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Reviewer's Choice
In Their Names
Lenore Anderson
The New Press
120 Wall Street, Floor 31, New York, NY 10005
9781620977125, $28.99, HC, 352pp
Synopsis: When twenty-six-year-old recent college graduate Aswad Thomas was days away from starting a professional
basketball career in 2009, he was shot twice while buying juice at a convenience store. The trauma left him in excruciating
pain, with mounting medical debt, and struggling to cope with deep anxiety and fear. That was the same year the national
incarceration rate peaked. Yet, despite thousands of new tough-on-crime policies and billions of new dollars pumped into
"justice", Aswad never received victim compensation, support, or even basic levels of concern. In the name of victims,
justice bureaucracies ballooned while most victims remained on their own.
With the publication of "In Their Names: The Untold Story of Victims' Rights, Mass Incarceration, and the Future of Public
Safety, Lenore Anderson (president of one of the nation's largest reform advocacy organizations) offers a close look at how
the political call to help victims in the 1980s morphed into a demand for bigger bureaucracies and more incarceration, and
cemented the long- standing chasm that exists between most victims and the justice system.
She argues that the powerful myth that mass incarceration benefits victims obscures recognition of what most victims
actually need, including addressing their trauma, which is a leading cause of subsequent violent crime.
A solutions-oriented, paradigm-shifting volume, "In Their Names" argues persuasively for closing the gap between our
public safety systems and crime survivors.
Critique: A timely and appreciated contribution to our national dialogue on crime (which has been increasing these past few
years), incarceration, and the impact on the victims of crime, "In Their Names: The Untold Story of Victims' Rights, Mass
Incarceration, and the Future of Public Safety" is an especially and unreservedly recommended addition to personal,
professional, community, and academic library Contemporary Criminology Studies collections and supplemental curriculum
studies lists. It should be noted for criminology students, academia, legal justice reformers, victim advocates, governmental
policy makers, and non-specialist general readers with an interest in the subject that "In Their Names: The Untold Story of
Victims' Rights, Mass Incarceration, and the Future of Public Safety" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle,
Editorial Note: A former punk drummer turned prosecutor, Lenore Anderson is the founder and president of the Alliance for
Safety and Justice. She is a former chief of policy at the San Francisco District Attorney's Office, former director of public
safety for the Oakland mayor, and the recipient of a James Irvine Foundation Leadership Award and a Frank Carrington
Crime Victim Attorney Award. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lenore_Anderson)
The Education Shelf
The Death of Learning
John Agresto
Encounter Books
9781641772686, $30.99, HC, 256pp
Synopsis: With the publication of "The Death of Learning: How American Education Has Failed Our Students and What to
Do about It" it is the contention of Professor John Agresto that the liberal arts are dying out. That they are diminishing in
importance because most Americans don't see the point of them. Americans don't understand why anyone would study
literature or history or the classics (or, more contemporarily, feminist criticism, whiteness studies, or the literature of
postcolonial states) when they can get an engineering or business degree that will lead to higher incomes and standards of
Even more concerning is when they read how "Western civilization" has become a term
of reproach at so many supposedly thoughtful institutions; or how fanatical political correctness works hard to silence
alternative viewpoints; or, more generally, how liberal studies have become scattered, narrow, and small. In this atmosphere,
it's hard to convince parents or their progeny that a liberal education is all that wonderful or that it's even worthy of
Over sixty years ago, we were introduced to the idea of "the two cultures" in higher education -- that is, the growing rift in
the academy between the humanities and the sciences, a rift wherein neither side understood the other, spoke to the other, or
cared for the other. But this divide in the academy, real as it may be, is nothing compared to another great divide -- the rift
today between our common American culture and the culture of the academy itself.
So, how can we rebuild the notion that a liberal education is truly of value, both to our students and to the nation? Our
highest hopes may be not to "restore" the liberal arts to what they looked like fifty or a hundred years ago but to ask
ourselves what a true contemporary American liberal education at its best might look like. Remedying this situation will
involve knowing clearly where we wish to go and then understanding how we might get there.
For those objectives, "The Death of Learning: How American Education Has Failed Our Students and What to Do about It"
is meant to be the beginning.
Critique: Thoughtful and thought-provoking, "The Death of Learning: How American Education Has Failed Our Students
and What to Do about It" is an extraordinary alert to what is happening in colleges and universities today. While especially
and unreservedly recommended for personal, professional, community, and academic library Education History and
Philosophy collections, it should be noted for the personal reading lists of students, academia, and non-specialist general
readers with an interest in the subject that "The Death of Learning: How American Education Has Failed Our Students and
What to Do about It" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $9.99) and as a complete and unabridged audio book
(Blackstone Audio, 9798200993789, $31.95, CD).
Editorial Note: John Agresto has taught at the University of Toronto, Kenyon College, Duke University, Wabash College,
and the New School University. He was a scholar at the National Humanities Center in North Carolina and later served in
senior positions at the National Endowment for the Humanities. He was president of St. John's College in Santa Fe for 11
In 2003, Professor Agresto went to Iraq as the Senior Advisor for Higher Education and Scientific Research for the
Coalition Provisional Authority. Between 2007 and 2010, he occupied roles including academic dean, provost, and
chancellor at the American University of Iraq. He has also been the Lilly Senior Research Fellow at Wabash College,
scholar-in-residence at Hampden-Sydney College, and fellow at the James Madison Program in American Ideals and
Institutions at Princeton University.
Professor Agresto has authored five books and edited three others, including Rediscovering America; Mugged by Reality;
The Supreme Court and Constitutional Democracy; The Humanist as Citizen; a cookbook; and a political/religious thriller
under a pen name. His essays have appeared in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post, among
A Curious Curriculum
Claire Banks, author
Mary Myatt, author
Crown House Publishing
81 Brook Hills Circle, White Plains, NY 10605
9781785836435, $34.95, PB, 230pp
Synopsis: Rather than simply offering a model curriculum that can be uprooted and planted in any school, "A Curious
Curriculum: Teaching Foundation Subjects Well" by educators Claire Banks and Mick Waters is a model schools can use to
design their own curriculum, one that not only encourages children to be active participants in their own learning, but also to
see the benefits of being part of a bigger, wider family of learners.
"A Curious Curriculum" focuses upon the foundation subjects, particularly history, geography and science but also design
and technology (DT) and art and design -- areas that are often challenging for teachers in primary schools. Subjects are
brought together and explored under "big ideas" and, crucially, the emphasis is on avoiding the superficial and trivial and
rooting teaching in extending and challenging children.
"A Curious Curriculum" also shares the story of one multi-academy trust (MAT) which designed and delivered a shared
educational vision, a rationale for excellence in the curriculum, and the resources and support given to help reduce teachers'
"A Curious Curriculum" presents a clear model both for supporting a group of schools or leading one school, offering a
fresh perspective on working on a MAT-wide curriculum, as well as providing a range of snapshot examples of the
curriculum in action -- in the form of documents, plans, photos and the learners' own work. Furthermore, "A Curious
Curriculum" shares transferrable lessons from the trust's journey to success, setting out an educational philosophy that pairs
pedagogy with a well-structured curriculum designed with learners' best interests at its heart.
All school children deserve an engaging, exciting curriculum designed to spark their curiosity, feed their imagination and
develop their skills and knowledge. With clear timelines and an honest and transparent dialogue about the challenges and
benefits of working together collaboratively and the importance of external expertise, "A Curious Curriculum" is an
essential read for all school leaders.
Critique: Exceptionally well written, organized and presented, and an ideal textbook for school district in-service training
programs and college/university teacher education curriculums, "A Curious Curriculum: Teaching Foundation Subjects
Well" is unreservedly recommended for personal, professional, school district, and academic library Teacher Education &
Curriculum Development collections. It should be noted for teacher education students, academia, classroom teachers K-12,
school district administrators, and non-specialist general readers with an interest in the subject that "A Curious Curriculum:
Teaching Foundation Subjects Well" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $33.20).
Editorial Note #1: Claire Banks (https://www.crownhouse.co.uk/claire-banks) was a head teacher for nine years in an
inner-city primary school and then became Director of Education for The Olympus Academy Trust, a cross-phase
multi-academy trust in north Bristol. Throughout her career she has been interested in social and emotional learning and
school climate, which has led to her work on leadership culture. Claire now works on curriculum design and school
improvement in a system leadership capacity, offering school-to-school support to school trusts. Her passion for succession
planning for the profession has led to her coaching and mentoring on aspiring heads and women in leadership
Editorial Note #2: Mick Waters (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mick_Waters_(education)) is a former head teacher works
closely with teachers and leaders in schools, MATs and local authorities to support the development of teaching approaches
and curriculum to ensure the best learning outcomes for children. For some years he was Director of Curriculum for
England, based at the Qualification and Curriculum Authority (QCA), and before that held the post of Chief Education
Officer for the City of Manchester. He is also invited to work at a policy level with government in different parts of the
The Science Shelf
Roadside Geology of Hawaii, second edition
Rick Hazlett, author
Cheryl Gansecki, author
Steve Lundblad, author
Mountain Press Publishing Company
PO Box 2399, Missoula, MT 59806
9780878427116, $26.00, PB, 336pp
Synopsis: Now in a completely revised and expanded full-color second edition of "Roadside Geology of Hawai'i", the team
of collaborative authors Rick Hazlett, Cheryl Gansecki, and Steve Lundblad informatively detail the evolution of this
volcanic island chain, from its first tumultuous appearance above the sea to ongoing eruptions, including the 2018 eruption
of K lauea.
Erosional landscapes dominate the older islands, such as Waimea Canyon on Kaua'i, enormous rounded rocks at Garden of
the Gods on L na'i, and the highest shoreline cliff in the world on Molokai, the scarp of the Wailau landslide. Volcanoes,
cinder cones, and craters dominate the younger islands, from Haleakal Volcano on Maui and Diamond Head and Koko
Craters on O'ahu to the active caldera in the Big Island's Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park.
With "Roadside Geology of Hawaii" as a guide, native residents and tourists alike will discover waterfalls, lava tube caves,
black sand beaches, and other world-famous geologic features around every bend in the road.
Critique: Beautifully and profusely illustrated in full color throughout, this new second edition of "Roadside Geology of
Hawaii" is particularly timely given the current volcanic eruption taking place. Exceptionally informative, accessible
organized and presented, "Roadside Geology of Hawaii" is an especially and unreservedly recommended for personal,
professional, community, and academic library Geology collections in general, and Hawaiian Geology supplemental
curriculum studies lists in particular.
Editorial Note #1: Rick Hazlett (https://mountain-press.com/collections/hazlett-richard-w) received his PhD in geology from
the University of Southern California and his master's degree from Dartmouth College. His graduate work included volcanic
hazards evaluation around San Cristobal Volcano in Nicaragua and mapping of the Mopah Range volcanic field in
California's Mojave Desert. Subsequent research included studies in Italy, the Aleutian Islands, and Hawai i. He taught for
nearly thirty years at Pomona College in Claremont, California, where he helped found the Environmental Analysis
Program. He is coauthor of Volcanoes: A Global Perspective (Wiley-Blackwell Press) and is presently retired in Hilo on the
Big Island of Hawai i.
Editorial Note #2: Cheryl Gansecki (https://mountain-press.com/collections/gansecki-cheryl) teaches geology courses at the
University of Hawai i-Hilo and intensive volcanology field camps in Hawai i for the Black Hills Field Station. She holds a
BA in earth science and archaeology from Wesleyan University and a PhD in geology from Stanford University. She has
researched volcanoes in Greece, Yellowstone, and Hawai i. She works with the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory to monitor
K lauea Volcano, both in the field and in the lab studying the chemistry of erupted lava. She also filmed and produced many
educational videos (and a card game) about volcanoes along with spouse and fellow volcanologist, Ken Hon.
Editorial Note #3: Steve Lundblad experienced firsthand the eruption of Mt. St. Helens because it covered his hometown
with ash during his high school years. This encounter, coupled with his interest in the outdoors, fostered his interest in
volcanoes and geology. Steve received his BA from Harvard University and earned a master's degree at the University of
Wisconsin and a PhD at the University of North Carolina. He is currently a professor of Geology at University of
Hawai i-Hilo and is the recipient of the 2018 UH Board of Regents Excellence in Teaching Award. Along with his students,
Steve monitors ground deformation of the K lauea Volcano.
The Military Shelf
Bombs and Barbed Wire
Ronald Cormier
Goose Lane Editions
9781773102788, $19.95, PB, 222pp
Synopsis: Little has been written about the Acadians who served in Canada's armed forces during the Second World War. In
fact, the prevailing notion suggested that Acadians refused to support the war effort.
"Bombs and Barbed Wire: Stories of Acadian Airmen and Prisoners of War, 1939-1945" by Ronald Cormier provides an
alternative point of view, revealing the commitment and bravery displayed by the approximately 24,000 Acadians who
voluntarily joined the war effort. Battling both language barriers and a culture of exclusion, they overcame frustrations and
prejudice to fight for the freedom of the country they loved.
Based on extensive, in-depth interviews Cormier conducted in 1990 with eleven surviving Acadian veterans, "Bombs &
Barbed Wire" brings to life the experience of Acadian soldiers for English-language readers for the first time.
Critique: "Bombs and Barbed Wire: Stories of Acadian Airmen and Prisoners of War, 1939-1945" is volume 29 of the New
Brunswick Military Heritage Series. A unique and exceptional contribution to the growing library of World War II histories,
"Bombs and Barbed Wire" will have a very special appeal to dedicated military history buffs and is unreservedly
recommended to personal, professional, community, and academic library World War II collections and supplemental
curriculum studies lists.
Editorial Note: Ronald Cormier is a passionate Second World War historian. He has written several
French-language books on the war and has served as the historian of the Dieppe Veterans' Association since 2003. He
previously worked for Radio-Canada and History Television, where he wrote and directed documentaries on the Second
World War.
The Biography Shelf
I Sang That: A Memoir from Hollywood
Sally Stevens
Atmosphere Press
9781639886319, $27.99, HC, 390pp
Synopsis: "I Sang That: A Memoir from Hollywood" by Sally Stevens takes her readers on a personal journey behind the
scenes into the world of music-makers who created the film scores, television music, sound recordings, commercials and
concert evenings over the last sixty years.
"I Sang That" is the story of a long singing career that began in 1960 with concert tours (Ray Conniff, Nat King Cole, and
later, solo work in concert with Burt Bacharach) and went on for another thirty years of vocals and main titles for The
Simpsons, vocals for Family Guy -- vocals on hundreds of film & television scores & sound recordings, plus twenty-two
years as Choral Director for the Oscars.
"I Sang That" is also the personal story of growing up in a "his, hers and theirs" family in the forties and fifties, and how a
shy little girl became a second-generation singer in the ever-evolving music business of Hollywood.
Critique: A delightfully informative and inherently fascinating memoir that will have a very special appeal to readers with
an interest in the movie and television music business, "I Sang That: A Memoir from Hollywood" is an impressively written
and unreservedly recommended addition to community and academic library Hollywood History, Contemporary American
Biography and Composer/Musican Memoir collections. It should be noted for personal reading lists that "I Sang That: A
Memoir from Hollywood" is also available in a paperback edition (9781639885510, $18.99) and in a digital book format
(Kindle, $8.49).
Editorial Note: Sally Stevens (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sally_Stevens) is an American actress, singer and a vocal
contractor. She has sung on hundreds of The Simpsons episodes, and sings the main title, which has been in use since the
inception of the show. She also sings the main title for Family Guy and has worked for Seth MacFarlane, the creator of the
show, as vocal contractor and singer since the inception of the series on Fox in 1999. She has sung, and been vocal
contractor for hundreds of films, some of which include The Last Airbender, The Abyss, Contact, Amistad, Power of One,
Behind Enemy Lines, Beyond Borders, Forrest Gump, and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
Walt's Apprentice: Keeping the Disney Dream Alive
Dick Nunis
Disney Editions
c/o Disney Book Group
9781368078047, $25.99, HC, 320pp
Synopsis: "Walt's Apprentice: Keeping the Disney Dream Alive" is the personal memoir of Disney Legend Dick Nunis. It is
a warm personal reminiscence of learning directly from Walt Disney for 12 years, followed by more than 30 years devoted
to championing his vision and standards as the Disney empire grew.
"Walt's Apprentice" covers many Disney's highlights, including the 1960 Winter Olympics, 1964-1965 New York World's
Fair, and the development and opening of Disneyland, Walt Disney World, Epcot, Tokyo Disneyland and Disneyland Paris.
Unlike other Disney histories and biographies, "Walt's Apprentice" is told from the perspective of operations rather than
It touches on decisions that defined the guest experience and Disney's reputation for quality in areas ranging from capacity
and people-moving, training, delivering a consistent "good show", food service, and more.
This first-person narrative is presented as a series of wide-ranging vignettes. Some vignettes focus on personal,
character-shaping events, such as the injury that ended his collegiate football career. Other stories touch on national events,
such as Nikita Khrushchev's derailed visit to Disneyland, the decision to close the park following the assassination of John
F. Kennedy, and Ronald Reagan's assistance in expediting the visa process for cast members staffing the Epcot World
Few people have enjoyed a life so immersed in Disney magic. These personal stories from Dick Nunis share that magic
through the memories of one of the original doers and dreamers.
Critique: An absolute 'must' for the legions of Disney fans wanting a true insider's perspective and account of the evolving
Disney accomplishments over the past 5 decades, "Walt's Apprentice: Keeping the Disney Dream Alive" will prove to be a
welcome and enduringly popular addition to personal, community, and academic library American Biography/Memoir
collections in general, and Disney theme park and corporate histories in particular. It should be noted for personal reading
lists that "Walt's Apprentice: Keeping the Disney Dream Alive" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle,
Editorial Note: Dick Nunis (https://twitter.com/DickNunis) was a cast member when the gates of Disneyland opened in
1955. For the next eleven years, he learned professional and personal lessons from his mentor Walt Disney, America's
greatest showman. This personal journey takes us through his remarkable forty-four-year career with The Walt Disney
Company, beginning as an hourly cast member, and rising to Chairman of Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, where he
nurtured and applied with unwavering dedication and tireless energy the lessons he learned alongside Walt Disney. Thanks
to his contributions, Dick Nunis is a Disney Legend, and Walt's Disney's dream of creating "The Happiest Places on Earth"
continues to delight each new generation of guests around the world.
Witness to Dignity
Russell J. Levenson, Jr.
Center Street
c/o Hachette Book Group
Blackstone Audiobooks
9781546003298, $29.99, HC, 352pp
Synopsis: George and Barbara Bush belonged to and were active members of a Houston church for more than 50 years. The
rector of that church, Reverend Russell Jones Levenson, Jr., believes he was invited into private moments with these public
individuals so he could serve as a witness: a witness to observe, and a witness to tell.
With the publication of "Witness to Dignity: The Life and Faith of George H.W. and Barbara Bush" and featuring
never-before shared correspondence, experiences, and personal stories, Levenson offers new insight into the Bushes' wit and
wisdom; their commitment to family and friends; their tireless desire to bless the lives of others; and their steadfast loyalty
to their church, their faith, and their God. Before embarking on writing this book on faith, Levenson sought and received the
blessing of all the Bush children, including the 43rd president.
Readers will laugh, cry, and be inspired as Levenson ponders how and why he was put in this unique pastoral position,
asking questions like, "What on earth was I doing reading the sports section of the paper with the forty-first president, his
cabinet member Brent Scowcroft, and a Chinese official on a breezy morning at Walker's Point in Kennebunkport,
Levenson writes with emotion about being with President Bush and Barbara Bush as they each took their last breaths on this
earth. He then describes in full detail the surreal experience of planning a state funeral and giving a eulogy with other
presidents in the front row.
