psychology, and social insight to deftly portray a world at once familiar and decidedly peculiar.
The nuances of such interactions embrace the inherently flawed world of Hollywood's drive to success - but with a difference. None of these characters is ordinary. All of them walk a fine line between seductive profitable relationships and purposes, and all of them prove to be decidedly novel and delightfully unexpected as they evolve and participate in a truly strange new venture.
Readers attracted to novels about media success stories will find the winding nature of discovery in Canceled provides an unpredictable romp through irony that will evoke many laugh-out-loud moments as the characters evolve and dilemmas emerge.
The dialogues that reflect such confrontations between characters are especially delightful:
"Hay, look who it is... the soap heiress and her soap-a-dope."
This prompted the soap-a-dope to speak up in her friend's defense. "Don't be a bully, Gina. Don't bully us."
Between haters, would-be achievers, and plain bad behavior, the story proves a refreshing breath of fresh air to readers looking for a fun tale laced with the lingo of modern times and the dialogue of wanna-be achievers.
Libraries seeking fun (and oftentimes surprisingly thought-provoking) surveys of media, flawed personalities, and shifting experiences and motives that are all delivered with more than a light dose of humor will find Canceled an absolutely perfect, highly recommended panacea countering the angst of modern living.
Purrrfecting Your Bond
Jessica Mockett
Renewal Press
9798218454241, $25.99 Paperback/$8.99 ebook
Purrrfecting Your Bond: A Practical & Spiritual Guide to Create a Lasting, Loving Relationship with Your Kitty should be in the gift bag of any new cat owner. It's as important as the kitty litter and food that comes with owning a cat. It features an approach to interacting with a cat which emphasizes not just understanding the feline personality (as so many books already do), but the basics of relationship-building with a kitty companion.
Jessica Mockett's advice rests on lessons she's learned from her own cats. Many insights about cat relationships can easily translate to human ones, as well, which makes the advice in Purrrfecting Your Bond an easy way of understanding life and relationships as a whole.
The focus on cats, however, expands the value of the book as Mockett considers many myths about cats, from the mechanics of having a snuggly 'lap cat' to novel approaches to cat guardianship.
Readers may be surprised to learn of the spiritual component and emphasis of these lessons:
Think of cat care holistically - address emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical needs of kitty and do so with an abundance of alternative and spiritual tools available to you.
From understanding the nature of the bonding process between cats and humans to employing tools for physical health (such as frequency systems), Mockett explores the full range of emotional, spiritual, and alternative tools for making the most of a cat relationship. The insights on how to successfully use alternative tools are specific and valuable:
I have a device that emits frequencies. It is most impactful when I place the attached leads on my body and can feel the electrical frequencies. However, it also works sans leads, the way I always use it on animals. Like crystals, never force a cat to submit to a session with a device like this, so don't clip it to the collar. I have numerous photos of cats snuggling up to the device when they have felt unwell; they gladly use it when they need it.
Every reader with more than a cursory interest in cats will appreciate the in-depth and practical topics, which even include how to handle multiple cats and aggressive situations.
Think Jackson Galaxy, but presented with holistic health and spiritual information, for a sense of how wide-ranging and useful is Mockett's focus on relationship-building on many different levels.
Libraries and readers may already have numerous pet care books... but they won't have Purrrfecting Your Bond, which creates an alternative focus. Its juxtaposition of bond-centric ideals with insights and vignettes from Mockett's life reinforce the value of applied alternative thinking for better feline relationship results.
No cat owner should be without Purrrfecting Your Bond's uplifting emphasis on building better relationships with a feline companion(s).
The Remembering: Of Leather & Stone
Charles Paul Collins
Griffon House Media
9798991989008, $14.99 paperback/$19.99 hardcover/$4.99 ebook
Budding genealogists who want a celebration of and knowledge about the process of tracing family history and understanding the past will find The Remembering: Of Leather & Stone a powerful work of historical fiction. It reflects genealogy's translation into not just the tapestry of Charles Paul Collins's relatives, but its influence on modern America.
Perhaps there's no better time for the immigrant experience to spring to life than now, under the pen of an author whose family foundations rested on new worlds and achievements. Collins brings an earthy understanding of the daily rigors of his family to life, choosing the unusual format of three personal journals that read as though they were written by his ancestors two hundred years ago.
The result feels like a memoir, but enjoys the dramatic flair of fiction that brings moments and memories to life. Ethnic contrasts and conflicts in early Boston are presented as Irish and Italian families evolve new connections and navigate this strange new land.
A modern family's discovery of the journals hidden in the attic brings to light facets of their heritage. These follow an odyssey begun when fourteen-year-old Cornelius is forced to escape the Great Famine in Ireland - a seven-year period of struggle, first going to England and then onwards to the U.S.
A prologue sets the historical stage, an introduction discusses genealogical discovery and new software which supported the author's research into the past, and the foundations of the story are set.
From the start, Collins creates an atmospheric story that immerses readers in the past:
Death by starvation is a slow, merciless fate. Worse than the sight of it is the smell, which can make you retch whatever little you have in you. After that, you can't eat anything, no matter how hungry you are. The sight and smell linger in your senses, taking over your mind with no escape. The year 1847 was the worst of it.
This attention to "you are here" detail carries over into the added value of considering immigrant experiences and issues which are mirrored by the prejudices and assumptions of modern-day America:
"The real danger," one of the lads said, "is the ugly cycle of fear, lies, and deceit that keeps the Irish poor and kills their chances for work and survival."
I couldn't stop wondering: why are people born in America behaving like the English they fought against and drove out over seventy years ago? Where does the hate in these 'nativist' people come from? Can hate be an infectious disease of the mind, passed down through generations without them even realizing it?
These assets lend The Remembering: Of Leather & Stone both a realistic historical touch and a contemporary relevance that makes the tale of special interest to reading groups considering immigrant history, experience, and connections between past and present.
Libraries seeking a story that is especially evocative and compelling will find it easy to recommend The Remembering: Of Leather & Stone to general-interest historical fiction readers, patrons with a special interest in early Irish or Italian roots, and book clubs seeking discussion and debate material that is at once thought-provoking and easy to digest.
The Legend of Valentine
Sheldon Collins
Hutchinson & Collins Publishing LLC
9798991362412, $26.99 HC, $16.99 PB, $5.99 Kindle, $24.95 Audiobook
The Legend of Valentine is a love story of ancient times, Italian heritage, and engrossing fiction. These elements highlight a tale that opens in ancient Rome to document the fall of an empire, the mandate of a warrior turned secret supporter of the failing Christian faith, and the efforts of Valentine to defy the tyranny he once supported, and remake his life.
From the start, Sheldon Collins focuses on bringing Saint Valentine alive, embellishing historical precedent to draw together the relatively few known facts about his life and times with the overall religious and social sentiments of Roman society.
Valentine's transformation from a soldier to something much deeper is of particular interest:
Deodatus met Valentine's gaze with a knowing smile. "You stared death in the eyes, Valentine. Most men wouldn't have survived your wound. God has given you a second chance at life - perhaps at love as well."
When Valentine heard these words, he knew them to be true. The realization settled within him like the stillness of dawn. "I am uncertain where to start. Like my father before me, fighting for Rome is all I've ever known."
As Collins reconstructs the world of ancient Roman interests and artifacts, he attends to creating a "you are here" atmosphere via disparate characters that interact within Roman society to influence and change one another.
Graphic scenes of violence which pepper the story might give pause to more sensitive readers; but these are presented in keeping with the times and evolution of events, and are not excessively or unduly utilized.
Is Valentine a criminal, as the Roman Empire comes to depict him? Or is he a healer and a man of faith, as many people believe?
Valentine's reputation as a healer, soldier, and pious man began to resonate with the people, igniting a belief that the gods might favor him.
The politics and people of early Roman times comes to life in a manner that captures both Caesar's statecraft and vision and Valentine's evolving new convictions and faith, which inevitably clash.
Readers need no prior familiarity with Roman history and affairs in order to appreciate The Legend of Valentine. The only prerequisite is an attraction to historical fiction of ancient times which, in this case, brings a legend to life and fills in many blanks with new possibilities.
Collins's creation of a vivid interpretation and exploration of the legend of Saint Valentine deserves widespread acclaim, and will reach a large audience of historical fiction readers.
Libraries that select The Legend of Valentine for its evocative educational qualities will find it easy to recommend to patrons ranging from historical fiction enthusiasts and those holding a special interest in ancient Rome to general-interest readers looking for engaging accounts of personal, political, and religious transformation.
Murder in Skoghall
Alida Winternheimer
Wild Woman Typing
9780997871432, $16.99 Paperback/$4.99 ebook
Murder in Skoghall is the first book in the Skoghall Mystery Series. It features an amateur sleuth, ghosts, and psychic abilities which will attract both mystery fans and readers of paranormal fiction.
The prologue introduces a stalker, who is watching an alluring red-haired woman who reminds him of lost love Bonnie.
Military past and PTSD come into play as he reveals the horrors of war which changed him forever:
He felt the tipping point at the very edge of his humanity. On one side, sanity and a way home. On the other side, red and black. He couldn't talk about it, not even there. Not even then. Not even to guys who saw what he did. So he joked about the red and black. And then he lost it. He lost it so bad the way home was behind him now and everything was red and black.
Readers seeking mystery and ghostly themes may not expect the depth of this prologue, but it neatly sets the stage for what follows and demonstrates that Murder in Skoghall will actually be more than a formula-written murder mystery typical of the genre.
Alida Winternheimer creates a story that simmers with underlying grief, anger, reflections on the past, and insights on moving forward in novel new ways. These reflections aren't limited to the killer, but evolve in a host of characters, including investigator Jessica Vernon, who stifles her own grief and anger with her expectation of positive change in her life.
Jessica is shifting from her beloved Minneapolis to Wisconsin, the setting for her new life and career. As antique stores, puppies, ghosts, and new romantic possibilities emerge from her move, Jess finds herself probing a dead woman's puzzle and its implications for her future life in the attractive arts community.
Winternheimer's ability to capture atmosphere, depict a strong sense of place in the one-stop-sign town's makeup, and present a character who is trying to start over while facing impossible situations that stretch her boundaries and talents makes for a truly compelling read.
Readers used to paranormal stories and mysteries will find added value in the vivid small town experiences, the injection of moments of normalcy which contrast with Jess's evolving involvements, and an undercurrent of wry ironic humor which emerges from some of her observations and efforts:
"I need to go to prison to talk to my ghost's husband and possible killer."
The juxtaposition of different elements of adaptation, survival, intrigue, love, and death will delight libraries seeking multifaceted mysteries for their collections that will appeal beyond the usual genre reader.
This is why Murder in Skoghall is especially recommended for libraries seeking exceptional books that are well developed, featuring strong characters and realistic settings designed to appeal well beyond the usual reader of murder mysteries.
Jaime Townzen
Palm Tree Press
9798218513580, $23.99 Hardcover/$16.99 Paperback/$5.99 eBook
Stacey Chapman faces a summer of lifeguard work before entering her senior year of school. It's the prime time to dive deep into a relationship before things change. Unfortunately, her summer devolves into a crush, a quest for vengeance, and poor decision-making that exposes the flaws in Stacey's character. All this emerges during the course of losing her virginity to sexy skateboarder Jessie, whom she's coveted for a long time.
Jaime Townzen's focus on a girl who is entering the complex realm of becoming a new adult creates an intriguing contrast between good and bad choices and the difficult process of making decisions whose impact isn't always clear.
Stacey tackles a multitude of adult issues, from monogamy and motherhood to relationship disappointments which force her to face uncomfortable possibilities. These are depicted with evocative, descriptive language that draw readers into her thought processes and motivations:
She glared at her painting of the aurora borealis on the fridge. Every hope she'd had for her date with Jessie, the magic of wishing on shooting stars with him by her side, felt bogus. Like seeing something so beautiful and magical as the northern lights would ever be possible for her, either.
Of special note are the powerful juxtapositions between public image and private self-assessment which Stacey is forced to navigate in novel ways. Obsessions, ideals, and reality often clash as she faces the outcome of having sex and the crash of her expectations from that event.
Adults seeking forays into the psychological, social, and sexual challenges faced by new adults, as well as teens on the cusp of entering this phase of their lives, will find Stacey's character well-developed and her dilemmas realistic and thought-provoking. Her trials while building her identity will resonate in teen through adult audiences.
All these elements translate not just to a thoroughly engrossing story, but to book club discussion material about coming of age, growth and transformation, and handling new challenges that force individuals to confront the dichotomy between whom they are and who they wish to become.
Libraries will find it easy to point reading groups and patrons in the direction of Absorbed, which might initially seem like a fine beach read, but evolves scenarios of impact that encourage readers to draw better connections between thought, direction, and the consequences of infatuation.
Gitel's Freedom
Iris Mitlin Lav
She Writes Press
9781647428587, $17.99 pbk
Libraries building collections of Jewish historical fiction will find that Gitel's Freedom offers a solid contrast between two Jewish immigrant family experiences and the choices that face poor immigrants to America. Its focus on Belorussian immigrant Gitel, who comes to the U.S. as a child and is pushed to marry. She falls in love with Orthodox Jewish pharmacist Shmuel, eschewing college and other interests for the sake of propriety and cultural expectation, creating a thoroughly engrossing tale.
