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MBR Review Copy Submission Guidelines (Get a Book Reviewed)
The Midwest Book Review gives priority consideration to small publishers, self-published
authors, academic presses, and specialty publishers whenever possible. Reviewing print books/CDs/DVDs is always free of charge.
We gladly review audiobooks, music CDs, and DVD or Blu-ray movies, but we can only accept physical review copies in CD, MP3-CD, DVD, or Blu-ray format. We cannot accept download links, digital media, or digital media that has been "burned" to a disc.
There is a charge of a $50 "Reader Fee" for reviewing ebooks, pre-publication manuscripts, galleys, uncorrected proofs, ARCs, or pdf files as part of our Reader Fee Review Program (see below).
To submit a print book for review, we require the
- Two copies of the published book.
- A cover letter.
- A publicity or press release. This or the cover letter must include either an email address or a physical address to send the review to.
Print books submitted to the MBR have an approximate 6 to 8-week "window of opportunity" for a book to be assigned
out for review.
If/when a book makes the final cut and is featured, we will automatically email a copy of the review (along with a URL to the online newsletter column in which the review appears) to the publisher for their records. We prefer not to use website contact forms to send review notification emails, but we will use contact forms if necessary.
When a book has been submitted on a publisher's behalf by an
independent publicist, we will also furnish the publicist with a a review notification email for their files as well. It is the publisher's responsibility to inform authors and editors of the review.
Due to the rising price of postage, we usually no longer mail a physical tear sheet of the review unless expressly requested to do so. (Stamp donations are still extremely valuable to us, since we do get tear sheet requests, and some publishers do not have email addresses dedicated to publicity.)
New MBR Policy to Help Authors/Publishers Promote Their Book
As of January 2014, we have instituted a new policy especially for authors and publishers whose book passed the initial screening, but didn't make the final cut because of "too many books, not enough reviewers". These authors or publishers may submit the MBR a review from any other reviewer or review resource, as long as they have that reviewer's permission to do so. We will run the review in our monthly book review publication Reviewer's Bookwatch, under that reviewer's byline. (Of course, the reviewer retains all copyright and ownership rights to their review, just like any other volunteer contributor to the Reviewer's Bookwatch.)
This policy is retroactive, so if you have ever submitted a book to the Midwest Book Review in the past and it failed to achieve a review assignment from us, then this offer is open to you.
About the Reader Fee Review Program
Our Reader Fee Review Program requires a $50 "Reader Fee" for reviewing ebooks (or any type of digital review copy), pre-publication manuscripts, galleys, uncorrected proofs, or ARCs ("Advance Review Copies").
Print books are also eligible for the Reader Fee Review Program. Choosing the Reader Fee Review Program for a print book requires a $50 "Reader Fee" as well.
The Reader Fee Review Program is never required to get a book reviewed in the MBR's monthly newsletters. However, the Reader Fee Review Program does guarantee that one's book will be reviewed.
You can expect a review within an 10 to 12 week time frame. Sometimes an expedited arrangement can be made with the assigned reviewer for an extra fee, but this depends on the workload and availability of the reviewer, and your timing need. Please mention your need and your deadline, if you would like this option, and the reviewer will let you know if an expedited review is possible, and what the extra fee will be.
If you wish to pursue the Reader Fee Review option, then send us an email with "Reader Fee Request" in the subject line, and we'll send you the name and email address of the assigned reviewer. The reviewer will tell you what information is needed along with a copy of the title to be reviewed. We request that you send the $50 "Reader Fee" directly to the assigned reviewer, not to the MBR.
You may also want to read the following articles on the Advice for Writers & Publishers section of our website:
James A. Cox
Midwest Book Review
278 Orchard Drive
Oregon, WI 53575