"Witness to Dignity: The Life and Faith of George H.W. and Barbara Bush" is for readers who yearn for our public officials
to serve with faith and integrity like the Bushes. But above all else, the story of George and Barbara Bush reveals just how
powerful it is when world leaders are humbled before the power that rests above all powers.
Critique: A carefully crafted, informative, and ultimately inspiring biography, "Witness to Dignity: The Life and Faith of
George H.W. and Barbara Bush" is an extraordinary and unreservedly recommended addition to personal, community, and
academic library American Biography collections. It should be noted for personal reading lists that "Witness to Dignity: The
Life and Faith of George H.W. and Barbara Bush" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $15.99) and as a
complete and unabridged audio book (Blackstone Audio, 9781668627587, $44.59, CD).
Editorial Note: The Reverend Russell J. Levenson, Jr. lives in Houston, Texas, where he has served as Rector of St. Martin's
Episcopal Church since 2007. With nearly 10,000 members, St. Martin's is the largest Episcopal Church in North America.
Levenson co-officiated and offered a homily at the state funeral for President George H.W. Bush in Washington, D.C. and
in Houston. He also officiated and preached at the funeral for First Lady Barbara Bush in Houston. Levenson has been
ordained for 30 years and is the author of several devotional books.
Snapshots of My Father, John Silber
Rachel Silber Devlin
Peter E. Randall Publisher
9781942155508, $29.95, HC, 320pp
Synopsis: With the publication of "Snapshots of My Father, John Silber" Rachel Silber Devlin provides an extensively
illustrated memoir of her father, John Silber, a man who entirely transformed Boston University as its president and was a
controversial, yet intellectually formidable, candidate for governor of Massachusetts.
In this personal and informative memoir, Rachel Silber Devlin looks at her family and her father's trajectory from Texas to
Boston and what life became like there; she examines his personality and temperament; and she describes his later years, the
hardships he weathered and his continued accomplishments out of the public eye.
Devlin chose to tell her father's story because John Silber, the man, is so widely misunderstood. People who knew him
either loved him or hated him. None were indifferent. This memoir is in no way a full biography of Silber's life. That would
require several volumes. As the title implies, each chapter is like a snapshot taken from a daughter's perspective, peering
into the past she saw.
Silber championed freedom of speech, believing all sides should be heard, especially on college campuses. He was also the
father of seven children, and the author often meets people who want to hear what he was like as a father and they like to tell
her their own stories about him. Snapshots of My Father is her clear-eyed vision of this authentic man of principle who had
a drive to achieve great things.
Critique: Impressively illustrated with inserts of historical black-and-white photographs, "Snapshots of My Father, John
Silber" by Rachel Silber Devlin is a deftly crafted and inherently interesting memoir showcasing a daughter's account of her
distinguished father. While also available for personal reading lists in a digital book format (Kindle, $9.99), "Snapshots of
My Father, John Silber" is a welcome and recommended addition to community and academic library American
Biography/Memoir collections.
Editorial Note: Rachel Silber Devlin (https://prbythebook.com/experts/rachel-silber-devlin) is one of John Silber's six
daughters. As a wife, a mother, and a homemaker, she always had a strong sense of who she was apart from any labels.
Devlin says that she sometimes feels like she and her dad grew up together because she knew him so well from a time when
he was young and still learning how to make his way in the world. She divides her time between her homes in Texas and
Massachusetts, the states where her children and grandchildren live.
The Sign Catcher
Otilio Quintero
Arte Publico Press
University of Houston
4902 Gulf Freeway, Bldg 19, Rm 100, Houston, TX 77204-2004
9781558859395, $19.95, PB, 240pp
Synopsis: As a young boy, Otilio Quintero lived with his family in abject poverty in a labor camp in California's San
Joaquin Valley. Later, they moved to a housing project that exposed him to the madness of violence. Despite his difficult
childhood, he managed to go to college. But more important to his development was a trip to Mexico in which he was taken
in and taught by the Mayan Chol people.
With the publication of his memoir, "The Sign Catcher ", Quintero writes that he found his calling at an indigenous
ceremony during The Longest Walk, a 3,000-mile march across the country (from Alcatraz Island in San Francisco to
Washington, DC) in 1978 by Native Americans to protest federal attacks on their way of life. The marchers carried the
scared pipe to the nation's capital and ultimately legislative bills detrimental to indigenous people were defeated.
His life then took a dramatic turn when he found himself in a maximum-security prison facing a possible 20-year sentence!
Through a miracle of faith and hope, Quintero escaped prison and began teaching farmworkers at a community college. He
would go on to become a leader in the movement against gang violence, joining forces with organizations such as Barrios
Unidos and Homies Unidos.
He also worked alongside the likes of Cesar Chavez, Harry Belafonte and Tom Hayden, and his efforts to save lives took
him to El Salvador, Nicaragua and Venezuela. "The Sign Catcher"s is a compelling read that exemplifies the need to make
change within before attempting to change the world around us -- and Quintero contends the challenges of the current times
require our awakening now!
Critique: An inherently interesting, informative, and well written memoir that will have a very special appeal for personal,
community, and academic library Hispanic Biography collections, it should be noted for students, academia, and non-
specialist general readers with an interest in the subject that "The Sign Catcher" is also available in a digital book format
(Kindle, $9.99).
Editorial Note: Otilio Quintero (https://mesarefuge.org/people/otilio-quintero) is a founding member of the Community
Justice Network for Youth (CJNY) and a long-time youth violence prevention advocate. He worked for more than 24 years
in prisons and detention centers in California and currently lives in Lebec, California.
Does My Voice Matter?
Cynthia James
She Writes Press
9781647422431, $17.95, PB, 208pp
Synopsis: We live in a critical and oftentimes violent world. People are afraid to talk about what they feel, think, or believe.
They withhold energy for fear of being ridiculed, punished, or excluded. They hide their deepest dreams and desires away
and cover them up with doubt, insecurity, old experiences, and fears. Cynthia James know this -- because that was her
personal experience.
Covering seven decades of living, traveling, and growing, "Does My Voice Matter? A Journey of Self-Discovery,
Authenticity, and Empowerment" follows her journey of self-discovery and authenticity as she gradually recognizes that she
has a voice -- and learns how to use it. She uses her own life experiences as a backdrop for her exploration of how the voice
is used as a tool of engagement; how a singular or collective voice can enhance empowerment, transparency, and
accountability; and, finally, how expression can develop new ideas, shift cultures, political views, transform organizations,
create laws, and improve lives.
Written for anyone who wants to discover the power within that makes them special, "Does My Voice Matter?" has a vital
message: Uniqueness is your own glorious imprint on this planet, and it is calling you to come out. It doesn't matter if your
awakening is large or small, it doesn't matter what your age, race, religion, or history is -- anyone can begin right where they
are, right now.
Critique: A deftly crafted memoir with a mission, "Does My Voice Matter? A Journey of Self-Discovery, Authenticity, and
Empowerment" by Cynthia James is an extraordinary, thought-provoking, and ultimately inspiring read. While especially
and unreservedly recommended for community and academic library Contemporary African-American and American
Women Biography/Memoir collections, it should be noted for personal reading lists that "Does My Voice Matter?" is also
available in a digital book format (Kindle, $8.49).
Editorial Note: Cynthia James (https://cynthiajames.net) is a transformational specialist and the author of "What Will Set
You Free", "Revealing Your Extraordinary Essence", and "I Choose Me". She is a sought-after radio guest and the host of
the podcast Women Awakening. She has completed two master's degree programs, one in consciousness studies and the
other in spiritual psychology. An ordained licensed minister, she is a frequent presenter and workshop facilitator at spiritual
centers around the world who also leads pilgrimages to sacred sites. She is also a featured presenter with the Shift Network
and Humanities Team summits, two of the largest and most successful providers of virtual courses, online workshops, and
tele-seminar events taught by experts in the areas of spirituality and personal growth.
My Maril: Marilyn Monroe, Ronald Reagan, Hollywood, and Me
Terry Karger, author
Post Hill Press
9781637583265, $28.00, HC, 256pp
Synopsis: Terry Karger is a child of Hollywood: the granddaughter of Metro Pictures cofounder Maxwell Karger, and the
daughter of Fred Karger, a vocal coach at Columbia Pictures. Terry's memoir, "My Maril: Marilyn Monroe, Ronald Reagan,
Hollywood, and Me" revolves around her father Fred and a trio of silver-screen legends: her stepmother Jane Wyman,
Ronald Reagan, and, primarily, Marilyn Monroe.
Marilyn, recently evolved from Norma Jeane Mortenson, was an unknown starlet when, as a twenty-one-year-old, she first
met six-year-old Terry (and began dating her dad) in the spring of 1948. The orphaned, emotionally fragile actress initially
babysat Fred's daughter while turning to his family for support. Although the Marilyn-Fred romance lasted just over a year,
her close friendship with the Kargers, including Fred, continued for fourteen years until the end of Marilyn's life.
While Fred was Marilyn's first true love, his mom, Nana, was the mother she never really had. "Maril," as they fondly called
her, was allowed to relax and be herself. It also enabled Marilyn to appease her own unfulfilled maternal instincts, acting as
a cross between a sweet, playful big sister and generous, caring surrogate mom to Terry.
This exceptional memoir also reveals privately taken, previously unpublished photos of the iconic superstar with her
adopted family and friends.
Critique: Candid, informative, fascinating, "My Maril: Marilyn Monroe, Ronald Reagan, Hollywood, and Me" is a simply
riveting read from first page to last and a 'must' for the legions of Marilyn Monroe fans. While especially and unreservedly
recommended for community and academic library American Biography & Memoir collections, it should be noted for
personal reading lists that "My Maril: Marilyn Monroe, Ronald Reagan, Hollywood, and Me" is also available from Post
Hill Press in a digital book format (Kindle, $9.99).
Editorial Note: Terry Karger (https://posthillpress.com/authors/terry-karger) graduated from the University of Southern
California in 1963, one year after Marilyn Monroe's death. She taught at Crescent Heights Elementary and would later teach
at Westwood Elementary where her students had parents such as Micky Dolenz, Millie Perkins, Ronny Cox, and Richard
You're Not From Around Here, Are You?
Martin Lehfeldt
Belle Isle Books
c/o Brandylane Publishers
5 South First Street, Richmond, VA 23219
9781953021960, $16.95, PB, 178pp
Synopsis: More than five decades ago, Northeast-native Martin Lehfeldt was so captivated by the South that he made it his
home. Reflecting on his experiences in "You're Not From Around Here, Are You? Notes from a Naturalized Southerner"
Lehfeldt has assembled a uniquely diverse collection of impressions that embrace an overview of the region's historically
black colleges and universities, the unequaled pleasure of sipping a Bloody Mary on a rainy Saturday morning in New
Orleans, the joys of 1960s-era first-class air travel, the discovery of a coon dog cemetery, a revelatory visit to Key West,
throwing a good party, brushes with celebrity, and plenty more.
Open Lehfeldt's witty collection of sketches at virtually any page and you will find a story that lyrically captures a moment,
a feeling, and possibly a piece of your heart.
Critique: A combination memoir and cultural observation, "You're Not From Around Here, Are You? Notes from a
Naturalized Southerner" is a fascinating read that is articulate, engaging, thought-provoking, and fun. Highly recommended,
"You're Not From Around Here, Are You? Notes from a Naturalized Southerner" is an ideal addition to personal reading
lists and community library Social Activist, Educator, and African-American Biography/Memoir collections.
Editorial Note: Martin Lehfeldt (http://www.belleislebooks.com/martinlehfeldt.html) earned a Master of Divinity at Union
Theological Seminary in New York-but then self-defrocked in the mid-1960s. The opportunity to direct a program that
recruited and placed outstanding young faculty members at historically Black colleges throughout the South gave him a
unique perspective on that region, and lured him to Atlanta. What was intended to be a brief sojourn blossomed into a career
as a college development officer, a fund-raising consultant, and President of the Southeastern Council of Foundations.
During five decades as a naturalized Southerner traveling widely in the region, he has become known as a speaker and
author whose books include The Sacred Call, Notes from a Non-Profitable Life, and (with Jamil Zainaldin) The Liberating
Promise of Philanthropy.
The General Fiction Shelf
The Dixie Apocalypse
Richard Fossey
Brown Books Publishing Group
16250 Knoll Trail, Suite 205, Dallas, Texas 75248
9781612545745, $15.99, PB, 264pp
Synopsis: "The Dixie Apocalypse" by Richard Fossey is a near-future, post-apocalyptic novel. It's the story of retired
lawyer-turned-professor Willoughby Burns who finds himself trying to survive against hunger and deadly threats in southern
"The Dixie Apocalypse" takes place in an America ravaged by natural disasters, lack of petroleum, plagues, and terrorism.
What is left of the United States is controlled by martial law. Life itself becomes primitive and favors those who can grow
their own food or handle firearms.
Will befriends US General Merski stationed in Baton Rouge, LA, and founds a farming community of fifty farms on the
eastern bank of the Mississippi river due south of downtown Baton Rouge. General Merski enlists Will as a civilian
commissary officer, in charge of carrying out errands for his troops without arousing suspicion.
"The Dixie Apocalypse" follows Will on his travels through Louisiana and Texas, as he seeks to establish a sense of order
and peace in a dystopian America.
Critique: Extrapolating from current social, cultural, political, and climate change projections, "The Dixie Apocalypse" will
have a very special appeal to readers with an interest in dystopian fiction. Exceptionally well written by an author with a
genuine flair for originality and an effective, narrative driven storytelling style, "The Dixie Apocalypse" is highly
recommended for personal reading lists and community library collections.
Editorial Note: Richard Fossey grew up in southwestern Oklahoma and graduated with honors from the University of Texas
School of Law. He practiced civil law in Anchorage, Alaska before attending Harvard University, where he obtained a
doctorate in education administration and social policy. He taught education law and policy for many years at universities in
Louisiana and Texas, where he held endowed professorships. He edited Catholic Southwest, a journal of Catholic history in
the American Southwest, and was named a Fellow of the Texas Catholic Historical Society in 2019.
Code Name Sapphire
Pam Jenoff
Park Row Books
c/o HarperCollins Publishers
Blackstone Audiobooks
9780778334293, $28.99, HC, 352pp
Synopsis: Its 1942 and Hannah Martel has narrowly escaped Nazi Germany after her fiance was killed in a pogrom. When
her ship bound for America is turned away at port, she has nowhere to go but to her cousin Lily, who lives with her family
in Brussels. Fearful for her life, Hannah is desperate to get out of occupied Europe. But with no safe way to leave, she must
return to the dangerous underground work she thought she had left behind.
Seeking help, Hannah joins the Sapphire Line, a secret resistance network led by a mysterious woman named Micheline and
her enigmatic brother Matteo. But when a grave mistake causes Lily's family to be arrested and slated for deportation to
Auschwitz, Hannah finds herself torn between her loyalties. How much is Hannah willing to sacrifice to save the people she
Critique: Of special note is that "Code Name Sapphire" by novelist Pam Jenoff is a work of fiction that was inspired by
incredible true stories of courage and sacrifice in resisting the Nazis in Europe during World War II. Deftly crafted with
memorable characters and a fully engaging storyline, "Code Name Sapphire" is a compelling and original novel about love,
family and the unshakable resilience of women in even the hardest of times. While unreservedly recommended for
community library fiction collections, it should be noted for the personal reading lists of those with an interest in World War
II stories that "Code Name Sapphire" is also available in a paperback edition (9780778387091, $17.99), in a digital book
format (Kindle, $12.99), and as a complete and unabridged audio book (Blackstone Audio, 9798212223324, $41.99,
Editorial Note: Pam Jenoff (https://pamjenoff.com) is the author of several books of historical fiction, including the New
York Times bestsellers The Lost Girls of Paris and The Orphan's Tale. Her novels are inspired by her experiences working
at the Pentagon and also as a diplomat for the State Department handling Holocaust issues in Poland. She holds a bachelor's
degree in international affairs from George Washington University and a master's degree in history from Cambridge, and she
received her Juris Doctor from the University of Pennsylvania.
The Historical Fiction Shelf
A Waltz with Traitors
A. L. Sowards
Covenant Communications
9781524421120, $17.99, PB, 328pp
Synopsis: Czech soldier Filip Sedlak never wanted to fight for the Austro-Hungarian Empire. So at the first opportunity, he
defected to the Russians. Now he and others like him have formed the Czechoslovak Legion. Their goal: leave the chaos of
Russia, sail to France, and help the Allies defeat the Central Powers, thereby toppling a hated empire and winning an
independent Czechoslovakia.
With the fall of the tsar, Nadia Linskaya's life is in ruins. Her family is dead, her lands are confiscated, and her aristocratic
world is gone forever. But Nadia is determined to elude the Bolshevik agent who destroyed her family and find a way to
survive in this changed world.
When Nadia takes refuge with the Czechoslovak Legion, the last thing she expects is an ally. But when Filip proposes a
sham marriage to ensure her safe passage across Siberia, she takes it. Neither Filip nor Nadia expect real love, not when the
legion has to take over the longest railroad in the world -- and then hold it against Bolshevik counterattacks, partisan
sabotage, allied intrigue, and a set of brutal Siberian winters.
At risk is the future of Czechoslovakia, the fate of Russia -- and their hearts.
Critique: A deftly written, original, and inherently entertaining novel that fully showcases author A. L. Sowards' impressive
and narrative driven storytelling talents, "A Waltz With Traitors" is a compulsive page turner of a read from cover to cover.
While especially and unreservedly recommended for community library Historical Fiction collections, it should be noted for
personal reading lists that "A Waltz With Traitors" is also readily available in a digital book format (Kindle, $5.99).
Editorial Note: A. L. Sowards (www.ALSowards.com) is the author of multiple historical fiction novels, with settings
spanning the globe from the fourteenth to twentieth centuries. Her stories have earned a Whitney Award, several Whitney
Finalists positions, and a Readers' Favorite Gold Medal.
Blackout Book Club
Amy Lynn Green
Bethany House Publishers
c/o Baker Publishing Group
6030 East Fulton Road, Ada, MI 49301
9780764240836, $29.99, HC, 400pp
Synopsis: An impulsive promise to her brother before he goes off to WWII puts Avis Montgomery in the unlikely position
of head librarian and book club organizer in small-town Maine. The women of her book club band together as the war
comes dangerously close but their friendships are tested by secrets, and they must decide whether depending on each other is
worth the cost.
Critique: Amy Lynn Green is the kind of novelist who has a total mastery of narrative based storytelling that will keep the
reader's full attention from first page to last. Her forth (and latest) novel, "The Blackout Book Club" will have a very special
appeal to readers with an interest in World War II and Christian oriented historical fiction. With deftly crafted and
memorable characters, a plot with many an unexpected turn and twist, "The Blackout Book Club" is unreservedly
recommended for community library General Fiction collections. It should be noted for personal reading lists that "The
Blackout Book Club" is also available in a paperback edition (9780764239564, $17.99), and in a digital book format
(Kindle, $17.09).
Editorial Note: Amy Lynn Green (www.amygreenbooks.com) has always loved history and reading, and she enjoys
speaking with book clubs, writing groups, and libraries all around the country. Her debut novel, "Things We Didn't Say",
was nominated for a 2021 Minnesota Book Award, won two Carol Awards, and received a starred review from both
Booklist and Library Journal.