The story opens with Russian baker Rayzel's satisfaction with her life and role in her community. It feels like she would be the last person to consider emigrating from her beloved home, where she has become an important member in her Jewish community. She is not only a successful baker, but is skilled at locating what is lost. Her deductive abilities involve a fine mix of Sherlock Holmes-style reasoning and psychological insight:
Someone in this town who steals a goose must be hungry and too poor to buy one, she thinks. And he or she probably has a family, because there are more convenient foods for a single person to steal.
In taking the time to build this woman's personality and approach to life, Iris Mitlin Lav crafts the foundation for a mother/daughter relationship that shifts in response to challenges in a new land and home.
Gitel has always been rebellious, but the new possibilities present in America influence her thinking in ways mother Rayzel never could have predicted. Yet, Gitel has inherited one thing from her family that serves her well as she navigates marriage and motherhood - uncovering solutions to problems big and small.
As her life changes and evolves, readers receive a detailed portrait of Jewish culture, religion, family life, and women's issues. Gitel's struggles with her husband's poor choices and his ultimate debilitating condition, which forces her into a caregiver role, will engage readers well familiar with spousal attitudes, needs, and caregiving's impact.
Lav's attention to juxtaposing family relationships and transitions with social changes in women's roles and economics creates a story perfect for book club discussion topics ranging from Jewish heritage, identity, and culture to changing mother/daughter relationships as the decades introduce new challenges to all Americans.
This gives Gitel's story additional added value in exploring shifting approaches to her family and the world around her.
Libraries that choose Gitel's Freedom to add to their Jewish collections and fiction will find its wide-ranging issues and discoveries make it highly recommended reading for non-Jewish audiences, as well. Its compelling blend of history and characters who struggle with their daily lives and precedents makes it a winner.
Alternative Facts
Emily Greenberg
Kallisto Gaia Press
9781952224362, $19.95
Alternative Facts is a literary short story collection that excels in tales with a twist. It will reach and excite audiences who like surprises, thought-provoking settings and characters, and events that spin out of control in directions they might never see coming.
Take the title story 'Alternative Facts,' for example. Presented in the form of a long run-on sentence of Kellyanne's observations, it will delightfully challenge, entertain, and pose food for thought to grammatical perfectionists who might initially believe the run-on format a negative approach:
Maybe the two silver-haired, tuxedo-clad men were not really about to fight, Kellyanne thought, observing that no, they were not now puffing their concave, emphysemic chests and raising their voices like men did when they fought, nor were they folding their Mnuchin imitation eyeglasses and placing them on a nearby white-clothed cocktail table, shaved and moisturized cheeks reddening from the effort, carefully plucked first date eyebrows slanting, stumpy liver-spotted fingers jabbing the lavender-scented air, and maybe they were not stepping toward each other in that taunting, schoolyard-lunch-money-hungered way, sharp-eyed vultures circling a kill, curled fingers beckoning and half-parted lips mouthing Come and get it, and no, she was certainly not languishing in a forgotten corner at the inaugural ball on her fiftieth birthday, wilting like iced delivery flowers on the doorstep, waiting for the president and first lady to arrive, completely bored but feigning interest in her husband's small-stakes small talk with small-dick party donors, her husband who was not really her husband after all...
What might at first be viewed as a rambling narrative in need of punctuation evolves into a breathless presentation of politics, social observation, and ironies of life. The fact that this is delivered in such a form serves to unexpectedly reinforce Kellyanne's observational prowess, engaging readers in hard truths about all kinds of subjects that flow into one another much like an internet browser search:
...nor had she listened to him deliver one of the shortest inauguration speeches in history while pumping his tiny fists, his too-long tie waving, the rain falling, nor thought to herself, He is whoever we tell him to be, then looked out into the raindrenched red-MAGA-hatted audience and thought, He is whoever they tell him to be, the hidden part of themselves they pretend doesn't exist, that slow-growing tumor, a thought that tickle-tortured her even more than watching Forty-Three struggling to open a translucent poncho, bagging himself like week-old recycling as her husband squeezed her hand, his hairy palm warm and sweaty, always so sweaty, muttering over and over again as if hypnotized, You did it, you did it, you made history...
Matching this story's flow and energy would seem no casual feat, but Emily Greenberg follows up with stories that represent eerie observational vignettes of life as history collides with personal experience, birthing new opportunities for creative thinking and re-interpreting past, present, and future possibilities.
'Tonight Show' centers on George Bush ("Dubya"), for example, presenting an intriguing story of his encounter with Jay Leno which embraces an inability to expose the truth about Bush's artistic beliefs. The link between art and politics may seem tenuous to some, but under Greenberg's hand, it springs to life in an interview which challenges both participants and audience to realize disparate truths about art, Dubya's life, Texas origins, and the impact of coming across in an interview as:
This is a good guy, a guy who can laugh at himself, a guy just like us. A guy we can forgive for tonight.
Libraries seeking a collection of short stories charged by literary might, political insight, cultural revelation, and quirky, wry humor will find Alternative Facts just the ticket for readers seeking diverse story delivery methods and unexpected food for thought.
The Other
Jeff Markowitz
Level Best Books
9781685128043, $16.95 paperback; $5.99 ebook
The Other opens in 1933. Abe Dubinski has built a family and life around living on a canal and working as a lock tender for a canal company. Everything he's built revolves around this watery foundation, so when the company announces it's closing, Abe is faced with the first of many challenges to his world and lifestyle. When a pro-Nazi youth camp opens nearby, taking over the fields that surround his home and endangering his family, everything continues to change for the worse.
Fast forward ninety years to when Abe's home is inhabited by Charlie Levenson, who only wants to live his last years in peace after his wife's death. Like Abe, Charlie views the house as a refuge and foundation from the world's woes; and also like Abe, Charlie faces Nazi threats that force him to address prejudice, hate, and danger to his home and life.
In juxtaposing the similar confrontations of Abe and Charlie over a period of decades, Jeff Markowitz crafts a moving story of two personalities whose desire for peace is shaken by a call to action that they cannot ignore. Bonded by the canal that represents tranquility and adversity for each man, the two struggle to come to terms with their choices and decisions and the long-ranging consequences of each.
Other characters, such as Rachel, Detective Warren, and Detective Massoud, consider these questions in light of unfolding events and their own perceptions. They bring added value to the story in disparate ways.
Markowitz embeds this bigger-picture thinking with passages replete with psychological, philosophical, and social reflection:
Were the times really changing, he wondered, or had he simply been blind to the bad parts. Detective Warren had always been the right color, the right gender, the right religion. If he were to ask his partner, what would she tell him? Did she feel like an other? What did that feel like, living your life as an other, in your hometown?
As the identity and formation of 'others' emerges as one of the strengths to a story steeped in World War II history and American society, readers have the opportunity to reconsider their familiarity with both.
Issues of support systems and connections come to light to intrigue book clubs interested in discussions about friendship's limitations and idealism's barriers:
Abe understood that their friendship had its limitations. This was not Otto's fight. If trouble came, Abe knew that his family would face that trouble alone.
The shifting timeline between 1933 and 2023 allows for important contrasts between characters, changing times, and the nature of prejudice, war, and adversity, This also adds value with its inspection of questionable fires, dangerous undercurrents to canal life, and an investigation that reveals far more than perps or possible murderers.
Readers who enjoy novels steeped in mystery, social observation, historical backdrops, and thought-provoking contrasts will find The Other compelling. It serves the purpose of appealing to leisure readers and audiences seeking either book club debate material or discussions of historical contrast and bigger-picture thinking.
This is why libraries should consider The Other an important acquisition that promises to appeal to a wide audience seeking well-written, compelling stories of past and present, offering a powerful focus on characters who "just see things differently than the rest of us."
Nana's Heartwarming Tales: Little Echoes
Vicki Johnpeer with Cory
CP Press
9798990062559, $13.99 Paperback/$9.99 eBook/$18.99 Hardcover
Nana's Heartwarming Tales: Little Echoes again features tiny hummingbird reporter Cory, whose observations of four children (Cara, Aimee, Buddy, and Cousin Jed, whom everyone calls 'The Pals') lends understanding and insight to their encounters and experiences of friendship.
Like Vicki Johnpeer and Cory's previous Nana collection Tiny Whispers, the tales embrace themes of friendship, caring, cultivating forgiveness, and more. These are illustrated via encounters that bring the children enlightening lessons on life that read-aloud parents can use to reinforce early ideas of how to navigate the world and one's peers.
Lovely line drawings by Johnpeer accompany stories that open with definitions of their themes. 'Being Caring,' for example, states:
Being caring means helping others by freely giving your time, abilities, and the things others need without expecting anything in return.
As Buddy and Jed climb trees and learn from Mama Bird, the birth of a baby bird provides opportunities for young reader or listener enlightenment as Mama Bird and the Pals explore different ways of protecting the newborn and understanding its needs.
Packed with appealing tales backed by important lessons, Nana's Heartwarming Tales: Little Echoes expands on the stories introduced in the first book. Each tale concludes with food for thought that adults and kids can consider with one another as reflective reporter Cory offers additional insights.
Elementary-level libraries that choose Nana's Heartwarming Tales: Little Echoes will find it key to helping kids understanding cooperative thinking, problem-solving, and reacting to life events with care and concern for others.
Henrik Sorensen
Independently Published
9798991368308, $4.99 ebook
Corsair's vivid setting of a hostile planet where biological robots awaken to perform programmed tasks offers a stark and engrossing picture from the start:
At any given point in time, millions of suns rise and shed light on millions of planets. But the sun never rises on Calx. Ara, the Crimson Father, sits in the great pink sky like a gaping red mouth endlessly vomiting bloody light across the Terminator, transfixed in a long-dead orbit. The Terminator is a narrow black canyon of life, either side of which is hedged by endless, uninhabitable wastes.
63177 carries out his functions without thought, until a fellow automation is destroyed in an accident. This prompts a jump into singularity as the construct suddenly struggles with memories and feelings far from its original purposes.
The second chapter moves off-planet to a spaceship where elite Corsair Kalaiapi is engaged in what she does well: pursuing prey in the form of a Primus ship. When it tries to hide on a planet, Kalaiapi is forced to realize the real meaning behind the conflict with her Confederation. She's forced to confront a conspiracy she hadn't suspected, which alters her efforts, her belief in the system that fostered her, and the battle which has consumed her life purpose.
Henrik Sorensen portrays Kalaiapi's shifting mission with an attention to engaging details and struggles for survival that thoroughly engage readers in her evolving discoveries and dilemmas. A 'you are here' feel is cultivated through descriptions of the extraordinary measures she must undertake to survive:
The trauma of having the port torn from her spine would have nearly destroyed her nervous system. As it was, now she was simply stranded on Calx in perpetuity, or at least until someone thought to come look for her. And the only person who knew she was here was Jroran. Poor auspices.
The decision-making challenges for all involved hold a special philosophical and ethical component that readers will find intriguing, revealing, and thought-provoking:
"You are a heresy, Kalaiapi! And so am I. The Confederation has committed countless heresies in the name of the greater good, yet we are supposed to allow ourselves to be destroyed for the sake of ideological purity? I'm not sure if you're being naive or cynical, but the effect is the same. I want peace, Kalaiapi. As much distaste as I have for the Confederation and for the Eternal Council, I'm still an Astaran. I still think of nights in the mountains of God's Eye outside our village, of the emerald ocean waters and sun yellow sands of the beaches near Piyrayus where we'd swim after training. I don't want to live out the next hundred years of life on Fornax and I don't want anyone else to die in the conflict between us. This is the only way."
Corsair goes far beyond battle, survival tactics, and discovery (all of which are features in a strong plot with delightful blends of personality, tension, and unexpected twists and turns) to enter into realms of choice and consequence. The plot reveals how each character must grow beyond programming and purpose if they are to survive both individually and collectively.
Though the door is left more than ajar for further books, the story concludes definitively and with a bang, which further supports its strength and attraction.
Libraries seeking sci-fi stories that pair action-packed confrontations and encounters with bigger-picture thinking about values and definitions of life and living will find Corsair the perfect acquisition to recommend to sci-fi readers seeking complex plots filled with insights on eternal wars, peace, and new possibilities.
Blossoms on a Poisoned Sea
Mariko Tatsumoto
Northampton House Press
9781950668243, $18.95 Paper/$9.99 ebook
Blossoms On A Poisoned Sea: A Novel of Love & Betrayal in Minamata, Japan is a historical romance for adults and young adults that delves into the facts behind a true story of industrial subterfuge and disaster.
Yuki, the daughter of a poor fisherman, and Kiyo, the son of an executive at a huge chemical plant, meet and fall in love - but their real story is only the beginning. When all life begins to die in their lovely Minamata Bay and humans begin falling ill with an agonizing, mysterious illness, Yuki finds herself the sole breadwinner, supporting her ailing family.
It would have been easy to limit the focus to their relationship, but Mariko Tatsumoto adds history and bigger-picture thinking to her story as it surveys class prejudice when city folk turn their backs on the poor fisherfolk who receive the brunt of the disease's outbreak.