The Romantic Fiction Shelf
A Wicked Game: The Ruthless Rivals (romance)
Kate Bateman
St. Martin's Press
9781250801586, $8.99, PB, 304pp
Synopsis: Shipwrecked and imprisoned thanks to an incorrect map, Captain Morgan Davies has returned to London to exact
sweet revenge on the cartographer responsible for his suffering. He's also vowed to claim the winner's prize (three kisses) in
the bet he made with his long-time nemesis, the prickly, smart-mouthed Harriet Montgomery. His incarceration has clarified
his feelings for her, but convincing the infuriating woman he wants to marry her is going to be his greatest challenge yet.
When Harriet is revealed to be the very mapmaker he seeks, Morgan decides to combine revenge and seduction into one
delightful package!
Harriet has always wanted witty scoundrel Morgan, and now he's back; as handsome and as taunting as ever. She has
enough on her plate dealing with her father's failing eyesight and a rival mapmaker copying her work to play wicked games
with a dastardly Davies -- however tempting he might be. But when a threat from Morgan's past puts them both in danger,
Harry discovers that she and Morgan might not be enemies at all!
Critique: A masterpiece of Regency Romance by one of the best writers working in that genre today, "A Wicked Game" by
Kate Bateman is a fun read from first page to last. While a highly recommended addition to community library Romance
Fiction collections, it should be noted by the growing legions of Kate Bateman fans that "A Wicked Game" is also readily
available in a digital book format (Kindle, $8.99).
Editorial Note: Kate Bateman, (https://www.kcbateman.com), is the author of award-winning historical romances, including
her RITA nominated Renaissance romp, The Devil To Pay, the Bow Street Bachelors series (This Earl of Mine, To Catch
an Earl, and The Princess and the Rogue), along with the novels in the Secrets & Spies series (To Steal a Heart, A Raven's
Heart, and A Counterfeit Heart). When not writing novels that feature feisty, intelligent heroines and sexy, snarky heroes
you want to both strangle and kiss, Kate works as a fine art appraiser and on-screen antiques expert for several popular TV
shows in the UK. She splits her time between Illinois and her native England -- and can be followed on Twitter.
Coming Home
Shelley Shepard Gray
Berkley Books
c/o Penguin Group (USA)
9780593438084, $8.99, PB, 352pp
Synopsis: In Woodland Park, a small town nestled in the foothills of Pikes Peak, Anderson Kelly and Chelsea Davis were
once the high school "it" couple -- the star quarterback and the valedictorian. They broke up when Anderson joined the army
and one poor decision at a fraternity party changed Chelsea's life. Now, she works long shifts in a senior center to support
her nine-year-old son, Jack.
After multiple tours in Afghanistan, Anderson has changed, too, physically scarred but mentally strong, and he decides to
move back to Woodland Park. Anderson and Chelsea steer clear of each other to avoid reopening old wounds, until they are
forced to reconnect through the senior center. They soon discover that the love they once shared never completely vanished.
But it will take a fire, a dangerous collision, and the love of one little boy to help Anderson and Chelsea see that the future
they've always yearned for is in sight.
Critique: With a very special appeal to readers with an interest in clean, wholesome, contemporary romance stories set in a
small town American town, "Coming Home" by Shelley Shepard Gray will prove to be a fun and enjoyable read from first
page to last. While highly recommended for community library Romance Fiction collections, it should be noted for the
personal reading lists of the growing legions of Shelley Shepard Gray fans that "Coming Home" is also available in a digital
book format (Kindle, $8.99).
Editorial Note: Shelley Shepard Gray (https://shelleyshepardgray.com) has published over a hundred novels and has over a
million books in print. She currently lives in northern Ohio and writes full time. Shelley can also be found on FaceBook,
Instagram @shelley.s.gray or on Twitter @ShelleySGray
The Mystery/Suspense Shelf
Death on a Winter Stroll
Francine Mathews
Soho Crime
c/o Soho Press
853 Broadway, New York, NY 10003
9781641292740, $27.95, HC, 288pp
Synopsis: Nantucket Police Chief Meredith Folger is acutely conscious of the stress COVID-19 has placed on the
community she loves. Although the island has proved a refuge for many during the pandemic, the cost to Nantucket has
been high. Merry hopes that the Christmas Stroll, one of Nantucket's favorite traditions, in which Main Street is transformed
into a winter wonderland, will lift the island's spirits. But the arrival of a large-scale TV production, and the Secretary of
State and her family, complicates matters significantly.
The TV shoot is plagued with problems from within, as a shady, power-hungry producer clashes with strong-willed actors.
Across Nantucket, the Secretary's troubled stepson keeps shaking off his security detail to visit a dilapidated house near
conservation land, where an intriguing recluse guards secrets of her own. With all parties overly conscious of spending too
much time in the public eye and secrets swirling around both camps, it is difficult to parse what behavior is suspicious or
not -- until the bodies turn up.
Now, it's up to Merry and Detective Howie Seitz to find a connection between two seemingly unconnected murders and
catch the killer. But when everyone has a motive, and half of the suspects are politicians and actors, how can Merry and
Howie tell fact from fiction?
Critique: This latest installment in critically acclaimed author Francine Mathews's Merry Folger series, "Death On A Winter
Stroll" is an immersive escape to festive Nantucket, as well as a poignant exploration of grief as a result of parental absence.
A thoroughly entertaining mystery that plays fair with the reader while keeping them guessing, "Death On A Winter Stroll"
is an especially an unreservedly recommended addition to community library Contemporary Mystery/Suspense collections.
It should be noted for the personal reading lists of all dedicated mystery fans that "Death On A Winter Stroll" is also
available in a digital book format (Kindle, $14.99).
Editorial Note: Francine Mathews (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francine_Mathews) attended Princeton and Stanford
Universities, where she studied history, before going on to work as an intelligence analyst at the CIA. She wrote her first
book in 1992 and left the Agency a year later. Since then, she has written thirty books, including six previous novels in the
Merry Folger series (Death in the Off-Season, Death in Rough Water, Death in a Mood Indigo, Death in a Cold Hard Light,
Death on Nantucket, and Death on Tuckernuck) as well as the nationally bestselling Being a Jane Austen mystery series,
which she writes under the pen name Stephanie Barron.
Devil's Delight: An Agatha Raisin Mystery
M.C. Beaton, author
R. W. Green, author
Minotaur Books
c/o St. Martin's Publishing Group
9781250816160, $26.99, HC, 256pp
Synopsis: Agatha Raisin and her assistant, Toni, are driving to their friend Bill Wong's long-awaited wedding, thinking of
nothing more than what the beautiful bride will be wearing when a terrified (and nude!) young man comes running down the
country lane towards them.
The encounter leads them to become embroiled with a naturist group, a disappearing corpse, fantasy games, witchcraft, an
ice cream empire, intrigue and murder. In the meantime, Agatha's hectic life swirls along at dizzying pace, her private
detective agency as busy as ever and her private affairs in turmoil, with old loves to contend with and a new suitor on the
But when she begins to close in on a suspected murderer, she finds herself in deadly peril, as the sinister nature of the ice
cream business leads her to a chilling conclusion!
Critique: Another inherently fascinating and impressively original 'whodunnit' cozy mystery from the mind, imagination,
and storytelling talents of the late novelist M. C. Beaton (completed with the posthumous assistance of co-author R. W.
Green), "Devil's Delight" is an extraordinary and fun read replete with memorable characters and unexpected plot twists,
turns, and surprises. Highly recommended for community library Contemporary Mystery/Suspense collections, it should be
noted for the personal reading lists of the growing legions of M. C. Beaton fans that "Devil's Delight" is also available in a
paperback edition (9781250816184, $8.99), in a digital book format (Kindle, $13.99), and as a complete and unabridged
audio book (Blackstone Audio, 9781665037099, $29.95, CD).
Editorial Note #1: M. C. Beaton (1936-2019) won international acclaim for her New York Times bestselling Agatha Raisin
novels and Hamish Macbeth mysteries. Her Agatha Raisin and Hamish Macbeth titles have sold more than 21 million
copies worldwide and have both been adapted into BBC television series. She has been hailed as the "Queen of Crime" by
the Toronto Globe and Mail, and her books have been translated into seventeen languages.
Editorial Note #2: R. W. Green, a long-time friend of M. C. Beaton, has written numerous works of fiction and nonfiction.
He lives in Surrey with his family and a black Labrador called Flynn.
The Game is a Footnote
Vicki Delany
Crooked Lane Books
2 Park Avenue, 10th floor, New York, NY 10016
Dreamscape Media
9781639101450, $26.99, HC, 320pp
Synopsis: Scarlet House, now a historical re-enactment museum, is the oldest building in West London, Massachusetts.
When things start moving around on their own, board members suggest that Gemma Doyle, owner of the Sherlock Holmes
Bookshop and Emporium, might be able to get to the bottom of it. Gemma doesn't believe in ghosts, but she agrees to
'eliminate the impossible'. But when Gemma and Jayne stumble across a dead body on the property, they're forced to
consider an all too non-metaphysical threat.
Gemma and Jayne suspect foul play as they start to uncover more secrets about the museum. With the museum being a
revolving door for potential killers, they have plenty of options for who might be the actual culprit. Despite Gemma's
determination not to get further involved, it would appear that once again, and much to the displeasure of Detective Ryan
Ashburton, the game is afoot.
Will Gemma and Jayne be able to solve the mystery behind the haunted museum, or will they be the next to haunt it?
Critique: A fun and finely crafted 'whodunnit' cosy mystery, novelist Vicki Delany's "The Game Is A Footnote" is the latest
addition to her 'A Sherlock Holmes Bookshop Mystery' series. This original, clever, and inherently fascinating story is
highly recommended for readers attracted to Amateur Female Sleuths. While also available in a digital book format (Kindle,
$13.99) and as a complete and unabridged audio book (Dreamscape, 9781666628142, $22.99), "The Game Is A Footnote"
will prove to be an enduringly popular contribution to community library Mystery/Suspense collections.
Editorial Note: Vicki Delany (http://vickidelany.com) is the author of more than thirty novels/novellas in several of
mystery's subgenres. Born in Manitoba and raised in Ontario, she is the former president of the Crime Writers of Canada, a
member of Capital Crime Writers, and a member of Sisters in Crime.
Snuffed Out
Valona Jones
Crooked Lane Books
2 Park Avenue, 10th floor, New York, NY 10016
Dreamscape Media
9781639102051, $26.99, HC, 304pp
Synopsis: 30-year-old twin sisters Tabby and Sage Winslow own The Book and Candle Shop in Savannah. Sage is
hot-headed and impulsive while Tabby is calm and collected, making them the perfect partnership. When one of their
customers is found murdered, from a blow to the head, that partnership is put to the test.
Blithe McAdam had been seen in a heated argument with shop clerk Gerard, which immediately makes him suspect number
one. The twins are convinced of Gerard's innocence and start digging into Blithe's past. But no one is cooperating. The
neighbor who found the body isn't talking, medical examiner Quig won't give any details about the autopsy, and nasty
rumors begin surfacing about the drowning of Blithe's father years earlier -- evidence that could seal Gerard's fate.
Tabby and Sage dig desperately for the truth. But it's not only their friend who's in peril. With the clock ticking, the twins
find themselves in the grip of an unseen and deadly energy that has seeped into their midst -- and in the sights of a ruthless
Critique: A master of the cosy mystery genre, novelist and storyteller Valona Jones' "Snuffed Out" is a part of the author's
simply outstanding 'A Magic Candle Shop' mystery series. Certain to appeal to fans of culinary/craft/hobby 'whodunnit'
mysteries, "Snuffed Out" is a mystery lover's delight from cover to cover. While highly recommended, especially for
community library Mystery/Suspense collections, it should be noted for personal reading lists that "Snuffed Out" is also
available in a paperback edition (9781639104499, $19.99), in a digital book format (Kindle, $13.99), and as a complete and
unabridged audio book (Dreamscape Media, 9781666628166, $22.99, CD)
Editorial Note: Valona Jones (https://www.valonajones.com) writes paranormal cozy mysteries set in Southern locales. Her
work blends mystery and the unexplained, along with a sprinkle of romance. A former scientist, she's drawn to the study of
personal energy. She sharpened her people-watching skills as a lifelong introvert and thankfully had a bank vault full of
personal observations when she began to write fiction.
Hidden in the Pines
Victoria Houston
Crooked Lane Books
2 Park Avenue, 10th floor, New York, NY 10016
Dreamscape Media
9781639101474, $29.99, HC, 288pp
Synopsis: It's Lew Ferris's first day as the newly-elected Sheriff of McBride County, and already things are heating up in the
Wisconsin Northwoods. The tragic drowning of a teenage girl draws an eerie parallel to the unsolved murder of another teen
thirty years earlier, but one of Lew's new subordinates (Alan Stern, Chief of the Deer Haven Police Department) has ruled it
an accidental death by drowning.
Neither Lew nor the girl's family accept the ruling, but Lew is up against a wall of sexism and subterfuge. Not only is Stern
belligerent and dismissive of Lew, but he takes the word of the local coroner, Ed Pecore, who Lew believes is completely
unqualified for the job.
Adding to Lew's headaches, an unwelcome interference in the case by a multimillionaire resident reopens a cold case that
stretches back decades -- and could lead to an anguished relative taking justice into his own hands to avenge a crime the
cops never solved.
And when Lew's dear friend, Dr. Paul "Doc" Osborne, finds himself witness to a sophisticated money laundering scheme
that could threaten the lives of his daughter and her close friend, Lew finally feels like she's reached the breaking point.
The fish may be biting in McBride County -- but now, Lew is on the line to uncover the long-buried secret that could
ensnare a killer once and for all.
Critique: A consummate 'whodunnit' novel of impressive originality and with more plot twists and turns than a Coney Island
rollercoaster, "Hidden In The Pines" by novelist Victoria Houston will have a special appeal for readers with an interest in
police Procedurals and small town fiction. While highly recommended as a community library Mystery/Suspense collection
pick, it should be noted for the personal reading lists of dedicated suspense thriller fans that "Hidden In The Pines" is also
available in a digital book format (Kindle, $14.99) and as a complete and unabridged audio book (Dreamscape Media,
9781666628111, $22.99, CD).
Editorial Note: Victoria Houston (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victoria_Houston) is the author of the Loon Lake Mystery
Series set in the Northwoods of Wisconsin against a background of fishing. An award-winning author specializing in family
issues, she has also written six non-fiction books.
Flight Risk
Cherie Priest
Atria Books
c/o Simon & Schuster
9781982168926, $27.00, HC, 320pp
Synopsis: When psychic travel agent Leda Foley is approached by a man searching for his sister, she quickly agrees to help.
The missing woman disappeared with a vintage orange car, a fat sack of her employer's cash, and a grudge against her
philandering husband -- a man who never even reported her missing.
Meanwhile, Seattle PD detective Grady Merritt has temporarily misplaced his dog. While he's passing out bright pink "Lost"
flyers at the Mount Rainier visitor's center, the wayward pooch appears -- with a human leg in his mouth.
Thanks to DNA matching, Grady learns that the leg has something to do with Leda's new client, and soon the two cases are
Critique: Of special appeal to fans of women sleuths, magical realism, police procedurals, and 'whodunnit' mysteries, "Flight
Risk" by Cherie Priest will prove a welcome addition to community library Mystery/Suspense collections. It should be noted
for personal reading lists that "Flight Risk" is also available in a paperback edition (9781982168933, $17.99), a digital book
format (Kindle, $10.00), and as a complete and unabridged audio book (Blackstone Audio, 9781797148427, $39.99,
Editorial Note: Cherie Priest (https://www.cheriepriest.com) is the author of "Boneshaker" which was nominated for a
Nebula and Hugo Award, won the Locus Award for best science-fiction novel, and was named Steampunk Book of the Year
by steampunk.com. She is also the author of "Dreadnought", Boneshaker's sequel, and of the near-contemporary fantasy
Fathom. She debuted to great acclaim with a trilogy of Southern gothic ghost stories featuring heroine Eden Moore which
included "Four and Twenty Blackbirds", "Wings to the Kingdom", and "Not Flesh nor Feathers".
Punishment of a Hunter: A Leningrad Confidential
Yulia Yakovleva, author
Ruth Ahmedzai Kemp, translator
Pushkin Vertigo
c/o Pushkin Press
9781782276791, $16.95, PB, 400pp
Synopsis: 1930s Leningrad. Stalin is tightening his grip on the Soviet Union, and a mood of fear cloaks the city. Detective
Vasily Zaitsev is tasked with investigating a series of bizarre and seemingly motiveless homicides. As the curious deaths
continue, precious Old Master paintings start to disappear from the Hermitage collection. Could the crimes be
When Zaitsev sets about his investigations, he meets with obstruction at every turn. Soon even he comes under suspicion
from the Soviet secret police. The resolute detective must battle an increasingly dangerous political situation in his dogged
quest to find the murderer -- and stay alive.
Critique: A deftly crafted suspense thriller novel of the first order, "Punishment of a Hunter: A Leningrad Confidential" by
gifted author Yulia Vakovleva is ably translated into English for an American readership by Ruth Ahmedzai Kemp. The
result is a simply riveting and original novel that is especially and unreservedly recommended for personal, community, and
academic library Mystery/Suspense collections. It should be noted for dedicated international mystery buffs that
"Punishment of a Hunter: A Leningrad Confidential" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $12.99).
Editorial Note #1: Yulia Yakovleva (https://pushkinpress.com/our-authors/yulia-yakovleva) is a writer, theatre and ballet
critic, and playwright. She is particularly known for two types of historical fiction set in Stalin-era Leningrad: the
award-winning children's chapter book series The Leningrad Tales that confront Soviet history, and the thrilling new series
of detective novels about Leningrad police investigator Vasily Zaitsev. Yakovleva received her MA from School of Creative
Arts of the University of Hertfordshire. She lives in Oslo, Norway, with her husband and son.
Editorial Note #2: Ruth Ahmedzai Kemp (https://ruthahmedzaikemp.com) translates literature from Arabic, German and
Russian into English. Her work has been short listed for many prestigious prizes including the Helen & Kurt Wolff
Translator's Prize.
The Fantasy/SciFi Shelf
The Tower of Nerek: A Descent
David Guymer
Aconyte Books
c/o Simon & Schuster (distribution)
9781839081743, $16.95, PB, 352pp
Synopsis: Nerekhall: a city of paranoia and fear, where the harsh and unbending rule of law is enforced by unfeeling
automata called the Ironbound. Drawn to the city by recurring nightmares, Andira Runehand and her companion, Trenloe
the Strong, soon find themselves caught up in a sinister plot and unable to escape. Both have different ideas about what it
means to be a hero, and both must learn to trust the other. For in secret, an uneasy alliance concocts a dark plan in the city's
infamous tower to open a portal and summon a demonic power, the likes of which has never set foot in Terrinoth.
Critique: The newest title in author David Guymer's simply outstanding 'Legends of the Dark' Sword & Sorcery series, "The
Tower of Nerek: A Descent" has everything S&S fans have come to expect in a fantasy action/adventure novel -- originality,
memorable characters, and a deftly crafted plot replete with many an unexpected twist, turn and trauma. Based on the game
world of 'Descent: Legends of the Dark', "The Tower of Nerek: A Sescent" is an especially recommended addition to
personal reading lists and community library Science Fiction & Fantasy collections. It should be noted that "The Tower of
Nerek: A Descent" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $9.95).
Editorial Note: David Guymer (https://aconytebooks.com/?authors=david-guymer) is a scientist-turned science fiction and
fantasy author from the north of England. His work includes many novels in the Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, and
Marvel universes, notably Dark Avengers: The Patriot List, the bestselling audio production Realmslayer, and Hamilcar:
Champion of the Gods, which has since been adapted into an animated TV series. He has also contributed to fantastical
worlds in video games, tabletop RPGs, and board games.
Lair of the Crystal Fang
S. A. Sidor
Aconyte Books
c/o Simon & Schuster (distribution)
9781839081880, $16.95, PB, 368pp
Synopsis: In the swirling sewers beneath Arkham, excavators uncover a crystalline formation that hints at dark events from
the city's past. As the discovery makes headlines, so too does a series of bizarre murders. With no leads, the Arkham police
are always one step behind.
Acting on a hunch, down-on-his luck former journalist Andy Van Nortwick reunites with adventurer Jake Williams and
struggling filmmaker Maude Brion to unearth the truth. The trio know of the supernatural horrors that lurk beyond this
world, and the reality haunts them. But time is running out and between them they must face their nightmares before the city
of Arkham is lost to blood and chaos.
Critique: "Lair of the Crystal Fang" is part of fantasy horror novelist S. A. Sidor's 'Arkham Horror' series and one of those
read-with-the-lights-on thrillers and an homage to the Golden Age of Pulp Fiction magazines. A fun read for all dedicated
horror fantasy fans, "Lair of the Crystal Fang" is highly recommended for personal reading lists and community library
Horry Fantasy and Historical Mystery collections. It should be noted for personal reading lists that "Lair of the Crystal
Fange" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $9.95).
Editorial Note: S. A. Sidor (https://www.simonandschuster.com/authors/S-A-Sidor/170519260) is the author of four dark
crime thrillers and more recently two splendid supernatural-pulp adventures, Fury From the Tomb and The Beast of
Nightfall Lodge.
Edge of Catastrophe
Jane Killick
Aconyte Books
c/o Simon & Schuster (distribution)
9781839081613, $16.95, PB, 368pp
Synopsis: In the 26th century, Mars is thriving: the huge crater made by the crashed moon of Deimos is now a vast domed
city, buzzing with industry and a burgeoning Martian-born and immigrant workforce.
Ecoline scientist Mel Erdan is at the forefront of vital research to feed and maintain Mars' increasing population. But when
her viral enhancer transforms lush green plants into a blackened swathe of dead crops, it triggers a wave of violent unrest
across Deimos City, and Mel is accused of deliberately sabotaging Mars' fragile viability.
With resources rapidly dwindling, conspiracy theories flying, and criminal gangs rioting, Mel must prove her innocence,
uncover the truth, and revitalise Mars' harvest before it's too late -- for everyone!
Critique: Another riveting science fiction thriller from author Jane Killick, "Edge of Catastrophe" is part of her
'Terraforming Mars' series. Original, riveting, and a terrific read from first page to last, "Edge of Catastrophe" is especially
recommended to the attention of all dedicated science fiction fans. While a popular addition to community library Science
Fiction collections, it should be noted for personal reading lists that "Edge of Catastrophe" is also available in a digital book
format (Kindle, $9.95).
Editorial Note: Jane Killick (https://aconytebooks.com/?authors=jane-killick) is an author and journalist who juggles
working for BBC Radio with a lifelong passion for science fiction. Alongside several series of original SF novels, she has
also written numerous behind the scenes books, including Stasis Leaked Complete, a guide to TV show Red Dwarf, and a
series on Babylon 5.
The Music Shelf
Diary of a Rock and Roll Tour Manager
Willie Perkins
Mercer University Press
1501 Mercer University Drive, Macon, GA 31207-0001
9780881468465, $25.00, PB, 144pp
Synopsis: With the publication of "Diary of a Rock and Roll Tour Manager: 2,190 Days and Nights With the South's
Premier Rock Band", Willie Perkins chronicles the triumphs and tragedies of the day-to-day touring of The Allman Brothers
Band from 1970 to 1976, detailing their rise from obscurity to the absolute pinnacle of rock super stardom.
As their tour manager, Perkins shepherded the band from their lowly beginnings in smoke-filled bars to six figure payoffs
before hundreds of thousands of fans in outdoor venues. He was there for the tragic, untimely accidental deaths of both
Duane Allman and Berry Oakley, the ugliness of drug and alcohol abuse, and the love for the music and true brother and
sisterhood among band, crew, management, and family members.
In a fully candid memoir, Perkins writes in detail about the efforts involved in the touring and recording career of The
Allman Brothers Band in their early and most productive years. He also introduces the reader to some of the colorful
promoters who produced the concerts and the interesting historical venues where they performed -- many of which no
longer exist.
Critique: A fascinating and informative read, "Diary of a Rock and Roll Tour Manager: 2,190 Days and Nights With the
South's Premier Rock Band" is a 'must' for the legions of Allman Brothers Band fans. Informatively illustrated throughout,
"Diary of a Rock and Roll Tour Manager: 2,190 Days and Nights With the South's Premier Rock Band" is especially and
unreservedly recommended for personal, community, and academic library American Popular Culture & Rock Music
History/Biography collections.
Roadhouse Blues
Bob Batchelor
Hamilcar Publications
9781949590548, $18.99, PB, 256pp
Synopsis: Shrouded in mystery and the swirling psychedelic sounds of the Sixties, the Doors have captivated listeners across
seven decades. Jim Morrison (haunted, beautiful, and ultimately doomed) transformed from rock god to American icon.
With each successive generation of fans, the Doors become more popular and transcendent. Yet the band's full significance
is buried beneath layers of mythology and folklore.
With the publication of "Roadhouse Blues: Morrison, The Doors, and the Death Days of the Sixties", author Bob Batchelor
presents an epic tale of one of rock's (and America's) most significant periods, as the Age of Aquarius gave way to a new
age of mayhem, presidential misdeeds, and murder. In "Roadhouse Blues", Batchelor deftly combines cultural history,
musical and lyrical analysis, along with a broad stroke of pop-culture mythos to give fresh perspective on a pivotal
Candid, authoritative, and utterly absorbing, "Roadhouse Blues" is a biography of a man, a band, and an era that set the tone
for the contemporary world. Beyond the mythology, the hype, and the mystique around Morrison's untimely death,
"Roadhouse Blues" takes its readers on a roller-coaster ride, examining the impact the band had on America as the nation
veered from decadence to debauchery.
Critique: Fascinating, informative, extraordinary, and essential reading for the legions of Jim Morrison fans, "Roadhouse
Blues: Morrison, The Doors, and the Death Days of the Sixties" is especially and unreservedly recommended for personal,
community, college, and university library Rock Music/Rock Band collections in general, and Jim Morrison/The Doors
reading lists in particular. It should be noted that "Roadhouse Blues" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle,
Editorial Note: Bob Batchelor (https://www.facebook.com/bobbatchelorauthor) is a cultural historian and the author of
"Stan Lee: A Life", "The Bourbon King", and a dozen other books exploring history and biography. He has written about
many iconic musicians and eras, including Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash, Grunge, and jazz. Batchelor's books have been
translated into a dozen languages, while his work has appeared or been featured in the New York Times, Cincinnati
Enquirer, Los Angeles Times, Today.com, The Guardian, and Time.
Out in L.A.: The Red Hot Chili Peppers, 1983
Hamish Duncan
Chicago Review Press
814 North Franklin Street, Chicago, IL 60610
9781641608015, $30.00, HC, 336pp
Synopsis: A rock music band, The Red Hot Chili Peppers were going to be a one-time act for a friend's album release party.
Forty years later the funk rock band is arguably one of the best known and the longest running in the United States.
Everything that happened in 1983 set the course for the rest of the band's career. The scrappy band quickly rose to
scene-wide fame, playing all over Los Angeles and gaining fans and media attention wherever they performed. Before the
year was out, they had played approximately thirty shows, put together an early, beloved repertoire, recorded a blistering
demo that secured them a recording contract with EMI/Enigma, and lost two of their founding members to a rival band.
"Out in L.A.: The Red Hot Chili Peppers, 1983" by Hamish Duncan is an attempt at finding out exactly what happened
during that first year and exploring what it is that makes the Red Hot Chili Peppers so compelling and fresh, even as they
continue on their musical journey today.
Critique: As the founding member of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Hamish Duncan provides an authentic 'insider' perspective
as he deftly lays out the band's history with the publication of "Out in L.A.: The Red Hot Chili Peppers, 1983". Informative
enhanced for the reader with the inclusion of an Appendix (The 1983 Venues), four pages of Notes, and a an eleven page
Index, "Out in L.A.: The Red Hot Chili Peppers, 1983" is a 'must read' for the legions of Red Hot Chili Pepper fans. While
unreservedly recommended for community, college, and university library American Pop Culture and Rock Music History
collections, it should be noted for personal reading lists that "Out in L.A.: The Red Hot Chili Peppers, 1983" is also
available in a digital book format (Kindle, $14.99).
Editorial Note: Hamish Duncan (https://www.toppermost.co.uk/red-hot-chili-peppers) is the founder of the Red Hot Chili
Peppers Sessions Archive website (www.rhcpsessions.com) and editor of Red Hot Chili Peppers Live Archive
(www.rhcplivearchive.com). He currently resides in Sydney, Australia.
Kurt Cobain: The Last Interview
Introduction by Dana Spiotta
Edited by Melville House staff
Melville House
46 John Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201
9781685890094, $17.99, PB, 176pp
Synopsis: Kurt Cobain (February 20, 1967 - April 5, 1994) burst into American consciousness with a vengeance with the
release of Nevermind, an instant classic that defined a sound and a generation. Three years later, he was dead of suicide,
leaving a meteoric career and a cultural influence that would never wane.
As the lead singer and guitarist of Nirvana, Kurt Cobain changed American music as few musicians ever have. His instantly
identifiable raspy croon, his slash-and-burn guitar playing, and his corrosive and poetic lyrics made him a hero to a
generation of lost souls. In interviews Cobain was funny, thoughtful, sarcastic, impassioned, and even kind. "Kurt Cobain:
The Last Interview and Other Conversations" is collection of interviews provides a look at a man who was too often
Critique: Deftly compiled and edited by the Melville House staff, and an absolute 'must read' for the legions of Kurt Cobain
fans, "Kurt Cobain: The Last Interview and Other Conversations" is an especially and unreservedly recommended for
personal, professional, community, and academic library 20th Century American Pop Culture and Music History
collections. It should be noted that "Kurt Cobain: The Last Interview and Other Conversations" is also available in a digital
book format (Kindle, $9.99).
Editorial Note: Kurt Cobain was an American singer, guitarist, and songwriter. With his band Nirvana he invented the
hard-rock genre known as grunge and became an inspiration to a generation with his corrosive, poetic lyrics and blistering
stage presence. He was inducted posthumously into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2014.
The Christian Studies Shelf
On Death and Eternal Life
St. Gregory of Nyssa, author
Brian Daley, translator
SVS Press
575 Scarsdale Road, Yonkers, NY 10707
9780881417098, $28.00, PB, 328pp
Synopsis: Saint Gregory of Nyssa (c. A.D. 335 - after 384) was bishop of Nyssa and a prominent Christian theologian of the
fourth century. The seven works by Saint Gregory comprising (some of which, ably translated by Brian Daley, are available
in English for the first time) explore the great human mystery of death and the promise of eternal life.
The writings included in "On Death and Eternal Life" (along with On the Soul and the Resurrection (PPS 12) provide a
vision that is consistent, philosophically profound, and characteristic of Gregory's wider theology.
The first three works (On the Dead, On Infants Taken Away before Their Time, and On the "Final Subjection" of Christ)
might be termed thematic essays; the fourth is a sermon celebrating Christ's resurrection (On the Holy Pascha); and the
remaining three are funeral homilies given for prominent people in Constantinople (Meletius, Pulcheria, and Flaccilla).
Of special note is that this volume, "On Death and Eternal Life", also includes the critical Greek text.
Critique: A part of the simply outstanding 'Popular Patristics' series from SVS Press, this compact paperback edition "On
Death and Eternal Life" is an especially recommended addition to personal, ministerial, theological collections for Orthodox
and Catholic Christians in general, and seminary students studies lists in particular. It should be noted that "On Death and
Eternal Life" is also readily available for personal reading lists in a digital book format (Kindle, $14.99).
Editorial Note: Brian Daley, S.J. (https://theology.nd.edu/people/brian-daley-sj) did his undergraduate work at Fordham
University and a subsequent M.A, (classics and philosophy) at Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar. He then entered the Society of
Jesus, taught for a year at Fordham, and studied theology for ordination in Frankfurt, Germany. He returned to Oxford in
1972 for doctoral studies, focused on the Patristic Christological tradition, and completed a critical edition of the works of
the sixth-century theologian Leontius of Byzantium in 1978. He then was a faculty member of the Weston Jesuit School of
Theology, in Cambridge, MA, until 1996, when he moved to Notre Dame's Department of Theology as the Catherine
Huisking Professor. He considers himself a historical theologian, studying the thought and practices of the first seven or
eight centuries of Christianity as expressions of the developing common faith of the Church, especially as it is focused on
our understanding of the person of Christ, the Trinity, and the hope for eternal life.
Preaching: A Simple Approach to the Sacred Task
Daniel Overdorf
Kregel Publications
2450 Oak Industrial Drive, NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49505
9780825447228, $20.99, PB, 240pp
Synopsis: Preaching with power and conviction is too important to be left to chance. With the publication of "Preaching: A
Simple Approach to the Sacred Task", experienced preacher and teacher of preachers, Daniel Overdorf, leads his readers
through a tested process for sermon preparation that takes proclaiming God's Word seriously yet does not overly complicate
the task or overwhelm the preacher.
Overdorf describes and demonstrates consistent, manageable steps to effective preaching, including: Clarifying the
convictions that drive your preaching; Identifying the main idea of a Scripture text; Forming memorable word pictures;
Reducing reliance on notes; Connecting with the congregation throughout the sermon; Speaking authentically.
Critique: Exceptionally well written, organized and presented, "Preaching: A Simple Approach to the Sacred Task" is an
ideal combination of instruction guide and how-to manual that will be of immense interest and value for readers charged
with a ministerial responsibility within the Christian community. While especially and unreservedly recommended for
church and seminary collections, it should be noted for the personal reading lists of ministers, seminary students, and non-
specialist general readers with an interest in the subject of Christian Preaching, Christian Church Leadership, and Christian
Pastoral Resources, "Preaching: A Simple Approach to the Sacred Task" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle,
Editorial Note: Daniel Overdorf (www.DanielOverdorf.com) grew up in the mountains of eastern Tennessee and southern
West Virginia, where he experienced the value of the blue-collar work ethic, the wonder of Appalachian storytelling, and
the joy of being raised in the home of a preacher who loves the church with all his heart. These early influences continue to
shape his perspectives of life and faith. He graduated from Johnson University, then spent the next ten years ministering
with churches in Illinois and Georgia. In the meantime, he earned a Master of Divinity from Lincoln Christian Seminary and
a Doctor of Ministry from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. At Gordon-Conwell, he had the joy of studying for four
years under Haddon Robinson, a patriarch in the field of preaching. Robinson's influence significantly shaped Overdorf's
philosophy and approach to preaching, both as a preacher and as a professor.
One Church
Charles C. Camosy
Ave Maria Press
PO Box 428, Notre Dame, IN 46556
9781646801527, $17.95, PB, 192pp
Synopsis: Vatican II baby boomers, trad millennials, zealous converts, Christmas and Easter Catholics -- these are some of
the humorous stereotypes theologian Charles Camosy uses to explain the points of view that divide today's Church.
In the pages of "One Church: How to Rekindle Trust, Negotiate Difference, and Reclaim Catholic Unity", Professor Camosy
says that in spite of our differences, unity and healing can be found through the fullness of the Gospel and an authentic
understanding of the Catholic faith. With the publication of "One Church", Professor Camosy offers a hopeful and practical
field guide for the here and now by sharing what it takes to listen and love those whose views are different than ours and to
understand how we are united in the Body of Christ, the Church.
Throughout the history of the Catholic Church there have always been fundamental differences about how the faith should
be expressed -- for example, between Peter and Paul, Jerome and Augustine, Franciscans and Dominicans, left and right,
"Rad Trads" and Vatican II Catholics.
In today's climate of polarization, getting to unity-in-diversity has never been more difficult. Where Sts. Jerome and
Augustine shared their differences by letter, social media is the place where division is most noticeable (and vitriolic)
In "One Church" Professor Camosy, founder and director of The Catholic Conversation Project, offers five principles of
dialogue to build on our unity as the Body of Christ: Maintain a humble attitude; Avoid binary thinking and dismissive
name-calling; Affirm and build on common ground; Make Christ the center of everything; and Lead with what you are for,
not what you are against.
Critique: A timely contribution toward supporting the Catholic church in these especially trying times, "One Church: How
to Rekindle Trust, Negotiate Difference, and Reclaim Catholic Unity" is an eloquent and 'real world practical' call to reform
and reconciliation. Erudite, informative, inspiring, and also readily available in a digital book format (Kindle, $13.49), "One
Church: How to Rekindle Trust, Negotiate Difference, and Reclaim Catholic Unity" is especially recommended to the
attention of Catholic clergy, seminary students, congregants, and non-specialist general readers with an interest in the
subject of Popes, Social Issues, and Spiritual growth from a Catholic perspective and history.
Editorial Note: Charles Camosy is a professor at the Creighton University School of Medicine and the Msgr. Curran Fellow
in Moral Theology at St. Joseph Seminary in New York. He is also a columnist for Religion News Service, the Angelus, and
the Pillar, and the author of eight books, including the award-winning Too Expensive to Treat?,Peter Singer and Christian
Ethics, and Beyond the Abortion Wars. Camosy's book, For Love of Animals, was featured in the New York Times. He is
the founding editor of The Magenta Project series and founding director of the Catholic Conversation Project.
His writing has been featured in publications including the American Journal of Bioethics, the Journal of the Catholic
Health Association, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the New York Daily News, the Los Angeles Times, Church
Life Journal, Commonweal, America magazine, Crux, the Tablet, and the National Catholic Reporter. Camosy serves as a
moral theology consultant for Busted Halo. He is an advisor the faith outreach office of the Humane Society of the United
States, the pro-life commission of the Archdiocese of New York, and Holy Name Medical Center. He received the Robert
Bryne award from the Fordham Respect Life Club and the 2018 St. Jerome Award for scholarly excellence from the
Catholic Library Association.
The Metaphysical Studies Shelf
The Witches Almanac
Charles Christian
Visible Ink Press
43311 Joy Rd., #414, Canton, MI 48187-2075
9781578598137, $49.95, HC, 336pp
Synopsis: For thousands of years in every corner of the globe there has been a fascination and a fear of people possibly
wielding magical powers and a stigma surrounding practitioners of ancient rituals and practices. Yet, in the last 70 years,
witchcraft, as well as Wicca, have gone from taboo and suppressed beliefs pursued by a handful of eccentrics and misfits to
major global, spiritual movements.
With the publication of "The Witches Almanac: Sorcerers, Witches, and Magic from Ancient Rome to the Digital Age",
Charles Christian introduces the history, persecutions, conjurings, and magic of some of history's most consequential
witches, sorcerers, wizards, and mavericks.
These legendary figures range from Circe, Medea, Hermes Trismegistus, the Chaldean Magi, and other Ancient Roman and
Classical Greek witches; to Merlin, Morgana le Fey, Nimue, the 10 Queens of Avalon, and sorcery and witchcraft in the
Arthurian legends; to San Cipriano (the obscure 4th century bishop whose influence today still plays an important role in
folk magic and Hoodoo practices); Baba Yaga, Joan of Arc, Gilles de Rais, Alice Kyteller, Lord Soulis, Michael Scott, the
Golem of Prague, and medieval witchcraft; King Henry VI, Anne Boleyn, King Henry VIII, Catherine de Medici, John Dee,
Queen Elizabeth, and witchcraft in the British royal court; to Isobel Gowdie, illusive Scottish witch whose voluntary
confessions provided the template for traditional witchcraft beliefs; to Isaac Newton, Friar Roger Bacon, Nicholas Flamel,
Paracelsus, Cornelius Agrippa, Robert Boyle, and other alchemists.