Kiyo's efforts to help Yuki pit him against his own family and heritage. Both face off with a big conglomerate that sports deep pockets, broader resources, and an interest in hiding the truth about what is really happening in Minamata Bay and to its residents.
Tatsumoto brings all these elements to life, employing evocative description, atmosphere, and language to cement personalities and lives with social and political challenges. The politics of cover-up revolving around a water purifier which is touted to solve everything are astutely portrayed, as are the disparate reactions of common people to shifting proposals:
"I'm just annoyed. These fishermen, creating too many problems. The government instructed us to switch dumping from the bay to the river. Now, they want us to discharge into the bay again. Industry creates waste. It can't be helped. Our products are vital to the nation, but government people keep hamstringing us."
Educators and adults will especially appreciate how Blossoms On A Poisoned Sea gives them the opportunity to open dialogues with young readers about Japanese history, industrial pollution, and social prejudice.
The novel is thoroughly compelling and rich in its explorations of political and social issues intrinsic not just to Japanese society, but also in Tatsumoto's examination of the clash between industrial interests and everyday lives, making the saga hard to put down.
All these elements make Blossoms On A Poisoned Sea a top recommendation for libraries, book discussion groups, schools, and young adults seeking a thought-provoking, compelling story.
Twist of Time
Gy Waldron
First Fruits Publishing
9798869378163, $18.99 Paperback/$8.49 ebook
Fans of technothrillers and murder mysteries will find that Twist of Time opens with an engrossing bang (The nude woman's body had no head) and follows its initial powerful opener throughout the story as Detective Sgt. Kate Flynn of the Santa Barbara Police Department becomes deeply involved in a particularly gruesome case whose complexity challenges even her impressive investigate talents.
Gy Waldron quickly adds Anglican monk Bro. Thomas and ancient Celtic artifacts and history to Kate's endeavors, broadening the topics from a kill's unusual modus operandi to a mystery that holds its roots in medieval European events. The more they tug on these threats of connection and discovery, the more intricate present-day events become. Vatican special interests, government secrets and lab work, and a treasure hunt intersect with delightful complexity.
Readers will become immersed in the methods and world of Templar students, the magic and mystery of writing, and the commanding power of warriors as adept at making love as they are in battle. When Kate and Thomas discover a far more dangerous and significant government plot at the heart of their murder investigation, the action becomes particularly fast-paced and satisfyingly unpredictable.
Their search centers on the lost diary of Brychan and events of the past that immerse Bro.Thomas and Sara in dangerous affairs. Readers will appreciate the strong dose of historical and spiritual reflection which accompanies their investigation.
Think Indiana Jones, but with a further emphasis on historical and ethical precedents which impact characters and readers alike. Rich character development dovetails nicely with the tension to build a can't-put-it-down atmosphere of adventure and suspense as events unfold.
Libraries seeking thrillers packed with the unexpected and laced with many opportunities for book club discussion groups and deeper-level thinking will welcome Twist of Time. Its attention to psychological, religious, scientific, and social description lends not just to a realistic atmosphere, but thought-provoking insights about the greater good and how two individuals can ultimately affect the future of humanity itself.
Devious Web
Shelley Grandy
Spark Press
9781684632749. $17.99 Paperback/$12.99 ebook
Devious Web is a mystery set in Canada in the middle of the pandemic years. It focuses on successful Canadian entrepreneur Tom Oliver, who literally falls under the gun just as he's at a crossroads for changing his business and marriage.
It's a good that his friend Jason Liu is also a savvy homicide detective, because Tom will need all the support he can get to confront a too-large list of those who might harbor a special interest in killing him.
Shelley Grandy then builds a complex story packed with twists and turns even savvy murder mystery readers won't see coming as Tom and Jason confront disparate influences from the equestrian world, business circles, and personal relationship developments. All these shake Tom's foundations.
It's undeniable that someone is out to get Tom, but the real earth-shaking knowledge is that the person's motives and connection to Tom emerge from surprising encounters and revelations.
Grandy creates excellent suspense and tension as Tom is targeted several times and forced to confront the forces working against him. Jason comes up with a plot to sideline Tom while they're attempting to locate his killer. Only a few in his immediate family will suffer from the fiction that he is dead, and this deception allows Jason to keep Tom safe while he investigates.
The problem is that there is no real safety as events force him to confront his brother's betrayal and new possibilities in a devious web of schemes and conflicts.
The power of this mystery lies not just in portraying numerous escapes from death, but in examining life connections and assumptions which all shift under Jason's probe. Tension, characters, and connections are so well-constructed that even savvy murder mystery readers won't see many of these developments coming.
Libraries that choose Devious Web for its intricate twists and turns of plot and psyche will find it easy to recommend to patrons who love a good mystery and like being continually surprised by new revelations.
The Vault
Stuart Z. Goldstein
Pen Paper Press
9781736632239, Paperback: $14.99/Hardcover: $24.95/Ebook: $6.99
The Vault draws thriller readers into a story that mixes elements of crime and confrontation with psychological and ethical considerations. A Wall Street vault that holds more riches than Fort Knox becomes the center of plotting, controversy, and the financial heart of America.
This vault is impervious to threat or attack. Until now. That's when military veteran Andy returns from service to enter Wall Street's hidden world; there to be groomed for the leadership of Vault Operations. However, he becomes disenchanted with how big business treats employees and blocks his efforts to foster career paths for those under him. It's time for change... and that change will come from unexpected quarters.
From the start, Stuart Z. Goldstein captures the ethical conundrums involved in financial, economic, and business circles:
It was unlikely that a steel vault, by definition, could ever fail. But people fail. Leaders fail. They fail in their values and commitment to the Golden Rule. And that can lead to disillusionment and betrayal. It is - and ever has been the dilemma of our time. Andy knew a reckoning was coming.
That poor choices can lead to failure only serves to highlight the fact that no institution, vault, or protective agency is infallible to change and challenge - especially when human beings are involved.
In this case, team player and company man Andy finds himself in the center of a power play that occurs between new head of Human Resources Don Franks, who confronts CEO Daeva Connolly, and other internal conflicts over the vault's management. These include Boris Romanov, who trained as a cop in Russia and confronts Jennie Li over taking bearer bonds from the vault.
Goldstein takes the time to build personalities, motivations, and insights that not only give each character added dimensions, but makes their actions, reactions, and choices logical and realistic.
This enhances the story's tension, producing likeable characters whose involvements and interactions test the boundaries of moral and ethical behavior, financial savvy, and the wisdom behind Vault access and management.
Suspense is nicely constructed with twists and turns readers won't see coming, that add further value to the plot.
Libraries seeking stories that rest as much upon psychological insight as on strong character development, evolving interpersonal relationships, and bigger objectives of financial management, wisdom, and incongruities will find The Vault a top recommendation. It will appeal to any patron seeking thoroughly engrossing novels that raise questions of values and integrity. This will also attract book clubs seeking vivid material for discussion.
The Hollywood Unicorn
Christine Birch
The Hollywood Unicorn
9798991682107, $12.99
The Hollywood Unicorn: Empowering Women of Color in the Corporate Arena comes from a powerful woman with roots in the entertainment industry as a marketing executive. Christine Birch links her career and psyche to social issues, career pursuits, and overcoming adversity as a woman of color. Her experiences, examples, and insights offer keys to honing better approaches to identity and life, as her book reveals a host of opportunities for transformation that lend to better understanding of the forces of oppression and change.
Max Alnutt peppers The Hollywood Unicorn with engaging illustrations. This gives her book visual encouragement and support as she tackles topics ranging from understanding one's values and integrity to honing new pathways that go against the grain.
Added value comes from her regular emphasis on the obstacles particular to women of color:
For women of color, grit involves a keen awareness of the landscape, recognizing when to asset oneself and when to strategically navigate around potential roadblocks.
Birch's book is about more than reviewing, lecturing, and presenting her experiences, however. At the heart of this production lies an attention to exercises and pathways that women of color can employ to change their perceptions and, thus, the outcomes of their efforts.
These empowering strategies vary immensely, from understanding Hollywood and Wall Street politics in a different manner through Birch's vast experiences to being able to understand and spot bias in feedback situations. These approaches allow readers to connect the dots of corporate processes and challenges via case histories of Birch's Hollywood experiences putting together productions, advertising, and assembling creative forces to produce extraordinary results. They promote a deeper understanding about the influence of popular culture's connection to power, subconscious prejudices, and assumptions.
Throughout the book, striking inserts, charts, and highlights simplify the process of better understanding the connections between corporate processes and personal, political, and business growth.
The value of these examples, exercises, and approaches makes The Hollywood Unicorn a very highly recommended, essential book. It will especially appeal to any library considering books that encourage understanding and empowerment, and should be given to any young woman entering the work world, whether it be Hollywood or Wall Street. The Hollywood Unicorn should also be made a central part of book club and discussion groups where in-depth surveys about women of color and gender issues are of central interest.
The Flickering Bridge
J.A. Enfield
Wayzgoose Press
9781961953246, $4.99 ebook, $14.99 paperback
The Flickering Bridge, Book Two of the teen/young adult historical fantasy Time Alleys series, continues the story and characters introduced in An Ambush of Years as it follows Mick and his companions on a mission to stymie new threats to London's time alleys. Despite their best efforts, these portals are flickering, indicating that forces at work to undermine the alleys are even deadlier than first imagined.
Of course, Mick is tapped for service, given his extraordinary and proven prior success at being able to see these alleys. The bigger question is: can he defend them?
J.A. Enfield presents a vivid blend of time travel, history, mystery, and confrontation as teen characters struggle against impossible forces. Think Jonathan Stroud's atmosphere in Lockwood & Co., but add more history to the non-ghostly mix of dilemmas posed in The Flickering Bridge. Well-developed tension and characters keep teens on their toes and guessing about motives, outcomes, and choices as Mick faces challenges to his reputation as the best alley spotter at the Forsyth Institute.
From adult secrets revolving around the Undertaking to plots surrounding the Realignment and plans that cast tradition and precedent to the winds, Mick and his friends not only tackle opposing forces, but are forced to confront matters of reality, consequences, and changes that swirl around forces well beyond their control or ken.
Enfield creates moments of reflection throughout this action-packed story:
"We are resolved, then," Mrs. Cutter said. "We have our name, and we know our gamble. Let us cast our lots and hope that we learn more than how to regret our choices."
These encourage more thought-provoking reading than teens might expect, but also add subplots and insights that will spark some delightful book club or group discussion, whether in a classroom or a library reading circle.
Libraries that choose The Flickering Bridge will appreciate that it stands nicely alone as well as proving a satisfying continuation of the characters and events introduced in An Ambush of Years.
Tower of Light
P. G. Badzey
Stone Owl Press
9781732862760, $3.99 eBook
In order to fully appreciate the expansive, changing world of Tower of Light, it's recommended that the six books prior be enjoyed to fully appreciate how P.G. Badzey continues to evolve this milieu and its issues.
Here, the War of the Dark Wave has ended, the famous warrior Grey Riders are married and settling down, looking forward to ruling their own kingdoms, and the world of Damora is on track to a peaceful time. Not so fast. In fact, there are final matters to attend to - issues that return the specter of conflict to the battle-weary Grey Riders, who must journey to the Southlands to confront the tyrannical People's Republic of Torosc and its impact.
The best laid plans, indeed; because defeated forces don't necessarily lie to rest all the horrors of the past, which begin to arise anew as vengeful survivors to shake the realm's newfound peace.
The tale opens with Brandawyn Aldenar adjusting to her role as "your majesty" and a student with much to learn from mentor Johanna. In the process of embracing her Elohir legacy, Brandi explores Other Space, stumbles upon a War Fiend, and confronts the daemons that continue to plague her world, testing the notion that her Elohir nature can always trump evil forces.
Confrontation involves controlling her demons within as well as the forces against her, she finds as she wins one battle but learns to cultivate mercy when she is on top... a hard lesson given that the daemon was threatening to destroy her husband Eric as well as herself, cultivating most vile and tortuous plans.
Growth is painful. That's just one theme of an epic fantasy that continues to grow new options, pathways, and character depth.
If there's one thing P. G. Badzey excels at, it's juxtaposing action-packed confrontations with bigger-picture thinking. Solid world development is represented in the Grey Riders seven books. Think George R.R. Martin's Game of Thrones, but with more adept characterization that creates instantly-immersive scenarios designed to keep readers on edge and guessing.
Other characters emerge to join the fray, from Eric's half-sister Varani Hylar (Khyla) to a band of travelers and warriors whose actions force Brandi to step into many difficult scenarios holding equally challenging options. For this and other efforts, she cultivates a spiritual connection that will especially attract spiritual audiences with a special blend of magic and faith:
Dar shook his head. "According to Jeremy, officers rarely travel alone. And the Red Veils are known to have potions made with Troll blood that can camouflage them."
Megan nodded slowly. "And I can't use dispelling magic without giving away my position, so that's not an option."
Brandi stared at the camp again, mulling over options in her mind as she listened to the others. Guide me, Lord, she prayed.