Of special note are the informative entries for Aleister Crowley, W. B. Yeats, MacGregor Mathers, Eliphas Levi, the Golden
Dawn, Thelema and ritual magic, and the rise of esoteric movements of the 19th and early 20th centuries -- and so many
more in this new digital age of the 21st Century.
Critique: "The Witches Almanac: Sorcerers, Witches and Magic from Ancient Rome to the Digital Age" provides a deeper,
more sophisticated, and historically accurate understanding of the obscure history of witches with this enchanting and
bewitching tome! "The Witches Almanac" showcases rich metaphysical histories and extraordinary biographies, plus it
includes a helpful bibliography, an extensive index, and numerous photos, adding to its usefulness. While a strongly
recommended addition to personal, professional, community, and academic library Paganism, Wicca, and New Age
Metaphysics collections, it should be noted for students, academia, Wiccans, and non-specialist general readers with an
interest in the subject that "The Witches Almanac: Sorcerers, Witches and Magic from Ancient Rome to the Digital Age" is
also available in a paperback edition (9781578597604, $24.95) and in a digital book format (Kindle, $11.99).
Editorial Note: Charles Christian (https://www.coasttocoastam.com/guest/charles-christian) is an English lawyer and a
Reuters correspondent. writer, editor, and tech journalist. Of special note is that an English newspaper once really did
commission Charles to take part in a werewolf hunt on the night of a full moon. Spoiler alert: he didn't find one. He
currently resides in Waveney Valley, England.
Initiation into Dream Mysteries
Sarah Janes
Destiny Books
c/o Inner Traditions International, Ltd.
One Park Street, Rochester, VT 05767
9781644115145, $18.99, PB, 192pp
Synopsis: Invoking Mnemosyne (the Greek goddess of memory and eloquence, daughter of Heaven and Earth, mother of the
Muses, and archetypal deity of the Asklepion dream temple tradition), with the publication of "Initiation into Dream
Mysteries: Drinking from the Pool of Mnemosyne", Sarah Janes initiates you into full dream consciousness, offering a
lucid-dreaming ritual experience in the spirit of the Mystery Schools of antiquity.
Sharing her more than a decade of research on Sleep Temples and Mystery Schools of the Esoteric Tradition,
lucid-dreaming instructor Sarah explores the evolution of imagination, memory, and consciousness throughout the ages and
proposes that dreams have been fundamental in the creation and development of culture. Dreams play an important role in
ancestor worship, afterlife beliefs, animism, religion, and wisdom traditions.
Explaining how a conscious dream life is essential for self-discovery, deep integration, and healing, Sarah presents
exercises, techniques, initiations, and seven guided audio meditations to help you explore the inner depths of your psyche.
Sarah reveals how dreams offer us an opportunity to remember and directly experience our divinity, to transcend the
limitations of our mortality and enter timeless imaginal realms. These realms, accessible through dreams, can help you to
form a better understanding of who you are.
Employing the power of story to affect the mind and lay down new neural pathways (as if one were really living the story)
Sarah connects each initiatory chapter with a psychodramatic narrative as well as a guided audio meditation. Using
symbolism and powerful imagery, these stories, combined with her meditations, help you generate the perfect dreams for
each stage in the initiation. And by becoming a better dreamer, you can make better, more aware decisions in your waking
Critique: Offering a unique and inherently fascinating approach to self-transformation, "Initiation into Dream Mysteries:
Drinking from the Pool of Mnemosyne" also includes four pages of Meditations, five pages of Notes, a twelve page
Bibliography, and a page Index. Exceptionally well written, organized and presented, "Initiation into Dream Mysteries:
Drinking from the Pool of Mnemosyne" is highly recommended for personal, professional, community, and academic
library Metaphysical Studies and Dream Studies/Interpretation collections. It should be noted that "Initiation into Dream
Mysteries: Drinking from the Pool of Mnemosyne" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $12.99).
Editorial Note: Sarah Janes (https://themysteries.org/about) has been an enthusiastic lucid dreamer since childhood.
Currently residing in Hastings, England, she is a writer, public speaker, and sleep hypnosis workshop facilitator. She runs
Explorers Egyptology, an online lecture series, and with Carl Hayden Smith operates the Seventh Ray, a mixed reality
Mystery School. She is also producer and co-host for the Anthony Peake Consciousness Hour podcast. Sarah is currently
working with Dr. Mervat Nasser at New Hermopolis in Egypt and with Rupert Sheldrake and the British Pilgrimage Trust to
reinvigorate the practice of dream incubation at sacred sites.
Mastering Magick
Mat Auryn
Llewellyn Publications
2143 Wooddale Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125
9780738766041, $18.99, PB, 296pp
Synopsis: With the publication of "Mastering Magick: A Course in Spellcasting for the Psychic Witch", Mat Auryn shows
how to boost your psychic ability and incorporate the greater mysteries of magick into your practice.
A companion to the Auryn's "Psychic Witch", this edition "Mastering Magick" from Llewellyn Publications, is
groundbreaking study that features more than sixty spells and is the first of its kind to focus on casting magick to bridge the
divide between the seen and unseen worlds.
"Masterng Magick" also teaches how to enchant yourself as a powerful psychic witch by connecting with the witch's tools,
the elements, the moon, the seasons, and the planets. You'll learn the mechanics of spell work and how to make your magick
as effective as possible.
In addition to Mat's own tried-and-true castings, "Mastering Magick" features more than a dozen spells from well-known
witches and practitioners, including Christopher Penczak, Judika Illes, Juliet Diaz, Storm Faerywolf, Laura Tempest
Zakroff, Devin Hunter, Madame Pamita, and others.
Critique: Inherently fascinating, impressively informative, expertly written, organized, and presented, "Mastering Magick: A
Course in Spellcasting for the Psychic Witch" is especially commended to the attention of the novice magick user and has a
great deal of value for even the more experienced spell caster. While highly recommended for personal, professional,
community, and academic library Metaphysical Studies collections, it should be noted for personal reading lists that
"Mastering Magick" is also readily available in a digital book format (Kindle, $13.99).
Editorial Note: Mat Auryn (https://auryn.net/about) is a witch, professional psychic, and occult teacher. He is also the
multi-award-winning author of "Psychic Witch" and a High Priest in the Sacred Fires Tradition of Witchcraft. He runs the
blog For Puck's Sake on Patheos Pagan, is a teacher at Modern Witch University, and has a column in Witches & Pagans
magazine entitled "Extra-Sensory Witchcraft." He has been featured in various magazines, radio shows, podcasts, books,
anthologies, and other periodicals. He can be followed on Instagram @matauryn
The Sports Shelf
The Art of Shralpinism: Lessons from the Mountains
Jeremy Jones
Mountaineers Books
1001 SW Klickitat Way, Suite 201, Seattle, WA 98134-1161
9781680513301, $29.95, PB, 288pp
Synopsis: Not a technical guide on snowboarding but, rather, a very personal approach to how to think about mountains,
snow, and adventure, With the publication of "The Art of Shralpinism: Lessons from the Mountains", snowboarding
superstar Jeremy Jones draws on the hundreds of journals he has kept over the years, and offers intriguing snapshots of time
and place that include his own on-the-slope stories and white-out moments, as well as those of other prominent adventurers
such as Jimmy Chin, Zahan Billimoria, and Christina Lusti.
"The Art of Shralpinism" is a compendium of lessons hard won: along with quick tips, sound advice, and impactful stories.
Readers will learn which aspects of avalanche training are most crucial to absorb, ways to anticipate slope behavior or
recognize clean lines, how to cut a cornice or develop safety protocols, how to build a fitness routine, the art of the turn, and
keys to developing terrain and skills progression. Jones also discusses the importance of mentors, the necessity and intensity
of practice, the nature of risk, and the shape of failure.
But at its heart, "The Art of Shralpinism: Lessons from the Mountains" revels in the power of experience, the impact of
stoke, and the beauty that underscores all outdoor sports and adventures.
Critique: Of special appeal to readers with an interest in snowboarding, mountain climbing, and outdoors exploration, "The
Art of Shralpinism: Lessons from the Mountains" is also nicely illustrated by author Jeremy Jones and should be considers a
'must read' for his legions of snowboarding fans. While certain to be an immediate and enduringly popular addition to
community library Contemporary Sports collections, it should be noted for personal reading lists that "The Art of
Shralpinism: Lessons from the Mountains" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $14.99).
Editorial Note: Jeremy Jones (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremy_Jones_(freerider)) is an award-winning snowboarder,
the owner of Jones Snowboards, and the founder of Protect Our Winters, a global nonprofit that unites passionate outdoor
people to protect the places they love from climate change. The recipient of eleven "Big Mountain Rider of the Year"
awards from Snowboarder Magazine and a National Geographic Adventurer of the Year, Jones has starred in dozens of
snowboard films including his highly acclaimed trilogy, Deeper, Further, and Higher.
The Travel Shelf
Best Road Trips Midwest & the Great Lakes
Lonely Planet
Lonely Planet Publications
150 Linden Street, Oakland CA 94607
9781838695668, $12.99, PB, 128pp
Synopsis: "Best Road Trips: Midwest & the Great Lakes" is an ideal source of up-to-date travel guide information with
which to develop itineraries for classic road trips, plus other lesser-known drives with its expert advice on picking the routes
that suit the travelers particular interests and needs.
Featuring full-color route maps with easy-to-read, detailed directions and delightful diversions to see the Midwest & Great
Lakes' highlights along the way, of special note is the Link Your Trip feature allowing the travel to easily cruise from one
driving route to the next.
Replete with true insider tips ranging from getting around like a local, avoiding trouble spots and be safe on the road, to
local driving rules, parking, toll roads -- and the best things to do outside the car! Of special note is the inclusion of essential
information that includes hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, prices, honest reviews for all budgets, as well as
eating, sleeping, sightseeing, and a wealth of hidden gems that most guidebooks miss.
"Best Road Trips Midwest & the Great Lakes" by Lonely Planet Publicatons includes Michigan's Gold Coast, the Great
River Road, Highway 61, Chicago, Oklahoma's Tribal Trails, the Pioneer Trails, the Black Hills, St Louis, Kansas City,
Omaha, and more.
Critique: Enhanced with lavish color photography and perfect for planning short range and long range car trips for
memorable adventures on the open road with respect to traveling the American Midwest and the Great Lakes, "Best Road
Trips Midwest & the Great Lakes" also includes a fold out map and is strongly recommended for personal, professional, and
community library American Travel Guide collections.
Editorial Note: With over 150 million guidebooks in print, Lonely Planet is a trusted source for any traveler. Since their
inception in 1973, they have inspired generations of travelers to discover amazing places and enabled curious travelers to
get off the beaten paths to appreciate different cultures and become agents of positive change.
The Islands Book
Lonely Planet
Lonely Planet Publications
150 Linden Street, Oakland CA 94607
9781838695033, $40.00, HC, 320pp
Synopsis: With the publication of "The Islands Book", armchair travels will fully enjoy exploring 150 of the world's most
enchanting islands in this inspirational coffee table style (9.4 x 1.13 x 12.1 inches, 3.9 pounds) that features beautiful
photography, illustrations and maps.
The reader will 'Island Hop' across cosmopolitan archipelagos and secret tropical paradises, learning fascinating stories
about each destination, meeting the locals, encountering wildlife, and finding amazing island experiences.
Sink into the silken sands of Tobago or step foot in the abandoned prison cells of Alcatraz; unearth Burgh Island's
mysterious pirate tales or twirl forkfuls of sumptuous seafood pasta in Sicily; relax with a locally brewed craft beer on
Waiheke Island or see the infamous red crabs of Christmas Island march into the ocean. Within the pages of "The Islands
Book", each individual island has its own distinctive story to tell and offers travelers (on-site or armchair) a memorable
round-up of exciting activities to pursue to help make trip planning a total breeze.
Critique: An elegant, informative, beautiful book to simply browse through one informative page at a time, "The Islands
Book" has a very special appeal to readers with an interest in the diversity of islands to be found within the Americas,
Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania -- making it a very strongly recommended an unique addition to personal, community, and
academic library Travel Guide collections.
Travels Across the Roof of the World: A Himalayan Memoir
William & Anne Frej, authors
George F Thompson Publishing
Casemate Publishers
1940 Lawrence Road, Havertown, PA 19083
9781938086939, $55.00, HC, 280pp
Synopsis: "Travels across the Roof of the World: A Himalayan Memoir" by William and Anne Frej provides a sweeping yet
intimate view of the breathtaking peaks, splendid valleys, and extraordinary people of this vast region, from the Pamir
Mountains in Kyrgyzstan through Afghanistan's fabled Hindu Kush, the Karakoram in Pakistan, and the Great Himalaya
Range that stretches across northern India, Nepal, Tibet, and Bhutan.
Unique in scope among photo books on the Himalaya, "Travels across the Roof of the World" chronicles the authors more
than twenty pilgrimages throughout the area spanning forty years and 3,000 miles through some of the world's most remote
and difficult-to-reach country. Inspired by the devotion to the practice of Tibetan Buddhism they encountered in the
villagers they met on their first trek to Nepal in 1981, they set out on a quest to document Asia's highest peaks as well as the
lives of the resilient people living in these remote mountain communities.
When they began, trekkers from the West through these regions were few. Even now, trips are demanding -- but not nearly
as harsh as the daily lives of the residents, who continue to exist in a kind of stunning isolation that has allowed them to
maintain the rich cultural traditions and spiritual practices that have sustained them over many centuries.
Of special note is Edwin Bernbaum's essay adding to the depth of the pictures, with his focus on the symbolism, religious
importance, and associated legends of these sacred places. The authors also share extensive vignettes about the places they
saw and how they have changed over time.
Critique: A simply gorgeous coffee-table style (12.25 x 1.25 x 10.25 inches, 4.7 pounds) volume, "Travels Across the Roof
of the World: A Himalayan Memoir" is a stunningly beautiful series of full color photographs graced with occasional
commentaries by the husband and wife team of William and Anne Frej. An armchair traveler's delight, "Travels Across the
Roof of the World: A Himalayan Memoir" is a strikingly memorable and unreservedly recommended addition to personal,
community, and academic library Tibet/Pakistan Travel Guide and Landscape Photography collections.
Editorial Note #1: William Frej (https://williamfrejphotography.com/bio) has been photographing Indigenous people for
more than forty years while living in Indonesia, Poland, Kazakhstan, and Afghanistan as a career diplomat with the United
States Agency for International Development and traveling in other remote, mountainous regions of Asia. His book of
black-and-white photographs, Maya Ruins Revisited: In the Footsteps of Teobert Maler (2020), has won fourteen awards.
His second book, Seasons of Ceremonies: Rites and Rituals in Guatemala and Mexico (2021), has won eight awards
including four "photography book of the year" awards. Travels Across the Roof of the World: A Himalayan Memoir (2022)
features color photographs by William Frej and text by Anne Frej.
Editorial Note #2: Anne Frej (https://lamalaquitamerida.com/shop/photography/anne-frej) is an urban planner who has
focused on feasibility studies and design concepts for real estate projects in the United States, Indonesia, Central Europe,
and Central Asia. At the Urban Land Institute in Washington, D.C., she directed books on real estate development, and at
the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan, she served as a cultural resources planner.
Editorial Note #3: Edwin Bernbaum, Ph.D., (https://www.weforum.org/people/edwin-bernbaum) is a lecturer, author, and
scholar of comparative religion and mythology whose work focuses on the relationship between culture and the
environment. He is the author of The Way to Shambhala (1989), a study of Tibetan myths and legends of hidden valleys and
their symbolism. His acclaimed book, Sacred Mountains of the World, was originally published in 1990; the second edition
was published by Cambridge University Press in 2022.
Day Trips from Calgary, fourth edition
Bill Corbett
Whitecap Books Ltd.
9781770503717, $34.95, PB, 392pp
Synopsis: The Canadian city of Calgary lies at the heart of southern Alberta's most spectacular landscape, a landscape that
includes the fantastically shaped hoodoos of Drumheller and the mountains of Kananaskis country.
Now in full color, "Day Trips from Calgary" is completely updated and expanded fourth edition of the regional bestseller by
Bill Corbett and offers an insider's handbook to discovering the best routes and destinations within a two-hour drive of the
Locals and tourists alike will only need a tank of gas, a road map, and perhaps a picnic lunch and a pair of hiking shoes to
make the most of Bill Corbett's insightful guide. Written to entice Calgary residents and visitors into considering all
directions of the compass when embarking on a day trip from the city, this new fourth edition of "Day Trips from Calgary"
covers all the territory travelers will find useful.
Critique: Nicely illustrated, impressively informative, thoroughly 'user friendly' in organization and presentation, this newly
updated and expanded fourth edition of "Day Trips from Calgary" is especially and unreservedly recommended for personal
and community library Canadian Travel Guide collections.
Editorial Note: Bill Corbett (https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15201283.Bill_Corbett) is a Calgary writer with
interests in the outdoors, history, and the environment. His articles have been published in such magazines as Canadian
Geographic, Explore, Western Living, Canadian Business, and Maclean's. He is the author of Best of Alberta: Outdoor
Activities in Alberta's Heartland and The 11,000ers of the Canadian Rockies. An avid mountaineer and backcountry skier,
he can often be found exploring the diverse landscapes of his native Alberta.
The Business Shelf
Choosing Leadership, revised and expanded edition
Dr. Linda Ginzel
Health Communications, Inc.
3201 S.W. 15th Street, Deerfield Beach, FL 33442-8190
9780757324376, $17.95, PB, 256pp
Synopsis: With the publication of this newly revised and expanded edition of "Choosing Leadership: How to Create a Better
Future by Building Your Courage, Capacity, and Wisdom", Dr. Linda Ginzel gives her readers the tools to sharpen their
leadership skills, putting the responsibility for personal growth and professional development in their own hands.
"Choosing Leadership" effectively counters stereotypes that lead us to believe it takes a fancy title, big budget, impressive
credentials, charisma, or innate leadership traits to be a "leader." Rather, leadership is a choice; you choose when to manage
and when to lead. It provides an opportunity to answer tough questions of yourself, process your own life lessons, reflect on
your unique experiences, and create your best future self. This process of self-discovery will help you develop
individualized, customized wisdom and be your lifelong companion on the road to being wiser, younger.
With the addition of Learning Modules for each chapter, "Choosing Leadership" provides step-by-step guidance to create
group experiences designed to enable reflection, explore ideas, and enhance self-understanding. These group experiences
create collective wisdom and encourage learners to make better and more thoughtful choices. Through peer discussions,
readers learn how to coach themselves. While gaining self-understanding, they also gain confidence. They realize they know
how to lead and are wiser, younger.
Critique: Informatively inspiring, "Choosing Leadership: How to Create a Better Future by Building Your Courage,
Capacity, and Wisdom" is impressively well written, organized and presented, making it an ideal addition to personal,
professional, community, and academic library Business Management & Leadership collections and supplemental
curriculum studies lists. It should be noted for MBA students, academia, business managers, corporate executives, non-
profit administrators, and non-specialist general readers with an interest in the subject that "Choosing Leadership" is also
available in a digital book format (Kindle, $15.99).
Editorial Note: Dr. Linda Ginzel (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linda_E._Ginzel) is a clinical professor of managerial
psychology at the University of Chicago's Booth School of Business and the founder of its customized executive education
program. For three decades, she has developed and taught MBA and executive education courses in negotiation, leadership
capital, managerial psychology, and more. She has also taught MBA and PhD students at Northwestern and Stanford, as
well as designed customized educational programs for a number of Fortune 500 companies. Dr. Ginzel has received
numerous teaching awards for excellence in MBA education, as well as the President's Service Award for her work with the
nonprofit Kids In Danger.