Fantasy readers looking for action receive plenty of confrontations, strikes, and counterstrikes; but those interested in psychological depth and spiritual reflection will also find much to like in Tower of Light.
Libraries seeking vivid fantasies that explore more deeply than representations of clashing kingdoms and special interests will find the entire series compelling and Tower of Light an especially satisfying journey into personal and ideological transformation, powered by strong female characters and situations that redefine empowerment, strength, and future opportunities.
The Girl Goes Home
Dorian Box
Friction Press
9781734639957, $4.99 ebook/$11.99 paperback
The Girl Goes Home, the fourth book in the Emily Calby series, will intrigue newcomers and prior fans alike. While there's a trend in modern writing to create strong female protagonists, it should be noted that Emily is not just strong - she's fierce.
This ferocity is captured in an opening first-person journal extract from Emily's past that is the perfect medium for immediately translating Emily's special challenges and perceptions into a likeable character whom readers will find compelling from the story's opening lines:
Hi Journal. Dr. Townsend told me to keep you. He said it could help with my trauma disorders. I don't see how writing can fix anything, but if going along gets me out of this psych ward sooner it's worth it. My disorders have long names. I still have to look them up to spell them right. Dissociative this and dissociative that, all fancy ways of saying my brain is broken, like the mirror in the bathroom at the hospital.
This affection develops quickly despite the quick admonition by this young writer that she's developed an uncommon, dangerous proclivity towards violence:
I am Emily Blair Calby. I turned thirteen last month. I like to play softball and take care of my little sister and be with my best friend, Meggie Tribet. Liked. My whole life is past tense. The day the two men came was the end of everything.
Now I like to kill people. Haha. Just kidding. I don't like it.
Her journal entry sets the stage for a story that then moves to the present and describes young lawyer Zack Skellar learning about a particularly grisly murder history, the Calby Murders, covered at a lecture devoted to the history of murders that shaped legal precedents.
Emily is now in her twenties and involved in her own new start in life as a lawyer, but the past is never far behind. As the only survivor of a terrible murder scene, she carries the scars and burden of knowledge which re-emerge when new facts evolve into her own life's cold case.
Dorian Box is a master at crafting scenarios and investigations that center on a proactive young woman's determination to unravel a mystery that holds family secrets, new threats to the ones she loves, and a terrible impact on her choices and survival.
The psychological elements of trauma and discovery entwine in delightful ways that emerge from Emily's past in unexpected, compelling manners as she involves Zack and journalist Briley Carr in the true crime investigation of a lifetime.
Many nuances of discovery and danger are outlined clearly for readers as Emily attempts to solve matters that revolve around her identity. Wry humor emerges at unexpected moments to juxtapose the serious elements with comic relief.
Readers who join Emily in her rollercoaster ride will find the story replete with unexpected twists and turns and an ever-expanding cast of characters that each lend their own special insights into the intrigue and suspense which are strong allures to the story.
Libraries looking for murder mysteries entwined with powerful characterization, unexpected dilemmas, and a young woman who struggles to understand and cope with her tragic past, will want to look at this one. The Girl Goes Home both builds on prior books and yet stands nicely alone for newcomers.
Be prepared for a completely immersive story that asks major questions (and answers some) that victims can harbor:
Why them? Why their family?
The answer will surprise.
Fierce, attention-grabbing, and thought-provoking, The Girl Goes Home is a masterwork of psychological suspense.
Forgiving Dr Jekyll: From Hyde to Healing
Paul Drugan
Mascot Books
9798891384439, $24.95
Forgiving Dr Jekyll: From Hyde to Healing is a thought-provoking memoir that offers not just a review of Paul Drugan's life, but insights into how healing and forgiveness can emerge from the most extreme, impossible situations.
The story opens with Drugan's father's death when Drugan was twenty-four years old. It then progresses through events that will impact emotionally fragile or sensitive readers with "you are here" memories and experiences that are hard to set aside:
We took the same anxiety-filled route home from the hospital so many times that it was as if the car drove itself... The weight of our sadness pressed down on us. Our neighbors were staring from their front porches as we slowed and drove down the street. Their gawking turned our private grief into community theater.
Drugan and his mother field all kinds of new challenges, including the instantly-altered status of his mother as a neighborhood widow instead of a proper married suburban wife:
A seismic shift altered my mother's place among her peers. Whether she knew it or not, she was now a member of a special category of women within the neighborhood. This new reality comprised ladies who, separated from their husbands by divorce or death, could no longer claim the once exalted status of a suburban housewife. This made widows - now my mother - a rare and dangerous entity in the minds of married women who lived in the neighborhood. No matter how they got that way, single women were always threats.
The father's loss shifts the author and his readers into new realizations about life, freedom, and family relationships. As Paul navigates the devastating environment of camp that stripped away his budding self-confidence and deals with threats of being drafted to Vietnam, he begins to identify the treatment by his father that led him to question his skills, identity, and trajectory in life.
Readers struggling with their own issues of childhood domestic violence will find plenty of scenes both familiar and heartwarming as Paul navigates the rest of his life both with and without his father's impact. Some of his scars are lasting; others heal with time. More importantly, how he deals with other situations that place him in similar circumstances provides important keys to readers moving through their own PTSD and the situation of having an abuser's influence on their psyches and perspectives.
Overcoming a history of cheating, hiding and lying is difficult. Paul covers his growth process as he acknowledges his sexual identity, the impact of childhood isolation, and applies various literary, spiritual, and psychological insights to redefine his relationship with his father in different ways
"Remember the saying on the wall you saw that you can discount the past because it's gone? You can't do anything about it now. It can't hurt you and has no bearing on your life when you wake up, so you can live on a fresh, clean slate." The Buddhist tenet becomes a powerful metaphor for how I begin thinking about my relationship with my father.
Ultimately, Forgiving Dr Jekyll: From Hyde to Healing provides healing options and processes for readers struggling with their own identities as adults. It's unusual to see a memoir that offers so much value as a blueprint for recovery, but Paul Michael Drugan does so in a thoroughly absorbing way, laying waste to secrets and exploring family, friendships, and psyche with a degree of candid honesty unusual even for the memoir format.
Libraries seeking stories of recovery, discovery, and growth that operate on many different levels of influence and ideals will want to make Forgiving Dr Jekyll: From Hyde to Healing part of their collections. It's also highly recommended to book clubs and healing groups interested in hard-hitting, inspirational works about reconciling the past with future opportunities.
The Geezer's Guide to Adventure
Donald J. Hurzeler
Kua Bay Publishing LLC
9798985787559, $24.99 Hardcover/$19.99 Paperback/$5.99 eBook
The Geezer's Guide to Adventure adds to the Courage to Succeed series by redefining the ideal of 'success' in retirement years.
Many hold the notion that retirement marks entry into more placid water. Not if you approach the idea that retirement closes the door on requirement but opens a new one into adventure, spontaneity, and novel experiences.
The examples Donald J. Hurzeler presents in his survey of retirees who have cultivated an adventurous spirit and life despite financial and physical limitations are not just enlightening. They are inspiring.
And yet, The Geezer's Guide to Adventure isn't a gathering of idealistic dreams. It takes the needed added step of showing exactly how senior adventurers made plans, overcame obstacles, and honed lives of action and pleasure that taught them new things about themselves and the world around them.
Take the recommended foray into national parks, for one example. Via a one-time fee that grants seniors a lifetime of free entry, new travel opportunities open up that Donald J. Hurzeler reviews with vivid descriptions and mouth-watering possibility.
The main theme of this promotion of senior activity is crystal clear:
I am absolutely clear on the fact that lack of resources, and physical and mental limitations, can get in the way of adventure in our old age... in a significant way. However, please go back to my main theme here: What can you do? Do what you can - you are not excluded from the fun zone. In fact, I think you will find yourself very much welcome there.
What can you do? Live life to its fullest. Of necessity, this involves compromise. But that doesn't mean a retiree should stay at home with a TV and four walls. Ability and limited budget do not translate to indoors dwelling... not with The Geezer's Guide to Adventure in hand, which candidly addresses typical limitations and explores options which do work for embracing an adventurous lifestyle.
Take international travel, for example. It's easy to say one is too old and tired to undertake the rigors of long-distance journeying, but Hurzeler shares his personal plan:
The best trick up our sleeve for international travel is this... We are old, retired, and often tired when we go on big-time adventures. So, we try to break the big travel segments into two pieces with a rest day or more in between. For example, to get to Tanzania from Kona, Hawaii, we fly to Los Angeles to Houston to Amsterdam. We then stay at a hotel very near or at the airport in Amsterdam for one to three days and do absolutely nothing other than eat at our favorite restaurant in the world, Lars, for dinner each night. It also helps that we've been to Amsterdam dozens of times, so we have kind of seen it all. After our downtime in Amsterdam, we can then fly to Tanzania well-rested. We do the same on the way back. It's a luxury... absolutely... but we have finally figured out that our health and comfort are worth the extra time and money.
By promoting an active ability-driven retirement, Hurzeler encourages his readers to open the door to new experience. That is life. That is priceless. And this is why libraries and patrons who choose The Geezer's Guide to Adventure actually receive a blueprint for living their golden years that discusses not barriers, but revised opportunities.
To the moon, Alice! It's there for the grasping, the road to success embedded in The Geezer's Guide to Adventure.
Alexander Hamilton's Wish for Battlefield Glory
C. Behrens
Independently Published
9798218556259, $17.99 Hardcover/$14.99 Paperback/$7.99 eBook
Alexander Hamilton's Wish for Battlefield Glory features eye-catching colorful illustrations by long-time artist Bryan Werts, bringing history alive for picture book readers in a survey packed with action and detail.
C. Behrens doesn't just review dates and events, which is why this story comes across so strongly. He includes insights on motivations, psychology, and approaches the characters have which influence their basic political and social decision-making:
A war would give him a chance to be a hero. Alexander thought becoming a hero would take away the shame of his father's desertion and the sadness of his mother's death.
These, in turn, invite read-aloud adults to discuss deeper levels of American history than the usual survey offers, helping kids understand that these very real people faced their own personal challenges and obstacles in the course of their revised actions and impact on America.
From Hamilton's early report on a massive Caribbean hurricane which captures the interest of the island's governor and businessmen, who fund his continuing education in the States, to how Hamilton became involved in the riots and protests at college over British rule of the colonies, the history takes a sparkling turn of excitement as the events surrounding the Revolutionary War come to life.
Kids who normally view history as impersonal and boring will relish the vivid capture of underlying emotions, influences, and passions which fueled America's fight for independence.
As the vivid illustrations and equally compelling text come to life, adults will appreciate the opportunity to engage the young in a story vital to American history and relatable to modern social and political struggle.
Libraries that choose Alexander Hamilton's Wish for Battlefield Glory for its promise of a different approach to American history will find the especially vibrant cover art and many psychological and social insights make for an exceptional chronicle that brings early American struggle and Alexander Hamilton to life.
Diane C. Donovan, Senior Reviewer
Donovan's Literary Services
Gary Roen's Bookshelf
Hidden Behind The Robe
Matt Graham
Courthouse Publishing L.L.C.
9798792077287, $16.99 pbk / $8.99 Kindle
"Hidden Behind The Robe" is not just a good read, it's a great one. Matt Graham takes readers on a wild ride, through a court system in California rift with all kinds of problems. They begin on the first page where judge Charles Dunning, receives an anonymous note of one of the other magistrates having sex with females who work in the courthouse. The letter lists a courtroom and chambers as two of the places, the abuse was carried out. The complaint stirs up a hornets nest that reveals the women were given brownies filled with a stimulant, that renders them easy prey, for the sick desires of the degenerate legal authority. As the story unfolds, Dunning has his own difficulties to deal with, he believes are revenge payback, by the sex offender. "Hidden Behind The Robe" is filled with numerous conflicts, believable characters, strong prose that move along to its conclusion, readers will not want to put down until finished.
Stuart Woods' Golden Hour: A Teddy Fay Novel
Brett Battles, author
c/o Penguin Random House
9780593949177 $30.00 HC / $14.99 Kindle
A Teddy Fay novel is always a great read and "Stuart Woods' Golden Hour" is a welcome addition to the series. Woods was smart to branch out years ago from the Stone Barrington titles with Teddy Faye was always one of the most interesting characters of the Barrington books featuring Faye. Once again he is called upon by Stone to investigate a situation. This time agents of the CIA are being systematically wiped out who were involved with a plan headed by Faye. Through Stone Faye goes undercover in Europe while working for the movie production company he works for. Bret Battles the author chosen to continue the works of Stuart Woods does a masterful job of keeping the continuity of Woods with snappy dialogue, crisp writing, solid characters, and a tense nail biter plot. "Stuart Woods' Golden Hour" excels in suspense entertainment of the world of Teddy Faye.
Stones of the Earth
Kolby Carrell
Legacy Book Publishing
https://www legacybookpublishing.com
9781958923375 $23.95 pbk / No Kindle
"Stones of the Earth" is one of those novels that grabs your attention from the first page on. Normally I am not a person who reads or reviews fantasy novels. Possibly because the feeling by me and others is that its so far out there and just ho hum. Kolby Carrell has written a novel that sweeps the reader along with beautifully written prose, characters relatable to anyone who has ever shown fear of something only to realize they need to face it and move on and a cover that entices readers to open the pages to enter the world he has set up. "Stones of the Earth" is solid storytelling by a new voice in the fantasy genre, who is sure to be back with other works, in the near future to please the growing fantasy audience.
Depth Charge: Science Fiction Stories from the Murky Depths
Edited by Hank Davis & Jamie Ibson
Baen Books
9781982193829, $18.00 pbk, $8.99 Kindle
For so long we've heard the final frontier is space. Well, there is another perimeter few have thought about. "Depth Charge: Science Fiction Stories from the Murky Depths" takes readers to that zone, often overlooked. Many of the stories in the collection are ones by many writers from the Golden Age of Science Fiction, that are just as interesting as they were when they were first published. Some of the illustrious names are, Arthur C. Clarke, James Blish, Robert Silverberg and Fredrick Brown, included here are some newer authors including Brad R. Torgesen, Gray Rinehart, Mary Rosenblum. Take note, Brown a master of the twist of an ending, has had so many of his works out of print not allowed to be reprinted anywhere, for whatever reason. To have a tale of his in a collection is a special treat and "Fish Story" is a gem of a man who meets a mermaid in waters off the coast of Miami Florida. Hank Davis and Jamie Ibson have shown impeccable taste with "Depth Charge: Science Fiction Stories from the Murky Depths."
Last Train Outta Kepler 283
Edited by David Boop
Baen Books
9781982193768, $18.00 pbk, $8.99 Kindle
In the film world westerns are still fun viewing while novels and collections like "Last Train Outta Kepler 283" offer some of the best writing in both genres of western fare and science fiction horror. The stories by writers such as John Stith, Lezli Robyn, David Afsharirad, Mel Todd and Christopher L. Smith fill the collection of thirteen stories combining the best realms of science fiction and western fare that are fresh approaches to both. "Last Train Outta Kepler 283" is a wonderful addition to the other titles in the in the very popular compendiums series.
Fears: Tales of Psychological Horror
Edited by Ellen Datlow
Tachyon Publications
9781616964221, $16.95 pbk, $7.99 Kindle
"Fears: Tales of Psychological Horror" is a collection guaranteed to thrill anyone who loves horror fiction. Datlow, one of the finest editors in the business, has a long track record of accomplishments. Datlow, once again is at the top of her form, with the authors who grace the pages of the compilation, that make us hear things that go bump in the night and other dastardly items in your mind. "Fears" is unnerving reading, not just, for the Halloween period. Warning if you choose to enter the twenty-one realms of chilling tales in "Fears," in the middle of the night, keep the lights on, to keep the scary mental demons who may be lurking about from harming you.
The Boyfriend
Freida McFadden
Poisoned Pen Press
c/o Sourcebooks
9781728296227, $17.99 pbk / $3.99 Kindle
"The Boyfriend" held my interest to just about the end. Sydney Shaw has a great life, with one missing portion. Someone to share it with. She has done all the things to find Mr. Right Once again, she is disappointed with a man who proves to be a total jerk . At the abrupt conclusion of their encounter she feels he is not getting the message; it is over for them. Sydney is saved by a mystery man, who sends the creep on his way before disappearing. Later contact is made with her savior a doctor, that leads to a relationship. She is cautious though, having doubts when she cannot get him to tell her much about his past. We the reader learn, a lot of it, that is interesting. "The Boyfriend" is a super charged suspense novel until a problem crops up where it does not lead to the ending as it is supposed to. The setback is, there are no clues to arrive, where the author takes the reader. With its flaw "The Boyfriend" is still a fun read
The Coworker
Freida McFadden
Poisoned Pen Press
c/o Sourcebooks
9781728296203, $17.99 pbk / $3.99 Kindle
"The Coworker" is a great story but not as fast a read as other titles by Freida McFadden. Dawn Schiff sends a message to her boss Seth Hoffman that she needs to see him in an important meeting. There is back and forth communication beginning the story. Natalie Farrell notices when she comes into the office that Dawn who is always prompt to the minute is not in her cubicle near Natalie's. Natalie has doubts about why Dawn is not at her desk. She begins to suspect something is up because she after a few hours is still not at her station. This normally in a novel by McFadden would lead to page turning excitement but we learn early that Dawn is obsessed with turtles, live ones, to statues, books, paintings, and anything else turtles. "The Coworker" creeps along with an unfolding story that moves through the past and present to finally conclude with a nice ending. "The Coworker" still held my interest but I for one am all turtled out.
Never Lie
Freida McFadden
Poisoned Pen Press
c/o Sourcebooks
9781728296166, $17.99 pbk / $3.99 Kindle
The opening sentence "Everybody lies" of "Never Lie" captures the reader, as it is supposed to. "Never Lie" continues to hold interest as newlyweds Tricia and Ethan search for a new home. At the same time its an unfolding story about missing Dr.Adrienne Hale a psychiatrist. It is suspected her boyfriend murdered her. Unfortunately, for police, there is no body nor proof of a crime, just hunches detectives have. In an odd twist of fate, the realtor Tricia and Ethan hired, steers them to the home of Dr. Hale that is now on the market. As the couple check out the residence, they are forced to stay there, as a blizzard has shut down everything. Tricia checks out many of the rooms while Ethan researches the kitchen. Tricia walks into a section that is the office of the missing physician, where she conducted her interviews with patients. As Tricia explores the workplace she finds documented recordings of sessions, she plays on a device. She hears different ones that create all kinds of conflicts in the story. "Never Lie" is still on an interesting course, but later falls apart as many things are revealed, because there is no lead up to the authors conclusions that end the novel. "Never Lie" is the third of Freida McFadden's thrillers, where I have the same complaint. She has taken the reader on a course that does not gel with the rest of the tale. Three times its as if she has no idea how to end it just throwing out whatever. It has also made me rethink how many of her books I want to review. Other readers may have no complaints with "Never Lie" and totally enjoy the story
Dancing On The Edge
Alan Lantieri
Legacy Book Publishing
https://www legacybookpublishing.com
9781958923467 $34.95 pbk / No Kindle
Years ago there were not many books about Manic Depression or more commonly identified as Bipolar Disorder. Now, there are plenty, most written by medical professionals, many of whom, speak in therapeutic terms. Today one of the best titles is "Dancing On The Edge" written in easy-to-understand prose by author Alan Lantieri's It hits closer to home, as it is his own personal story dealing with the disease, often, misdiagnosed and treated. "Dancing On The Edge" is broken into two sections. The first tells his early life where he was a part of the acting community but always knew something was just not right. His mistrust of doctors who only treat with medications, with no clear benefit in the long run, prevented him from seeking help until there was no alternative. Later he was in and out of facilities from VA hospitals to private care centers with no clear results of accomplishment. In fact the remedies caused their own problems that triggered different constant abuses to his body and mind. The second portion from his own artwork explain certain aspects, as he was experiencing them, are informative to help understand the disease and its influence. He includes explanations how each came about. A bonus is the poetry expressing better than prose could ever do. It is the desire of the author that "Dancing On The Edge" be a tool for anyone, experiencing what he has been through, to let them know they are not alone and there is hope.
Gary Roen
Senior Reviewer
Helen Dumont's Bookshelf
I'd Rather Be Dead Than Deaf: A Young Woman's Journey with Liver Cancer
E. Adrienne Wilson, author
Andrea Wilson Woods, editor
Blue Faery
9798989552412, $64.99, HC, 442pp
Synopsis: In her own words, this is the journal of Adrienne Wilson, a teenage artist, poet, and beloved sister. Before her death from liver cancer at the age of fifteen, Adrienne expressed her funny, bright soul in this prolific journal. Her musings on life, relationships, music, love, and the beautiful grime of her adopted hometown of Los Angeles leap off the page; her deep sensitivity and perspective are captured in full-color prints of her award-winning artwork. Steeped in late-90s nostalgia, "I'd Rather Be Dead Than Deaf: A Young Woman's Journey with Liver Cancer" is an artistic journey through a teenage girl's eyes is moving, often hilarious, and unforgettable.
Critique: Deftly and effectively edited by Andrea Wilson Woods, "I'd Rather Be Dead Than Deaf: A Young Woman's Journey with Liver Cancer" is profusely illustrated throughout with Adrienne Wilson's sketches, drawings, photos, and doodles. This is the fascinating and emotionally engaging diary that is as unique and special as it is universal and timeless. Dealing with a lethal medical issue, this is the personal and candid self-portrayal of a gifted adolescent and an especially, unreservedly recommended addition to personal, professional, community, and college/university library Death/Dying themed biography and memoir collections. It should be noted for teen and young adult readers that tis hardcover edition of "I'd Rather Be Dead Than Deaf: A Young Woman's Journey with Liver Cancer" from Blue Faery is also readily available in a paperback edition (979-8989552405, $29.99) and in a digital book format (Kindle, $9.99).
Editorial Note: E. Adrienne Wilson was a talented artist, gifted writer, voracious reader, and a budding musician when she was diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma in May 2001. Some of her academic achievements include a UCLA Creative Writing Scholarship, Principal's Honor Roll (all three years in middle school), Presidential Academic Achievement Award, California Junior Scholastic Federation Gold Sealbearer, and Outstanding Portfolio Award (8th grade). When Adrienne was diagnosed, she was finishing her first year of high school at Burbank High, where she maintained a 4.0 GPA. She completed two years of fine art studies at the Ragan Art Academy and was the youngest person accepted into the program at that time. Adrienne received honorable mentions in many art competitions, and her artwork was displayed in three Los Angeles galleries. (https://www.bluefaery.org/adriennes-story)
Magdalene's Ascension: Mary's Journey to Becoming Light
Annine van der Meer, Ph.D.
Bear & Company
c/o Inner Traditions International, Ltd.
9781591435266, $29.99, PB, 416pp
Synopsis: Expanding the scholarship and understanding of the early Christian period and the world of the Essenes from a feminine perspective, religious historian Annine van der Meer offers a detailed new account of the life of Mary Magdalene, also known as Mary of Bethany or Miryam the Migdalah, showing how Mary's spiritual path is intimately connected to our current times of ascension.
With the publication of "Magdalene's Ascension: Mary's Journey to Becoming Light", Dutch historian Annine van der Meer explores Mary's family background, her education in Egypt, her mission in Western Europe, her life and work alongside Jesus, also known as Yeshua, and her anointing as his wife and his appointed successor.
Though not recognized by the patriarchal disciples Peter, Andrew, and Paul, "Magadalene's Ascension" presents the evidence of Mary's role through biblical, historical, apocryphal, and recent channeled sources and regression reports, including those of Dolores Cannon, Stuart Wilson, Joanna Prentis, and Claire Heartsong.
Van der Meer then reveals Mary's ascension process through seven branches along the Tree of Life, detailed in The Gospel of the Beloved Companion, written by Mary herself, and scientifically explains ascension (the changing of the physical body into a light body) through recent developments in quantum physics. Van der Meer takes the reader through seven portals, from individual ascension to collective ascension, illuminating not only Mary's heavenly journey of becoming light but also its spiritual significance for each of us as individuals and for the world as a whole.
Critique: Inherently fascinating, informative, meticulously researched, iconoclastic, and featuring a two page Preface (Mary Magdalene and My Life Changing Experience), B/W historical illustrations, an eleven page Bibliography, a twelve page Index, "Magdalene's Ascension: Mary's Journey to Becoming Light" by Annine van der Meer is especially and unreservedly recommended for community, seminary, and college/university library Biblical Apocrypha collections and supplemental 1st Century Mary Magdalene/Christian History curriculum studies lists. It should be noted for the personal reading lists of seminary students, clergy, historians, and non-specialist general readers with an interest in the subject that this paperback edition of "Magdalene's Ascension" from Bear & Company is also readily available in a digital book format (Kindle, $20.99).
Editorial Note: Annine van der Meer, Ph.D., is a Dutch historian of religion who holds a doctorate in theology from the University of Utrecht. In 2008 she founded the Pansophia Foundation, a Wisdom school dedicated to the raising of consciousness and empowerment of women. The author of nineteen books in Dutch, English, French, and German, she lives in the Netherlands. (https://www.annine-pansophia.nl)
Helen Dumont
John Taylor's Bookshelf
Menander and the Birth of Domestic Drama
Mitch Brown
University of Wisconsin Press
9780299349608, $89.95, HC, 216pp
Synopsis: Although few of his plays exist in full today, the fourth-century BCE Greek dramatist Menander was known far and wide throughout antiquity. He was one of the first to locate his dramas in the common household, rather than the mythic world of gods and heroes, and is now recognized as one of the pioneering figures of ancient Greek "New Comedy."
The design of the Greek stage was such that the interiors of houses were almost never shown, which posed difficulties for a playwright interested in staging the domestic lives of ordinary people. Here, with the publication of "Menander and the Birth of Domestic Drama", Professor Mitch Brown dissects how Menander responded to this challenge.