The Ecosystem Economy
Venkat Atluri, author
Miklos Dietz, author
c/o Wiley Professional Trade Group
9781119984788, $29.95, HC, 240pp
Synopsis: With the publication of "The Ecosystem Economy: How to Lead in the New Age of Sectors Without Borders",
two McKinsey & Company senior partners, Venkat Atluri and Miklos Dietz, offer an incisive and eye-opening look at the
emerging ecosystem economy and what it means for companies used to familiar sector siloes. "The Ecosystem Economy"
reveals how the most successful companies in the new economy aren't the ones that have applied old-school best practices
but, instead, have adopted entirely new mindsets and approaches for a fundamentally transforming market.
"The Ecosystem Economy" explains: Why it's so important for companies to adopt a new approach in the face of a
foundationally changing economy (and what they stand to gain); How the new ecosystem economy will continue to evolve
and change, dissolving the borders between the traditional sectors of the economy. "The Ecosystem Economy" is a
comprehensive ecosystem playbook that can be applied to firms of any size and in any sector.
As the barriers between sectors and disciplines come down, organizations everywhere will need to reshape their thinking
about value propositions, competition, partnership, organizational and operating models, and performance management.
"The Ecosystem Economy" offers a personal roadmap to navigating the new digital world making it ideal for managers,
executives, and other business leaders seeking fresh new strategies and practical approaches for markets that bear little
resemblance to the ones that came before.
Critique: Seminal, groundbreaking, timely, 'real world' practical, and thoroughly 'reader friendly' in organization and
presentation, "The Ecosystem Economy: How to Lead in the New Age of Sectors Without Borders" is an essential and
unreservedly recommended for personal, professional, community, corporate, college, and university library Business &
Entrepreneurship collections. It should be noted for the personal reading lists of MBA students, academia, entrepreneurs,
corporate executives, business managers, economists, and non-specialist general readers with an interest in the subject that
"The Ecosystem Economy" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $18.00).
Editorial Note #1: Venkat Atluri (https://www.mckinsey.com/our-people/venkat-atluri) is a senior partner at McKinsey &
Company, where he leads the firm's global Technology & Telecommunications Practice. In addition he serves clients in the
high-tech, media and telecommunications, advanced industries, and consumer sectors by partnering with management teams
and boards to create value through performance transformation, programmatic M&A and new business building. Prior to
joining McKinsey, Atluri held leadership roles at General Electric and 3M.
Editorial Note #2: Mikos Dietz (https://www.mckinsey.com/our-people/miklos-dietz) is a senior partner at McKinsey &
Company. He leads McKinsey's banking strategy and innovation work globally and is the managing partner of the
Vancouver office. He is the founder/chair of the Panorama research group and the Ecosystem Hub, and has served over 450
clients in 40+ countries across multiple industries. Prior to joining McKinsey, he worked at Merrill Lynch and Reuters.
The Cookbook Shelf
The Shared Kitchen
Claire Scrine
Smith Street Books
c/o Rizzoli
300 Park Avenue South, 3rd floor, New York, NY 10010
9781922417893, $35.00, HC, 256pp
Synopsis: We spend so much of our lives in our kitchens: cooking, cleaning, eating. These tasks can be a source of immense
joy and satisfaction, especially when shared with others.
With the publication of "The Shared Kitchen: Beautiful Meals Made From the Basics" food writer and culinary expert Clare
Scrine showcases more than 80 flavorful and creative vegetarian and vegan recipes, photographed across share houses in
Meanjin (Brisbane, Australia). In these spaces, housemates navigate sharing kitchens, food, and life together.
The food represented in "The Shared Kitchen" is unfussy and flexible, inspired by the simple joy of cooking something
delicious with what you already have -- whether it was grown in your garden, bought in bulk at the market, or simply
discovered at the bottom of the crisper drawer.
Each of the 16 chapters features a common fruit or vegetable ranging from apples to zucchinis, showcases new ways to put
these staples in the spotlight, and save them ending up in the compost when you have too much to know what to do
Critique: An elegant coffee-table style volume (8.75 x 1.28 x 11.26 inches, 3.4 pounds), "The Shared Kitchen: Beautiful
Meals Made From the Basics" is beautifully and profusely illustrated with full color photography throughout. An
inspirational pleasure to plan menus with dishes ranging from Charred Broccoli Carbonara; Cauliflower, Pickes & Rice
Salad with Creamy Herb Sauce; Curried Egg & Crisphy Kale Ciabattas; and Cheat's Preserved Lemon & Chickpea Tagine;
to Mushroom Meatballs with Harissa Sugo; Smoky Potato & Rosemary Bread; Roast Pumpkin with Crunchy Chickpeas,
Peanuts & Coconut Cream; and Silky Strawberry Cheesecake, "The Shared Kitchen: Beautiful Meals Made From the
Basics" will be a prized and favored addition to personal, professional, and community library Vegan/Vegetarian/Vegetable
cookbook collections.
Editorial Note: Clare Scrine (https://www.clarescrine.com) is a Brisbane-based food writer who has been creating recipes
for over ten years. Her first book, "The Shared Table" (which started as a crowdfunded cookbook project) is the culmination
of many years of feeding a crowd her delicious food. :The Shared Kitchen" is her second published cookbook.
The Golden Girls Cookbook
Christopher Styler, author
Andrew Scrivani, photographer
Hyperion Avenue
9781368077675, $22.99, HC, 160pp
Synopsis: Fans demanded more Golden Girls cheesecake recipes, and the Fab Four deliver with the publication of "The
Golden Girls Cookbook: Cheesecakes and Cocktails!"
Rose's The Fall of St. Olaf Pumpkin Cheesecake and Dorothy's Vodka and Black Underwear drink vie against Sophia's
Double Fudge Amaretto Ricotta Cheesecake and Blanche's Big Daddy Mint Julep. With easy-to-follow tips, Golden Girl
fans will learn how to make a cheesecake the star of any kitchen table and the drinks as something facilitate discussions
about anything and everything.
And if that's not enough, there is also Sophia's guide to Caffe Corretto! Welcome to 6151 Richmond Street, circa 1985,
where joy and friendship abound, and the cheesecake is always ready for a late-night therapy session.
Critique: Packed from cover to cover with innovative recipes by renowned chef Christopher Styler, and beautiful photos by
New York Times food photographer Andrew Scrivani (plus fun quotes, jokes, and photographs from the show) "The Golden
Girls Cookbook: Cheesecakes and Cocktails!" is unreserved recommended for the legions of dedicated Golden Girls fans
and community library cookbook collections. It should be noted that "The Golden Girls Cookbook: Cheesecakes and
Cocktails!" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $11.99).
Editorial Note #1: Christopher Styler (https://readitandeatstore.com/pages/christopher-styler), is the head of Freelance Food,
LLC, and a cookbook author, R&D chef, teacher, and culinary producer. Trained as a restaurant chef, he has worked in
kitchens from Italy to Martha's Vineyard, from Manhattan to Bogota, Colombia. Chris is the author or co-author of several
books including Primi Piatti, Mom's Secret Recipe File, The Desperate Housewives Cookbook, Sylvia's Soul Food, and The
Golden Girls Cookbook. On the video front, Chris has served as culinary producer for nine PBS and Food Network
television series, including: Lidia's Italian Table, Julia and Jacques Cooking at Home, and America's Test Kitchen. Chris
worked with MasterClass.com on classes featuring Thomas Keller, Dominique Ansel, Madhur Jaffrey, and Massimo
Editorial Note #2: Andrew Scrivani (https://www.andrewscrivani.com/bio) is a photographer, director, and producer, as well
as an internationally recognized workshop instructor, author, and columnist on the subject of visuals. Author of his own
book, That Photo Makes Me Hungry, Scrivani also currently is the co-host of The Chef John Podcast and is a community
mentor for Adobe Stock.
Kolkata: Recipes from the Heart of Bengal
Rinku Dutt
Smith Street Books
c/o Rizzoli
300 Park Avenue South, 3rd floor, New York, NY 10010
9781922417923, $35.00, HC, 224pp
Synopsis: Kolkata is an exhilarating city in West Bengal with a vibrant reputation for its distinctive cuisine. Considered the
cultural capital of India and nicknamed 'City of Joy', Kolkata is an amalgam of old and new India, and its cuisine draws
influences from far afield, combining historic Mughal, Chinese, Tibetan, and British colonial elements to form a unique
food landscape that begs to be explored. Famous for their love of fish, vegetables, and desserts, Bengalis place great
emphasis on eating well and their delicious regional specialties are justly revered.
With the publication of "Kolkata: Recipes from the Heart of Bengal", Rinku Dutt showcases the best food the city has to
offer, with more than 70 simple recipes that can be easily recreated in home kitchens. The unique atmosphere of the city is
brought alive with arresting food and travel photography, telling the story of a city bursting with energy and diversity, of
numerous cultures and traditions, with ever-popular street food, a thriving restaurant and cafe scene, and the legacy of
family favorites handed down through generations.
From sustaining breakfasts, simple lunches or favorite street-food bites, to rich and fragrant dinners, and delectable sweets,
there is so much to discover in Kolkata.
Critique: Beautifully and profusely illustrated throughout with full color photographs of finished dishes and striking images
of the people and places of Kolkata, India, "Kolkata: Recipes from the Heart of Bengal" is a simply outstanding
compendium of thoroughly 'kitchen cook friendly' recipes for authentic dishes that are as palate pleasing as they are appetite
satisfying. Simply stated, "Kolkata: Recipes from the Heart of Bengal" is an elegant and unreservedly recommended
addition to personal, professional, and community library Ethnic Cook collections.
Giuseppe's Italian Bakes
Giuseppe Dell'Anno
Hardie Grant
c/o Quadrille Publishing
9781787139282, $29.99, HC, 176pp
Synopsis: Giuseppe Dell'Anno won hearts the world over when he was crowned winner of the Great British Baking Show in
2021. With the publication of "Giuseppe's Italian Bakes: Over 60 Classic Cakes, Desserts and Savory Bakes" (his first
cookbook), Giuseppe shares his skill, knowledge and love of baking through over 60 new sweet and savory recipes.
Growing up in Italy and learning to cook at the side of his beloved chef-father, Giuseppe has mastered everything from
focaccia to florentines, each with his own signature twist on the classics of Italian baking.
Through his step-by-step recipes, Giuseppe deftly guides even the most novice of kitchen cooks through making focaccia,
pannacotta, tiramisu, rum baba, piadine, Sicilian cannoli and, of course, pizza, among many other delectable treats.
Critique: Enhanced throughout with gorgeous color photos of finished dishes, along with a culinary wealth of tips and tricks
from the master of the technical challenge, "Giuseppe's Italian Bakes: Over 60 Classic Cakes, Desserts and Savory Bakes"
effectively enables anyone to bring a taste of an authentic Italian bakery to any meal. Impressively organized and presented,
"Giuseppe's Italian Bakes: Over 60 Classic Cakes, Desserts and Savory Bakes" will prove to be an enduringly popular
addition to personal, professional, and community library cookbook collections. It should be noted that "Giuseppe's Italian
Bakes: Over 60 Classic Cakes, Desserts and Savory Bakes" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $9.99).
Editorial Note: Giuseppe Dell'Anno (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giuseppe_Dell%27Anno) was crowned champion of the
Great British Baking Show 2021. In his professional life he is an engineer; he grew up in Italy and now lives in Bristol, UK,
with his wife and three children.
Spanish at Home
Emma Warren
Smith Street Books
c/o Rizzoli
300 Park Avenue South, 3rd floor, New York, NY 10010
9781922417909, $35.00, HC, 272pp
Synopsis: Away from the tapas bars and eateries of Spain's bustling cities, you'll find another world of Spanish cuisine.
From the inland mountainous regions and fiercely independent provinces of Basque Country and Catalonia, to the glittering
coastlines of the Mediterranean and across to the Balearic Islands, with the publication of "Spanish at Home: Feasts &
sharing plates from Iberian kitchens", cookbook author Emma Warren invites you into the heart of Spanish kitchens, to
celebrate the dishes that the locals love to cook.
In "Spanish At Home" you will discover about the stories behind some of Spain's most loved food and cook according to
your mood, whether you are after a summer fiesta, an Iberian brunch, winter comforts, or sweet dulces. With "Spanish At
Home" you can put together share plates of stuffed mussels and patatas bravas; gather around a roast chicken with chorizo
stuffing or duck with roasted cherries; prepare a tomato or a pan-fried goat's cheese salad for a balmy night; or fire up the
barbecue and cook sardines over an open flame or wrap baby leeks in newspaper for a true Spanish experience.
Whether you are looking to learn new and little-known recipes rarely seen outside of Spain, or you're a seasoned
Mediterranean cook, "Spanish at Home" shares the best of what this unique cuisine has to offer.
Critique: Featuring full page, full color photographs of finished dishes, "Spanish at Home: Feasts & sharing plates from
Iberian kitchens" is a pure culinary delight to simply page through and inspiring to plan menus for memorable meals with. A
welcome compendium of 'kitchen cook friendly' recipes, "Spanish at Home" is an especially recommended addition to
personal, professional, and community library ethnic cookbook collections.
Editorial Note: Emma Warren (https://emmasnutrition.com/cookbooks) studied horticultural science before transferring her
love of the veggie patch to the kitchen. She moved to Spain in 2001 and immersed herself in the world of Spanish cuisine.
Emma soon became head chef of Kasparo, the popular cafe, which she ran for three years before returning home to
Melbourne, Australia, to set up the kitchen Hogar Espanol at the iconic Spanish Club - a cult institution and live-music
venue. Returning to Barcelona, Emma ended up at Hotel Rey Don Jaime in the coastal town of Castelldefels, which became
a major training ground for learning traditional Spanish cooking. Today in Melbourne, she works with some of Australia's
most-respected chefs. Emma is also the author of "The Catalan Kitchen" and "Islas: Food of the Spanish Islands".
Viva Desserts!
Nicole Presley
9781641707350, $19.99, HC, 128pp
Synopsis: From Atole de Canela and Bunuelos de Viento to Oreo Horchata Cheesecake and Dulce de Leche Pumpkin Pie,
"Viva Desserts!: Traditional and Reinvented Sweets from a Mexican-American Kitchen" is an impressive and beautifully
illustrated collection of traditional Mexican desserts -- and American desserts Mexicanized.
With dessert items like conchas, churros, empanadas, and flan, all your favorite traditional Mexican treats are to be found in
Viva Desserts!. Then add in classic American cakes and pies with a Mexican twist and other Mexican treats with an
American twist, and all your sweet dessert cravings will be satisfied!
With the publication of "Viva Desserts!", recipe developer and Mexican postres baker Nicole Presley, delves into the craft
of baking and offers tips and tricks with every recipe, giving dessert lovers everywhere the tools they need to play in their
own kitchens. With full-color photography for every dessert and baking secrets that Nicole has learned through her own
kitchen evolution, from kitchens in Los Angeles and Mexico, even the most novice of kitchen cooks will be able to bring
the joy of Mexican and Mexican-American desserts into their own home in a beautiful and tasty celebration of Mexican-
American culinary culture!
Critique: A simple pleasure to simply browse through one inspiring page at a time, "Viva Desserts!: Traditional and
Reinvented Sweets from a Mexican-American Kitchen" will prove a welcome and enduringly appreciated addition to
personal, professional, and community library cookbook collections. It should be noted that " "Viva Desserts!: Traditional
and Reinvented Sweets from a Mexican-American Kitchen" is also readily available in a digital book format (Kindle,
Editorial Note: Nicole Presley (https://presleyspantry.com) is a culinary enthusiast and recipe developer passionate about
culture and food. Her childhood and life experiences drove her to create Presley's Pantry, a platform from her East LA
kitchen that celebrates family, food, and original recipes.
The Art and Science of Sushi
Jun Takahashi, author
Hidemi Sato, author
Mitose Tsuchida, author
Tuttle Publishing
364 Innovation Drive, North Clarendon, VT 05759-9436
9784805317136, $29.99, HC, 224pp
Synopsis: With the publication of "The Art and Science of Sushi: A Comprehensive Guide to Ingredients, Techniques and
Equipment". the brilliant young Tokyo-based sushi chef Jun Takahashi wants to share his love and scientific knowledge of
sushi-making with American kitchen cooks and seafood connoisseurs! His mastery of all things sushi is unparalleled and
will appeal to professional chefs and sushi amateurs alike.
With the help of stunning color photos and informative charts and diagrams, Takahashi and his two co-authors, Hidemi Sato
and Mitose Tsuchida, cover the full range of sushi-making topics--from the biology and scientific composition of the
ingredients, to the techniques sushi chefs learn over years of difficult training, to basic recipes for Tokyo-style sushi rice,
sauces, condiments, and side dishes.
The sections comprising "The Art and Science of Sushi" include lessons on how to: Find all types of seafood, such as eel,
sea urchins, tuna, etc.; Marinate fish with kombu seaweed; Cure fish with vinegar and sugar; Use and maintain high-quality
Japanese sushi knives and an Ohitsu (a wooden rice container); Recognize the anatomy of a fish, different ways to cut a fish,
and where to find the best meat; Shuck and prepare clams, such as the Mirugai Clam; Identify vinegar varieties and soy
sauces; Prepare wasabi as well as grate, boil, and pickle ginger; Cook with heat and the differences between simmering
(grilling) and dry-cooking (pan frying); Perfect traditional Japanese dishes, such as the tamago-yaki, Japanese Omelet.
Critique: Of special note is the inclusion of recipes for 23 different types of sushi. "The Art and Science of Sushi: A
Comprehensive Guide to Ingredients, Techniques and Equipment" is a simply beautiful culinary volume that will provide
fascinating insights into the world of Japan's iconic national dish. Simply stated, "The Art and Science of Sushi: A
Comprehensive Guide to Ingredients, Techniques and Equipment" is a pleasure to browse through, prepare menus with, and
is a highly recommended addition to personal, professional, and community library cookbook collections.
Editorial Note #1: Jun Takahashi has been fascinated with cooking since childhood. While only 30 years old, he has been
described as a "phenomenon" by Conde Nast Traveler. After graduating at the top of his class from a culinary academy, he
decided to perfect his craft in a single area and to become a leading sushi chef. After training at Sushi Saito Academy, in
2014 he opened Sushi Takahashi in the Ginza district in Tokyo. The restaurant has a casual, accessible vibe and its inventive
appetizers and delicately flavored sushi make it extremely popular. Takahashi lives in Japan.
Editorial Note #2: Hidemi Sato is a trained dietician and holds a doctorate in food science. After graduating from Yokohama
International University, she worked in the culinary equipment industry for nine years. She then completed her Masters and
PhD at Ochanomizu University and has written several books on the topic of food science. Sato currently resides in
Editorial Note #3: Mitose Tsuchida graduated from Hiroshima University and then received her PhD from Ochanomizu
University. She worked as an editor at the Japanese food magazines Speciality Cooking and Culinary Kingdom before
becoming a freelancer. She writes and edits books on a wide variety of food subjects.
The Needlecraft Shelf
Retro Crochet
Ashlee Elle
Rocky Nook
1010 B Street, Ste 350, San Rafael, CA 94901
9781681987989, $22.95, PB, 112pp
Synopsis: "Retro Crochet" by Ashlee Elle showcases colorful, fun outfits inspired by the best looks from the 1970s, '80s,
and '90s!
Styles from the 1970s through the late '90s are hot, and crocheting vintage-inspired designs. That's why designer, model, and
photographer Ashlee Elle has built up a passionate fan base through her Dream Crochet shop and Instagram where she
shares her colorful, one-of-a-kind throwback outfits.