As Professor Brown demonstrates, Menander successfully conjured offstage action and even characters in the audiences' imaginations; these offstage universes, Professor Brown ably argues, are fundamental to understanding Menander's dramaturgy and its reception in later centuries. Menander's offstage methods and the new type of play (domestic drama) that he inaugurated directly influenced Western theater into the early modern period -- and the impact of his innovations can still be seen indirectly today.
Critique: An exceptional work of seminal, ground-breaking, and insightful scholarship, "Menander and the Birth of Domestic Drama" by Mitch Brown (who is an Assistant Professor of Classical Studies at William & Mary University) is an especially and unreservedly recommended addition to personal, professional, community, and college/university library Greek Performing Arts/Theatrical Plays criticism, history, and playwright collections, and supplemental Greek Comedy/Drama Historical Theater curriculum studies lists.
John Taylor
Mary Cowper's Bookshelf
Women and the Olympic Dream
Maria Kaj
McFarland & Company
9781476686479, $34.99, PB, 306pp
Synopsis: On an April morning in 1896, unemployed single mother Stamata Revithi ran the 40 kilometers from Marathon to Athens, finishing in 5 hours 30 minutes. Barred from the first Olympic marathon, she was determined to prove herself.
Through more than a century of Olympic Games history, women athletes (who were held back from swimming because long skirts were required, limited to running single-lap races because of fallacies about fragility, or forced to endure invasive gender exams) competed in spite of endless challenges.
From Athens 1896 to Tokyo 2020, "Women and the Olympic Dream: The Continuing Struggle for Equality, 1896-2021" is a history of women's participation in the Olympic Games and centers on athletes who overcame entrenched inequity to gain inclusion.
Critique: Enhanced with B/W historical photos, "Women and the Olympic Dream: The Continuing Struggle for Equality, 1896-2021" by Maria Kaj (who is a blogger and the author of multiple books about the Olympic Games) is a seminal and ground-breaking study. Original, informative, and exceptional, "Women and the Olympic Dream" is unreservedly recommended for personal, professional, community and college/university library Women's Sports History/Biography and Olympics History/Biography collections. It should be noted that this paperback edition of "Women and the Olympic Dream" from McFarland & Company is also readily available in a digital book format (Kindle, $25.99).
The Suffrage Photography of Lena Connell
Colleen Denney
McFarland & Company
9781476681627, $55.00, PB, 204pp
Synopsis: Lena Connell was one of a new breed of young professional women who took up photography at the turn of the 20th century. She ran her own studio in North London, only employed women, and made her mark on history by creating compellingly modern portraits of women in the British suffrage movement.
The women that Connell captured on film are as class-inclusive a group as you could find: whether they were factory workers, schoolteachers, or aristocrats, they joined the cause to make a difference for future generations of women, if not for themselves. Connell's portraits created a new kind of visibility for these activists as hard-working, unrelenting women, whose spirits rose above injustice.
With the publication of "The Suffrage Photography of Lena Connell: Creating a Cult of Great Women Leaders in Britain, 1908-1914", Professor Colleen Denney informatively examines Connell's artistic career within the Edwardian suffrage movement. It discusses her body of portraits within the British suffrage movement's propagandistic efforts and its goals of sophisticated, professional representations of its members. Included are all of her known portraits of suffragettes through 1914.
Critique: Illustrated throughout with B/W historical photos, this large format (7 x 0.41 x 10 inches, 13.6 ounces) paperback edition of "The Suffrage Photography of Lena Connell: Creating a Cult of Great Women Leaders in Britain, 1908-1914" by Professor Colleen Denney is an especially and unreservedly recommended addition to personal, professional, community, and college/university library History of Photography, as well as Women's Suffrage Movement History/Biography collections. It should be noted that this paperback edition of "The Suffrage Photography of Lena Connell" is also readily available from McFarland & Company in a digital book format (Kindle, $35.99).
Editorial Note: Colleen Denney is a professor of art history and gender and women's studies at the University of Wyoming, in Laramie. She has published extensively on the visual culture of women's activism worldwide. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colleen_Denney)
Mary Cowper
Micah Andrew's Bookshelf
Big Questions and Great Answers in Entrepreneurship Research
Alain Fayolle, editor
Sandrine Le Pontois, editor
R. D. M. Pelly, editor
Edward Elgar Publishing
9781800888654, $180.00, HC, 376pp
Synopsis: Collaboratively compiled and co-edited by academicians Alain Fayolle, Sandrine Le Pontois, and R. D. M. Pelly, "Big Questions and Great Answers in Entrepreneurship Research: Discussing Up-to-date Methodological and Philosophical Issues" from Edward Elgar Publishing underscores the progress that has been made and the challenges that remain within the field of entrepreneurship research by considering the field's rapid expansion over the last thirty years.
The contributors to "Big Questions and Great Answers in Entrepreneurship Research" collectively highlight the importance of situating research alongside philosophical and ontological questions and methodological considerations. Individual chapters describe qualitative research methodologies, including exploratory autoethnographic accounts of entrepreneurship experiences, and examine contemporary quantitative research methods. Potential impacts on research, such as AI and big data, are also interrogated to provide readers with a stimulating view of the future scholarly landscape.
Academics focusing on entrepreneurship, research methods in business and business education will benefit from "Big Questions and Great Answers in Entrepreneurship Research". It will also prove important for MBA students seeking insight into future research ventures.
Critique: Comprised of fifteen erudite and thought-provoking contributions, and a complete listing of the contributors and their credentials, this edition of "Big Questions and Great Answers in Entrepreneurship Research: Discussing Up-to-date Methodological and Philosophical Issues" is a seminal, unique, impressively informative, exceptionally thoughtful, and truly ground-breaking volume that is especially and unreservedly recommended for college/university library Entrepreneurship Research Studies collections and supplemental MBA curriculum studies lists.
Editorial Note #1: Alain Fayolle is the Entrepreneurship Professor, IDRAC Business School, France and Visiting Professor, Turku School of Economics, Finland,
Editorial Note #2: Sandrine Le Pontois is the Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship, Universite Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne, COACTIS, France .
Editorial Note #3: R. Duncan M. Pelly is the Cal Turner Endowed Chair of Business Administration, Fisk University, US.
Micah Andrew
Michael Dunford's Bookshelf
How to Enable Engagement Between Universities and Business
Kathy Daniels, editor
Saskia L. Hansen, editor
Edward Elgar Publishing
9781035316793, $195.00, HC, 428pp
Synopsis: Collaboratively compiled and co-edited by Kathy Daniels and Saskia L. Hansen, "How to Enable Engagement Between Universities and Business: A Guide for Building Relationships" is an instructive guide to exploring practical ways to create and develop a positive relationship between universities and businesses, showcasing diverse and innovative forms of collaboration.
Kathy Daniels and Saskia Loer Hansen bring together expert insights from across the world to demonstrate that business engagement is a wide-ranging and essential part of the modern university.
Recognizing that universities and businesses are complex and varied organizations, contributing authors present initiatives tailored to their different agendas and ways of operating. They use real-world case studies to identify successful ways to approach a university - business relationship, and investigate common mistakes. Chapters look beyond research-based engagement strategies to cover ideas including curriculum co-development, executive education, and degree apprenticeships. "How to Enable Engagement Between Universities and Business" highlights in particular the opportunities that relationships between small- and medium-sized enterprises and universities can bring.
Simply stated, "How to Enable Engagement Between Universities and Business" is an essential resource for academics and university staff involved in business engagement and career development. It is also an important read for industry professionals responsible for graduate recruitment, apprenticeships, and research opportunities.
Critique: Comprised of 37 erudite and impressively informative essays by the contributors (of which there is a complete listing along with their credentials), "How to Enable Engagement Between Universities and Business: A Guide for Building Relationships" is an ideal and comprehensive textbook that is critically important reading for anyone charged with creating, maintaining, and improving successful and mutually beneficial relations between the business community and the college/university education community. This hardcover edition of "How to Enable Engagement Between Universities and Business: A Guide for Building Relationships" from Edward Elgar Publishing is especially and unreservedly recommended for personal, professional, corporate, and college/university library Business/Education collections.
Editorial Note #1: Kathy Daniels (https://research-test.aston.ac.uk/en/persons/kathy-daniels) is an Honorary Professor, Aston University, UK.
Editorial Note #2: Saskia Loer Hansen is the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (International and Engagement) and Vice-President, of RMIT University, Australia. https://www.rmit.edu.au/news/all-news/2022/oct/new-rmit-dvc-international-engagement
Michael Dunford
Paul Vogel's Bookshelf
Mathematics of Tabletop Games
Aaron Montgomery
CRC Press
c/o Routledge
9781032468525, $23.99, PB, 208pp
Synopsis: With the publication of "Mathematics of Tabletop Games", Aaron Montgomery provides a bridge between mathematics and hobby tabletop gaming. Instead of focusing on games mathematicians play, such as nim and chomp, Montgomery starts with the tabletop games played by avid gamers and hopes to address the question: which field of mathematics concerns itself with this situation?
Readers interested in either mathematics or tabletop games will find "Mathematics of Tabletop Games" to be an engaging way to begin exploring the other topic or the connection between the topics.
"Mathematics of Tabletop Games": Features an entry-level exposition of interesting mathematical concepts that are not commonly taught outside of upper-level mathematics courses; Acts as a resource for mathematics instructors who wish to provide new examples of standard mathematical concepts; Features material that may help game designers and developers make design decisions about game mechanisms; Provides working Python code that can be used to solve common questions about games; Covers a broad range of mathematical topics that could be used as survey material for undergraduates curious about mathematics.
Critique: A seminal and groundbreaking study that will of be particular interest to gamers wanting an introduction to the mathematics behind their gaming pastime pursuits, "Mathematics of Tabletop Games" by mathematician and educator Aaron Montgomery is especially and unreservedly recommended for personal, professional, and college/university library Recreational Mathematics collections. It should be noted for students, gamers, and non-specialist general readers with an interest in the subject that "Mathematics of Tabletop Games" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $17.27).
Editorial Note: Aaron Montgomery received his B.A. in Mathematics from Pomona College and his Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is currently employed by Central Washington University, where he teaches in the Mathematics Department and the Douglas Honors College. He has taught various traditional courses in mathematics, mathematics education, and computer programming. He has also taught special topics courses such as Games and Politics and The Mathematics of Recreational Boardgames. He is an omnigamer whose favorites include Arkham Horror: The Card Game, Undaunted: Stalingrad, Mage Knight, and the Soulsborne video games from FromSoftware.
Paul T. Vogel
S.A. Gorden's Bookshelf
Libraries and Larceny (Hearts Grove Cozy Mystery Book 5)
Danielle Collins
Fairfield Publishing
9798357004482, $7.99 paper
B07S1DPYJK $2.99 ebook 152 pages
Libraries and Larceny is a cozy mystery that, in most aspects, reads like a private detective procedural. It would be an excellent read for those interested in either of those two genres.
Henrietta owns a book store and is interested in writing. A woman comes in looking information on an obscure author who Henrietta also likes. The woman asks Henrietta to pick up a rare book in Canada. When Henrietta arrives, she discovers the bookseller has been murdered. As Henrietta investigates, strange things begin to happen and the danger increases.
Libraries and Larceny is a nice well-paced cozy procedural. There are few weaknesses in the tale. It is the type of story you would enjoy as a lazy weekend read.
Murder at the Highland Castle (A Miss Underhay Mystery Book 14)
Helena Dixon
9781837900640, $9.99, paper
B0CDHGNWHY,$4.99 ebook, 254 pages
In the winter of 1935, Kitty and Matt are asked to travel to the Scottish castle Finnglach. Lord Barlas has been receiving death threats and has asked the married pair to investigate. In a classic pulp style tale the castle is snowed in. Barlas is then murdered. With all of the inhabitants of the castle snowed in until the blizzard ends, Matt and Kitty have to investigate without revealing they are detectives or they might be next targets for the killer.
Murder at the Highland Castle is a classic old style murder mystery. The only real weakness is that Dixon wanted to add a few more pages to the story and drags out the ending farther than it needs to be. Anyone who likes early 20th century murder mysteries will love this one.
S.A. Gorden
Senior Reviewer
Suzie Housley's Bookshelf
Survival in the South Pacific
Robert Richardson
Casemate Publishers
Blackstone Publishing (audiobook)
9798990683822, $37.95 HB, $9.95 Kindle, 599 pages
9798228301467, $49.95, Audiobook
Synopsis: In the tapestry of history, "Survival in the South Pacific: A Lost Airman's Desperate Rescue amid the Maelstrom of War" by Robert Richardson stands as a complex and multifaceted narrative, often viewed through two distinct lenses. The "30,000-foot view" provides a sweeping overview, illuminating the grand strategies and political maneuvers that shaped the conflict.
The stories give a personal look at the lives of soldiers who fought bravely in the war. This book masterfully intertwines these perspectives, allowing us to witness the broader implications of global warfare and the deeply personal tales of sacrifice and resilience that unfolded amidst the chaos.
Readers explore, within this narrative, the life of an AAF officer, a story poignantly reminding us of the human spirit's capacity to endure unimaginable challenges. These individual accounts, set against the backdrop of a world at war, provide crucial insights into the emotional and psychological toll of combat, the camaraderie forged in adversity, and the enduring impact of these experiences on the lives of those who served.
Each story is a thread in the rich fabric of history, reminding us that behind every statistic and strategic decision lies a human story waiting to be told. Their resilience and courage inspire us to face our own challenges with determination and hope.
This book encourages us to reflect on our journey. The tales in this book are not merely historical accounts; they resonate with our quests for meaning and connection. They invite us to acknowledge deeply the sacrifices made by countless individuals and inspire us to cherish our stories of adventure and resilience. It's a call to respect and appreciate the sacrifices of those who came before us.
Critique: Survival in the South Pacific is a powerful testament to the value of exploration and discovery. It reminds us that history provides a deepening appreciation that shapes our world and creates lasting memories. Let us embark on this journey together, celebrating the stories of those who came before us while forging our paths of adventure and understanding.
Robert Richardson is a hero in his own time, and his story is a captivating window into a period often overlooked. His journey, steeped in resilience and adventure, serves as a reminder of the profound experiences that await us when we step outside our comfort zones and explore the world.
Mastering Your Scenes - Your Blueprint for Success
J.A. Cox
Independently Published
9798990683822, $14.95 Paperback, 78 pages
Synopsis: Are you prepared to embark on a unique and thrilling journey in scene writing? This book's distinct approach sparks creativity and obliterates writer's block.
Each chapter unfolds like a delightful travel itinerary, guiding you through the essential elements of scene writing in a practical workbook format that encourages active participation. You won't merely read;
J.A. Cox expertly breaks down the how, why, and when of each element, ensuring that you not only understand the concepts, but can also seamlessly implement them into your writing. With rich examples drawn from his work and beloved shows and movies, you'll gain valuable insights that will transform your scenes into vibrant, captivating narratives.
Picture this: as you sketch out your ideas, establish your location, and develop your characters, you are on a journey of discovery. Each step you take will bring you closer to crafting scenes resonating with your readers, filled with depth and emotion.
Throughout the pages, discover the art of perspective, learn to build resistance and clarify objectives, all while enjoying the process of creation. This journey will inspire you and fill you with a sense of fulfillment as you see your writing skills grow.
So, why delay? Immerse yourself in this workbook and let it be your trusted companion as you navigate the exhilarating world of scene writing.
Critique: Mastering Your Scenes is a delightful resource designed to help you effortlessly craft extraordinary scenes that will become the highlights of your writing career.
J.A. Cox is an expert writer. With expert curated advice, you'll learn how to observe your surroundings with a fresh perspective, allowing you to weave together the sights, sounds, and emotions required for each scene. This personalized approach allows you to create scenes that deeply resonate with you and your readers, fostering worldwide connections.
I found this book beneficial as a book reviewer. I tend to follow the tone that is set by the author, but this book provided me a fresh new perspective on ways I can improve upon my own writing skills.
Easier Dead Than Drawn: A Paint By Murder Mystery
Bailee Abbott
Level Best Books
9781685126339, $14.40 Paperback, $5.99 Kindle, 238 pages
Synopsis: An exciting yet tumultuous event unfolds in the picturesque town of Whisper Cove, where the gentle lapping of waves meets the vibrant colors of community life. A whirlwind of emotions engulfs Chloe Abbington, a beloved local, when the town council commissions her close friend, renowned muralist Lana Easton, to create a stunning mural heralding the return of the much-anticipated floating amphitheater. This unique setting, combined with the richly developed characters, sets the stage for a mystery unlike any other.
While many celebrate this artistic endeavor as a beacon of culture and connection, a palpable tension lingers. A faction of the townsfolk, deeply rooted in tradition, voices their concerns, fearing that the lively concerts and influx of visitors will shatter their tranquil lifestyle. The fear of change is a powerful force, and it escalates as community members grapple with the financial implications of the mural, questioning the allocation of precious town funds. This struggle of the community, torn between tradition and progress, will resonate with readers, evoking a sense of empathy.
As the story unfolds, the atmosphere grows darker when tragedy strikes. The shocking discovery of vibrant muralist Lana's death leaves Chloe precariously positioned as the prime suspect. This unexpected twist, a sudden and dramatic shift in the narrative, thrusts Chloe and her sister, Izzie, into a race against time to unravel the mystery and clear her name. The sisters must navigate a tangled web of motives that includes Lana's boyfriend, her ambitious intern, and a handful of wary residents while contending with a detective who appears skeptical of Chloe's intentions.
Critique: Easier Dead Than Drawn is an experience that will captivate even the most skeptical of mystery readers. With its intricately woven character arcs, you'll find yourself deeply invested in each character's lives, secrets, and motivations. The plot unfolds at a thrilling pace, and unexpected twists will keep you on the edge of your seat, guessing until the very last moment.
Bailee Abbott is a gifted mystery author whose storytelling prowess brings a delightful blend of suspense and intrigue to the page. Her ability to weave intricate plots and develop compelling characters ensures that each narrative is not just a story but an immersive experience that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. Whether you're a casual reader looking to escape into a world of mystery or a seasoned mystery fan craving your next thrilling read, Bailee's work promises to deliver an engaging and immersive experience.
Don't Let Me Down
Kate Stollenwerck
Iceblink Books
9798991076203, $17.95 PB, $8.99 Kindle, 344 pages
Synopsis: In the enchanting sequel to Hello, Goodbye, we dive deep into Hailey Rogers' emotional landscape, where the ordinary meets the extraordinary. As summer unfolds, Hailey finds herself caught between the familiarity of her daily life - spending time with her boyfriend Blake, training for cross-country, and navigating the difficulties of junior year - and the magnetic pull of her family's hidden history.
The warmth of summer brings with it a request to share the story of her great-grandparents, igniting a spark of curiosity that propels her on an unexpected journey to Israel. This journey uncovers her family's past and shapes her understanding of herself and her place in the world.
What starts as a simple exploration of her roots swiftly grows into a fast-paced adventure filled with heart-stopping revelations and vibrant characters, each with their own stories. As Hailey and Blake traverse new landscapes together, they forge deeper connections with each other and the diverse tapestry of people they meet along the way. This adventure is not just about uncovering family secrets.
When Hailey believes she has a grasp on her family's past, an unforeseen note turns her world upside down, leading to a shocking discovery that sends her spiraling back to Texas, heartbroken and questioning everything she thought she knew. In this moment of turmoil, Hailey learns a poignant lesson: some stories are too vital to be buried, and the truth, no matter how painful, is essential to her life.
Critique: Don't Let Me Down is a story that intricately weaves together the complexities of family secrets and the emotional depth of human connections. It reminds us that some secrets, no matter how deeply they are buried, can resurface and transform our lives.
Kate Stollenwerck's powerful words testify to the power of emotional connections we forge. What begins as a quest to uncover her roots blossoms into a vibrant tapestry of experiences that stretch across continents.
As she embarks on this exciting adventure, Stollenwerck introduces heart-stopping revelations and a kaleidoscope of colorful characters, each hailing from diverse cultures and with unique stories to share.
Editorial Note: This book is a sequel to Hello, Goodbye. To learn more about this award-winning author, visit her website https://katestollenwerck.com
Nile Noodles - Book 6 of Silly Space Books
Lily Tessie Lamb
Case Mate
9798990683822, $8.95 PB, $2.99 Kindle, 44 pages
Synopsis: Get ready for a fantastic journey that promises to tickle your taste buds and ignite your sense of adventure! Hop aboard the Redshine Rover, where whimsy meets wonder in an unforgettable expedition to the enchanting Nile Delta. Picture yourself galaxy-jumping to a land steeped in history, where ancient treasures and vibrant cultures await you at every turn.
Embark on a journey of culinary delights with the charming twins Thrilly and Bee-Bup and their magnetic guide, Kleo Khattra. These lively characters will breathe life into Egypt's diverse tapestry, ensuring that each moment is a burst of laughter and joy.
Critique: Nile Noodles is not just a fun-loving book. It's also an educational journey. Immerse yourself in the captivating stories of the Pharaohs as you engage with the local culture, creating memories that will enrich your understanding of this fascinating region.
Lily Tessie Lamb is a unique author. Her Nile Noodles experience invites you to delve deep into the captivating tales of the Pharaohs, allowing you to explore the rich history and vibrant culture of this enchanting region.
As you engage with local traditions, savor authentic cuisine, and interact with the warm-hearted people of the Nile, you will gain insights into their storied past and create unforgettable memories that will long endure.
Life Lessons from a UFO Catcher - Vol. 2
Kenny Loui, author
Yamawe, illustrator
UFO Comics
ASIN: B0DMT3K83L, $9.99 Kindle, 224 pages
9798989936649, $19.99 Paperback, 224 pages
Synopsis: In Kenny's whimsical journey, he is not alone this time! His dynamic twin sisters, Jinny and Sammy, join him as they embark on a quest filled with laughter, love, and friendly rivalry.
Together, they dive into the vibrant world of arcade claw machines, liberating adorable plushies while forging unbreakable bonds of sibling hood. Jinny and Sammy have set their sights on a new mission: to rescue Kenny from his single life.
With their playful nudges and heartfelt encouragement, they whisk him away from the arcade, hoping to guide him through the unpredictable and exhilarating world of dating. Will Kenny find his soulmate among the stars, or will he end up with only plushies and a broken heart?
Critique: Life Lessons from a UFO Catcher - Volume 2 captures the enchanting essence of love and connection, inviting readers into a world where the pursuit of romance intertwines with the joy of life's adventures.
This heartwarming narrative follows our hero's quest for love and reminds us of the importance of forging meaningful connections along the way.
Kenny Loui is a remarkable author whose heartfelt writing resonates deeply with our quest for true and lasting love. I instantly connected with this story. It was a genuine delight to read and enjoy!
The Guardian
Alison Tracy
B0DDRFCKLP, $2.99 Kindle, $19.99, 644 pages
Synopsis: In a world where corporate greed reigns supreme and faith feels like a distant echo, fourteen-year-old Iliya Rusul stands at a crossroads, her heart torn between personal sacrifice and the call to a greater purpose. Living in a corporate-run dystopia, she yearns for a simple job to feed her family, but fate has other plans. Chosen to be a prophet, she must navigate the treacherous waters of divine expectation, all while grappling with a God whose intentions seem shrouded in shadows.
As Iliya embarks on her arduous journey, she learns miracles come at a steep price - one that weighs heavily on her young shoulders. With each act of compassion and every attempt to inspire hope, she risks losing a piece of herself. Yet, amid the uncertainty, a sense of community blossoms. Inspired followers, each with their own stories of struggle and resilience, rally around her, united by the shared vision of an oppression-free world. Together, they create a relief program to redistribute wealth and power, proving collaboration can spark change, even in the darkest times.
Yet, as Iliya's mission gains momentum, she faces the ultimate test: balancing her desire to help her community with the divine demands placed upon her. The tension between her sacrifices and the collective benefits becomes palpable, reflecting the very essence of her struggle. Can she remain faithful to her heart while fulfilling a higher calling, or will the cost of her miracles become too great?
Critique: The Guardian is a poignant tale that invites you to explore the depths of faith and resilience, encouraging you to question the sacrifices required for the greater good. As you read Iliya's story, prepare to reflect on your own journey of self-discovery and empowerment.
Enter Alison Tracy's exhilarating world, where every page is a passport to suspense and every twist is an unexpected layover on the journey of the mind. Each turn of the page unfolds with thrilling surprises that keep readers on the edge of their seats, eager to discover what lies around the next corner. The meticulous attention to detail in her scenes showcases the careful planning this author has put into her work.
Framed for Murder
Marla A. White
Wild Rose Press
9781509254293, $18.99 PB, $5.99 Kindle, 322 Pages
Synopsis: Welcome to Pine Cove, a picturesque mountain town where the air is crisp, the coffee is strong, and the secrets run deep. Meet Mel O'Rourke, a spirited former police officer turned B & B owner, who finds solace in her new life - until the enigmatic Poppy Phillips, a notorious cat burglar, comes knocking on her door, entangled in a web of murder and intrigue. As Mel dives headfirst into the mystery, she discovers that her skills as a detective may be the key to uncovering the truth, even as her culinary talents leave much to be desired!
But the plot thickens! With the ruggedly handsome Deputy Sheriff Gregg Marks flirting his way into Mel's heart and the charming cafe owner Jackson Thibodeaux igniting sparks of romance, our heroine faces more than just a murder mystery - she's caught in a whirlwind of friendship, love, and tough choices.
Should she push Jackson to chase his dreams in New Orleans or hold on to the budding romance that could change everything? As the love triangle unfolds, Mel must navigate her feelings and the dangerous mystery that threatens to tear her world apart.
Critique: Framed for Murder is a spellbinding book that masterfully weaves together the thrill of a murder mystery with the tender nuances of romance, creating a reading experience that appeals to both mystery lovers and those who seek heartfelt connections.
As you delve into the pages, you'll find yourself swept away by the intricate plot and the beautifully developed characters, each facing challenges that resonate with the complexities of real life.
Marla A. White is here to whisk you away on an adventure that's anything but ordinary! Her blend of mystery and romance spoke to my heart. I found every scene was a vibrant and colorful tapestry woven with a masterful craftsmanship that keeps you glued to your seat, wondering what twist will pop up next.