Now, with the publication of "Retro Crochet" Ashlee deftly guides the reader in learning how to create their own fun pieces.
A comprehensive instructional guide and 'how to' manual, "Retro Crochet" features designs that will even the most novice
of crochet enthusiasts on a crafty journey from 1970s to the '90s. Bringing original and timeless crochet designs forward
with a fashionable modern twist, this thoroughly 'user friendly' guide will show how to create handmade accessories and
clothing that'll make you stand out in the crowd.
Critique: Profusely illustrated throughout, "Retro Crochet: Vibrant Vintage-Inspired Looks from the 70s, 80s, and 90s" is
unreservedly recommended for personal, professional, and community library Needlecraft instructional reference
collections. It should be note for personal use that "Retro Crochet" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle,
Editorial Note: Ashlee Elle is a crochet designer and creator, model, and photographer. Her work has been featured in
numerous publications including, Simply Crochet Magazine, WeCrochet, and CrochetNow. Her creative work strives to
push the boundaries within the fiber art world by introducing whimsical photos to feature the designs as well as celebrating
experimental one-of-kind creations. Her unique and original crochet patterns that can be found in her Etsy Shoppe: The
Dream Crochet Shoppe. Ashlee Elle can be followed on Instagram @thedreamcrochet
No-Sew Knitting
Christine Boggis
GMC Publications
c/o The GMC Group
9781784946340, $27.99, PB, 152pp
Synopsis: With the publication of "No-Sew Knitting: 20 stylish designs for seam-free knits", needlecrafter Christine Boggis
showcases 20 DIY projects for clothing, accessories and homeware for both adults and children -- each of which do not
require any sewing up.
Each individual project is difficulty rated, making it easy to select based on time and/or ability and there are a wide range of
yarns and sizing options to choose from. Each technique is clearly explained with easy-to-follow illustrations. Alongside the
patterns there are useful measurement diagrams and tips to help the reader. It is also packed with beautiful and helpful
Critique: A thoroughly 'user friendly' combination of instruction guide and 'how to' manual, "No-Sew Knitting: 20 stylish
designs for seam-free knits" is an ideal and popular addition to personal, professional, and community library Needlecraft
Editorial Note: Christine Boggis is the editor of Knitting magazine and author of JOMO Knits: 21 Projects to Celebrate the
Joy of Missing Out. She worked as a journalist in Sussex, Vienna and London before joining Knitting, where she writes
about knitting all day long then rushes home to spend the evening -- knitting!
10,000 Knitted Hats
Jo Allport
GMC Publications
c/o The GMC Group
9781784946319, $29.99, Spiral Bound, 80pp
Synopsis: "10,000 Knitted Hats: Discover your own unique design combinations" by knitting expert Jo Allport is an
interactive knitting book that contains photographs of different hat brims, bodies and crowns that can be combined in a total
of 10,626 ways to create unique hat patterns.
Once you've chosen your design, turn over the pages of this hardcover/spiral bound book for the correct written pattern for
that combination of parts. You can then use the handy embellishments section to add any extra features to the basic
The hat brims, bodies and crowns use many stitches, some familiar and others new. Find color work, both easy and more
challenging, along with slipped-stitch patterns, cables, lace and texture, all explained clearly in the handy techniques
section. Aimed at all ability levels, there is something for everyone.
Critique: Impressively organized and presented for maximum 'user friendliness' in a special 'mix & match' format, it is no
exaggeration for knitting expert Jo Allport to claim that when you have "10,000 Knitted Hats: Discover your own unique
design combinations" you will never need another knitted hat design book! As much fun to explore hat styles and fabrics as
it inspiring to planning knitting projects with, "10,000 Knitted Hats: Discover your own unique design combinations" is
especially and unreservedly recommended for personal, professional, and community library Needlecraft instructional
reference collections.
Editorial Note: From UK knitting magazines to big international yarn brands, you can find knitwear designs by Jo Allport
(http://www.joallportdesigns.com) in many places. She also teaches knitting face to face, online and via tutorials. A lover of
all crafts and a prolific writer on the subject, she is a regular contributor to Knitting magazine and Let's Knit. Jo has been
designing knitwear for over 12 years, but this has not been her only career. Starting in the oil industry and then moving into
IT after that, she brings many other disciplines to her work. Her love of working with people, attention to detail and, most of
all, her creativity, have all led her to her current passion, knitting. She can be followed on Instagram and find her designs on
Crocheted Houseplants
Emma Varnam
GMC Publications
c/o The GMC Group
9781784946418, $27.99, PB, 144pp
Synopsis: With the publication of "Crocheted Houseplants" by needlecraft expert Emma Varnam is comprised of 25 stylish
crocheting projects to revive your home or office decor and create a lush indoor garden. Flip through the gallery pages, pick
your favourite plants and then just get started. Everything you will need to know is included in "Crocheted Houseplants",
from tools and materials to explanations of the basic crochet stitches. You will also find out how to pot up and display your
fabulous, crocheted creations!
Critique: Profusely and beautifully illustrated throughout with full color photography, "Crocheted Houseplants" is an
impressively 'user friendly' instructional DIY guide that will enable even the most novice of crochet enthusiasts to create
unique and memorial 'house plant' themed creations. Exceptional, unusual, and fun, "Crocheted Houseplants" is especially
recommended as a prized addition to personal, professional, and community library Needlecraft collections.
Editorial Note: Emma Varnam (https://emmavarnam.co.uk) likes to make items that bring a smile. She has written a number
of popular crochet books -- including Granny Squares Home, Crocheted Keyrings & Charms, Cute Crocheted Animals and
How to Crochet, all published by GMC Publications.
The Crafts Shelf
A Beginner's Guide to Quilling Paper Flowers
Motoko Maggie Nakatani
Tuttle Publishing
364 Innovation Drive, North Clarendon, VT 05759-9436
9780804855716, $16.99, HC, 80pp
Synopsis: With the publication of "A Beginner's Guide to Quilling Paper Flowers: Beautiful Japanese-Style Paper Art",
Japanese quilling expert Motoko Maggie Nakatani demonstrates how to create breathtaking quilled flowers with just a few
inexpensive tools and paper quilling strips. Her simple roll-shape-and-paste method is perfect for beginners -- allowing
them to quickly and successfully create dozens of different flowers.
"A Beginner's Guide to Quilling Paper Flowers" has all the information needed to engage with this fascinating hobby using
easy-to-follow, step-by-step photographic instructions.
The 32 different varieties of quilled flowers include: Roses (with frilly petals and ornate leaves for sweet and romantic gift
decorations); Gerbera (with a graduated 3-level "wedding cake" effect that makes it the highlight of any display); Japanese
Wisteria (whose contrasting colors and cascading blossoms make a memorable impression); Black-Eyed Susans (with
clever arrangement of the petals creating a unique 3D effect); Dogwood Blossoms (whose intricate harp-shaped petals really
showcase your skill as a quillist) -- and dozens of others!
This complete how-to guide has templates and detailed step-by-step instructions as well as information on how to use and
display your beautiful paper flowers -- as gift toppers, framed displays, handmade cards, photo frames and in shadow box
Critique: The perfect combination of instruction guide and how-to manual, "A Beginner's Guide to Quilling Paper Flowers:
Beautiful Japanese-Style Paper Art" is an ideal introduction to Japanese style paper art. Exceptionally well illustrated,
organized, and presented, "A Beginner's Guide to Quilling Paper Flowers" is unreservedly recommended for personal,
professional, and community library Paper Art Making collections. It should be noted that "A Beginner's Guide to Quilling
Paper Flowers" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $16.14).
Editorial Note: Motoko Maggie Nakatani (https://www.facebook.com/motoko.nakatani) discovered her love for quilling
when she owned a toy and candy shop in Kobe, Japan. She taught herself to quill and began importing quilling tools and
materials to sell in her shop beginning in 2003. After attending her first North American Quilling Guild convention, she was
inspired to offer quilling classes to pass along the techniques that she'd developed herself and learned from other quillers.
Maggie is also the lead instructor for Botanical Quilling Japan, a group that focuses on work expressing the seasonal beauty
of plants and flowers. She is a founding member of the Japan Quilling Guild and the Japanese representative to the North
American Quilling Guild.
The Woodworking Shelf
Woodworking Joinery by Hand
Toyohisa Sugita
The GMC Group
9781784946524, $34.99, PB, 296pp
Synopsis: With the publication of "Woodworking Joinery by Hand: Innovative Techniques Using Japanese Saws and Jigs",
expert craftsman Yoyohisa Sugita provides the aspiring woodworker with a truly ground-breaking woodworking instruction
book that introduces a new twist on the traditional hand-cut methods of joint making.
With Sugita's unique method of guiding and controlling the saw blade using jigs and magnetic sheets, even a complete
beginner can learn advanced joint-making techniques with hand tools alone. Making it easy to produce straight and square
cuts, "Woodworking Joinery by Hand" is an impressive and pioneering technique that will prove to be a genuine
game-changer for producing high-precision, beautifully made wooden joints.
Critique: Featuring profusely and informatively illustrated step-by-step instructions throughout, "Woodworking Joinery by
Hand: Innovative Techniques Using Japanese Saws and Jigs" is an ideal instruction manual and how-to guide that will be of
special and particular interest to both amateur and professional woodworkers alike. Simply stated, "Woodworking Joinery
by Hand" is an especially and unreservedly recommended addition to personal, professional, community, and highschool
woodworking shop class Woodworking collections.
Editorial Note: At the age of 28, Toyohisa Sugita began building his own 28ft cruising yacht. It took five and a half years to
complete and launch. This experience was the starting point for his woodworking career. Since then, he has developed,
manufactured and sold woodworking products; produced and sold woodworking videos and is currently a Lie-Nielsen
distributor. He is the author of Super Epoch-making Woodworking Techniques (Studio Tuck Creative) and All About
Sugita-Style Sawing Wood (Ohm-sha), which advocates 'Sugita-style' sawing, meaning a precision woodworking technique
that requires almost no power tools. Toyohisa currently lives in Tokyo, Japan.
The Theatre/Cinema Shelf
Do the Right Thing
Karla R. Fuller
Michael Wiese Productions
12400 Ventura Blvd., #1111, Studio City, CA 91604
9781615933402, $26.95, PB, 132pp
Synopsis: With the publication of "Do the Right Thing: Five Screenplays that Embrace Diversity", Professor Karla R. Fuller
offers screenwriting strategies that focus on diversity, equity and inclusion. These are the five film that are discussed:
Moonlight, Get Out, Mudbound, Roma, and Always be My Maybe. The goal is to teach an already challenging writing
mode that requires screenwriters to create complex human experiences through visual storytelling.
We are in a critical historical moment where the importance of screenwriting can be of the utmost usefulness in the
observation of racism, inequity and inclusion in all media. The screen representations of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality or
class are not often explicitly addressed at the "front end" of the film production process, specifically, during the creation of
the screenplay (whether original or adapted from outside source material). The idea is to introduce and reinforce the
importance of accountability for what you write for the screen.
This is not to limit the screenwriter's creative impulses, but rather to create and engage them in consistent ways that reveal
unconscious biases and instances of systemic racism. We will use five case studies of commercially successful and
award-winning screenplays that resist stereotypes to present multidimensional depictions of historically underrepresented
groups, such as LGBTQ, African American, Latino and Asian American.
In the discussions of each individual screenplay issues such as the adaptation process, plot structure and devices,
characterization, setting, symbolism, and genre conventions are introduced and analyzed in depth.
Critique: Simply stated, "Do the Right Thing: Five Screenplays that Embrace Diversity" should be required reading for
anyone who aspires to be a successful screen writer. Thoughtful and thought-provoking, insightful and informative,
exceptionally well written, organized and presented, "Do the Right Thing: Five Screenplays that Embrace Diversity" is
essential and unreservedly recommended for personal, professional, community, and academic library Screen Writing
instructional reference collections. It should be noted that "Do the Right Thing: Five Screenplays that Embrace Diversity" is
also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $24.13).
Editorial Note: Karla Rae Fuller (http://www.karlaraefuller.com) is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of
Cinema and Television Arts at Columbia College Chicago. She teaches in the Cinema Studies and Screenwriting areas in
the undergraduate and MFA graduate programs. She received her PhD from Northwestern University, MFA from Columbia
University in New York City and BA from Amherst College. Prior to teaching at Columbia College, Ms. Fuller held the
position of Director of Feature Film Evaluation at Vestron Inc. which produced the hit movie Dirty Dancing among others.
She was also a freelance script reader for New Line Cinema, Miramax and various other production companies.
The Music CD Shelf
9 to 5
3D Jazz Trio
Independently Published
$14.64 CD / $8.91 MP3
9 to 5 is the latest music album by 3D Jazz Trio (Jackie Warren on piano, Amy Shook on acoustic bass, and Sherrie Maricle
on drums). An upbeat, lively swinging collection in the trio's signature style, 9 to 5 is an energetic collection featuring both
arrangements of beloved popular songs and original compositions. 9 to 5 is a welcome addition to jazz collections and also
makes an excellent celebration gift when a friend or family member lands a new job or a promotion! The tracks are Only
Have Eyes for You, Tin Tin Deo, Sing, 9 to 5, Some Other Time, Lagrimas Negras, Blues for G-C, and Theme for B.T.
An Enchanted Noel
Dan Kennedy
Independently Published
$14.05 CD / $9.49 MP3
An Enchanted Noel is a solo piano recording featuring classical carols, a couple popular favorites, and two original songs
("For Those Not Here" and "Of Snow and Stars"). An Enchanted Noel beautifully captures the joyful spirit of the holiday
season, and is a choice pick for uplifting one's mood year-round! Highly recommended. The tracks are Angels We Have
Heard on High, In the Bleak Midwinter, Carol of the Bells, For Those Not Here, Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas,
Holiday Medley (God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, The Little Drummer Boy, What Child Is This?), For Unto Us a Child Is
Born, Away in a Manger, Sussex Carol, The First Noel, Of Snow and Stars, and White Christmas.
The DVD Shelf
My Life Is Murder: Series 2
Lucy Lawless
Acorn Media
c/o RLJ Entertainment
B0BJYV4L13, $TBA, DVD, 3 Discs, 12 Episodes
Synopsis: Retired detective Alexa Crowe moved back to her hometown of Auckland, New Zealand, to bake amazing
sourdough and reconnect with her ex-con brother. But this irrepressible investigator can't help poking her nose into bizarre
murder cases.
Critique: The third season of the hit television mystery series "My Life Is Murder" is a fun series of original mystery solving
shows starring Lucy Lawless and a superb supporting cast (including the villains!). This superbly produced three disc DVD
is certain to be an immediate and enduringly popular addition to personal and community library Mystery/Suspense
Editorial Note: Lucy Lawless (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucy_Lawless) is a New Zealand actress and singer. She is best
known for her roles as Xena in the television series Xena: Warrior Princess, as D'Anna Biers on the re-imagined Battlestar
Galactica series, and as Lucretia in the television series Spartacus: Blood and Sand -- and associated series.
The Automotive Shelf
America's Fire Engine
Walter M. P. McCall, author
Alan M. Craig, author
McFarland & Company
PO Box 611, Jefferson NC 28640
9781476689203, $49.95, PB, 390pp
Synopsis: As World War II drew to a close, America's premier fire apparatus builder (the American-LaFrance Foamite
Corp. of Elmira, N.Y.) bet the company's future on its radical new cab-ahead-of-engine 700 Series fire engines. In a
spectacular gamble to capture the superheated postwar market, all of the company's existing products were discontinued and
its customers were essentially told to "take it or leave it".
This bold gamble paid off and 700 Series rigs soon filled firehouses across the nation, sweeping aside all competitors and
ultimately defining the breakthrough 700 as "America's Fire Engine."
"America's Fire Engine: The American-LaFrance 700 Series, 1947-1959" by Walter M. P. McCall and Alan M. Craig is the
first comprehensive history of the game-changing 700. Individual chapters detail not only each of the eight major vehicle
types but also the origins, design controversies, manufacturing, and marketing of the 700 and short-lived transitional 800
"America's Fire Engine: The American-LaFrance 700 Series, 1947-1959" also includes a meticulously researched registry of
every 700/800 series apparatus delivered, supported by many interpretive tables detailing production, specifications and
major fire department fleets.
Critique: An absolute 'must' for readers with a dedicated interest in fire fighting equipment in general, and fire trucks in
particular, "America's Fire Engine: The American-LaFrance 700 Series, 1947-1959" is an informatively and profusely
illustrated history that is highly recommended as a unique and invaluable addition to personal, community, and academic
library American Automotive History collections and supplemental curriculum studies lists. It should be noted for personal
reading lists that "America's Fire Engine: The American-LaFrance 700 Series, 1947-1959" is also available in a digital book
format (Kindle, $22.49).
Editorial Note #1: Walter M.P. McCall (https://www.thriftbooks.com/a/walter-mccall/362323) is an internationally known
fire apparatus historian who has written 22 automotive history books -- 12 of them on fire apparatus. His two encyclopedias
on the subject are considered the "bible" of the field. He has also written numerous articles and features for national and
regional fire apparatus and emergency vehicle hobby publications.
Editorial Note #2: Growing up a short distance from the Toronto Fire Department's Yorkville Avenue station made Alan M.
Craig an early fan of the American-LaFrance 700 Series and launched a half century of fire apparatus photography and his
35-year career in emergency services. As a fire service historian, he has spent four decades documenting not only
American-LaFrance but also the Toronto Fire Department's motorized fire apparatus, and the Department's Fire Alarm
Telegraph system.
How to Buy and Sell Collector Cars
Patrick Krook
CarTech Inc.
838 Lake Street South, Forest Lake, MN 55025
9781613255469, $34.95, PB, 160pp
Synopsis: With the publication of "How to Buy and Sell Collector Cars", Patrick Krook shows how to maximize your
profits and savings when buying and selling collector cars!
The dealership model is an American institution, and auction houses can trace their roots back to the days of dusty cattle
sales. Both have remained unchanged. Since the early 2000s, the internet has shaken up these legacy methods of finding,
buying, and selling vintage cars, becoming a global online marketplace open to anyone.
CarTech, in conjunction with Patrick Krook (of REV! Muscle Cars), now introduces a proven process drawn from 20 years
of experience building some of the world's most significant classic car collections. Whether you are a first-time buyer or an
established collector, this book shows you how to locate and buy your dream collector car stress free. Get the car you are
expecting every time, creating positive cash flow and keeping the hobby fun for years to come.
"How to Buy and Sell Collector Cars" offers an easy-to-follow, heavily illustrated step-by-step method to find, evaluate,
negotiate, close, fund, and take delivery of a collector car safely over the internet without leaving your living room. It also
includes how to avoid costly purchase mistakes, such as overpaying, fakes, or buying someone else's headache. Better yet, it
delves into details about how to always sell out of advantage, minimizing the overall amount you invest as you build your
collection over time. Lastly, it provides all the tools you need for buying and selling when you have that person-to-person
driveway transaction.
Why spend tens of thousands of dollars on dealership retail markup, auction fees, and failed purchases when you can obtain
your dream car, keep more money in your pocket, and spend more quality time enjoying your cars? "How to Buy and Sell
Collector Cars: takes you from being a novice to a seasoned buyer/seller while you enjoy the adventure of car
Critique: Informatively and effectively illustrated throughout, "How to Buy and Sell Collector Cars" is thoroughly 'user
friendly' in organization and presentation -- making it an ideal and unreservedly recommended addition to personal,
professional, and community library Automotive instructional reference collections. Simply stated, "How to Buy and Sell
Collector Cars" is essential reading in order to obtain the very best deal possible when buying or selling a car.
Editorial Note: Patrick Krook began his obsession in all things automotive as a toddler, handing wrenches to his father to fix
the family truckster, a 1973 Ford Custom 500 Ranch Wagon. That experience spurred a career traveling the world and
building some of the most storied and exclusive private car collections. He has also helped transform personal collections
into public museums, most notably the Wellborn Muscle Car Museum. Patrick also has been a freelance journalist,
photographer, and market analyst since 2007 for publications such as Mopar Collector's Guide and the Motor Trend family
of magazine titles. In 2003, he began his first online auto brokerage and still runs REV! Muscle Cars (revmusclecars.com)
today in partnership with his wife, Laurie. Together they have located, bought, and sold hundreds of investment-quality
vintage automobiles for private collectors.
The Photography Shelf
Eye Dreaming: Photographs by Anthony Barboza
Anthony Barboza, et al.
Getty Publications
1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 500, Los Angeles, CA 90049-1682
9781606067833, $40.00, HC, 184pp
Synopsis: Anthony Barboza (b. 1944) is a celebrated artist, photographer, and writer who has made thousands of
photographs in the studio and on the street since 1963. A member of the Kamoinge collective of photographers in New
York, Barboza is largely self-taught and has an inimitable, highly intuitive vision that he refers to as "eye dreaming," or "a
state of mind that's almost like meditation".
Throughout the years he has made countless commercial images, including celebrity portraits, advertisements, and album
covers. His personal photographic projects illuminate his deep investment in the art and concerns of Black communities, not
only in the United States but also around the globe.
"Eye Dreaming: Photographs by Anthony Barboza" is a lavishly illustrated, coffee-table style (9.75 x 0.8 x 12 inches, 3.22
pounds) volume that showcases Barboza's prolific career from his youth in New Bedford, Massachusetts, to his formative
years in New York in the 1960s, to the present day.
An introduction by renowned author and critic Hilton Als underscores Barboza's importance and impact. An essay by
curator Aaron Bryant contextualizes Barboza's life and career as they map against major civil rights events in the United
States. In an intimate interview between the artist and curator Mazie M. Harris, Barboza offers astute, humorous, and
intimate musings on his long career, foundational influences, and artistic legacy.
Critique: "Eye Dreaming: Photographs by Anthony Barboza" is impressive, informative, and beautifully published
monograph from the J. Paul Getty Museum is the first on the artist, will have a very special appeal to anyone with an
interest in contemporary photography, as well visual depictions of Black art and culture. While unreservedly recommended
as an addition to personal, professional, community, and academic library American Photography/Photographers
collections, it should be noted for photography students, academia, and non-specialist general readers with an interest in the
subject that "Eye Dreaming: Photographs by Anthony Barboza" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle,
Editorial Note #1: Anthony Barboza (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Barboza) is an artist, historian, and writer. He
has been making photographs in the studio and on the street since 1963.
Editorial Note #2: Aaron Bryant (https://www.arts.gov/stories/podcast/aaron-bryant) is curator of photography and visual
culture at the National Museum of African American History & Culture, Smithsonian Institution.
Editorial Note #3: Mazie M. Harris (https://www.photoculture.la/blog/2018/5/21/mazie-harris) is assistant curator in the
Department of Photographs at the J. Paul Getty Museum. Her research focuses on American photography. She is the author
of Paper Promises: Early American Photography (Getty, 2018).
Kali: Artographer
Len Prince, et al.
powerHouse Books
9781648230219, $50.00, HC, 224pp
Synopsis: Joan Archibald (https://www.kaliartography.com) left her Long Island home and family in 1966, and ran away to
the West Coast to reinvent herself as Kali and take up photography at the College of the Desert in Palm Springs. After
palling around with the likes of Richard Chamberlain in Malibu, she moved to a house in Palm Springs once owned by
Bobby Darin and Sandra Dee, and began creating "Artography" in earnest as Kali: haunting portraits and double-exposed
landscapes made with film, developed in her large bathtub, and finished by hand coloring with dyes, spray paint, and even
dirt and bugs, in her swimming pool. Trippy, painterly, intensely colorful prints and later Polaroids were made and seldom
seen outside a tight circle (one muse was a teenage Cindy Sherman). She published a few pieces in photo magazines, but by
the late 70s locked the work away in suitcases inside a locked shed, never to be seen again for over 40 years.
Kali's daughter, when cleaning out the house after her death, discovered the work and something more: journals and journals
of photos from closed circuit TV monitors, copied and illustrated with diagrams, drawings and coded notes: she had been
housebound for years, convinced that aliens and supernatural beings were visiting, spooking, and tormenting her, perhaps
trying to make contact.
The discovery of the work by Kali's daughter Susan Archibald and her ex Len Prince is being heralded as a west coast
version of the Vivian Maier discovery, and a limited edition release of a four-volume set of the work (Matt Tyrnauer essay
monograph, Portraits and Landscapes, Polaroids, and Outer Space) was published to wild acclaim in the fall of 2021 (Kali
Ltd. Ed., powerHouse Books).
The first major museum exhibition to show Kali's work will open at the Columbus Museum of Art September 10, 2022 and
run through March 12, 2023, and travel thereafter.
Critique: Showcasing the use of photography as a media for creating art, "Kali: Artographer" is an inherently fascinating
compendium of images and will prove to be of special appeal to readers with an interest in contemporary and avant garde
photography. Unique, fascinating, thought-provoking, "Kali: Artographer" is highly recommended as an usual addition to
personal, professional, community, and academic American Photography/Photographer collections.
Persona Non Grata
powerHouse Books
9781648230011, $45.00, HC, 81pp
Synopsis: "Persona Non Grata", a coffee-table style (8.25 x 0.7 x 11 inches, 2.1 pounds) compendium of both color and b/w
candid, gritty, edgy, stunning photographs by Booghie that reveal, illustrate and document the darker side of Bangkok,
Critique: Informatively enhanced with a Foreword by TracyQuan, "Personal Non Grata" is an inherently fascinating
photographic study that will have a special appeal to readers with an interest in street photography and individual
photographic portraiture -- making it unreservedly recommended for personal, professional, community, and academic
library Photojournalism collections.
Editorial Note #1: Serbia, Boogie (https://boogiephotographer.com) was born and raised in Belgrade, and began
photographing rebellion and unrest during the civil war that ravaged his country during the 1990s. Growing up in a war-torn
country defined Boogie's style and attraction to the darker side of human existence. He moved to New York City in 1998.
He has shot campaigns for high-profile clients and has been published in top fashion publications around the world, and has
exhibited widely in the U.S., Europe and Asia. Boogie lives and works between Brooklyn and Belgrade, and is the author of
some nine influential photo books, among them is It's All Good (2006, updated 2016), Boogie - the Limited Edition
(2007), Belgrade Belongs to Me (2008), and Moscow (2019), all with powerHouse Books.
Editorial Note #2: Tracy Quan (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tracy_Quan) is the author of "Diary of a Manhattan Call Girl",
and "Diary of a Jetsetting Call Girl".
The Wine Shelf
Anyone Can Taste Wine
Cees van Casteren
Open Universe
c/o Carus Books
9781637700341, $39.95, HC, 300pp
Synopsis: With the publication of "Anyone Can Taste Wine", international wine expert Cees van Casteren provides all the
knowledge and self-confidence required to become a world-class wine taster. Revealed in methodical steps just exactly how
to acquire essential wine-tasting skills. Cees (it's pronounced 'Case') van Casteren (who is also an international wine
competition judge, as well as one of the global super-elite -- less than 500 top experts worldwide).
Critique: Effectively illustrated throughout, informative, and thoroughly 'wine student friendly' in organization and
presentation, "Anyone Can Taste Wine" is especially commended to the attention of anyone aspiring to earn the supreme
title, Master of Wine -- or just to pick out the perfect vintage for each and every dining occasion. While highly
recommended for personal, professional, community, and academic library collections, it should be noted that "Anyone Can
Taste Wine" is also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $14.99).
Editorial Note: Cornelius (Cees) van Casteren MW (http://www.ceesvancasteren.com) is a Dutch writer and educator. He
has won numerous awards for wine tasting since 2000 and became a Master of Wine in 2012. Cees is a Rioja Educator,
Ambassadeur du Champagne and WSET Educator. Since 2004, Cees has written 12 books and more than 600 articles on
wine and food. He publishes weekly in three newspapers of the Associated Press, is correspondent for Meininger's Wine
Business International and writes for several other magazines. Cees is also partner of wine blog thestoryofmywine.com with
approximately 100,000 followers on Instagram and Facebook, and he runs his own independent wine consultancy and training
business. He currently is Chairman of the Association of Vinologists, the main trade association for wine professionals in
the Netherlands.
The Money/Finance Shelf
Wealth Habits
Candy Valentino
c/o Wiley Professional Trade Group
9781394152292, $28.00, HC, 256pp
Synopsis: The underlying message of "Wealth Habits: Six Ordinary Steps to Achieve Extraordinary Financial Freedom" by
entrepreneur Candy Valentino is that you don't have to be educated or connected to be wealthy. How do wealthy people do
it? Are they geniuses? Lucky? We tend to think something special must be going on because it looks like magic. But
nothing could be further from the truth. Wealthy people have simply adopted six ordinary habits -- and they do them
extraordinarily well.
Valentino opened her first brick-and-mortar store at 19 (no college, no connections, no money) and built it into a
seven-figure business before most of her friends graduated college. Over two decades of success as a serial entrepreneur and
real estate investor, she has labored relentlessly to crack the code of the super-wealthy, and in doing so, has unearthed six
simple habits that directly contribute to those who become part of the self-made millionaire class.
With the publication of "Wealth Habits", Valentino reveals all six habits, and shows how to put them to work including:
Long-term investing strategies; Recession-proofing your business; Keeping money out of the hands of the IRS; Teach your
children about money; Establishing financial protection and security; plus the secrets to keeping more of the money you
make (so that you can invest even more).
"Think and get rich" will only get you so far. It's time to do and become wealthy and set yourself up for a lifetime of true
financial freedom beginning with a copy of "Wealth Habits".
Critique: Exceptionally well written, organized and presented for the non-specialist general reader with an interest in the
subject, "Wealth Habits: Six Ordinary Steps to Achieve Extraordinary Financial Freedom" is especially and unreservedly
recommended for personal, professional, community, and academic library Business & Finance collections in general, and
Budgeting/Money Management reading lists in particular. It should be noted for MBA students, academia, corporate
executives, business managers/financiers, and entrepreneurs that "Wealth Habits" is also available in a digital book format
(Kindle, $17.00).
Editorial Note: Candy Valentino (https://www.candyvalentino.com) is a successful founder, entrepreneur, investor, and
philanthropist. She started her first business at 19 years old with no degree, no corporate background, and no money. She
has gone on to build, scale, and exit businesses in a variety of industries in addition to investing in real estate for more than
two decades. Leveraging 25 years of actual business and investing experience, Candy is sought after to consult, speak, and
train on the topics of wealth creation, business growth, and investing.
The Health/Medicine Shelf
Leadership Skills for Dental Professionals: Begin Well to Finish Well
Raman Bedi, Andrew Munro, Mark Keane
9781119870098, $50.00, PB, 144pp
Synopsis: "Leadership Skills for Dental Practitioners: Begin Well to Finish Well" by the team of Rman Beci, Andrew
Munro, and Mark Keane is an authoritative guide to better leadership in dentistry. Designed to prepare every member of the
dental team for the leadership tasks and challenges they will face in general practice, this comprehensive resource helps the
reader to develop skills not explicitly taught in traditional dental education.
The content of "Leadership Skills for Dental Professionals: Begin Well to Finish Well" has been drawn from the Senior
Dental Leadership programme, which is a public/private partnership between the Global Child Dental Fund charity, King's
College London, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Henry Schein and Colgate Palmolive.
Throughout "Leadership Skills for Dental Professionals: Begin Well to Finish Well", practical advice is provided on
fourteen capabilities for a balanced and credible leadership approach to application within a clinical context.
The topics addressed include: How to influence to have impact; Teamwork and collaboration; Credibility: how to gain it and
lose it; Values for leadership practice and business ethics; Dealing with difficult people and managing conflict; Body
language: fiction and facts.
Critique: Exceptionally well written, organized and presented, "Leadership Skills for Dental Practitioners: Begin Well to
Finish Well" is a comprehensive and much-needed 'real world practical' guide for every member of the dental team. While
also available in a digital book format (Kindle, $40.00), "Leadership Skills for Dental Professionals: Begin Well to Finish
Well" is highly recommended as an essential, core addition to personal, professional, and dental school library collections
and supplemental dentistry curriculum studies lists.
Editorial Note #1: Raman Bedi, BDS, MSc, DDS, hon DSc, DHL, FDSRCS (Edin), FDRCS (Eng), FFGDP, hon FDSRCS
(Glas), hon FFPH is Emeritus Professor at King's College London in England, UK and Honorary Chair at University of
Western Cape in Cape Town, South Africa. He was also the former Chief Dental Officer of England, UK.
Editorial Note #2: Andrew Munro, MA, C Psychol, AFBPS is Director at Envisia Learning in Cambourne, England,
Editorial Note #3: Mark Keane, MA, PPABP is Director at Favorly in Scotland, UK.
The Interior Design Shelf
Extraordinary Interiors
Suzanne Tucker
Mitchel Owens, contributor
Monacelli Studio
c/o The Monacelli Press
9781580935968, $60.00, HC, 288pp
Synopsis: "Extraordinary Interiors" is the latest monograph of award-winning interior designer Suzanne Tucker
(https://suzannetuckerhome.com), who is widely respected for her personal approach, enduring style, mastery of detail, and
passion for architecture and the decorative arts. Over the course of her illustrious career, designer Suzanne Tucker has
perfected a unique approach to creating elegant, sumptuously appointed residences eminently suited to their owners and
their architectural and geographic context. Tucker describes her process as part anthropology, part archaeology, part
psychology: she uncovers her clients' dreams and desires for their home, and the nuances of their lifestyle, and applies her
vast knowledge of decorative arts and antiques to compose splendid spaces perfectly tailored for each life.
"Extraordinary Interiors" (Tucker's third monograph), presents a selection of the designer's recent work, including a
mountain retreat featuring a symphony of natural tones and textures; a Bay Area pied-a-terre exhibiting international flair; a
Manhattan apartment whose muted hues showcase an exceptional art collection; a beach house that marries high
sophistication with leisurely living; a magnificent San Francisco townhouse whose intarsia floors, coffered ceilings, and
natatorium are inspired by historic Italian palazzos; and Tucker's own oasis-like home in Montecito, California.
Across the varied styles and locations of these remarkable residences, "Extraordinary Interiors" heralds Tucker's passion for
architecture and the decorative arts, and consummate skill for creating timeless, luxurious, exquisitely detailed, and art- and
antique-filled rooms.
Critique: A coffee-table style (9.45 x 1.3 x 12.35 inches, 4.4 pounds) volume, "Extraordinary Interiors" is a showcase of
interior design ideas, concepts and examples that is a simple pleasure to simply browse through one beautiful and
informative page at a time. As thoughtful and thought-provoking as it is inspired and inspiring, "Extraordinary Interiors"
will have a special appeal for student and professional interior designers, as well as of immense value and interest for the
non-specialist general reader with an interest in the subject. Also available in a paperback edition (9781580936217, $60.00),
"Extraordinary Interiors" will prove to be a welcome and enduringly popular addition to personal, professional, community,
and academic library Interior Design collections and supplemental curriculum studies lists.
The Architecture Shelf
Shingle and Stone: Thomas Kligerman Houses
Thomas Kligerman, author
Mitchel Owens, contributor
Monacelli Studio
c/o The Monacelli Press
9781580936040, $75.00, HC, 272pp
Synopsis: Over the past forty years, Thomas Kligerman has been immersed in the history of residential architecture,
weaving together sources from English and European traditions with the American vernacular, particularly the puebloan
style of the Southwest and the shingle style that has prevailed along the East Coast since the late nineteenth century. A
staple on the AD100 list, Kligerman has woven together these strands of domestic architecture to create his own American
"Shingle and Stone: Thomas Kligerman Houses" is a full-career monograph that features a selection of inspiring residences
that highlight the evolution of his architectural thinking. Shingle and Stone presents thirteen major highlights from
Kligerman's portfolio, including three projects currently in design. The featured projects are all set in extraordinarily
beautiful natural landscapes, from the coasts of Martha's Vineyard and the Hamptons, to the forests of South Carolina's Blue
Ridge Mountains and the Pacific Northwest, showcasing the depth and breadth of the architect's oeuvre. Illustrated with
more than 200 spectacular photographs of interiors and exteriors alongside plans, renderings, and sketches that reveal the
design process, this new book will immerse readers in the powerfully nuanced language of Kligerman's architectural
Critique: Beautifully illustrated throughout and of particular interest to students of architecture and design, this coffee-table
style (10.5 x 1.4 x 12.8 inches, 5.07 pounds) edition of "Shingle and Stone: Thomas Kligerman Houses" is an informative
and highly valued addition to personal, professional, community, college, and university library Architectural Studies
collections and supplemental curriculum studies lists.
Editorial Note #1: Thomas Kligerman (https://execed.gsd.harvard.edu/people/thomas-kligerman) has a lifetime interest in
the rich history of domestic architecture, gardens, and landscapes. Before co-founding Ike Kligerman Barkley, he worked at
Robert A.M. Stern Architects. He holds a BA from Columbia University and a Master of Architecture from Yale School of
Architecture. Kligerman is active in professional organizations, including the Institute for Classical Architecture and Art,
the Sir John Soane's Museum Foundation, where he served as board chair for many years, the Design Leadership
Foundation, and the Billion Oyster Project. A dedicated student of the history of residential architecture internationally,
Kligerman is a sought-after speaker and tour guide for the work of McKim, Mead & White, Bernard Maybeck, and other
iconic figures.
Editorial Note #2: Mitchell Owens (https://www.architecturaldigest.com/topic/mitchell-owens) is a celebrated design editor
and the newly appointed US editor of World of Interiors. Previously, Owens was the Decorative Arts Editor for
Architectural Digest and Editor at Large for ELLE Decor. He is also currently the host of Indagare Travel and co-founder of
Irwin & Lane.
The Computer Shelf
Murach's PHP and MySQL, fourth edition
Joel Murach, author
Ray Harris, author
Mike Murach & Associates
9781943873005, $59.50, PB, 848pp
Synopsis: Simply stated, the fully updated and expanded fourth edition of "Murach's PHP and MySQL" teaches in a
methodical, comprehensive, step-by-step instruction manaul coverying everything on using PHP and MySQL for web apps -
- exactly the way the pros do. In fact, it will enable even the most novice of computer programmers how to effectively create
a database-driven website that implements the MVC pattern in just the first 6 chapters. Then, the rest of the chapters
comprising this exhaustive 'how to' manual shows how to build out your PHP and MySQL skills to a professional level of
expertise using today's best practices.
Critique: Exceptionally 'user friendly' in organized and presentation, this new fourth edition of "Murach's PHP and MySQL"
by the team of Joel Murach and Ray Harris is unreservedly recommended for personal, professional, community, and
academic library Computer Science instructional reference collections, and would make an ideal textbook for computer
programming and website designing curriculums.
Editorial Note: Joel Murach is the oldest son of computer programming publishing pioneer Mike Murach. Joel has been
writing and editing books about computer programming for over 30 years now. During that time, he has written extensively
on a wide range of Java, .NET, web, and database technologies. He has had best-selling books in all of those categories! In
his books, you can see his clear approach to teaching any subject.
James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
Diane C. Donovan, Editor
Midwest Book Review
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