With every chapter, she proves that there's no such thing as a dull moment in her literary world. It's like a rollercoaster ride through a carnival of creativity, where every twist and turn leaves you breathless with excitement! So why not grab your passport to this literary journey and experience the sheer joy of storytelling that's just waiting for you to experience?
More Future Dreams and Nightmares
Donald Firesmith
Independently Published
9798340968302, $19.99 PB, $2.99 Kindle, 335 pages
Get ready to dive into a world of alternate realities with this collection of short stories. Each tale in this captivating collection introducing you to new characters and takes you on a thrilling journey that will leave you craving more.
These thrilling stories will keep you on the edge of your seat. Look no further than this book, which is sure to captivate and excite you with its many twists and turns. Each story in this book presents a strong and compelling offering, delivering a unique and unforgettable reading experience.
Future Dreams and Nightmares is for those that are looking for a break from the mundane or simply want to immerse yourself in a world of excitement and adventure. This book has something for everyone.
Donald Firesmith has an innate gift for storytelling with his impeccable writing style. From thrilling adventures to thought-provoking mysteries, his words have the power to captivate and ignite your imagination. Whether you are a fan of fantasy, science fiction, or suspense, this collection offers something for every reader.
The Tuttle Twins Guide to Logical Fallacies
Connor Boyack
Libertas Press
9781943521524, $19.99, 174 pages
Synopsis: Explore the fascinating world of logical fallacies and their importance in everyday conversations. Understanding these fallacies equips you to navigate the tangled waters of misinformation that can cloud judgment.
Logical fallacies are like detours on the road to truth - misleading arguments that can make falsehoods appear truthful. They are all around us, and recognizing them is not just essential, but it brings practical benefits for clear communication and informed decision-making. The great news is that you can learn and identify these fallacies, thus engaging in conversations with confidence and clarity. This understanding can motivate you to improve your reasoning and communication skills.
Think of your own experiences where misinformation has led to confusion or misunderstandings. By honing your ability to spot logical fallacies, you'll enhance your life and align with the clarity and detail-oriented.
Critique: The Tuttle Twin's Guide to Logical Fallacies shows they come in many forms, such as the appeal to authority, where someone might argue that a claim is accurate simply because an expert said it.
However, just because someone is an authority in one area doesn't mean they are in another. Understanding these nuances will enhance your life and help you plan each experience, ensuring that you choose the best options based on facts, not misleading claims.
Conner Boyack, a renowned expert in the field, has outdone himself in this book! Logical fallacies are not just abstract concepts but real-world tools used to sway opinions and shape discussions. As Boyack expertly guides you through familiarizing yourself with these common pitfalls, you can sharpen your critical thinking skills and become more educated.
Editorial Review: The Tuttle Twin's Guide to Logical Fallacies is a must-read for young readers aged 10-18 years old, who are interested in improving their reasoning and communication skills.
The Tuttle Twins Inspiring Entrepreneurs
Connor Boyack
Libertas Press
9781943521531, $19.99, 174 pages
Synopsis: Throughout history, a remarkable few have dared to take risks in pursuit of solutions for the challenges faced by many. These visionaries, known as entrepreneurs, embark on journeys fueled by passion and creativity, hoping their innovations will serve others and yield rewards for their efforts.
In doing so, they not only become the vital engines of our economy but also undergo significant personal growth. Their journeys, often intersecting with fresh adventures, allow them to explore new cultures, meet diverse people, and witness innovative practices. All of this contributes to their personal development and the enhancement of their daily lives, making the world more comfortable and convenient.
However, the path of entrepreneurship is rarely a straight line to success. Many of these trailblazers encounter setbacks and failures along the way - experiences that, while often challenging, impart invaluable lessons and insights. Each misstep becomes a stepping stone, equipping them with knowledge to pave the way for future triumphs. Their stories, filled with unwavering resilience and determination, can ignite a spark within you as you consider your aspirations.
As you reflect on your journey, we invite you to explore how the spirit of entrepreneurship intersects with your own life. Imagine how exploring new cultures, meeting diverse people, and witnessing innovative practices can enrich, inspire, and shape your entrepreneurial endeavors.
Critique: The tales of The Tuttle Twins Inspire Entrepreneurs resonate deeply with those who dare to dream, encouraging you to take the leap into the unknown. Each step you take - whether launching a new venture or diving into a passion project - is akin to exploring a new destination filled with potential and discovery.
Conner Boyack is an author year ahead of the average writer. In this book, he shows us how careful planning and the proper guidance can transform your aspirations into reality, creating a path that is uniquely yours. So, gather your courage, chart your course, and embrace the adventure ahead!
Editorial Review: Suggested ages 10-18 years old.
The Tuttle Twins Guide to Modern Villains
Connor Boyack
Libertas Press
9798886880007, $19.99 Kindle, 224 pages
9798989936649, $19.99 Paperback, 264 pages
Synopsis: Ah, the intricate dance of human nature - an enigma that has puzzled scholars and philosophers alike. What compels individuals to commit unspeakable evil acts, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake?
Infamous names like Adolf Hitler, Fidel Castro, and Napoleon Bonaparte, who embody a complex interplay of power, ambition, and moral failure, fill the pages of history. Equally important is why so many people have historically chosen to follow, support, or remain silent in the face of such tyranny. Understanding these historical figures is not just an academic exercise, but a key to understanding the present and shaping of the future, as their actions continue to influence our world today.
World history tells a somber tale of dictators and totalitarian regimes that have wielded power to oppress and control, often resorting to horrific violence against those who dared to oppose them. Yet, within these tragic narratives lies a treasure trove of lessons.
By delving into the motivations and psychological underpinnings of both the oppressors and the oppressed, we gain insights into the depths of human behavior - insights that resonate far beyond the pages of history and into our contemporary lives, connecting us to the past and engaging us in the present.
As we delve into these themes, we can draw parallels to our lives and journeys. Understanding the complexities of human nature not only enriches our appreciation for history but equips us with a deeper understanding of ourselves and others, enhancing our lives in profound ways and fostering personal growth.
Critique: The Tuttle Twins Guide to Modern Villains descriptive passages not only entertain but also educate readers, allowing them to imagine walking through the streets of Berlin, reflecting on the past while savoring the vibrant culture that has risen from the ashes of history.
Or consider visiting the battlefields of Waterloo, where the echoes of Napoleon's ambition still linger, inviting contemplation on the choices that shape our world. These legendary names have shaped the world and hold valuable lessons for shaping the future.
Connor Boyack has unflinchingly revealed some of the most notorious figures who have shaped the course of history, each embodying an ideology steeped in hate and destruction. His book serves as a haunting reminder of the darker chapters of our past, drawing readers in with its gripping narrative, much like a horrific train wreck you can't help but stare at, eager to uncover what lies within the pages.
Editorial Note: Suggested ages 10-18 years old
The Tuttle Twins and the Days of Darkness
Connor Boyack
Libertas Press
9798886880151, $19.99 Kindle, 475 Pages
Synopsis: Picture this: it's a serene evening, and you're savoring the simple joys of home - just like Ethan and Emily, who never thought twice about electricity until it abruptly disappeared, a situation that could easily happen to any of us.
In that moment of uncertainty, with darkness creeping in and choices looming large, they faced decisions that could change everything. Should they hunker down in the chaos or venture out into the unknown? With their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tuttle, away on a trip, the siblings grappled with decisions that felt impossibly heavy.
As the minutes turned into hours without power, their thoughts shifted from the inconvenience of dead phones and a silent Internet to more pressing concerns: the water stopped running, the food in the fridge began to spoil, and the shadows of anxiety crept into their minds.
Should they stay in their familiar surroundings, risking further discomfort? Or should they venture into the unknown, seeking refuge at the city camp or trek to Grandma's house? Each option loomed large, fraught with potential peril and uncertainty.
Critique: The Tuttle Twins and the Days of Darkness is a poignant journey that underscores the importance of thoughtful decision-making in adversity. It serves as a powerful reminder that even the most seemingly insignificant choices can carry significant weight.
Connor Boyack's writing is truly captivating! Each of his books offers a fresh perspective and a unique journey that deeply resonates with readers. In his latest work, he draws us into the compelling story of two twins who courageously navigate real-life decisions in the absence of electricity. This narrative enthralls us with its themes of bravery, resilience, and the strength of human bonds, reminding us of the adventures that await when we step out of our comfort zones.
Editorial Review: Recommended for ages 13 and up.
The Tuttle Twins Guide to True Conspiracies
Connor Boyack
Libertas Press
9798886880151, $19.99 Kindle, 233 Pages
Synopsis: While conspiracies may often seem fictional, this book takes a unique approach, revealing how some of them have deep roots in truth, just waiting to be uncovered. It's an exploration of the shadows of history, where covert operations and hidden agendas have profoundly shaped our world.
The tales presented in this compelling book invite you on a journey of discovery, with each page revealing new layers of intrigue and challenging the status quo. These stories serve as reminders of humanity's darker sides and as a powerful call to action for curious minds to question the narratives presented by those in power, empowering you to shape your own understanding of history.
As you delve into these hidden truths, you'll find that the excitement of uncovering historical secrets is a thrill that rivals the discovery of a new travel destination. The adventure lies in pursuing knowledge, as every revelation can inspire a deeper understanding of our world and our place within it.
Embracing a spirit of inquiry can lead to thrilling discoveries in a world where information is often mysterious. So, why not take the plunge? Engage with these captivating tales and allow them to ignite your curiosity.
Critique: The Tuttle Twins Guide to True Conspiracies invites readers to step into a realm filled with intriguing discoveries that challenge their perspective and reshape their understanding of society. Each page reveals fascinating insights that will have them seeing the world through a new lens, igniting their curiosity and encouraging them to question the status quo.
Connor Boyack is a remarkable writer whose ingenuity knows no bounds. With an unparalleled talent for delving into complex subjects, Connor has a knack for researching and articulating ideas that many shy away from. His unique insights illuminate intricate topics and resonate deeply with those of us who cherish the art of travel and exploration.
The Tuttle Twins Guide to Beware Your Bias
Connor Boyack
Libertas Press
9781943521638, $19.99 HB, 194 Pages
Synopsis: Unbeknownst to us, cognitive biases stealthily influence our thoughts and decisions. They mold our preferences, sway our judgments, and guide us toward choices that may not serve our best interests. Yet, by delving into these biases, we can revolutionize our approach to decision-making, unlocking a world of potential.
Embark on a journey where every decision, from the destination to the activities, reflects your genuine desires and needs. By identifying cognitive biases, we can navigate the complexities of our lives with a newfound sense of empowerment and purpose. This guidebook is your beacon, shedding light on the various biases that influence us and empowering teens and adults to decide with confidence.
With this knowledge, we can better understand ourselves and those around us, paving the way for personal growth and enjoyable life experiences.
Critique: The Tuttle Twins Guide to Beware Your Bias focuses on understanding bias, a vital step towards fostering a more prosperous, personalized life. Bias can shape our perceptions and interactions in ways we might not even realize.
Discovering the layers of our biases can be a powerful catalyst for personal growth. Connor Boyack's insightful exploration of bias enlightens readers about these often-unseen barriers and provides us with the tools to navigate and conquer them. Understanding our biases offers a path to transformative journeys that enrich our lives.
As we delve into our biases, we uncover the hidden aspects of ourselves that shape our perceptions and interactions. This newfound awareness is not just an intellectual exercise; it's a gateway to deeper connections and richer experiences. With every page, Boyack invites us to embrace our vulnerabilities, fostering growth that can enhance our lives.
The Tuttle Twins Guide to Courageous Heros
Connor Boyack
Libertas Press
9781943521548, $19.99 HB, 246 Pages
Synopsis: Throughout history, the courage of remarkable individuals has inspired us. Their bravery ignited change and inspired others to follow suit. These stories are not just about the past, but about the present and the future, as they continue to shape our world today.
From the powerful words of Booker T. Washington, who advocated for African American education and empowerment, to Harriet Beecher Stowe, whose pen sparked a revolution in the fight against slavery, and Frederick Douglass, whose relentless pursuit of freedom paved the way for countless others, these heroes remind us that their actions have not only changed history but also continue to inspire change in our world today.
Each legendary hero and heroine, with their unique and diverse journeys, is a testament to the spirit of exploration and adventure that defines our world. Their remarkable journeys, each different from the other, expanded our horizons and shaped our understanding of diverse cultures, landscapes, and histories.
Critique: The Tuttle Twins Guide to Courageous Heros stories feature courageous heroes who have been essential for shaping our history but also for inspiring future generations to embark on their own adventures.
Connor Boyack has done it again with this wonderful, accurate work of ingenuity. This remarkable book brings history to life through the stories of legendary figures who have shaped our nation.
This guide is not just a collection of stories, but a valuable educational resource. It provides historical accuracy and ignites a sense of wonder and curiosity in readers of all ages. Each chapter serves as an engaging history lesson, inviting readers to explore the lives and legacies of heroes who exemplified courage, determination, and resilience.
Suzie Housley, Senior Reviewer
James A. Cox
Midwest Book Review
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